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+ TTLLSS FFoorrwwaarrdd SSeeccrreeccyy iinn PPoossttffiixx
+Forward secrecy does not protect against active attacks such as forged DNS
+replies or forged TLS server certificates. If such attacks are a concern, then
+the SMTP client will need to authenticate the remote SMTP server in a
+sufficiently-secure manner. For example, by the fingerprint of a (CA or leaf)
+public key or certificate. Conventional PKI relies on many trusted parties and
+is easily subverted by a state-funded adversary.
+Postfix supports forward secrecy of TLS network communication since version
+2.2. This support was adopted from Lutz Ja"nicke's "Postfix TLS patch" for
+earlier Postfix versions. This document will focus on TLS Forward Secrecy in
+the Postfix SMTP client and server. See TLS_README for a general description of
+Postfix TLS support.
+Topics covered in this document:
+ * Give me some background on forward secrecy in Postfix
+ o What is Forward Secrecy
+ o Forward Secrecy in TLS
+ o Forward Secrecy in the Postfix SMTP Server
+ o Forward Secrecy in the Postfix SMTP Client
+ * Never mind, just show me what it takes to get forward secrecy
+ o Getting started, quick and dirty
+ o How can I see that a connection has forward secrecy?
+ o What ciphers provide forward secrecy?
+ o What do "Anonymous", "Untrusted", etc. in Postfix logging mean?
+ * Credits
+WWhhaatt iiss FFoorrwwaarrdd SSeeccrreeccyy
+The term "Forward Secrecy" (or sometimes "Perfect Forward Secrecy") is used to
+describe security protocols in which the confidentiality of past traffic is not
+compromised when long-term keys used by either or both sides are later
+Forward secrecy is accomplished by negotiating session keys using per-session
+cryptographically-strong random numbers that are not saved, and signing the
+exchange with long-term authentication keys. Later disclosure of the long-term
+keys allows impersonation of the key holder from that point on, but not
+recovery of prior traffic, since with forward secrecy, the discarded random key
+agreement inputs are not available to the attacker.
+Forward secrecy is only "perfect" when brute-force attacks on the key agreement
+algorithm are impractical even for the best-funded adversary and the random-
+number generators used by both parties are sufficiently strong. Otherwise,
+forward secrecy leaves the attacker with the challenge of cracking the key-
+agreement protocol, which is likely quite computationally intensive, but may be
+feasible for sessions of sufficiently high value. Thus forward secrecy places
+cost constraints on the efficacy of bulk surveillance, recovering all past
+traffic is generally infeasible, and even recovery of individual sessions may
+be infeasible given a sufficiently-strong key agreement method.
+FFoorrwwaarrdd SSeeccrreeccyy iinn TTLLSS
+Early implementations of the SSL protocol do not provide forward secrecy (some
+provide it only with artificially-weakened "export" cipher suites, but we will
+ignore those here). The client sends a random "pre-master secret" to the server
+encrypted with the server's RSA public key. The server decrypts this with its
+private key, and uses it together with other data exchanged in the clear to
+generate the session key. An attacker with access to the server's private key
+can perform the same computation at any later time.
+Later revisions to the TLS protocol introduced forward-secrecy cipher suites in
+which the client and server implement a key exchange protocol based on
+ephemeral secrets. Sessions encrypted with one of these newer cipher suites are
+not compromised by future disclosure of long-term authentication keys.
+The key-exchange algorithms used for forward secrecy require the TLS server to
+designate appropriate "parameters" consisting of a mathematical "group" and an
+element of that group called a "generator". Presently, there are two flavors of
+"groups" that work with PFS:
+ * FFFFDDHHEE:: Finite-field Diffie-Hellman ephemeral key exchange groups (also EDH
+ or DHE). The server needs to be configured with a suitably-large prime and
+ a corresponding "generator". Standard choices of the prime and generator
+ are specified in RFC7919, and can be used in the TLS 1.3 protocol with the
+ server and client negotiating a mutually supported choice. In earlier
+ versions of TLS (1.0 through 1.2), when FFDHE key exchange is performed,
+ the server chooses the prime and generator unilaterally.
+ * EEEECCDDHH:: This is short for Ephemeral Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (also
+ abbreviated as ECDHE). EECDH offers better security at lower computational
+ cost than FFDHE. Elliptic curves used in cryptography are typically
+ identified by a "name" that stands for a set of well-known parameter
+ values, and it is these "named curves" (or, in certificates, associated
+ ASN.1 object identifiers) that are used in the TLS protocol. When EECDH key
+ exchange is used, a mutually supported named curve is negotiated as part of
+ the TLS handshake.
+FFoorrwwaarrdd SSeeccrreeccyy iinn tthhee PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP SSeerrvveerr
+The Postfix >= 2.2 SMTP server supports forward secrecy in its default
+configuration. If the remote SMTP client prefers cipher suites with forward
+secrecy, then the traffic between the server and client will resist decryption
+even if the server's long-term authentication keys are later compromised.
+Most remote SMTP clients now support forward secrecy (the only choice as of TLS
+1.3), but some may prefer cipher suites without forward secrecy. Postfix >= 2.8
+servers can be configured to override the client's preference by setting
+"tls_preempt_cipherlist = yes".
+FFFFDDHHEE SSeerrvveerr ssuuppppoorrtt
+Postfix >= 3.1 supports 2048-bit-prime FFDHE out of the box, with no additional
+configuration. You can also generate your own FFDHE parameters, but this is not
+necessary and no longer recommended. See the quick-start section for details.
+Postfix >= 3.8 supports the finite-field Diffie-Hellman ephemeral (FFDHE) key
+exchange group negotiation API of OpenSSL >= 3.0. FFDHE groups are explicitly
+negotiated between client and server starting with TLS 1.3. In earlier TLS
+versions, the server chooses the group unilaterally. The list of candidate
+FFDHE groups can be configured via "tls_ffdhe_auto_groups", which can be used
+to select a prioritized list of supported groups (most preferred first) on both
+the server and client. The default list is suitable for most users. Either, but
+not both of "tls_eecdh_auto_curves" and "tls_ffdhe_auto_groups" may be set
+empty, disabling either EC or FFDHE key exchange in OpenSSL 3.0 with TLS 1.3.
+That said, interoperability will be poor if the EC curves are all disabled or
+don't include the most widely used curves.
+EEEECCDDHH SSeerrvveerr ssuuppppoorrtt
+As of Postfix 3.2 and OpenSSL 1.0.2, a range of supported EECDH curves is
+enabled in the server and client, and a suitable mutually supported curve is
+negotiated as part of the TLS handshake. The list of supported curves is
+configurable via the "tls_eecdh_auto_curves" parameter. With TLS 1.2 the server
+needs to leave its setting of "smtpd_tls_eecdh_grade" at the default value of
+"auto" (earlier choices of an explicit single curve grade are deprecated). With
+TLS 1.3, the "smtpd_tls_eecdh_grade" parameter is not used, and curve selection
+is unconditionally negotiated.
+FFoorrwwaarrdd SSeeccrreeccyy iinn tthhee PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP CClliieenntt
+The Postfix >= 2.2 SMTP client supports forward secrecy in its default
+configuration. All supported OpenSSL releases support both FFDHE and EECDH key
+exchange. If the remote SMTP server supports cipher suites with forward secrecy
+(and does not override the SMTP client's cipher preference), then the traffic
+between the server and client will resist decryption even if the server's long-
+term authentication keys are later compromised. Forward secrecy is always on in
+TLS 1.3.
+Postfix >= 3.2 supports the curve negotiation API of OpenSSL >= 1.0.2. The list
+of candidate curves can be changed via the "tls_eecdh_auto_curves"
+configuration parameter, which can be used to select a prioritized list of
+supported curves (most preferred first) on both the Postfix SMTP server and
+SMTP client. The default list is suitable for most users.
+Postfix >= 3.8 supports the finite-field Diffie-Hellman ephemeral (FFDHE) key
+exchange group negotiation API of OpenSSL >= 3.0. The list of candidate FFDHE
+groups can be configured via "tls_ffdhe_auto_groups", which can be used to
+select a prioritized list of supported groups (most preferred first) on both
+the server and client. The default list is suitable for most users.
+The default Postfix SMTP client cipher lists are correctly ordered to prefer
+EECDH and FFDHE cipher suites ahead of similar cipher suites that don't
+implement forward secrecy. Administrators are strongly discouraged from
+changing the cipher list definitions.
+GGeettttiinngg ssttaarrtteedd,, qquuiicckk aanndd ddiirrttyy
+EEEECCDDHH CClliieenntt ssuuppppoorrtt ((PPoossttffiixx >>== 33..22 wwiitthh OOppeennSSSSLL >>== 11..11..11))
+This works "out of the box" with no need for additional configuration.
+Postfix >= 3.2 supports the curve negotiation API of OpenSSL >= 1.0.2. The list
+of candidate curves can be changed via the "tls_eecdh_auto_curves"
+configuration parameter, which can be used to select a prioritized list of
+supported curves (most preferred first) on both the Postfix SMTP server and
+SMTP client. The default list is suitable for most users.
+EEEECCDDHH SSeerrvveerr ssuuppppoorrtt ((PPoossttffiixx >>== 33..22 wwiitthh OOppeennSSSSLL >>== 11..11..11))
+This works "out of the box" with no need for additional configuration.
+Postfix >= 3.2 supports the curve negotiation API of OpenSSL >= 1.0.2. The list
+of candidate curves can be changed via the "tls_eecdh_auto_curves"
+configuration parameter, which can be used to select a prioritized list of
+supported curves (most preferred first) on both the Postfix SMTP server and
+SMTP client. The default list is suitable for most users.
+FFFFDDHHEE CClliieenntt ssuuppppoorrtt ((PPoossttffiixx >>== 33..22,, OOppeennSSSSLL >>== 11..11..11))
+In Postfix < 3.8, or OpenSSL prior to 3.0, FFDHE for TLS 1.2 or below works
+"out of the box", no additional configuration is necessary. The most one can do
+is (not advisable) disable all "kDHE" ciphers, which would then disable FFDHE
+key exchange in TLS 1.2 and below.
+With OpenSSL 1.1.1, FFDHE is not supported for TLS 1.3, which uses only EECDH
+key exchange. Support for FFDHE with TLS 1.3 was added in OpenSSL 3.0. With
+OpenSSL 3.0 and Postfix 3.8 the list of supported TLS 1.3 FFDHE groups becomes
+configurable via the "tls_ffdhe_auto_groups" parameter, which can be set empty
+to disable FFDHE in TLS 1.3, or conversely expanded to support more groups. The
+default should work well for most users.
+FFFFDDHHEE SSeerrvveerr ssuuppppoorrtt ((PPoossttffiixx >>== 22..22,, aallll ssuuppppoorrtteedd OOppeennSSSSLL vveerrssiioonnss))
+In Postfix < 3.8, or OpenSSL prior to 3.0, FFDHE for TLS 1.2 or below works
+"out of the box", no additional configuration is necessary. One can of course
+(not advisable) disable all "kDHE" ciphers, which would then disable FFDHE key
+exchange in TLS 1.2 and below.
+The built-in default Postfix FFDHE group is a 2048-bit group as of Postfix 3.1.
+You can optionally generate non-default Postfix SMTP server FFDHE parameters
+for possibly improved security against pre-computation attacks, but this is not
+necessary or recommended. Just leave "smtpd_tls_dh1024_param_file" at its
+default empty value.
+The set of FFDHE groups enabled for use with TLS 1.3 becomes configurable with
+Postfix >= 3.8 and OpenSSL >= 3.0. The default setting of
+"tls_ffdhe_auto_groups" enables the RFC7919 2048 and 3072-bit groups. If you
+need more security, you should probably be using EECDH.
+HHooww ccaann II sseeee tthhaatt aa ccoonnnneeccttiioonn hhaass ffoorrwwaarrdd sseeccrreeccyy??
+Postfix can be configured to report information about the negotiated cipher,
+the corresponding key lengths, and the remote peer certificate or public-key
+verification status.
+ * With "smtp_tls_loglevel = 1" and "smtpd_tls_loglevel = 1", the Postfix SMTP
+ client and server will log TLS connection information to the maillog file.
+ The general logfile format is shown below. With TLS 1.3 there may be
+ additional properties logged after the cipher name and bits.
+ postfix/smtp[process-id]: Untrusted TLS connection established
+ to[]:25: TLSv1 with cipher cipher-name
+ (actual-key-size/raw-key-size bits)
+ postfix/smtpd[process-id]: Anonymous TLS connection established
+ from[]: TLSv1 with cipher cipher-name
+ (actual-key-size/raw-key-size bits)
+ * With "smtpd_tls_received_header = yes", the Postfix SMTP server will record
+ TLS connection information in the Received: header in the form of comments
+ (text inside parentheses). The general format depends on the
+ smtpd_tls_ask_ccert setting. With TLS 1.3 there may be additional
+ properties logged after the cipher name and bits.
+ Received: from ( [])
+ (using TLSv1 with cipher cipher-name
+ (actual-key-size/raw-key-size bits))
+ (Client CN "", Issuer "John Doe" (not
+ verified))
+ Received: from ( [])
+ (using TLSv1 with cipher cipher-name
+ (actual-key-size/raw-key-size bits))
+ (No client certificate requested)
+ TLS 1.3 examples. Some of the new attributes may not appear when not
+ applicable or not available in older versions of the OpenSSL library.
+ Received: from localhost (localhost [])
+ (using TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256
+ bits)
+ key-exchange X25519 server-signature RSA-PSS (2048 bits)
+ server-digest SHA256)
+ (No client certificate requested)
+ Received: from localhost (localhost [])
+ (using TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256
+ bits)
+ key-exchange X25519 server-signature RSA-PSS (2048 bits)
+ server-digest SHA256
+ client-signature ECDSA (P-256) client-digest SHA256)
+ (Client CN "", Issuer "" (not verified))
+ o The "key-exchange" attribute records the type of "Diffie-Hellman" group
+ used for key agreement. Possible values include "DHE", "ECDHE",
+ "X25519" and "X448". With "DHE", the bit size of the prime will be
+ reported in parentheses after the algorithm name, with "ECDHE", the
+ curve name.
+ o The "server-signature" attribute shows the public key signature
+ algorithm used by the server. With "RSA-PSS", the bit size of the
+ modulus will be reported in parentheses. With "ECDSA", the curve name.
+ If, for example, the server has both an RSA and an ECDSA private key
+ and certificate, it will be possible to track which one was used for a
+ given connection.
+ o The new "server-digest" attribute records the digest algorithm used by
+ the server to prepare handshake messages for signing. The Ed25519 and
+ Ed448 signature algorithms do not make use of such a digest, so no
+ "server-digest" will be shown for these signature algorithms.
+ o When a client certificate is requested with "smtpd_tls_ask_ccert" and
+ the client uses a TLS client-certificate, the "client-signature" and
+ "client-digest" attributes will record the corresponding properties of
+ the client's TLS handshake signature.
+The next sections will explain what cipher-name, key-size, and peer
+verification status information to expect.
+WWhhaatt cciipphheerrss pprroovviiddee ffoorrwwaarrdd sseeccrreeccyy??
+There are dozens of ciphers that support forward secrecy. What follows is the
+beginning of a list of 51 ciphers available with OpenSSL 1.0.1e. The list is
+sorted in the default Postfix preference order. It excludes null ciphers that
+only authenticate and don't encrypt, together with export and low-grade ciphers
+whose encryption is too weak to offer meaningful secrecy. The first column
+shows the cipher name, and the second shows the key exchange method.
+ $ openssl ciphers -v \
+ awk '{printf "%-32s %s\n", $1, $3}'
+ ADH-AES256-SHA256 Kx=DH
+ ...
+To date, all ciphers that support forward secrecy have one of five values for
+the first component of their OpenSSL name: "AECDH", "ECDHE", "ADH", "EDH" or
+"DHE". Ciphers that don't implement forward secrecy have names that don't start
+with one of these prefixes. This pattern is likely to persist until some new
+key-exchange mechanism is invented that also supports forward secrecy.
+The actual key length and raw algorithm key length are generally the same with
+non-export ciphers, but they may differ for the legacy export ciphers where the
+actual key is artificially shortened.
+Starting with TLS 1.3 the cipher name no longer contains enough information to
+determine which forward-secrecy scheme was employed, but TLS 1.3 aallwwaayyss uses
+forward-secrecy. On the client side, up-to-date Postfix releases log additional
+information for TLS 1.3 connections, reporting the signature and key exchange
+algorithms. Two examples below (the long single line messages are folded across
+multiple lines for readability):
+ postfix/smtp[process-id]:
+ Untrusted TLS connection established to[]:25:
+ TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits)
+ key-exchange X25519 server-signature RSA-PSS (2048 bits) server-digest
+ SHA256
+ client-signature ECDSA (P-256) client-digest SHA256
+ postfix/smtp[process-id]:
+ Untrusted TLS connection established to[]:25:
+ TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits)
+ key-exchange ECDHE (P-256) server-signature ECDSA (P-256) server-digest
+ SHA256
+In the above connections, the "key-exchange" value records the "Diffie-Hellman"
+algorithm used for key agreement. The "server-signature" value records the
+public key algorithm used by the server to sign the key exchange. The "server-
+digest" value records any hash algorithm used to prepare the data for signing.
+With "ED25519" and "ED448", no separate hash algorithm is used.
+Examples of Postfix SMTP server logging:
+ postfix/smtpd[process-id]:
+ Untrusted TLS connection established from localhost[]:25:
+ TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits)
+ key-exchange X25519 server-signature RSA-PSS (2048 bits) server-digest
+ SHA256
+ client-signature ECDSA (P-256) client-digest SHA256
+ postfix/smtpd[process-id]:
+ Anonymous TLS connection established from localhost[]:
+ TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits)
+ server-signature RSA-PSS (2048 bits) server-digest SHA256
+ postfix/smtpd[process-id]:
+ Anonymous TLS connection established from localhost[]:
+ TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits)
+ server-signature ED25519
+Note that Postfix >= 3.4 server logging may also include a "to sni-name"
+element to record the use of an alternate server certificate chain for the
+connection in question. This happens when the client uses the TLS SNI
+extension, and the server selects a non-default certificate chain based on the
+client's SNI value:
+ postfix/smtpd[process-id]:
+ Untrusted TLS connection established from client.example[]
+ to server.example: TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256
+ bits)
+ key-exchange X25519 server-signature RSA-PSS (2048 bits) server-digest
+ SHA256
+ client-signature ECDSA (P-256) client-digest SHA256
+WWhhaatt ddoo ""AAnnoonnyymmoouuss"",, ""UUnnttrruusstteedd"",, eettcc.. iinn PPoossttffiixx llooggggiinngg mmeeaann??
+The verification levels below are subject to man-in-the-middle attacks to
+different degrees. If such attacks are a concern, then the SMTP client will
+need to authenticate the remote SMTP server in a sufficiently-secure manner.
+For example, by the fingerprint of a (CA or leaf) public key or certificate.
+Remember that conventional PKI relies on many trusted parties and is easily
+subverted by a state-funded adversary.
+AAnnoonnyymmoouuss (no peer certificate)
+ PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP cclliieenntt:: With opportunistic TLS (the "may" security level) the
+ Postfix SMTP client does not verify any information in the peer
+ certificate. In this case it enables and prefers anonymous cipher suites in
+ which the remote SMTP server does not present a certificate (these ciphers
+ offer forward secrecy of necessity). When the remote SMTP server also
+ supports anonymous TLS, and agrees to such a cipher suite, the verification
+ status will be logged as "Anonymous".
+ PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr:: This is by far most common, as client certificates are
+ optional, and the Postfix SMTP server does not request client certificates
+ by default (see smtpd_tls_ask_ccert). Even when client certificates are
+ requested, the remote SMTP client might not send a certificate. Unlike the
+ Postfix SMTP client, the Postfix SMTP server "anonymous" verification
+ status does not imply that the cipher suite is anonymous, which corresponds
+ to the server not sending a certificate.
+UUnnttrruusstteedd (peer certificate not signed by trusted CA)
+ PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP cclliieenntt:: The remote SMTP server presented a certificate, but
+ the Postfix SMTP client was unable to check the issuing CA signature. With
+ opportunistic TLS this is common with remote SMTP servers that don't
+ support anonymous cipher suites.
+ PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr:: The remote SMTP client presented a certificate, but
+ the Postfix SMTP server was unable to check the issuing CA signature. This
+ can happen when the server is configured to request client certificates
+ (see smtpd_tls_ask_ccert).
+TTrruusstteedd (peer certificate signed by trusted CA, unverified peer name)
+ PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP cclliieenntt:: The remote SMTP server's certificate was signed by a
+ CA that the Postfix SMTP client trusts, but either the client was not
+ configured to verify the destination server name against the certificate,
+ or the server certificate did not contain any matching names. This is
+ common with opportunistic TLS (smtp_tls_security_level is "may" or else
+ "dane" with no usable TLSA DNS records) when the Postfix SMTP client's
+ trusted CAs can verify the authenticity of the remote SMTP server's
+ certificate, but the client is not configured or unable to verify the
+ server name.
+ PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr:: The remote SMTP client certificate was signed by a CA
+ that the Postfix SMTP server trusts. The Postfix SMTP server never verifies
+ the remote SMTP client name against the names in the client certificate.
+ Since the client chooses to connect to the server, the Postfix SMTP server
+ has no expectation of a particular client hostname.
+VVeerriiffiieedd (peer certificate signed by trusted CA and verified peer name; or:
+peer certificate with expected public-key or certificate fingerprint)
+ PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP cclliieenntt:: The remote SMTP server's certificate was signed by a
+ CA that the Postfix SMTP client trusts, and the certificate name matches
+ the destination or server name(s). The Postfix SMTP client was configured
+ to require a verified name, otherwise the verification status would have
+ been just "Trusted".
+ PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP cclliieenntt:: The "Verified" status may also mean that the Postfix
+ SMTP client successfully matched the expected fingerprint against the
+ remote SMTP server public key or certificate. The expected fingerprint may
+ come from smtp_tls_policy_maps or from TLSA (secure) DNS records. The
+ Postfix SMTP client ignores the CA signature.
+ PPoossttffiixx SSMMTTPP sseerrvveerr:: The status is never "Verified", because the Postfix
+ SMTP server never verifies the remote SMTP client name against the names in
+ the client certificate, and because the Postfix SMTP server does not expect
+ a specific fingerprint in the client public key or certificate.
+ * TLS support for Postfix was originally developed by Lutz Ja"nicke at
+ Cottbus Technical University.
+ * Wietse Venema adopted and restructured the code and documentation.
+ * Viktor Dukhovni implemented support for many subsequent TLS features,
+ including EECDH, and authored the initial version of this document.