/* * The PCI Library -- Reading of Bus Dumps * * Copyright (c) 1997--2008 Martin Mares * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL v2+. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include #include #include #include "internal.h" struct dump_data { int len, allocated; byte data[1]; }; static void dump_config(struct pci_access *a) { pci_define_param(a, "dump.name", "", "Name of the bus dump file to read from"); } static int dump_detect(struct pci_access *a) { char *name = pci_get_param(a, "dump.name"); return name && name[0]; } static void dump_alloc_data(struct pci_dev *dev, int len) { struct dump_data *dd = pci_malloc(dev->access, sizeof(struct dump_data) + len - 1); dd->allocated = len; dd->len = 0; memset(dd->data, 0xff, len); dev->backend_data = dd; } static int dump_validate(char *s, char *fmt) { while (*fmt) { if (*fmt == '#' ? !isxdigit(*s) : *fmt != *s) return 0; fmt++, s++; } return 1; } static void dump_init(struct pci_access *a) { char *name = pci_get_param(a, "dump.name"); FILE *f; char buf[256]; struct pci_dev *dev = NULL; int len, mn, bn, dn, fn, i, j; if (!name) a->error("dump: File name not given."); if (!(f = fopen(name, "r"))) a->error("dump: Cannot open %s: %s", name, strerror(errno)); while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, f)) { char *z = strchr(buf, '\n'); if (!z) { fclose(f); a->error("dump: line too long or unterminated"); } *z-- = 0; if (z >= buf && *z == '\r') *z-- = 0; len = z - buf + 1; mn = 0; if (dump_validate(buf, "##:##.# ") && sscanf(buf, "%x:%x.%d", &bn, &dn, &fn) == 3 || dump_validate(buf, "####:##:##.# ") && sscanf(buf, "%x:%x:%x.%d", &mn, &bn, &dn, &fn) == 4 || dump_validate(buf, "#####:##:##.# ") && sscanf(buf, "%x:%x:%x.%d", &mn, &bn, &dn, &fn) == 4) { dev = pci_get_dev(a, mn, bn, dn, fn); dump_alloc_data(dev, 256); pci_link_dev(a, dev); } else if (!len) dev = NULL; else if (dev && (dump_validate(buf, "##: ") || dump_validate(buf, "###: ") || dump_validate(buf, "####: ") || dump_validate(buf, "#####: ") || dump_validate(buf, "######: ") || dump_validate(buf, "#######: ") || dump_validate(buf, "########: ")) && sscanf(buf, "%x: ", &i) == 1) { struct dump_data *dd = dev->backend_data; z = strchr(buf, ' ') + 1; while (isxdigit(z[0]) && isxdigit(z[1]) && (!z[2] || z[2] == ' ') && sscanf(z, "%x", &j) == 1 && j < 256) { if (i >= 4096) { fclose(f); a->error("dump: At most 4096 bytes of config space are supported"); } if (i >= dd->allocated) /* Need to re-allocate the buffer */ { dump_alloc_data(dev, 4096); memcpy(((struct dump_data *) dev->backend_data)->data, dd->data, 256); pci_mfree(dd); dd = dev->backend_data; } dd->data[i++] = j; if (i > dd->len) dd->len = i; z += 2; if (*z) z++; } if (*z) { fclose(f); a->error("dump: Malformed line"); } } } fclose(f); } static void dump_cleanup(struct pci_access *a UNUSED) { } static void dump_scan(struct pci_access *a UNUSED) { } static int dump_read(struct pci_dev *d, int pos, byte *buf, int len) { struct dump_data *dd; if (!(dd = d->backend_data)) { struct pci_dev *e = d->access->devices; while (e && (e->domain != d->domain || e->bus != d->bus || e->dev != d->dev || e->func != d->func)) e = e->next; if (!e) return 0; dd = e->backend_data; } if (pos + len > dd->len) return 0; memcpy(buf, dd->data + pos, len); return 1; } static int dump_write(struct pci_dev *d UNUSED, int pos UNUSED, byte *buf UNUSED, int len UNUSED) { d->access->error("Writing to dump files is not supported."); return 0; } static void dump_cleanup_dev(struct pci_dev *d) { if (d->backend_data) { pci_mfree(d->backend_data); d->backend_data = NULL; } } struct pci_methods pm_dump = { .name = "dump", .help = "Reading of register dumps (set the `dump.name' parameter)", .config = dump_config, .detect = dump_detect, .init = dump_init, .cleanup = dump_cleanup, .scan = dump_scan, .fill_info = pci_generic_fill_info, .read = dump_read, .write = dump_write, .cleanup_dev = dump_cleanup_dev, };