/* src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/ecpg.addons */ ECPG: stmtClosePortalStmt block { if (INFORMIX_MODE) { if (pg_strcasecmp($1+strlen("close "), "database") == 0) { if (connection) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "AT option not allowed in CLOSE DATABASE statement"); fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGdisconnect(__LINE__, \"CURRENT\");"); whenever_action(2); free($1); break; } } output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } ECPG: stmtDeallocateStmt block { output_deallocate_prepare_statement($1); } ECPG: stmtDeclareCursorStmt block { output_simple_statement($1, (strncmp($1, "ECPGset_var", strlen("ECPGset_var")) == 0) ? 4 : 0); } ECPG: stmtDiscardStmt block ECPG: stmtFetchStmt block { output_statement($1, 1, ECPGst_normal); } ECPG: stmtDeleteStmt block ECPG: stmtInsertStmt block ECPG: stmtSelectStmt block ECPG: stmtUpdateStmt block { output_statement($1, 1, ECPGst_prepnormal); } ECPG: stmtExecuteStmt block { check_declared_list($1.name); if ($1.type == NULL || strlen($1.type) == 0) output_statement($1.name, 1, ECPGst_execute); else { if ($1.name[0] != '"') /* case of char_variable */ add_variable_to_tail(&argsinsert, find_variable($1.name), &no_indicator); else { /* case of ecpg_ident or CSTRING */ char *length = mm_alloc(sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT * 10 / 3); char *str = mm_strdup($1.name + 1); /* It must be cut off double quotation because new_variable() double-quotes. */ str[strlen(str) - 1] = '\0'; sprintf(length, "%zu", strlen(str)); add_variable_to_tail(&argsinsert, new_variable(str, ECPGmake_simple_type(ECPGt_const, length, 0), 0), &no_indicator); } output_statement(cat_str(3, mm_strdup("execute"), mm_strdup("$0"), $1.type), 0, ECPGst_exec_with_exprlist); } } ECPG: stmtPrepareStmt block { check_declared_list($1.name); if ($1.type == NULL) output_prepare_statement($1.name, $1.stmt); else if (strlen($1.type) == 0) { char *stmt = cat_str(3, mm_strdup("\""), $1.stmt, mm_strdup("\"")); output_prepare_statement($1.name, stmt); } else { if ($1.name[0] != '"') /* case of char_variable */ add_variable_to_tail(&argsinsert, find_variable($1.name), &no_indicator); else { char *length = mm_alloc(sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT * 10 / 3); char *str = mm_strdup($1.name + 1); /* It must be cut off double quotation because new_variable() double-quotes. */ str[strlen(str) - 1] = '\0'; sprintf(length, "%zu", strlen(str)); add_variable_to_tail(&argsinsert, new_variable(str, ECPGmake_simple_type(ECPGt_const, length, 0), 0), &no_indicator); } output_statement(cat_str(5, mm_strdup("prepare"), mm_strdup("$0"), $1.type, mm_strdup("as"), $1.stmt), 0, ECPGst_prepare); } } ECPG: stmtTransactionStmt block { fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGtrans(__LINE__, %s, \"%s\");", connection ? connection : "NULL", $1); whenever_action(2); free($1); } ECPG: toplevel_stmtTransactionStmtLegacy block { fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGtrans(__LINE__, %s, \"%s\");", connection ? connection : "NULL", $1); whenever_action(2); free($1); } ECPG: stmtViewStmt rule | ECPGAllocateDescr { fprintf(base_yyout,"ECPGallocate_desc(__LINE__, %s);",$1); whenever_action(0); free($1); } | ECPGConnect { if (connection) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "AT option not allowed in CONNECT statement"); fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGconnect(__LINE__, %d, %s, %d); ", compat, $1, autocommit); reset_variables(); whenever_action(2); free($1); } | ECPGDeclareStmt { output_simple_statement($1, 0); } | ECPGCursorStmt { output_simple_statement($1, (strncmp($1, "ECPGset_var", strlen("ECPGset_var")) == 0) ? 4 : 0); } | ECPGDeallocateDescr { fprintf(base_yyout,"ECPGdeallocate_desc(__LINE__, %s);",$1); whenever_action(0); free($1); } | ECPGDeclare { output_simple_statement($1, 0); } | ECPGDescribe { check_declared_list($1.stmt_name); fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGdescribe(__LINE__, %d, %d, %s, %s,", compat, $1.input, connection ? connection : "NULL", $1.stmt_name); dump_variables(argsresult, 1); fputs("ECPGt_EORT);", base_yyout); fprintf(base_yyout, "}"); output_line_number(); free($1.stmt_name); } | ECPGDisconnect { if (connection) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "AT option not allowed in DISCONNECT statement"); fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGdisconnect(__LINE__, %s);", $1 ? $1 : "\"CURRENT\""); whenever_action(2); free($1); } | ECPGExecuteImmediateStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_exec_immediate); } | ECPGFree { const char *con = connection ? connection : "NULL"; if (strcmp($1, "all") == 0) fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGdeallocate_all(__LINE__, %d, %s);", compat, con); else if ($1[0] == ':') fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGdeallocate(__LINE__, %d, %s, %s);", compat, con, $1+1); else fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGdeallocate(__LINE__, %d, %s, \"%s\");", compat, con, $1); whenever_action(2); free($1); } | ECPGGetDescriptor { lookup_descriptor($1.name, connection); output_get_descr($1.name, $1.str); free($1.name); free($1.str); } | ECPGGetDescriptorHeader { lookup_descriptor($1, connection); output_get_descr_header($1); free($1); } | ECPGOpen { struct cursor *ptr; if ((ptr = add_additional_variables($1, true)) != NULL) { connection = ptr->connection ? mm_strdup(ptr->connection) : NULL; output_statement(mm_strdup(ptr->command), 0, ECPGst_normal); ptr->opened = true; } } | ECPGSetAutocommit { fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGsetcommit(__LINE__, \"%s\", %s);", $1, connection ? connection : "NULL"); whenever_action(2); free($1); } | ECPGSetConnection { if (connection) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "AT option not allowed in SET CONNECTION statement"); fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGsetconn(__LINE__, %s);", $1); whenever_action(2); free($1); } | ECPGSetDescriptor { lookup_descriptor($1.name, connection); output_set_descr($1.name, $1.str); free($1.name); free($1.str); } | ECPGSetDescriptorHeader { lookup_descriptor($1, connection); output_set_descr_header($1); free($1); } | ECPGTypedef { if (connection) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "AT option not allowed in TYPE statement"); fprintf(base_yyout, "%s", $1); free($1); output_line_number(); } | ECPGVar { if (connection) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "AT option not allowed in VAR statement"); output_simple_statement($1, 0); } | ECPGWhenever { if (connection) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "AT option not allowed in WHENEVER statement"); output_simple_statement($1, 0); } ECPG: where_or_current_clauseWHERECURRENT_POFcursor_name block { char *cursor_marker = $4[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : $4; $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("where current of"), cursor_marker); } ECPG: CopyStmtCOPYopt_binaryqualified_nameopt_column_listcopy_fromopt_programcopy_file_namecopy_delimiteropt_withcopy_optionswhere_clause addon if (strcmp($6, "from") == 0 && (strcmp($7, "stdin") == 0 || strcmp($7, "stdout") == 0)) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "COPY FROM STDIN is not implemented"); ECPG: var_valueNumericOnly addon if ($1[0] == '$') { free($1); $1 = mm_strdup("$0"); } ECPG: fetch_argscursor_name addon struct cursor *ptr = add_additional_variables($1, false); if (ptr -> connection) connection = mm_strdup(ptr -> connection); if ($1[0] == ':') { free($1); $1 = mm_strdup("$0"); } ECPG: fetch_argsfrom_incursor_name addon struct cursor *ptr = add_additional_variables($2, false); if (ptr -> connection) connection = mm_strdup(ptr -> connection); if ($2[0] == ':') { free($2); $2 = mm_strdup("$0"); } ECPG: fetch_argsNEXTopt_from_incursor_name addon ECPG: fetch_argsPRIORopt_from_incursor_name addon ECPG: fetch_argsFIRST_Popt_from_incursor_name addon ECPG: fetch_argsLAST_Popt_from_incursor_name addon ECPG: fetch_argsALLopt_from_incursor_name addon struct cursor *ptr = add_additional_variables($3, false); if (ptr -> connection) connection = mm_strdup(ptr -> connection); if ($3[0] == ':') { free($3); $3 = mm_strdup("$0"); } ECPG: fetch_argsSignedIconstopt_from_incursor_name addon struct cursor *ptr = add_additional_variables($3, false); if (ptr -> connection) connection = mm_strdup(ptr -> connection); if ($3[0] == ':') { free($3); $3 = mm_strdup("$0"); } if ($1[0] == '$') { free($1); $1 = mm_strdup("$0"); } ECPG: fetch_argsFORWARDALLopt_from_incursor_name addon ECPG: fetch_argsBACKWARDALLopt_from_incursor_name addon struct cursor *ptr = add_additional_variables($4, false); if (ptr -> connection) connection = mm_strdup(ptr -> connection); if ($4[0] == ':') { free($4); $4 = mm_strdup("$0"); } ECPG: fetch_argsABSOLUTE_PSignedIconstopt_from_incursor_name addon ECPG: fetch_argsRELATIVE_PSignedIconstopt_from_incursor_name addon ECPG: fetch_argsFORWARDSignedIconstopt_from_incursor_name addon ECPG: fetch_argsBACKWARDSignedIconstopt_from_incursor_name addon struct cursor *ptr = add_additional_variables($4, false); if (ptr -> connection) connection = mm_strdup(ptr -> connection); if ($4[0] == ':') { free($4); $4 = mm_strdup("$0"); } if ($2[0] == '$') { free($2); $2 = mm_strdup("$0"); } ECPG: cursor_namename rule | char_civar { char *curname = mm_alloc(strlen($1) + 2); sprintf(curname, ":%s", $1); free($1); $1 = curname; $$ = $1; } ECPG: ExplainableStmtExecuteStmt block { $$ = $1.name; } ECPG: PrepareStmtPREPAREprepared_nameprep_type_clauseASPreparableStmt block { $$.name = $2; $$.type = $3; $$.stmt = $5; } | PREPARE prepared_name FROM execstring { $$.name = $2; $$.type = NULL; $$.stmt = $4; } ECPG: ExecuteStmtEXECUTEprepared_nameexecute_param_clauseexecute_rest block { $$.name = $2; $$.type = $3; } ECPG: ExecuteStmtCREATEOptTempTABLEcreate_as_targetASEXECUTEprepared_nameexecute_param_clauseopt_with_dataexecute_rest block { $$.name = cat_str(8,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("table"),$4,mm_strdup("as execute"),$7,$8,$9); } ECPG: ExecuteStmtCREATEOptTempTABLEIF_PNOTEXISTScreate_as_targetASEXECUTEprepared_nameexecute_param_clauseopt_with_dataexecute_rest block { $$.name = cat_str(8,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("table if not exists"),$7,mm_strdup("as execute"),$10,$11,$12); } ECPG: DeclareCursorStmtDECLAREcursor_namecursor_optionsCURSORopt_holdFORSelectStmt block { struct cursor *ptr, *this; char *cursor_marker = $2[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : mm_strdup($2); char *comment, *c1, *c2; int (* strcmp_fn)(const char *, const char *) = (($2[0] == ':' || $2[0] == '"') ? strcmp : pg_strcasecmp); if (INFORMIX_MODE && pg_strcasecmp($2, "database") == 0) mmfatal(PARSE_ERROR, "\"database\" cannot be used as cursor name in INFORMIX mode"); for (ptr = cur; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) { if (strcmp_fn($2, ptr->name) == 0) { if ($2[0] == ':') mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "using variable \"%s\" in different declare statements is not supported", $2+1); else mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "cursor \"%s\" is already defined", $2); } } this = (struct cursor *) mm_alloc(sizeof(struct cursor)); this->next = cur; this->name = $2; this->function = (current_function ? mm_strdup(current_function) : NULL); this->connection = connection ? mm_strdup(connection) : NULL; this->opened = false; this->command = cat_str(7, mm_strdup("declare"), cursor_marker, $3, mm_strdup("cursor"), $5, mm_strdup("for"), $7); this->argsinsert = argsinsert; this->argsinsert_oos = NULL; this->argsresult = argsresult; this->argsresult_oos = NULL; argsinsert = argsresult = NULL; cur = this; c1 = mm_strdup(this->command); if ((c2 = strstr(c1, "*/")) != NULL) { /* We put this text into a comment, so we better remove [*][/]. */ c2[0] = '.'; c2[1] = '.'; } comment = cat_str(3, mm_strdup("/*"), c1, mm_strdup("*/")); $$ = cat2_str(adjust_outofscope_cursor_vars(this), comment); } ECPG: ClosePortalStmtCLOSEcursor_name block { char *cursor_marker = $2[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : $2; struct cursor *ptr = NULL; for (ptr = cur; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr -> next) { if (strcmp($2, ptr -> name) == 0) { if (ptr -> connection) connection = mm_strdup(ptr -> connection); break; } } $$ = cat2_str(mm_strdup("close"), cursor_marker); } ECPG: opt_hold block { if (compat == ECPG_COMPAT_INFORMIX_SE && autocommit) $$ = mm_strdup("with hold"); else $$ = EMPTY; } ECPG: into_clauseINTOOptTempTableName block { FoundInto = 1; $$= cat2_str(mm_strdup("into"), $2); } | ecpg_into { $$ = EMPTY; } ECPG: table_refselect_with_parensopt_alias_clause addon if ($2 == NULL) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "subquery in FROM must have an alias"); ECPG: table_refLATERAL_Pselect_with_parensopt_alias_clause addon if ($3 == NULL) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "subquery in FROM must have an alias"); ECPG: TypenameSimpleTypenameopt_array_bounds block { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2.str); } ECPG: TypenameSETOFSimpleTypenameopt_array_bounds block { $$ = cat_str(3, mm_strdup("setof"), $2, $3.str); } ECPG: opt_array_boundsopt_array_bounds'['']' block { $$.index1 = $1.index1; $$.index2 = $1.index2; if (strcmp($$.index1, "-1") == 0) $$.index1 = mm_strdup("0"); else if (strcmp($1.index2, "-1") == 0) $$.index2 = mm_strdup("0"); $$.str = cat_str(2, $1.str, mm_strdup("[]")); } | opt_array_bounds '[' Iresult ']' { $$.index1 = $1.index1; $$.index2 = $1.index2; if (strcmp($1.index1, "-1") == 0) $$.index1 = mm_strdup($3); else if (strcmp($1.index2, "-1") == 0) $$.index2 = mm_strdup($3); $$.str = cat_str(4, $1.str, mm_strdup("["), $3, mm_strdup("]")); } ECPG: opt_array_bounds { $$.index1 = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.index2 = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.str= EMPTY; } ECPG: IconstICONST block { $$ = make_name(); } ECPG: AexprConstNULL_P rule | civar { $$ = $1; } | civarind { $$ = $1; } ECPG: ColIdcol_name_keyword rule | ECPGKeywords { $$ = $1; } | ECPGCKeywords { $$ = $1; } | CHAR_P { $$ = mm_strdup("char"); } | VALUES { $$ = mm_strdup("values"); } ECPG: type_function_nametype_func_name_keyword rule | ECPGKeywords { $$ = $1; } | ECPGTypeName { $$ = $1; } | ECPGCKeywords { $$ = $1; } ECPG: VariableShowStmtSHOWALL block { mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "SHOW ALL is not implemented"); $$ = EMPTY; } ECPG: FetchStmtMOVEfetch_args rule | FETCH fetch_args ecpg_fetch_into { $$ = cat2_str(mm_strdup("fetch"), $2); } | FETCH FORWARD cursor_name opt_ecpg_fetch_into { char *cursor_marker = $3[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : $3; struct cursor *ptr = add_additional_variables($3, false); if (ptr -> connection) connection = mm_strdup(ptr -> connection); $$ = cat_str(2, mm_strdup("fetch forward"), cursor_marker); } | FETCH FORWARD from_in cursor_name opt_ecpg_fetch_into { char *cursor_marker = $4[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : $4; struct cursor *ptr = add_additional_variables($4, false); if (ptr -> connection) connection = mm_strdup(ptr -> connection); $$ = cat_str(2, mm_strdup("fetch forward from"), cursor_marker); } | FETCH BACKWARD cursor_name opt_ecpg_fetch_into { char *cursor_marker = $3[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : $3; struct cursor *ptr = add_additional_variables($3, false); if (ptr -> connection) connection = mm_strdup(ptr -> connection); $$ = cat_str(2, mm_strdup("fetch backward"), cursor_marker); } | FETCH BACKWARD from_in cursor_name opt_ecpg_fetch_into { char *cursor_marker = $4[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : $4; struct cursor *ptr = add_additional_variables($4, false); if (ptr -> connection) connection = mm_strdup(ptr -> connection); $$ = cat_str(2, mm_strdup("fetch backward from"), cursor_marker); } | MOVE FORWARD cursor_name { char *cursor_marker = $3[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : $3; struct cursor *ptr = add_additional_variables($3, false); if (ptr -> connection) connection = mm_strdup(ptr -> connection); $$ = cat_str(2, mm_strdup("move forward"), cursor_marker); } | MOVE FORWARD from_in cursor_name { char *cursor_marker = $4[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : $4; struct cursor *ptr = add_additional_variables($4, false); if (ptr -> connection) connection = mm_strdup(ptr -> connection); $$ = cat_str(2, mm_strdup("move forward from"), cursor_marker); } | MOVE BACKWARD cursor_name { char *cursor_marker = $3[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : $3; struct cursor *ptr = add_additional_variables($3, false); if (ptr -> connection) connection = mm_strdup(ptr -> connection); $$ = cat_str(2, mm_strdup("move backward"), cursor_marker); } | MOVE BACKWARD from_in cursor_name { char *cursor_marker = $4[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : $4; struct cursor *ptr = add_additional_variables($4, false); if (ptr -> connection) connection = mm_strdup(ptr -> connection); $$ = cat_str(2, mm_strdup("move backward from"), cursor_marker); } ECPG: limit_clauseLIMITselect_limit_value','select_offset_value block { mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "no longer supported LIMIT #,# syntax passed to server"); $$ = cat_str(4, mm_strdup("limit"), $2, mm_strdup(","), $4); } ECPG: SignedIconstIconst rule | civar { $$ = $1; }