/*++ /* NAME /* argv_attr_scan /* SUMMARY /* read ARGV from stream /* SYNOPSIS /* #include <argv_attr.h> /* /* int argv_attr_scan(scan_fn, stream, flags, ptr) /* ATTR_SCAN_COMMON_FN scan_fn; /* VSTREAM *stream; /* int flags; /* void *ptr; /* DESCRIPTION /* argv_attr_scan() creates an ARGV and reads its contents /* from the named stream using the specified attribute scan /* routine. argv_attr_scan() is meant to be passed as a call-back /* to attr_scan(), thusly: /* /* ARGV *argv = 0; /* ... /* ... RECV_ATTR_FUNC(argv_attr_scan, (void *) &argv), ... /* ... /* if (argv) /* argv_free(argv); /* DIAGNOSTICS /* Fatal: out of memory. /* /* In case of error, this function returns non-zero and creates /* an ARGV null pointer. /* LICENSE /* .ad /* .fi /* The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software. /* AUTHOR(S) /* Wietse Venema /* Google, Inc. /* 111 8th Avenue /* New York, NY 10011, USA /*--*/ /* * System library. */ #include <sys_defs.h> /* * Utility library. */ #include <argv.h> #include <argv_attr.h> #include <attr.h> #include <msg.h> #include <vstream.h> #include <vstring.h> /* argv_attr_scan - write ARGV to stream */ int argv_attr_scan(ATTR_PRINT_COMMON_FN scan_fn, VSTREAM *fp, int flags, void *ptr) { ARGV *argv = 0; int size; int ret; if ((ret = scan_fn(fp, flags | ATTR_FLAG_MORE, RECV_ATTR_INT(ARGV_ATTR_SIZE, &size), ATTR_TYPE_END)) == 1) { if (msg_verbose) msg_info("argv_attr_scan count=%d", size); if (size < 0 || size > ARGV_ATTR_MAX) { msg_warn("invalid size %d from %s while reading ARGV", size, VSTREAM_PATH(fp)); ret = -1; } else if (size > 0) { VSTRING *buffer = vstring_alloc(100); argv = argv_alloc(size); while (ret == 1 && size-- > 0) { if ((ret = scan_fn(fp, flags | ATTR_FLAG_MORE, RECV_ATTR_STR(ARGV_ATTR_VALUE, buffer), ATTR_TYPE_END)) == 1) argv_add(argv, vstring_str(buffer), ARGV_END); } argv_terminate(argv); vstring_free(buffer); } } *(ARGV **) ptr = argv; if (msg_verbose) msg_info("argv_attr_scan ret=%d", ret); return (ret); }