# Copyright (c) 2021-2022, PostgreSQL Global Development Group use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename qw(basename dirname); use File::Path qw(rmtree); use PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster; use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils; use Test::More; program_help_ok('pg_basebackup'); program_version_ok('pg_basebackup'); program_options_handling_ok('pg_basebackup'); my $tempdir = PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::tempdir; my $node = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('main'); # For nearly all pg_basebackup invocations some options should be specified, # to keep test times reasonable. Using @pg_basebackup_defs as the first # element of the array passed to IPC::Run interpolate the array (as it is # not a reference to an array)... my @pg_basebackup_defs = ('pg_basebackup', '--no-sync', '-cfast'); # Set umask so test directories and files are created with default permissions umask(0077); # Initialize node without replication settings $node->init( extra => ['--data-checksums'], auth_extra => [ '--create-role', 'backupuser' ]); $node->start; my $pgdata = $node->data_dir; $node->command_fails(['pg_basebackup'], 'pg_basebackup needs target directory specified'); # Sanity checks for options $node->command_fails_like( [ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup", '--compress', 'none:1' ], qr/\Qcompression algorithm "none" does not accept a compression level/, 'failure if method "none" specified with compression level'); $node->command_fails_like( [ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup", '--compress', 'none+' ], qr/\Qunrecognized compression algorithm: "none+"/, 'failure on incorrect separator to define compression level'); # Some Windows ANSI code pages may reject this filename, in which case we # quietly proceed without this bit of test coverage. if (open my $badchars, '>>', "$tempdir/pgdata/FOO\xe0\xe0\xe0BAR") { print $badchars "test backup of file with non-UTF8 name\n"; close $badchars; } $node->set_replication_conf(); $node->reload; $node->command_fails( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backup" ], 'pg_basebackup fails because of WAL configuration'); ok(!-d "$tempdir/backup", 'backup directory was cleaned up'); # Create a backup directory that is not empty so the next command will fail # but leave the data directory behind mkdir("$tempdir/backup") or BAIL_OUT("unable to create $tempdir/backup"); append_to_file("$tempdir/backup/dir-not-empty.txt", "Some data"); $node->command_fails([ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backup", '-n' ], 'failing run with no-clean option'); ok(-d "$tempdir/backup", 'backup directory was created and left behind'); rmtree("$tempdir/backup"); open my $conf, '>>', "$pgdata/postgresql.conf"; print $conf "max_replication_slots = 10\n"; print $conf "max_wal_senders = 10\n"; print $conf "wal_level = replica\n"; close $conf; $node->restart; # Now that we have a server that supports replication commands, test whether # certain invalid compression commands fail on the client side with client-side # compression and on the server side with server-side compression. SKIP: { skip "postgres was not built with ZLIB support", 6 if (!check_pg_config("#define HAVE_LIBZ 1")); my $client_fails = 'pg_basebackup: error: '; my $server_fails = 'pg_basebackup: error: could not initiate base backup: ERROR: '; my @compression_failure_tests = ( [ 'extrasquishy', 'unrecognized compression algorithm: "extrasquishy"', 'failure on invalid compression algorithm' ], [ 'gzip:', 'invalid compression specification: found empty string where a compression option was expected', 'failure on empty compression options list' ], [ 'gzip:thunk', 'invalid compression specification: unrecognized compression option: "thunk"', 'failure on unknown compression option' ], [ 'gzip:level', 'invalid compression specification: compression option "level" requires a value', 'failure on missing compression level' ], [ 'gzip:level=', 'invalid compression specification: value for compression option "level" must be an integer', 'failure on empty compression level' ], [ 'gzip:level=high', 'invalid compression specification: value for compression option "level" must be an integer', 'failure on non-numeric compression level' ], [ 'gzip:level=236', 'invalid compression specification: compression algorithm "gzip" expects a compression level between 1 and 9', 'failure on out-of-range compression level' ], [ 'gzip:level=9,', 'invalid compression specification: found empty string where a compression option was expected', 'failure on extra, empty compression option' ], [ 'gzip:workers=3', 'invalid compression specification: compression algorithm "gzip" does not accept a worker count', 'failure on worker count for gzip' ],); for my $cft (@compression_failure_tests) { my $cfail = quotemeta($client_fails . $cft->[1]); my $sfail = quotemeta($server_fails . $cft->[1]); $node->command_fails_like( [ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup", '--compress', $cft->[0] ], qr/$cfail/, 'client ' . $cft->[2]); $node->command_fails_like( [ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup", '--compress', 'server-' . $cft->[0] ], qr/$sfail/, 'server ' . $cft->[2]); } } # Write some files to test that they are not copied. foreach my $filename ( qw(backup_label tablespace_map postgresql.auto.conf.tmp current_logfiles.tmp global/pg_internal.init.123)) { open my $file, '>>', "$pgdata/$filename"; print $file "DONOTCOPY"; close $file; } # Connect to a database to create global/pg_internal.init. If this is removed # the test to ensure global/pg_internal.init is not copied will return a false # positive. $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT 1;'); # Create an unlogged table to test that forks other than init are not copied. $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE base_unlogged (id int)'); my $baseUnloggedPath = $node->safe_psql('postgres', q{select pg_relation_filepath('base_unlogged')}); # Make sure main and init forks exist ok(-f "$pgdata/${baseUnloggedPath}_init", 'unlogged init fork in base'); ok(-f "$pgdata/$baseUnloggedPath", 'unlogged main fork in base'); # Create files that look like temporary relations to ensure they are ignored. my $postgresOid = $node->safe_psql('postgres', q{select oid from pg_database where datname = 'postgres'}); my @tempRelationFiles = qw(t999_999 t9999_999.1 t999_9999_vm t99999_99999_vm.1); foreach my $filename (@tempRelationFiles) { append_to_file("$pgdata/base/$postgresOid/$filename", 'TEMP_RELATION'); } # Run base backup. $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backup", '-X', 'none' ], 'pg_basebackup runs'); ok(-f "$tempdir/backup/PG_VERSION", 'backup was created'); ok(-f "$tempdir/backup/backup_manifest", 'backup manifest included'); # Permissions on backup should be default SKIP: { skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 1 if ($windows_os); ok(check_mode_recursive("$tempdir/backup", 0700, 0600), "check backup dir permissions"); } # Only archive_status directory should be copied in pg_wal/. is_deeply( [ sort(slurp_dir("$tempdir/backup/pg_wal/")) ], [ sort qw(. .. archive_status) ], 'no WAL files copied'); # Contents of these directories should not be copied. foreach my $dirname ( qw(pg_dynshmem pg_notify pg_replslot pg_serial pg_snapshots pg_stat_tmp pg_subtrans) ) { is_deeply( [ sort(slurp_dir("$tempdir/backup/$dirname/")) ], [ sort qw(. ..) ], "contents of $dirname/ not copied"); } # These files should not be copied. foreach my $filename ( qw(postgresql.auto.conf.tmp postmaster.opts postmaster.pid tablespace_map current_logfiles.tmp global/pg_internal.init global/pg_internal.init.123)) { ok(!-f "$tempdir/backup/$filename", "$filename not copied"); } # Unlogged relation forks other than init should not be copied ok(-f "$tempdir/backup/${baseUnloggedPath}_init", 'unlogged init fork in backup'); ok( !-f "$tempdir/backup/$baseUnloggedPath", 'unlogged main fork not in backup'); # Temp relations should not be copied. foreach my $filename (@tempRelationFiles) { ok( !-f "$tempdir/backup/base/$postgresOid/$filename", "base/$postgresOid/$filename not copied"); } # Make sure existing backup_label was ignored. isnt(slurp_file("$tempdir/backup/backup_label"), 'DONOTCOPY', 'existing backup_label not copied'); rmtree("$tempdir/backup"); # Now delete the bogus backup_label file since it will interfere with startup unlink("$pgdata/backup_label") or BAIL_OUT("unable to unlink $pgdata/backup_label"); $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backup2", '--no-manifest', '--waldir', "$tempdir/xlog2" ], 'separate xlog directory'); ok(-f "$tempdir/backup2/PG_VERSION", 'backup was created'); ok(!-f "$tempdir/backup2/backup_manifest", 'manifest was suppressed'); ok(-d "$tempdir/xlog2/", 'xlog directory was created'); rmtree("$tempdir/backup2"); rmtree("$tempdir/xlog2"); $node->command_ok([ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/tarbackup", '-Ft' ], 'tar format'); ok(-f "$tempdir/tarbackup/base.tar", 'backup tar was created'); rmtree("$tempdir/tarbackup"); $node->command_fails( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backup_foo", '-Fp', "-T=/foo" ], '-T with empty old directory fails'); $node->command_fails( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backup_foo", '-Fp', "-T/foo=" ], '-T with empty new directory fails'); $node->command_fails( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backup_foo", '-Fp', "-T/foo=/bar=/baz" ], '-T with multiple = fails'); $node->command_fails( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backup_foo", '-Fp', "-Tfoo=/bar" ], '-T with old directory not absolute fails'); $node->command_fails( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backup_foo", '-Fp', "-T/foo=bar" ], '-T with new directory not absolute fails'); $node->command_fails( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backup_foo", '-Fp', "-Tfoo" ], '-T with invalid format fails'); my $superlongname = "superlongname_" . ("x" x 100); # Tar format doesn't support filenames longer than 100 bytes. SKIP: { my $superlongpath = "$pgdata/$superlongname"; skip "File path too long", 1 if $windows_os && length($superlongpath) > 255; open my $file, '>', "$superlongpath" or die "unable to create file $superlongpath"; close $file; $node->command_fails( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/tarbackup_l1", '-Ft' ], 'pg_basebackup tar with long name fails'); unlink "$superlongpath"; } # The following tests are for symlinks. # Move pg_replslot out of $pgdata and create a symlink to it. $node->stop; # Set umask so test directories and files are created with group permissions umask(0027); # Enable group permissions on PGDATA chmod_recursive("$pgdata", 0750, 0640); # Create a temporary directory in the system location. my $sys_tempdir = PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::tempdir_short; # On Windows use the short location to avoid path length issues. # Elsewhere use $tempdir to avoid file system boundary issues with moving. my $tmploc = $windows_os ? $sys_tempdir : $tempdir; rename("$pgdata/pg_replslot", "$tmploc/pg_replslot") or BAIL_OUT "could not move $pgdata/pg_replslot"; dir_symlink("$tmploc/pg_replslot", "$pgdata/pg_replslot") or BAIL_OUT "could not symlink to $pgdata/pg_replslot"; $node->start; # Test backup of a tablespace using tar format. # Symlink the system located tempdir to our physical temp location. # That way we can use shorter names for the tablespace directories, # which hopefully won't run afoul of the 99 character length limit. my $real_sys_tempdir = "$sys_tempdir/tempdir"; dir_symlink "$tempdir", $real_sys_tempdir; mkdir "$tempdir/tblspc1"; my $realTsDir = "$real_sys_tempdir/tblspc1"; $node->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc1 LOCATION '$realTsDir';"); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE TABLE test1 (a int) TABLESPACE tblspc1;" . "INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (1234);"); $node->backup('tarbackup2', backup_options => ['-Ft']); # empty test1, just so that it's different from the to-be-restored data $node->safe_psql('postgres', "TRUNCATE TABLE test1;"); # basic checks on the output my $backupdir = $node->backup_dir . '/tarbackup2'; ok(-f "$backupdir/base.tar", 'backup tar was created'); ok(-f "$backupdir/pg_wal.tar", 'WAL tar was created'); my @tblspc_tars = glob "$backupdir/[0-9]*.tar"; is(scalar(@tblspc_tars), 1, 'one tablespace tar was created'); # Try to verify the tar-format backup by restoring it. # For this, we use the tar program identified by configure. SKIP: { my $tar = $ENV{TAR}; # don't check for a working tar here, to accommodate various odd # cases such as AIX. If tar doesn't work the init_from_backup below # will fail. skip "no tar program available", 1 if (!defined $tar || $tar eq ''); my $node2 = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('replica'); # Recover main data directory $node2->init_from_backup($node, 'tarbackup2', tar_program => $tar); # Recover tablespace into a new directory (not where it was!) my $repTsDir = "$tempdir/tblspc1replica"; my $realRepTsDir = "$real_sys_tempdir/tblspc1replica"; mkdir $repTsDir; PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::system_or_bail($tar, 'xf', $tblspc_tars[0], '-C', $repTsDir); # Update tablespace map to point to new directory. # XXX Ideally pg_basebackup would handle this. $tblspc_tars[0] =~ m|/([0-9]*)\.tar$|; my $tblspcoid = $1; my $escapedRepTsDir = $realRepTsDir; $escapedRepTsDir =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; open my $mapfile, '>', $node2->data_dir . '/tablespace_map'; print $mapfile "$tblspcoid $escapedRepTsDir\n"; close $mapfile; $node2->start; my $result = $node2->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT * FROM test1'); is($result, '1234', "tablespace data restored from tar-format backup"); $node2->stop; } # Create an unlogged table to test that forks other than init are not copied. $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE tblspc1_unlogged (id int) TABLESPACE tblspc1;'); my $tblspc1UnloggedPath = $node->safe_psql('postgres', q{select pg_relation_filepath('tblspc1_unlogged')}); # Make sure main and init forks exist ok( -f "$pgdata/${tblspc1UnloggedPath}_init", 'unlogged init fork in tablespace'); ok(-f "$pgdata/$tblspc1UnloggedPath", 'unlogged main fork in tablespace'); # Create files that look like temporary relations to ensure they are ignored # in a tablespace. @tempRelationFiles = qw(t888_888 t888888_888888_vm.1); my $tblSpc1Id = basename( dirname( dirname( $node->safe_psql( 'postgres', q{select pg_relation_filepath('test1')})))); foreach my $filename (@tempRelationFiles) { append_to_file( "$real_sys_tempdir/tblspc1/$tblSpc1Id/$postgresOid/$filename", 'TEMP_RELATION'); } $node->command_fails( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backup1", '-Fp' ], 'plain format with tablespaces fails without tablespace mapping'); $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backup1", '-Fp', "-T$realTsDir=$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1", ], 'plain format with tablespaces succeeds with tablespace mapping'); ok(-d "$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1", 'tablespace was relocated'); # This symlink check is not supported on Windows as -l # doesn't work with junctions SKIP: { skip "symlink check not implemented on Windows", 1 if ($windows_os); opendir(my $dh, "$pgdata/pg_tblspc") or die; ok( ( grep { -l "$tempdir/backup1/pg_tblspc/$_" and readlink "$tempdir/backup1/pg_tblspc/$_" eq "$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1" } readdir($dh)), "tablespace symlink was updated"); closedir $dh; } # Group access should be enabled on all backup files SKIP: { skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 1 if ($windows_os); ok(check_mode_recursive("$tempdir/backup1", 0750, 0640), "check backup dir permissions"); } # Unlogged relation forks other than init should not be copied my ($tblspc1UnloggedBackupPath) = $tblspc1UnloggedPath =~ /[^\/]*\/[^\/]*\/[^\/]*$/g; ok(-f "$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1/${tblspc1UnloggedBackupPath}_init", 'unlogged init fork in tablespace backup'); ok(!-f "$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1/$tblspc1UnloggedBackupPath", 'unlogged main fork not in tablespace backup'); # Temp relations should not be copied. foreach my $filename (@tempRelationFiles) { ok(!-f "$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1/$tblSpc1Id/$postgresOid/$filename", "[tblspc1]/$postgresOid/$filename not copied"); # Also remove temp relation files or tablespace drop will fail. my $filepath = "$real_sys_tempdir/tblspc1/$tblSpc1Id/$postgresOid/$filename"; unlink($filepath) or BAIL_OUT("unable to unlink $filepath"); } ok( -d "$tempdir/backup1/pg_replslot", 'pg_replslot symlink copied as directory'); rmtree("$tempdir/backup1"); mkdir "$tempdir/tbl=spc2"; $realTsDir = "$real_sys_tempdir/tbl=spc2"; $node->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP TABLE test1;"); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP TABLE tblspc1_unlogged;"); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP TABLESPACE tblspc1;"); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc2 LOCATION '$realTsDir';"); $realTsDir =~ s/=/\\=/; $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backup3", '-Fp', "-T$realTsDir=$tempdir/tbackup/tbl\\=spc2", ], 'mapping tablespace with = sign in path'); ok(-d "$tempdir/tbackup/tbl=spc2", 'tablespace with = sign was relocated'); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP TABLESPACE tblspc2;"); rmtree("$tempdir/backup3"); mkdir "$tempdir/$superlongname"; $realTsDir = "$real_sys_tempdir/$superlongname"; $node->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc3 LOCATION '$realTsDir';"); $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/tarbackup_l3", '-Ft' ], 'pg_basebackup tar with long symlink target'); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP TABLESPACE tblspc3;"); rmtree("$tempdir/tarbackup_l3"); $node->command_ok([ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backupR", '-R' ], 'pg_basebackup -R runs'); ok(-f "$tempdir/backupR/postgresql.auto.conf", 'postgresql.auto.conf exists'); ok(-f "$tempdir/backupR/standby.signal", 'standby.signal was created'); my $recovery_conf = slurp_file "$tempdir/backupR/postgresql.auto.conf"; rmtree("$tempdir/backupR"); my $port = $node->port; like( $recovery_conf, qr/^primary_conninfo = '.*port=$port.*'\n/m, 'postgresql.auto.conf sets primary_conninfo'); $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backupxd" ], 'pg_basebackup runs in default xlog mode'); ok(grep(/^[0-9A-F]{24}$/, slurp_dir("$tempdir/backupxd/pg_wal")), 'WAL files copied'); rmtree("$tempdir/backupxd"); $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backupxf", '-X', 'fetch' ], 'pg_basebackup -X fetch runs'); ok(grep(/^[0-9A-F]{24}$/, slurp_dir("$tempdir/backupxf/pg_wal")), 'WAL files copied'); rmtree("$tempdir/backupxf"); $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs", '-X', 'stream' ], 'pg_basebackup -X stream runs'); ok(grep(/^[0-9A-F]{24}$/, slurp_dir("$tempdir/backupxs/pg_wal")), 'WAL files copied'); rmtree("$tempdir/backupxs"); $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backupxst", '-X', 'stream', '-Ft' ], 'pg_basebackup -X stream runs in tar mode'); ok(-f "$tempdir/backupxst/pg_wal.tar", "tar file was created"); rmtree("$tempdir/backupxst"); $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backupnoslot", '-X', 'stream', '--no-slot' ], 'pg_basebackup -X stream runs with --no-slot'); rmtree("$tempdir/backupnoslot"); $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backupxf", '-X', 'fetch' ], 'pg_basebackup -X fetch runs'); $node->command_fails_like( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '--target', 'blackhole' ], qr/WAL cannot be streamed when a backup target is specified/, 'backup target requires -X'); $node->command_fails_like( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '--target', 'blackhole', '-X', 'stream' ], qr/WAL cannot be streamed when a backup target is specified/, 'backup target requires -X other than -X stream'); $node->command_fails_like( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '--target', 'bogus', '-X', 'none' ], qr/unrecognized target/, 'backup target unrecognized'); $node->command_fails_like( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '--target', 'blackhole', '-X', 'none', '-D', "$tempdir/blackhole" ], qr/cannot specify both output directory and backup target/, 'backup target and output directory'); $node->command_fails_like( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '--target', 'blackhole', '-X', 'none', '-Ft' ], qr/cannot specify both format and backup target/, 'backup target and output directory'); $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '--target', 'blackhole', '-X', 'none' ], 'backup target blackhole'); $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '--target', "server:$tempdir/backuponserver", '-X', 'none' ], 'backup target server'); ok(-f "$tempdir/backuponserver/base.tar", 'backup tar was created'); rmtree("$tempdir/backuponserver"); $node->command_ok( [qw(createuser --replication --role=pg_write_server_files backupuser)], 'create backup user'); $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-U', 'backupuser', '--target', "server:$tempdir/backuponserver", '-X', 'none' ], 'backup target server'); ok( -f "$tempdir/backuponserver/base.tar", 'backup tar was created as non-superuser'); rmtree("$tempdir/backuponserver"); $node->command_fails( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_sl_fail", '-X', 'stream', '-S', 'slot0' ], 'pg_basebackup fails with nonexistent replication slot'); $node->command_fails( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_slot", '-C' ], 'pg_basebackup -C fails without slot name'); $node->command_fails( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_slot", '-C', '-S', 'slot0', '--no-slot' ], 'pg_basebackup fails with -C -S --no-slot'); $node->command_fails_like( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '--target', 'blackhole', '-D', "$tempdir/blackhole" ], qr/cannot specify both output directory and backup target/, 'backup target and output directory'); $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backuptr/co", '-X', 'none' ], 'pg_basebackup -X fetch runs'); $node->command_fails( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_sl_fail", '-X', 'stream', '-S', 'slot0' ], 'pg_basebackup fails with nonexistent replication slot'); $node->command_fails( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_slot", '-C' ], 'pg_basebackup -C fails without slot name'); $node->command_fails( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_slot", '-C', '-S', 'slot0', '--no-slot' ], 'pg_basebackup fails with -C -S --no-slot'); $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_slot", '-C', '-S', 'slot0' ], 'pg_basebackup -C runs'); rmtree("$tempdir/backupxs_slot"); is( $node->safe_psql( 'postgres', q{SELECT slot_name FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'slot0'} ), 'slot0', 'replication slot was created'); isnt( $node->safe_psql( 'postgres', q{SELECT restart_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'slot0'} ), '', 'restart LSN of new slot is not null'); $node->command_fails( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_slot1", '-C', '-S', 'slot0' ], 'pg_basebackup fails with -C -S and a previously existing slot'); $node->safe_psql('postgres', q{SELECT * FROM pg_create_physical_replication_slot('slot1')}); my $lsn = $node->safe_psql('postgres', q{SELECT restart_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'slot1'} ); is($lsn, '', 'restart LSN of new slot is null'); $node->command_fails( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/fail", '-S', 'slot1', '-X', 'none' ], 'pg_basebackup with replication slot fails without WAL streaming'); $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_sl", '-X', 'stream', '-S', 'slot1' ], 'pg_basebackup -X stream with replication slot runs'); $lsn = $node->safe_psql('postgres', q{SELECT restart_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'slot1'} ); like($lsn, qr!^0/[0-9A-Z]{7,8}$!, 'restart LSN of slot has advanced'); rmtree("$tempdir/backupxs_sl"); $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_sl_R", '-X', 'stream', '-S', 'slot1', '-R', ], 'pg_basebackup with replication slot and -R runs'); like( slurp_file("$tempdir/backupxs_sl_R/postgresql.auto.conf"), qr/^primary_slot_name = 'slot1'\n/m, 'recovery conf file sets primary_slot_name'); my $checksum = $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SHOW data_checksums;'); is($checksum, 'on', 'checksums are enabled'); rmtree("$tempdir/backupxs_sl_R"); # create tables to corrupt and get their relfilenodes my $file_corrupt1 = $node->safe_psql('postgres', q{CREATE TABLE corrupt1 AS SELECT a FROM generate_series(1,10000) AS a; ALTER TABLE corrupt1 SET (autovacuum_enabled=false); SELECT pg_relation_filepath('corrupt1')} ); my $file_corrupt2 = $node->safe_psql('postgres', q{CREATE TABLE corrupt2 AS SELECT b FROM generate_series(1,2) AS b; ALTER TABLE corrupt2 SET (autovacuum_enabled=false); SELECT pg_relation_filepath('corrupt2')} ); # get block size for corruption steps my $block_size = $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SHOW block_size;'); # induce corruption $node->stop; $node->corrupt_page_checksum($file_corrupt1, 0); $node->start; $node->command_checks_all( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backup_corrupt" ], 1, [qr{^$}], [qr/^WARNING.*checksum verification failed/s], 'pg_basebackup reports checksum mismatch'); rmtree("$tempdir/backup_corrupt"); # induce further corruption in 5 more blocks $node->stop; for my $i (1 .. 5) { $node->corrupt_page_checksum($file_corrupt1, $i * $block_size); } $node->start; $node->command_checks_all( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backup_corrupt2" ], 1, [qr{^$}], [qr/^WARNING.*further.*failures.*will.not.be.reported/s], 'pg_basebackup does not report more than 5 checksum mismatches'); rmtree("$tempdir/backup_corrupt2"); # induce corruption in a second file $node->stop; $node->corrupt_page_checksum($file_corrupt2, 0); $node->start; $node->command_checks_all( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backup_corrupt3" ], 1, [qr{^$}], [qr/^WARNING.*7 total checksum verification failures/s], 'pg_basebackup correctly report the total number of checksum mismatches'); rmtree("$tempdir/backup_corrupt3"); # do not verify checksums, should return ok $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backup_corrupt4", '--no-verify-checksums', ], 'pg_basebackup with -k does not report checksum mismatch'); rmtree("$tempdir/backup_corrupt4"); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP TABLE corrupt1;"); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP TABLE corrupt2;"); note "Testing pg_basebackup with compression methods"; # Check ZLIB compression if available. SKIP: { skip "postgres was not built with ZLIB support", 7 if (!check_pg_config("#define HAVE_LIBZ 1")); $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backup_gzip", '--compress', '1', '--format', 't' ], 'pg_basebackup with --compress'); $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backup_gzip2", '--gzip', '--format', 't' ], 'pg_basebackup with --gzip'); $node->command_ok( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '-D', "$tempdir/backup_gzip3", '--compress', 'gzip:1', '--format', 't' ], 'pg_basebackup with --compress=gzip:1'); # Verify that the stored files are generated with their expected # names. my @zlib_files = glob "$tempdir/backup_gzip/*.tar.gz"; is(scalar(@zlib_files), 2, "two files created with --compress=NUM (base.tar.gz and pg_wal.tar.gz)" ); my @zlib_files2 = glob "$tempdir/backup_gzip2/*.tar.gz"; is(scalar(@zlib_files2), 2, "two files created with --gzip (base.tar.gz and pg_wal.tar.gz)"); my @zlib_files3 = glob "$tempdir/backup_gzip3/*.tar.gz"; is(scalar(@zlib_files3), 2, "two files created with --compress=gzip:NUM (base.tar.gz and pg_wal.tar.gz)" ); # Check the integrity of the files generated. my $gzip = $ENV{GZIP_PROGRAM}; skip "program gzip is not found in your system", 1 if (!defined $gzip || $gzip eq ''); my $gzip_is_valid = system_log($gzip, '--test', @zlib_files, @zlib_files2, @zlib_files3); is($gzip_is_valid, 0, "gzip verified the integrity of compressed data"); rmtree("$tempdir/backup_gzip"); rmtree("$tempdir/backup_gzip2"); rmtree("$tempdir/backup_gzip3"); } # Test background stream process terminating before the basebackup has # finished, the main process should exit gracefully with an error message on # stderr. To reduce the risk of timing related issues we invoke the base # backup with rate throttling enabled. $node->safe_psql('postgres', q{CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT a FROM generate_series(1,10000) AS a;}); my $sigchld_bb_timeout = IPC::Run::timer($PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::timeout_default); my ($sigchld_bb_stdin, $sigchld_bb_stdout, $sigchld_bb_stderr) = ('', '', ''); my $sigchld_bb = IPC::Run::start( [ @pg_basebackup_defs, '--wal-method=stream', '-D', "$tempdir/sigchld", '--max-rate=32', '-d', $node->connstr('postgres') ], '<', \$sigchld_bb_stdin, '>', \$sigchld_bb_stdout, '2>', \$sigchld_bb_stderr, $sigchld_bb_timeout); is( $node->poll_query_until( 'postgres', "SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE " . "application_name = '010_pg_basebackup.pl' AND wait_event = 'WalSenderMain' " . "AND backend_type = 'walsender' AND query ~ 'START_REPLICATION'"), "1", "Walsender killed"); ok( pump_until( $sigchld_bb, $sigchld_bb_timeout, \$sigchld_bb_stderr, qr/background process terminated unexpectedly/), 'background process exit message'); $sigchld_bb->finish(); # Test that we can back up an in-place tablespace $node->safe_psql('postgres', "SET allow_in_place_tablespaces = on; CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc2 LOCATION '';"); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE TABLE test2 (a int) TABLESPACE tblspc2;" . "INSERT INTO test2 VALUES (1234);"); my $tblspc_oid = $node->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT oid FROM pg_tablespace WHERE spcname = 'tblspc2';"); $node->backup('backup3'); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP TABLE test2;"); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP TABLESPACE tblspc2;"); # check that the in-place tablespace exists in the backup $backupdir = $node->backup_dir . '/backup3'; my @dst_tblspc = glob "$backupdir/pg_tblspc/$tblspc_oid/PG_*"; is(@dst_tblspc, 1, 'tblspc directory copied'); done_testing();