//po4a: entry Author //po4a: entry Email //po4a: entry Date //po4a: entry Revision //po4a: entry Key words //po4a: entry Revision history TEST ATTRIBUTES =============== :Author: STUART RACKHAM :Email: SRACKHAM@GMAIL.COM :Date: APRIL 23, 2004 :Revision: 5.1.1 :Key words: LINUX, RALINK, DEBIAN, WIRELESS :Revision history: //po4a: entry soft wrap 1 //po4a: entry soft wrap 2 //po4a: entry hard wrap :soft wrap 1: A FIRST PART CONCATENATED WITH A SECOND ONE FOLLOWED BY A THIRD ONE :soft wrap 2: AN OLD STYLE PART CONCATENATED WITH A SECOND ONE FOLLOWED BY A THIRD ONE :hard wrap: A FIRST LINE + \ CONCATENATED WITH A SECOND ONE + \ FOLLOWED BY A THIRD ONE :soft wrap 1 unregistered: a first part \ concatenated with a second one \ followed by a third one unregistered :soft wrap 2 unregistered: an old style part + concatenated with a second one + followed by a third one unregistered :hard wrap unregistered: a first line + \ concatenated with a second one + \ followed by a third one unregistered