From a848231ae0f346dc7cc000973fbeb65b0894ee92 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Baumann Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2024 21:59:03 +0200 Subject: Adding upstream version 3.8.5. Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann --- html/smtp-sink.1.html | 293 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 293 insertions(+) create mode 100644 html/smtp-sink.1.html (limited to 'html/smtp-sink.1.html') diff --git a/html/smtp-sink.1.html b/html/smtp-sink.1.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fcac7a --- /dev/null +++ b/html/smtp-sink.1.html @@ -0,0 +1,293 @@ + + + + + Postfix manual - smtp-sink(1) +
+SMTP-SINK(1)                                                      SMTP-SINK(1)
+       smtp-sink - parallelized SMTP/LMTP test server
+       smtp-sink [options] [inet:][host]:port backlog
+       smtp-sink [options] unix:pathname backlog
+       smtp-sink  listens  on  the named host (or address) and port.  It takes
+       SMTP messages from the network and throws them away.  The purpose is to
+       measure client performance, not protocol compliance.
+       smtp-sink may also be configured to capture each mail delivery transac-
+       tion to file. Since  disk  latencies  are  large  compared  to  network
+       delays,  this  mode  of operation can reduce the maximal performance by
+       several orders of magnitude.
+       Connections  can  be  accepted  on  IPv4  or  IPv6  endpoints,  or   on
+       UNIX-domain  sockets.   IPv4 and IPv6 are the default.  This program is
+       the complement of the smtp-source(1) program.
+       Note: this is an unsupported test program. No attempt is made to  main-
+       tain compatibility between successive versions.
+       Arguments:
+       -4     Support  IPv4  only.  This  option has no effect when Postfix is
+              built without IPv6 support.
+       -6     Support IPv6 only. This option is not available when Postfix  is
+              built without IPv6 support.
+       -8     Do not announce 8BITMIME support.
+       -a     Do not announce SASL authentication support.
+       -A delay
+              Wait  delay  seconds after responding to DATA, then abort prema-
+              turely with a 550 reply status.  Do not read further input  from
+              the  client;  this  is  an attempt to block the client before it
+              sends ".".  Specify a zero delay value to abort immediately.
+       -b soft-bounce-reply
+              Use soft-bounce-reply for soft reject  responses.   The  default
+              reply is "450 4.3.0 Error: command failed".
+       -B hard-bounce-reply
+              Use  hard-bounce-reply  for  hard reject responses.  The default
+              reply is "500 5.3.0 Error: command failed".
+       -c     Display running counters that are updated whenever an SMTP  ses-
+              sion  ends, a QUIT command is executed, or when "." is received.
+       -C     Disable XCLIENT support.
+       -d dump-template
+              Dump each mail transaction to a single-message file  whose  name
+              is  created  by  expanding the dump-template via strftime(3) and
+              appending   a   pseudo-random   hexadecimal   number   (example:
+              "%Y%m%d%H/%M."  expands  into "2006081203/05.809a62e3").  If the
+              template contains "/" characters, missing directories  are  cre-
+              ated automatically.  The message dump format is described below.
+              Note: this option keeps one capture file  open  for  every  mail
+              transaction in progress.
+       -D dump-template
+              Append mail transactions to a multi-message dump file whose name
+              is created by expanding the dump-template via  strftime(3).   If
+              the  template  contains  "/" characters, missing directories are
+              created automatically.  The message  dump  format  is  described
+              below.
+              Note:  this  option  keeps  one capture file open for every mail
+              transaction in progress.
+       -e     Do not announce ESMTP support.
+       -E     Do not announce ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES support.
+       -f command,command,...
+              Reject the specified commands with  a  hard  (5xx)  error  code.
+              This option implies -p.
+              Examples  of commands are CONNECT, HELO, EHLO, LHLO, MAIL, RCPT,
+              VRFY, DATA, ., RSET, NOOP, and QUIT. Separate command  names  by
+              white  space  or  commas,  and use quotes to protect white space
+              from the shell. Command names are case-insensitive.
+       -F     Disable XFORWARD support.
+       -h hostname
+              Use hostname in the SMTP greeting, in the HELO response, and  in
+              the EHLO response. The default hostname is "smtp-sink".
+       -H delay
+              Delay  the  first  read  operation after receiving DATA (time in
+              seconds). Combine with a large test message and a small TCP win-
+              dow  size  (see  the  -T  option)  to  test  the  Postfix client
+              write_wait() implementation.
+       -L     Enable LMTP instead of SMTP.
+       -m count (default: 256)
+              An upper bound on the maximal number of simultaneous connections
+              that  smtp-sink will handle. This prevents the process from run-
+              ning out of  file  descriptors.  Excess  connections  will  stay
+              queued in the TCP/IP stack.
+       -M count
+              Terminate after receiving count messages.
+       -n count
+              Terminate after count sessions.
+       -N     Do not announce support for DSN.
+       -p     Do not announce support for ESMTP command pipelining.
+       -P     Change  the server greeting so that it appears to come through a
+              CISCO PIX system. Implies -e.
+       -q command,command,...
+              Disconnect (without replying) after receiving one of the  speci-
+              fied commands.
+              Examples  of commands are CONNECT, HELO, EHLO, LHLO, MAIL, RCPT,
+              VRFY, DATA, ., RSET, NOOP, and QUIT. Separate command  names  by
+              white  space  or  commas,  and use quotes to protect white space
+              from the shell. Command names are case-insensitive.
+       -Q command,command,...
+              Send a 421 reply and disconnect after receiving one of the spec-
+              ified commands.
+              Examples  of commands are CONNECT, HELO, EHLO, LHLO, MAIL, RCPT,
+              VRFY, DATA, ., RSET, NOOP, and QUIT. Separate command  names  by
+              white  space  or  commas,  and use quotes to protect white space
+              from the shell. Command names are case-insensitive.
+       -r command,command,...
+              Reject the specified commands with  a  soft  (4xx)  error  code.
+              This option implies -p.
+              Examples  of commands are CONNECT, HELO, EHLO, LHLO, MAIL, RCPT,
+              VRFY, DATA, ., RSET, NOOP, and QUIT. Separate command  names  by
+              white  space  or  commas,  and use quotes to protect white space
+              from the shell. Command names are case-insensitive.
+       -R root-directory
+              Change the process root directory  to  the  specified  location.
+              This  option  requires  super-user  privileges.  See also the -u
+              option.
+       -s command,command,...
+              Log the named commands to syslogd.
+              Examples of commands are CONNECT, HELO, EHLO, LHLO, MAIL,  RCPT,
+              VRFY,  DATA,  ., RSET, NOOP, and QUIT. Separate command names by
+              white space or commas, and use quotes  to  protect  white  space
+              from the shell. Command names are case-insensitive.
+       -S start-string
+              An  optional  string  that  is prepended to each message that is
+              written to a dump file (see the  dump  file  format  description
+              below).  The  following  C  escape  sequences  are supported: \a
+              (bell), \b (backspace), \f (formfeed), \n  (newline),  \r  (car-
+              riage  return), \t (horizontal tab), \v (vertical tab), \ddd (up
+              to three octal digits) and \\ (the backslash character).
+       -t timeout (default: 100)
+              Limit the time for receiving a command or  sending  a  response.
+              The time limit is specified in seconds.
+       -T windowsize
+              Override  the default TCP window size. To work around broken TCP
+              window scaling implementations, specify a value > 0 and < 65536.
+       -u username
+              Switch  to  the specified user privileges after opening the net-
+              work socket and optionally changing the process root  directory.
+              This  option  is  required when the process runs with super-user
+              privileges. See also the -R option.
+       -v     Show the SMTP conversations.
+       -w delay
+              Wait delay seconds before responding to a DATA command.
+       -W command:delay[:odds]
+              Wait delay seconds before responding to  command.   If  odds  is
+              also  specified  (a  number  between 1-99 inclusive), wait for a
+              random multiple of delay. The random multiplier is equal to  the
+              number of times the program needs to roll a dice with a range of
+              0..99 inclusive, before the dice produces a result greater  than
+              or equal to odds.
+       [inet:][host]:port
+              Listen  on  network  interface host (default: any interface) TCP
+              port port. Both host and port may be  specified  in  numeric  or
+              symbolic form.
+       unix:pathname
+              Listen on the UNIX-domain socket at pathname.
+       backlog
+              The  maximum  length  of  the  queue  of pending connections, as
+              defined by the listen(2) system call.
+       Each dumped message contains a sequence of text lines, terminated  with
+       the newline character. The sequence of information is as follows:
+       o      The optional string specified with the -S option.
+       o      The smtp-sink generated headers as documented below.
+       o      The message header and body as received from the SMTP client.
+       o      An empty line.
+       The format of the smtp-sink generated headers is as follows:
+       X-Client-Addr: text
+              The  client  IP address without enclosing []. An IPv6 address is
+              prefixed with "ipv6:". This record is always present.
+       X-Client-Proto: text
+              The client protocol: SMTP, ESMTP or LMTP. This record is  always
+              present.
+       X-Helo-Args: text
+              The  arguments of the last HELO or EHLO command before this mail
+              delivery transaction. This record is present only if the  client
+              sent  a  recognizable  HELO or EHLO command before the DATA com-
+              mand.
+       X-Mail-Args: text
+              The arguments of the MAIL command that started this mail  deliv-
+              ery transaction. This record is present exactly once.
+       X-Rcpt-Args: text
+              The  arguments  of  an  RCPT  command  within this mail delivery
+              transaction. There is one record for each RCPT command, and they
+              are in the order as sent by the client.
+       Received: text
+              A  message  header  for compatibility with mail processing soft-
+              ware. This three-line header marks the end of the  headers  pro-
+              vided by smtp-sink, and is formatted as follows:
+              from helo ([addr])
+                     The  HELO or EHLO command argument and client IP address.
+                     If the client did not send HELO or EHLO,  the  client  IP
+                     address is used instead.
+              by host (smtp-sink) with proto id random;
+                     The  hostname  specified  with  the -h option, the client
+                     protocol (see X-Client-Proto above), and the  pseudo-ran-
+                     dom portion of the per-message capture file name.
+              time-stamp
+                     A time stamp as defined in RFC 2822.
+       smtp-source(1), SMTP/LMTP message generator
+       The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software.
+       Wietse Venema
+       IBM T.J. Watson Research
+       P.O. Box 704
+       Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA
+       Wietse Venema
+       Google, Inc.
+       111 8th Avenue
+       New York, NY 10011, USA
+                                                                  SMTP-SINK(1)
-- cgit v1.2.3