Tables with Cells translated ============================ Examples taken from asciidoctor table guide .Simple table |=== | Cell in column 1, row 1 | Cell in column 2, row 1 | Cell in column 1, row 2 | Cell in column 2, row 2 | Cell in column 1, row 3 | Cell in column 2, row 3 |=== .No space around column separator |=== |Cell in column 1, row 1|Cell in column 2, row 1 |=== .Cells on each line [cols="3*"] |=== |Cell in column 1, row 1 |Cell in column 2, row 1 |Cell in column 3, row 1 |Cell in column 1, row 2 |Cell in column 2, row 2 |Cell in column 3, row 2 |=== .Cell duplicated |=== |Cell in column 1, row 1 |Cell in column 2, row 1 |Cell in column 3, row 1 3*|Same cell content in columns 1, 2, and 3 |Cell in column 1, row 3 |Cell in column 2, row 3 |Cell in column 3, row 3 |=== .Cell span |=== |Cell in column 1, row 1 |Cell in column 2, row 1 |Cell in column 3, row 1 3+|Content in a single cell that spans columns 1, 2, and 3 |Cell in column 1, row 3 |Cell in column 2, row 3 |Cell in column 3, row 3 |=== .Cell span in rows |=== |Cell in column 1, row 1 |Cell in column 2, row 1 |Cell in column 3, row 1 .2+|Content in a single cell that spans rows 2 and 3 |Cell in column 2, row 2 |Cell in column 3, row 2 |Cell in column 2, row 3 |Cell in column 3, row 3 |=== .Cell span in columns and rows |=== |Column 1, row 1 |Column 2, row 1 |Column 3, row 1 |Column 4, row 1 |Column 1, row 2 2.3+|Content in a single cell that spans over rows and columns |Column 4, row 2 |Column 1, row 3 |Column 4, row 3 |Column 1, row 4 |Column 4, row 4 |=== .Cells aligned horizontally, vertically, and across a span of three columns [cols="3"] |=== ^|Prefix the `{vbar}` with `{caret}` to center content horizontally <|Prefix the `{vbar}` with `<` to align the content to the left horizontally >|Prefix the `{vbar}` with `>` to align the content to the right horizontally .^|Prefix the `{vbar}` with a `.` and `{caret}` to center the content in the cell vertically .<|Prefix the `{vbar}` with a `.` and `<` to align the content to the top of the cell .>|Prefix the `{vbar}` with a `.` and `>` to align the content to the bottom of the cell 3+^.^|This content spans three columns (`3{plus}`) and is centered horizontally (`{caret}`) and vertically (`.{caret}`) within the cell. |=== .Building a variety of cell specifiers |=== 2*>m|This content is duplicated across two columns. It is aligned right horizontally. And it is monospaced. .3+^.>s|This cell spans 3 rows. The content is centered horizontally, aligned to the bottom of the cell, and strong. e|This content is emphasized. .^l|This content is aligned to the top of the cell and literal. v|This cell contains a verse that may one day expound on the wonders of tables in an epic sonnet. |=== .Cells with Asciidoc in them [cols="2"] |=== a|This cell is prefixed with an `a`, so the processor interprets the following lines as an AsciiDoc list. * List item 1 * List item 2 * List item 3 |This cell *is not* prefixed with an `a`, so the processor does not interpret the following lines as an AsciiDoc list. * List item 1 * List item 2 * List item 3 a|This cell is prefixed with an `a`, so the processor honors the `lead` style on the following paragraph. [.lead] I am a paragraph styled with the lead attribute. |This cell *is not* prefixed with an `a`, so the processor does not honor the `lead` style on the following paragraph. [.lead] I am a paragraph styled with the lead attribute. |=== [format="csv", width="60%", cols="2"] [frame="topbot", grid="none"] [options="header"] |=== iocontrol.0 pin ,motion pin tool-prepare,digital-out-00 tool-prepared,digital-in-00 tool-change,digital-out-01 tool-changed,digital-in-01 tool-prep-number,analog-out-00 tool-prep-pocket,analog-out-01 tool-number,analog-out-02 |=== .Empty cells |=== |0| | | |===