From a848231ae0f346dc7cc000973fbeb65b0894ee92 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Baumann Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2024 21:59:03 +0200 Subject: Adding upstream version 3.8.5. Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann --- html/generic.5.html | 236 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 236 insertions(+) create mode 100644 html/generic.5.html (limited to 'html/generic.5.html') diff --git a/html/generic.5.html b/html/generic.5.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..813d47e --- /dev/null +++ b/html/generic.5.html @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ + + + + + Postfix manual - generic(5) +
+GENERIC(5)                                                          GENERIC(5)
+       generic - Postfix generic table format
+       postmap /etc/postfix/generic
+       postmap -q "string" /etc/postfix/generic
+       postmap -q - /etc/postfix/generic <inputfile
+       The optional generic(5) table specifies an address mapping that applies
+       when mail is delivered. This is the opposite of  canonical(5)  mapping,
+       which applies when mail is received.
+       Typically, one would use the generic(5) table on a system that does not
+       have a valid Internet domain name and that uses something like localdo-
+       main.local  instead.   The generic(5) table is then used by the smtp(8)
+       client to transform local  mail  addresses  into  valid  Internet  mail
+       addresses  when mail has to be sent across the Internet.  See the EXAM-
+       PLE section at the end of this document.
+       The generic(5) mapping affects  both  message  header  addresses  (i.e.
+       addresses  that  appear inside messages) and message envelope addresses
+       (for example, the addresses that are used in SMTP protocol commands).
+       Normally, the generic(5) table is specified as a text file that  serves
+       as input to the postmap(1) command.  The result, an indexed file in dbm
+       or db format, is used for fast searching by the  mail  system.  Execute
+       the  command  "postmap /etc/postfix/generic" to rebuild an indexed file
+       after changing the corresponding text file.
+       When the table is provided via other means such as NIS,  LDAP  or  SQL,
+       the same lookups are done as for ordinary indexed files.
+       Alternatively,  the  table  can be provided as a regular-expression map
+       where patterns are given as regular  expressions,  or  lookups  can  be
+       directed to a TCP-based server. In those cases, the lookups are done in
+       a slightly different way as described below under  "REGULAR  EXPRESSION
+       The  search string is folded to lowercase before database lookup. As of
+       Postfix 2.3, the search string is not case folded with  database  types
+       such  as  regexp: or pcre: whose lookup fields can match both upper and
+       lower case.
+       The input format for the postmap(1) command is as follows:
+       pattern result
+              When pattern matches a mail address, replace it  by  the  corre-
+              sponding result.
+       blank lines and comments
+              Empty  lines and whitespace-only lines are ignored, as are lines
+              whose first non-whitespace character is a `#'.
+       multi-line text
+              A logical line starts with  non-whitespace  text.  A  line  that
+              starts with whitespace continues a logical line.
+       With  lookups  from  indexed files such as DB or DBM, or from networked
+       tables such as NIS, LDAP or SQL,  each  user@domain  query  produces  a
+       sequence of query patterns as described below.
+       Each query pattern is sent to each specified lookup table before trying
+       the next query pattern, until a match is found.
+       user@domain address
+              Replace user@domain by address. This form has the highest prece-
+              dence.
+       user address
+              Replace  user@site  by  address when site is equal to $myorigin,
+              when site is listed in $mydestination, or when it is  listed  in
+              $inet_interfaces or $proxy_interfaces.
+       @domain address
+              Replace other addresses in domain by address.  This form has the
+              lowest precedence.
+       The lookup result is subject to address rewriting:
+       o      When the result has the form @otherdomain,  the  result  becomes
+              the same user in otherdomain.
+       o      When  "append_at_myorigin=yes", append "@$myorigin" to addresses
+              without "@domain".
+       o      When "append_dot_mydomain=yes", append ".$mydomain" to addresses
+              without ".domain".
+       When a mail address localpart contains the optional recipient delimiter
+       (e.g., user+foo@domain), the  lookup  order  becomes:  user+foo@domain,
+       user@domain, user+foo, user, and @domain.
+       The   propagate_unmatched_extensions   parameter  controls  whether  an
+       unmatched address extension (+foo) is propagated to the result of table
+       lookup.
+       This  section  describes how the table lookups change when the table is
+       given in the form of regular expressions. For a description of  regular
+       expression lookup table syntax, see regexp_table(5) or pcre_table(5).
+       Each  pattern  is  a  regular  expression that is applied to the entire
+       address being looked up. Thus, user@domain mail addresses are not  bro-
+       ken  up  into their user and @domain constituent parts, nor is user+foo
+       broken up into user and foo.
+       Patterns are applied in the order as specified in the  table,  until  a
+       pattern is found that matches the search string.
+       Results  are the same as with indexed file lookups, with the additional
+       feature that parenthesized substrings from the pattern can be  interpo-
+       lated as $1, $2 and so on.
+       This  section  describes  how the table lookups change when lookups are
+       directed  to  a  TCP-based  server.  For  a  description  of  the   TCP
+       client/server  lookup  protocol,  see  tcp_table(5).   This  feature is
+       available in Postfix 2.5 and later.
+       Each lookup operation uses the entire address once.  Thus,  user@domain
+       mail  addresses  are  not  broken  up  into their user and @domain con-
+       stituent parts, nor is user+foo broken up into user and foo.
+       Results are the same as with indexed file lookups.
+       The following shows a generic mapping with an indexed file.  When  mail
+       is  sent to a remote host via SMTP, this replaces his@localdomain.local
+       by his ISP mail address, replaces her@localdomain.local by her ISP mail
+       address, and replaces other local addresses by his ISP account, with an
+       address extension of +local (this example assumes that the ISP supports
+       "+" style address extensions).
+       /etc/postfix/
+           smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/generic
+       /etc/postfix/generic:
+           his@localdomain.local   hisaccount@hisisp.example
+           her@localdomain.local   heraccount@herisp.example
+           @localdomain.local      hisaccount+local@hisisp.example
+       Execute  the  command "postmap /etc/postfix/generic" whenever the table
+       is changed.  Instead of hash, some systems use dbm database  files.  To
+       find  out  what  tables  your system supports use the command "postconf
+       -m".
+       The table format does not understand quoting conventions.
+       The following parameters are  especially  relevant.   The  text
+       below  provides  only  a  parameter  summary.  See postconf(5) for more
+       details including examples.
+       smtp_generic_maps (empty)
+              Optional lookup tables that perform  address  rewriting  in  the
+              Postfix  SMTP  client,  typically  to  transform a locally valid
+              address into a globally valid address when sending  mail  across
+              the Internet.
+       propagate_unmatched_extensions (canonical, virtual)
+              What  address  lookup  tables copy an address extension from the
+              lookup key to the lookup result.
+       Other parameters of interest:
+       inet_interfaces (all)
+              The network interface addresses that this mail  system  receives
+              mail on.
+       proxy_interfaces (empty)
+              The  network  interface addresses that this mail system receives
+              mail on by way of a proxy or network address translation unit.
+       mydestination ($myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost)
+              The list of domains that are delivered via the  $local_transport
+              mail delivery transport.
+       myorigin ($myhostname)
+              The  domain  name that locally-posted mail appears to come from,
+              and that locally posted mail is delivered to.
+       owner_request_special (yes)
+              Enable special  treatment  for  owner-listname  entries  in  the
+              aliases(5)  file,  and  don't  split  owner-listname  and  list-
+              name-request address localparts when the recipient_delimiter  is
+              set to "-".
+       postmap(1), Postfix lookup table manager
+       postconf(5), configuration parameters
+       smtp(8), Postfix SMTP client
+       ADDRESS_REWRITING_README, address rewriting guide
+       DATABASE_README, Postfix lookup table overview
+       STANDARD_CONFIGURATION_README, configuration examples
+       The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software.
+       A genericstable feature appears in the Sendmail MTA.
+       This feature is available in Postfix 2.2 and later.
+       Wietse Venema
+       IBM T.J. Watson Research
+       P.O. Box 704
+       Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA
+       Wietse Venema
+       Google, Inc.
+       111 8th Avenue
+       New York, NY 10011, USA
+                                                                    GENERIC(5)
-- cgit v1.2.3