#! /usr/bin/perl # Character sets tester. ######################### use strict; use warnings; use lib q(t); use Testhelper; my @tests; push @tests, { 'doc' => 'master encoding: ascii', 'po4a.conf' => 'charset/input-ascii/po4a.conf', 'closed_path' => 'charset/*/', 'options' => '--keep 0', 'expected_files' => 'ascii.up.po ascii.pot ascii.up.pod ', }, { 'doc' => 'master encoding: iso8859', 'po4a.conf' => 'charset/input-iso8859/po4a.conf', 'closed_path' => 'charset/*/', 'options' => '--keep 0', 'expected_files' => 'iso8859.up.po iso8859.pot iso8859.up.pod ', }, { 'doc' => 'master encoding: UTF-8 ', 'po4a.conf' => 'charset/input-utf8/po4a.conf', 'closed_path' => 'charset/*/', 'options' => '--keep 0', 'expected_files' => 'utf8.up.po utf8.pot utf8.up.pod ', }, { 'format' => 'asciidoc', 'input' => "charset/asciidoc/CharsetUtf.adoc", }, { 'doc' => "UTF with BOM marker (code point of width 3 at the beginning of the doc to indicate that it's UTF-8)", 'format' => 'asciidoc', 'input' => "charset/asciidoc/CharsetUtfBOM.adoc", 'norm' => "charset/asciidoc/CharsetUtf.norm", 'trans' => "charset/asciidoc/CharsetUtf.trans", }, { 'format' => 'asciidoc', 'options' => '-M iso-8859-1', 'input' => "charset/asciidoc/CharsetLatin1.adoc", }, { 'format' => 'yaml', 'options' => "-M UTF-8", 'input' => "charset/yaml/utf8.yaml", }; run_all_tests(@tests); 0;