bind bind no bind bind sasl bind bind yes command_directory command_directory Content Disposition Type name es es e 2E daemon_directory daemon_directory data_directory data_directory done done echo 0 Error unknown type type for path in meta postfix files 1 2 echo echo 0 Error name should be an absolute path name 1 2 esac esac eval echo n name name c eval group group eval owner owner example example com uucp example file contains only a small subset of all parameters parameters group group html_directory html_directory IP domain address address IP pattern address address IP user address address IP user domain address address mail_owner mail_owner mailq_path mailq_path manpage_directory manpage_directory meta_directory meta_directory newaliases_path newaliases_path nisplus name s name name name column postmap q nisplus name s name name inputfile postmap q string nisplus name s name name postmaster postmaster root queue_directory queue_directory readme_directory readme_directory root root you sample_directory sample_directory sendmail_path sendmail_path server_host ldap ldap example com 1444 setgid_group setgid_group shlib_directory shlib_directory user foo domain user domain domain virtual virtual alias domain anything right hand content does not matter skipping unexpected LF LF in DATA from Inbound SMTP smuggling strip extra CR in CR LF CR CR LF Inbound SMTP smuggling don t strip extra CR in CR LF CR CR LF CR LF CR CR LF to silence false alarms from test tools