# Copyright (c) 2021-2022, PostgreSQL Global Development Group use strict; use warnings; use PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster; use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils; use Test::More; my $tempdir = PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::tempdir; ############################################################### # This structure is based off of the src/bin/pg_dump/t test # suite. ############################################################### # Definition of the pg_dump runs to make. # # Each of these runs are named and those names are used below # to define how each test should (or shouldn't) treat a result # from a given run. # # test_key indicates that a given run should simply use the same # set of like/unlike tests as another run, and which run that is. # # dump_cmd is the pg_dump command to run, which is an array of # the full command and arguments to run. Note that this is run # using $node->command_ok(), so the port does not need to be # specified and is pulled from $PGPORT, which is set by the # PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster system. # # restore_cmd is the pg_restore command to run, if any. Note # that this should generally be used when the pg_dump goes to # a non-text file and that the restore can then be used to # generate a text file to run through the tests from the # non-text file generated by pg_dump. # # TODO: Have pg_restore actually restore to an independent # database and then pg_dump *that* database (or something along # those lines) to validate that part of the process. my %pgdump_runs = ( binary_upgrade => { dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '--no-sync', "--file=$tempdir/binary_upgrade.sql", '--schema-only', '--binary-upgrade', '--dbname=postgres', ], }, clean => { dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', "--file=$tempdir/clean.sql", '-c', '--no-sync', '--dbname=postgres', ], }, clean_if_exists => { dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '--no-sync', "--file=$tempdir/clean_if_exists.sql", '-c', '--if-exists', '--encoding=UTF8', # no-op, just tests that option is accepted 'postgres', ], }, createdb => { dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '--no-sync', "--file=$tempdir/createdb.sql", '-C', '-R', # no-op, just for testing 'postgres', ], }, data_only => { dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '--no-sync', "--file=$tempdir/data_only.sql", '-a', '-v', # no-op, just make sure it works 'postgres', ], }, defaults => { dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '-f', "$tempdir/defaults.sql", 'postgres', ], }, defaults_custom_format => { test_key => 'defaults', dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '--no-sync', '-Fc', '-Z6', "--file=$tempdir/defaults_custom_format.dump", 'postgres', ], restore_cmd => [ 'pg_restore', "--file=$tempdir/defaults_custom_format.sql", "$tempdir/defaults_custom_format.dump", ], }, defaults_dir_format => { test_key => 'defaults', dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '--no-sync', '-Fd', "--file=$tempdir/defaults_dir_format", 'postgres', ], restore_cmd => [ 'pg_restore', "--file=$tempdir/defaults_dir_format.sql", "$tempdir/defaults_dir_format", ], }, defaults_parallel => { test_key => 'defaults', dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '--no-sync', '-Fd', '-j2', "--file=$tempdir/defaults_parallel", 'postgres', ], restore_cmd => [ 'pg_restore', "--file=$tempdir/defaults_parallel.sql", "$tempdir/defaults_parallel", ], }, defaults_tar_format => { test_key => 'defaults', dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '--no-sync', '-Ft', "--file=$tempdir/defaults_tar_format.tar", 'postgres', ], restore_cmd => [ 'pg_restore', "--file=$tempdir/defaults_tar_format.sql", "$tempdir/defaults_tar_format.tar", ], }, exclude_table => { dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '--exclude-table=regress_table_dumpable', "--file=$tempdir/exclude_table.sql", 'postgres', ], }, extension_schema => { dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '--schema=public', "--file=$tempdir/extension_schema.sql", 'postgres', ], }, pg_dumpall_globals => { dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dumpall', '--no-sync', "--file=$tempdir/pg_dumpall_globals.sql", '-g', ], }, no_privs => { dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '--no-sync', "--file=$tempdir/no_privs.sql", '-x', 'postgres', ], }, no_owner => { dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '--no-sync', "--file=$tempdir/no_owner.sql", '-O', 'postgres', ], }, schema_only => { dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '--no-sync', "--file=$tempdir/schema_only.sql", '-s', 'postgres', ], }, section_pre_data => { dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '--no-sync', "--file=$tempdir/section_pre_data.sql", '--section=pre-data', 'postgres', ], }, section_data => { dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '--no-sync', "--file=$tempdir/section_data.sql", '--section=data', 'postgres', ], }, section_post_data => { dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '--no-sync', "--file=$tempdir/section_post_data.sql", '--section=post-data', 'postgres', ], }, with_extension => { dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '--no-sync', "--file=$tempdir/with_extension.sql", '--extension=test_pg_dump', 'postgres', ], }, # plgsql in the list blocks the dump of extension test_pg_dump without_extension => { dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '--no-sync', "--file=$tempdir/without_extension.sql", '--extension=plpgsql', 'postgres', ], }, # plgsql in the list of extensions blocks the dump of extension # test_pg_dump. "public" is the schema used by the extension # test_pg_dump, but none of its objects should be dumped. without_extension_explicit_schema => { dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '--no-sync', "--file=$tempdir/without_extension_explicit_schema.sql", '--extension=plpgsql', '--schema=public', 'postgres', ], }, # plgsql in the list of extensions blocks the dump of extension # test_pg_dump, but not the dump of objects not dependent on the # extension located on a schema maintained by the extension. without_extension_internal_schema => { dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '--no-sync', "--file=$tempdir/without_extension_internal_schema.sql", '--extension=plpgsql', '--schema=regress_pg_dump_schema', 'postgres', ], },); ############################################################### # Definition of the tests to run. # # Each test is defined using the log message that will be used. # # A regexp should be defined for each test which provides the # basis for the test. That regexp will be run against the output # file of each of the runs which the test is to be run against # and the success of the result will depend on if the regexp # result matches the expected 'like' or 'unlike' case. # The runs listed as 'like' will be checked if they match the # regexp and, if so, the test passes. All runs which are not # listed as 'like' will be checked to ensure they don't match # the regexp; if they do, the test will fail. # # The below hashes provide convenience sets of runs. Individual # runs can be excluded from a general hash by placing that run # into the 'unlike' section. # # There can then be a 'create_sql' and 'create_order' for a # given test. The 'create_sql' commands are collected up in # 'create_order' and then run against the database prior to any # of the pg_dump runs happening. This is what "seeds" the # system with objects to be dumped out. # # Building of this hash takes a bit of time as all of the regexps # included in it are compiled. This greatly improves performance # as the regexps are used for each run the test applies to. # Tests which are considered 'full' dumps by pg_dump, but there # are flags used to exclude specific items (ACLs, blobs, etc). my %full_runs = ( binary_upgrade => 1, clean => 1, clean_if_exists => 1, createdb => 1, defaults => 1, exclude_table => 1, no_privs => 1, no_owner => 1, with_extension => 1, without_extension => 1); my %tests = ( 'ALTER EXTENSION test_pg_dump' => { create_order => 9, create_sql => 'ALTER EXTENSION test_pg_dump ADD TABLE regress_pg_dump_table_added;', regexp => qr/^ \QCREATE TABLE public.regress_pg_dump_table_added (\E \n\s+\Qcol1 integer NOT NULL,\E \n\s+\Qcol2 integer\E \n\);\n/xm, like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, }, 'CREATE EXTENSION test_pg_dump' => { create_order => 2, create_sql => 'CREATE EXTENSION test_pg_dump;', regexp => qr/^ \QCREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS test_pg_dump WITH SCHEMA public;\E \n/xm, like => { %full_runs, schema_only => 1, section_pre_data => 1, }, unlike => { binary_upgrade => 1, without_extension => 1 }, }, 'CREATE ROLE regress_dump_test_role' => { create_order => 1, create_sql => 'CREATE ROLE regress_dump_test_role;', regexp => qr/^CREATE ROLE regress_dump_test_role;\n/m, like => { pg_dumpall_globals => 1, }, }, 'GRANT ALTER SYSTEM ON PARAMETER full_page_writes TO regress_dump_test_role' => { create_order => 2, create_sql => 'GRANT ALTER SYSTEM ON PARAMETER full_page_writes TO regress_dump_test_role;', regexp => qr/^GRANT ALTER SYSTEM ON PARAMETER full_page_writes TO regress_dump_test_role;/m, like => { pg_dumpall_globals => 1, }, }, 'GRANT ALL ON PARAMETER Custom.Knob TO regress_dump_test_role WITH GRANT OPTION' => { create_order => 2, create_sql => 'GRANT SET, ALTER SYSTEM ON PARAMETER Custom.Knob TO regress_dump_test_role WITH GRANT OPTION;', regexp => # "set" plus "alter system" is "all" privileges on parameters qr/^GRANT ALL ON PARAMETER "custom.knob" TO regress_dump_test_role WITH GRANT OPTION;/m, like => { pg_dumpall_globals => 1, }, }, 'GRANT ALL ON PARAMETER DateStyle TO regress_dump_test_role' => { create_order => 2, create_sql => 'GRANT ALL ON PARAMETER "DateStyle" TO regress_dump_test_role WITH GRANT OPTION; REVOKE GRANT OPTION FOR ALL ON PARAMETER DateStyle FROM regress_dump_test_role;', regexp => # The revoke simplifies the ultimate grant so as to not include "with grant option" qr/^GRANT ALL ON PARAMETER datestyle TO regress_dump_test_role;/m, like => { pg_dumpall_globals => 1, }, }, 'CREATE SCHEMA public' => { regexp => qr/^CREATE SCHEMA public;/m, like => { extension_schema => 1, without_extension_explicit_schema => 1, }, }, 'CREATE SEQUENCE regress_pg_dump_table_col1_seq' => { regexp => qr/^ \QCREATE SEQUENCE public.regress_pg_dump_table_col1_seq\E \n\s+\QAS integer\E \n\s+\QSTART WITH 1\E \n\s+\QINCREMENT BY 1\E \n\s+\QNO MINVALUE\E \n\s+\QNO MAXVALUE\E \n\s+\QCACHE 1;\E \n/xm, like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, }, 'CREATE TABLE regress_pg_dump_table_added' => { create_order => 7, create_sql => 'CREATE TABLE regress_pg_dump_table_added (col1 int not null, col2 int);', regexp => qr/^ \QCREATE TABLE public.regress_pg_dump_table_added (\E \n\s+\Qcol1 integer NOT NULL,\E \n\s+\Qcol2 integer\E \n\);\n/xm, like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, }, 'CREATE SEQUENCE regress_pg_dump_seq' => { regexp => qr/^ \QCREATE SEQUENCE public.regress_pg_dump_seq\E \n\s+\QSTART WITH 1\E \n\s+\QINCREMENT BY 1\E \n\s+\QNO MINVALUE\E \n\s+\QNO MAXVALUE\E \n\s+\QCACHE 1;\E \n/xm, like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, }, 'SETVAL SEQUENCE regress_seq_dumpable' => { create_order => 6, create_sql => qq{SELECT nextval('regress_seq_dumpable');}, regexp => qr/^ \QSELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.regress_seq_dumpable', 1, true);\E \n/xm, like => { %full_runs, data_only => 1, section_data => 1, extension_schema => 1, }, unlike => { without_extension => 1, }, }, 'CREATE TABLE regress_pg_dump_table' => { regexp => qr/^ \QCREATE TABLE public.regress_pg_dump_table (\E \n\s+\Qcol1 integer NOT NULL,\E \n\s+\Qcol2 integer,\E \n\s+\QCONSTRAINT regress_pg_dump_table_col2_check CHECK ((col2 > 0))\E \n\);\n/xm, like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, }, 'COPY public.regress_table_dumpable (col1)' => { regexp => qr/^ \QCOPY public.regress_table_dumpable (col1) FROM stdin;\E \n/xm, like => { %full_runs, data_only => 1, section_data => 1, extension_schema => 1, }, unlike => { binary_upgrade => 1, exclude_table => 1, without_extension => 1, }, }, 'REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION wgo_then_no_access' => { create_order => 3, create_sql => q{ DO $$BEGIN EXECUTE format( 'REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION wgo_then_no_access() FROM pg_signal_backend, public, %I', (SELECT usename FROM pg_user JOIN pg_proc ON proowner = usesysid WHERE proname = 'wgo_then_no_access')); END$$;}, regexp => qr/^ \QREVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION public.wgo_then_no_access() FROM PUBLIC;\E \n\QREVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION public.wgo_then_no_access() FROM \E.*; \n\QREVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION public.wgo_then_no_access() FROM pg_signal_backend;\E /xm, like => { %full_runs, schema_only => 1, section_pre_data => 1, }, unlike => { no_privs => 1, without_extension => 1, }, }, 'REVOKE GRANT OPTION FOR UPDATE ON SEQUENCE wgo_then_regular' => { create_order => 3, create_sql => 'REVOKE GRANT OPTION FOR UPDATE ON SEQUENCE wgo_then_regular FROM pg_signal_backend;', regexp => qr/^ \QREVOKE ALL ON SEQUENCE public.wgo_then_regular FROM pg_signal_backend;\E \n\QGRANT SELECT,UPDATE ON SEQUENCE public.wgo_then_regular TO pg_signal_backend;\E \n\QGRANT USAGE ON SEQUENCE public.wgo_then_regular TO pg_signal_backend WITH GRANT OPTION;\E /xm, like => { %full_runs, schema_only => 1, section_pre_data => 1, }, unlike => { no_privs => 1, without_extension => 1, }, }, 'CREATE ACCESS METHOD regress_test_am' => { regexp => qr/^ \QCREATE ACCESS METHOD regress_test_am TYPE INDEX HANDLER bthandler;\E \n/xm, like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, }, 'COMMENT ON EXTENSION test_pg_dump' => { regexp => qr/^ \QCOMMENT ON EXTENSION test_pg_dump \E \QIS 'Test pg_dump with an extension';\E \n/xm, like => { %full_runs, schema_only => 1, section_pre_data => 1, }, unlike => { without_extension => 1, }, }, 'GRANT SELECT regress_pg_dump_table_added pre-ALTER EXTENSION' => { create_order => 8, create_sql => 'GRANT SELECT ON regress_pg_dump_table_added TO regress_dump_test_role;', regexp => qr/^ \QGRANT SELECT ON TABLE public.regress_pg_dump_table_added TO regress_dump_test_role;\E \n/xm, like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, }, 'REVOKE SELECT regress_pg_dump_table_added post-ALTER EXTENSION' => { create_order => 10, create_sql => 'REVOKE SELECT ON regress_pg_dump_table_added FROM regress_dump_test_role;', regexp => qr/^ \QREVOKE SELECT ON TABLE public.regress_pg_dump_table_added FROM regress_dump_test_role;\E \n/xm, like => { %full_runs, schema_only => 1, section_pre_data => 1, }, unlike => { no_privs => 1, without_extension => 1, }, }, 'GRANT SELECT ON TABLE regress_pg_dump_table' => { regexp => qr/^ \QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(true);\E\n \QGRANT SELECT ON TABLE public.regress_pg_dump_table TO regress_dump_test_role;\E\n \QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(false);\E \n/xms, like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, }, 'GRANT SELECT(col1) ON regress_pg_dump_table' => { regexp => qr/^ \QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(true);\E\n \QGRANT SELECT(col1) ON TABLE public.regress_pg_dump_table TO PUBLIC;\E\n \QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(false);\E \n/xms, like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, }, 'GRANT SELECT(col2) ON regress_pg_dump_table TO regress_dump_test_role' => { create_order => 4, create_sql => 'GRANT SELECT(col2) ON regress_pg_dump_table TO regress_dump_test_role;', regexp => qr/^ \QGRANT SELECT(col2) ON TABLE public.regress_pg_dump_table TO regress_dump_test_role;\E \n/xm, like => { %full_runs, schema_only => 1, section_pre_data => 1, }, unlike => { no_privs => 1, without_extension => 1 }, }, 'GRANT USAGE ON regress_pg_dump_table_col1_seq TO regress_dump_test_role' => { create_order => 5, create_sql => 'GRANT USAGE ON SEQUENCE regress_pg_dump_table_col1_seq TO regress_dump_test_role;', regexp => qr/^ \QGRANT USAGE ON SEQUENCE public.regress_pg_dump_table_col1_seq TO regress_dump_test_role;\E \n/xm, like => { %full_runs, schema_only => 1, section_pre_data => 1, }, unlike => { no_privs => 1, without_extension => 1, }, }, 'GRANT USAGE ON regress_pg_dump_seq TO regress_dump_test_role' => { regexp => qr/^ \QGRANT USAGE ON SEQUENCE public.regress_pg_dump_seq TO regress_dump_test_role;\E \n/xm, like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, }, 'REVOKE SELECT(col1) ON regress_pg_dump_table' => { create_order => 3, create_sql => 'REVOKE SELECT(col1) ON regress_pg_dump_table FROM PUBLIC;', regexp => qr/^ \QREVOKE SELECT(col1) ON TABLE public.regress_pg_dump_table FROM PUBLIC;\E \n/xm, like => { %full_runs, schema_only => 1, section_pre_data => 1, }, unlike => { no_privs => 1, without_extension => 1, }, }, # Objects included in extension part of a schema created by this extension */ 'CREATE TABLE regress_pg_dump_schema.test_table' => { regexp => qr/^ \QCREATE TABLE regress_pg_dump_schema.test_table (\E \n\s+\Qcol1 integer,\E \n\s+\Qcol2 integer,\E \n\s+\QCONSTRAINT test_table_col2_check CHECK ((col2 > 0))\E \n\);\n/xm, like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, }, 'GRANT SELECT ON regress_pg_dump_schema.test_table' => { regexp => qr/^ \QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(true);\E\n \QGRANT SELECT ON TABLE regress_pg_dump_schema.test_table TO regress_dump_test_role;\E\n \QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(false);\E \n/xms, like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, }, 'CREATE SEQUENCE regress_pg_dump_schema.test_seq' => { regexp => qr/^ \QCREATE SEQUENCE regress_pg_dump_schema.test_seq\E \n\s+\QSTART WITH 1\E \n\s+\QINCREMENT BY 1\E \n\s+\QNO MINVALUE\E \n\s+\QNO MAXVALUE\E \n\s+\QCACHE 1;\E \n/xm, like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, }, 'GRANT USAGE ON regress_pg_dump_schema.test_seq' => { regexp => qr/^ \QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(true);\E\n \QGRANT USAGE ON SEQUENCE regress_pg_dump_schema.test_seq TO regress_dump_test_role;\E\n \QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(false);\E \n/xms, like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, }, 'CREATE TYPE regress_pg_dump_schema.test_type' => { regexp => qr/^ \QCREATE TYPE regress_pg_dump_schema.test_type AS (\E \n\s+\Qcol1 integer\E \n\);\n/xm, like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, }, 'GRANT USAGE ON regress_pg_dump_schema.test_type' => { regexp => qr/^ \QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(true);\E\n \QGRANT ALL ON TYPE regress_pg_dump_schema.test_type TO regress_dump_test_role;\E\n \QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(false);\E \n/xms, like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, }, 'CREATE FUNCTION regress_pg_dump_schema.test_func' => { regexp => qr/^ \QCREATE FUNCTION regress_pg_dump_schema.test_func() RETURNS integer\E \n\s+\QLANGUAGE sql\E \n/xm, like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, }, 'GRANT ALL ON regress_pg_dump_schema.test_func' => { regexp => qr/^ \QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(true);\E\n \QGRANT ALL ON FUNCTION regress_pg_dump_schema.test_func() TO regress_dump_test_role;\E\n \QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(false);\E \n/xms, like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, }, 'CREATE AGGREGATE regress_pg_dump_schema.test_agg' => { regexp => qr/^ \QCREATE AGGREGATE regress_pg_dump_schema.test_agg(smallint) (\E \n\s+\QSFUNC = int2_sum,\E \n\s+\QSTYPE = bigint\E \n\);\n/xm, like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, }, 'GRANT ALL ON regress_pg_dump_schema.test_agg' => { regexp => qr/^ \QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(true);\E\n \QGRANT ALL ON FUNCTION regress_pg_dump_schema.test_agg(smallint) TO regress_dump_test_role;\E\n \QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(false);\E \n/xms, like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, }, 'ALTER INDEX pkey DEPENDS ON extension' => { create_order => 11, create_sql => 'CREATE TABLE regress_pg_dump_schema.extdependtab (col1 integer primary key, col2 int); CREATE INDEX ON regress_pg_dump_schema.extdependtab (col2); ALTER INDEX regress_pg_dump_schema.extdependtab_col2_idx DEPENDS ON EXTENSION test_pg_dump; ALTER INDEX regress_pg_dump_schema.extdependtab_pkey DEPENDS ON EXTENSION test_pg_dump;', regexp => qr/^ \QALTER INDEX regress_pg_dump_schema.extdependtab_pkey DEPENDS ON EXTENSION test_pg_dump;\E\n /xms, like => {%pgdump_runs}, unlike => { data_only => 1, extension_schema => 1, pg_dumpall_globals => 1, section_data => 1, section_pre_data => 1, # Excludes this schema as extension is not listed. without_extension_explicit_schema => 1, }, }, 'ALTER INDEX idx DEPENDS ON extension' => { regexp => qr/^ \QALTER INDEX regress_pg_dump_schema.extdependtab_col2_idx DEPENDS ON EXTENSION test_pg_dump;\E\n /xms, like => {%pgdump_runs}, unlike => { data_only => 1, extension_schema => 1, pg_dumpall_globals => 1, section_data => 1, section_pre_data => 1, # Excludes this schema as extension is not listed. without_extension_explicit_schema => 1, }, }, # Objects not included in extension, part of schema created by extension 'CREATE TABLE regress_pg_dump_schema.external_tab' => { create_order => 4, create_sql => 'CREATE TABLE regress_pg_dump_schema.external_tab (col1 int);', regexp => qr/^ \QCREATE TABLE regress_pg_dump_schema.external_tab (\E \n\s+\Qcol1 integer\E \n\);\n/xm, like => { %full_runs, schema_only => 1, section_pre_data => 1, # Excludes the extension and keeps the schema's data. without_extension_internal_schema => 1, }, },); ######################################### # Create a PG instance to test actually dumping from my $node = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('main'); $node->init; $node->start; my $port = $node->port; ######################################### # Set up schemas, tables, etc, to be dumped. # Build up the create statements my $create_sql = ''; foreach my $test ( sort { if ($tests{$a}->{create_order} and $tests{$b}->{create_order}) { $tests{$a}->{create_order} <=> $tests{$b}->{create_order}; } elsif ($tests{$a}->{create_order}) { -1; } elsif ($tests{$b}->{create_order}) { 1; } else { 0; } } keys %tests) { if ($tests{$test}->{create_sql}) { $create_sql .= $tests{$test}->{create_sql}; } } # Send the combined set of commands to psql $node->safe_psql('postgres', $create_sql); ######################################### # Run all runs foreach my $run (sort keys %pgdump_runs) { my $test_key = $run; $node->command_ok(\@{ $pgdump_runs{$run}->{dump_cmd} }, "$run: pg_dump runs"); if ($pgdump_runs{$run}->{restore_cmd}) { $node->command_ok(\@{ $pgdump_runs{$run}->{restore_cmd} }, "$run: pg_restore runs"); } if ($pgdump_runs{$run}->{test_key}) { $test_key = $pgdump_runs{$run}->{test_key}; } my $output_file = slurp_file("$tempdir/${run}.sql"); ######################################### # Run all tests where this run is included # as either a 'like' or 'unlike' test. foreach my $test (sort keys %tests) { # Run the test listed as a like, unless it is specifically noted # as an unlike (generally due to an explicit exclusion or similar). if ($tests{$test}->{like}->{$test_key} && !defined($tests{$test}->{unlike}->{$test_key})) { if (!ok($output_file =~ $tests{$test}->{regexp}, "$run: should dump $test")) { diag("Review $run results in $tempdir"); } } else { if (!ok($output_file !~ $tests{$test}->{regexp}, "$run: should not dump $test")) { diag("Review $run results in $tempdir"); } } } } ######################################### # Stop the database instance, which will be removed at the end of the tests. $node->stop('fast'); done_testing();