#! /usr/bin/perl # Addenda modifiers tester. ######################### use strict; use warnings; use lib q(t); use Testhelper; my @tests; push @tests, { 'doc' => 'Several kind of positioning (examples of the doc) POD format', 'po4a.conf' => 'add/positioning/positioning.conf', 'closed_path' => 'add/*/', 'expected_files' => 'file-before.pod.fr file-after.pod.fr file-eof.pod.fr file-eofmode.pod.fr fr.po positioning.pot', }, { 'doc' => 'Lists of addendums (asciidoc format)', 'po4a.conf' => 'add/list/po4a.conf', 'closed_path' => 'add/*/', 'expected_files' => 'output-1 output-2 output-3 output-123 output-list up.po list.pot', }, { 'doc' => 'Modifiers (asciidoc format)', 'po4a.conf' => 'add/modifiers/po4a.conf', 'closed_path' => 'add/*/', 'options' => '--no-update', 'expected_files' => 'with-1 without-2 without-3 without-4 without-5 without-6 with-7 without-8', }, { 'doc' => 'Same path to addenda for all languages (and ? modifier)', 'po4a.conf' => 'add/path/po4a.conf', 'closed_path' => 'add/*/', 'expected_files' => 'multiple.de.po multiple.es.po multiple.fr.po multiple.it.po ' . 'multiple.man.de.1 multiple.man.es.1 multiple.man.fr.1 multiple.man.it.1 multiple.pot', }; run_all_tests(@tests); 0;