path: root/src/test/regress/expected/copy2.out
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 780 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/copy2.out b/src/test/regress/expected/copy2.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faf1a4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/copy2.out
@@ -0,0 +1,780 @@
+ a serial,
+ b int,
+ c text not null default 'stuff',
+ d text,
+ e text
+) ;
+ NEW.e := ''before trigger fired''::text;
+ return NEW;
+ END;
+' LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+ UPDATE x set e=''after trigger fired'' where c=''stuff'';
+ return NULL;
+ END;
+' LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+COPY x (a, b, c, d, e) from stdin;
+COPY x (b, d) from stdin;
+COPY x (b, d) from stdin;
+COPY x (a, b, c, d, e) from stdin;
+-- non-existent column in column list: should fail
+COPY x (xyz) from stdin;
+ERROR: column "xyz" of relation "x" does not exist
+-- redundant options
+COPY x from stdin (format CSV, FORMAT CSV);
+ERROR: conflicting or redundant options
+LINE 1: COPY x from stdin (format CSV, FORMAT CSV);
+ ^
+COPY x from stdin (freeze off, freeze on);
+ERROR: conflicting or redundant options
+LINE 1: COPY x from stdin (freeze off, freeze on);
+ ^
+COPY x from stdin (delimiter ',', delimiter ',');
+ERROR: conflicting or redundant options
+LINE 1: COPY x from stdin (delimiter ',', delimiter ',');
+ ^
+COPY x from stdin (null ' ', null ' ');
+ERROR: conflicting or redundant options
+LINE 1: COPY x from stdin (null ' ', null ' ');
+ ^
+COPY x from stdin (header off, header on);
+ERROR: conflicting or redundant options
+LINE 1: COPY x from stdin (header off, header on);
+ ^
+COPY x from stdin (quote ':', quote ':');
+ERROR: conflicting or redundant options
+LINE 1: COPY x from stdin (quote ':', quote ':');
+ ^
+COPY x from stdin (escape ':', escape ':');
+ERROR: conflicting or redundant options
+LINE 1: COPY x from stdin (escape ':', escape ':');
+ ^
+COPY x from stdin (force_quote (a), force_quote *);
+ERROR: conflicting or redundant options
+LINE 1: COPY x from stdin (force_quote (a), force_quote *);
+ ^
+COPY x from stdin (force_not_null (a), force_not_null (b));
+ERROR: conflicting or redundant options
+LINE 1: COPY x from stdin (force_not_null (a), force_not_null (b));
+ ^
+COPY x from stdin (force_null (a), force_null (b));
+ERROR: conflicting or redundant options
+LINE 1: COPY x from stdin (force_null (a), force_null (b));
+ ^
+COPY x from stdin (convert_selectively (a), convert_selectively (b));
+ERROR: conflicting or redundant options
+LINE 1: COPY x from stdin (convert_selectively (a), convert_selectiv...
+ ^
+COPY x from stdin (encoding 'sql_ascii', encoding 'sql_ascii');
+ERROR: conflicting or redundant options
+LINE 1: COPY x from stdin (encoding 'sql_ascii', encoding 'sql_ascii...
+ ^
+-- incorrect options
+COPY x to stdin (format BINARY, delimiter ',');
+ERROR: cannot specify DELIMITER in BINARY mode
+COPY x to stdin (format BINARY, null 'x');
+ERROR: cannot specify NULL in BINARY mode
+COPY x to stdin (format TEXT, force_quote(a));
+ERROR: COPY force quote available only in CSV mode
+COPY x from stdin (format CSV, force_quote(a));
+ERROR: COPY force quote only available using COPY TO
+COPY x to stdout (format TEXT, force_not_null(a));
+ERROR: COPY force not null available only in CSV mode
+COPY x to stdin (format CSV, force_not_null(a));
+ERROR: COPY force not null only available using COPY FROM
+COPY x to stdout (format TEXT, force_null(a));
+ERROR: COPY force null available only in CSV mode
+COPY x to stdin (format CSV, force_null(a));
+ERROR: COPY force null only available using COPY FROM
+-- too many columns in column list: should fail
+COPY x (a, b, c, d, e, d, c) from stdin;
+ERROR: column "d" specified more than once
+-- missing data: should fail
+COPY x from stdin;
+ERROR: invalid input syntax for type integer: ""
+CONTEXT: COPY x, line 1, column a: ""
+COPY x from stdin;
+ERROR: missing data for column "e"
+CONTEXT: COPY x, line 1: "2000 230 23 23"
+COPY x from stdin;
+ERROR: missing data for column "e"
+CONTEXT: COPY x, line 1: "2001 231 \N \N"
+-- extra data: should fail
+COPY x from stdin;
+ERROR: extra data after last expected column
+CONTEXT: COPY x, line 1: "2002 232 40 50 60 70 80"
+-- various COPY options: delimiters, oids, NULL string, encoding
+COPY x (b, c, d, e) from stdin delimiter ',' null 'x';
+COPY x from stdin WITH DELIMITER AS ';' NULL AS '';
+COPY x from stdin WITH DELIMITER AS ':' NULL AS E'\\X' ENCODING 'sql_ascii';
+COPY x TO stdout WHERE a = 1;
+ERROR: WHERE clause not allowed with COPY TO
+LINE 1: COPY x TO stdout WHERE a = 1;
+ ^
+COPY x from stdin WHERE a = 50004;
+COPY x from stdin WHERE a > 60003;
+COPY x from stdin WHERE f > 60003;
+ERROR: column "f" does not exist
+LINE 1: COPY x from stdin WHERE f > 60003;
+ ^
+COPY x from stdin WHERE a = max(x.b);
+ERROR: aggregate functions are not allowed in COPY FROM WHERE conditions
+LINE 1: COPY x from stdin WHERE a = max(x.b);
+ ^
+COPY x from stdin WHERE a IN (SELECT 1 FROM x);
+ERROR: cannot use subquery in COPY FROM WHERE condition
+LINE 1: COPY x from stdin WHERE a IN (SELECT 1 FROM x);
+ ^
+COPY x from stdin WHERE a IN (generate_series(1,5));
+ERROR: set-returning functions are not allowed in COPY FROM WHERE conditions
+LINE 1: COPY x from stdin WHERE a IN (generate_series(1,5));
+ ^
+COPY x from stdin WHERE a = row_number() over(b);
+ERROR: window functions are not allowed in COPY FROM WHERE conditions
+LINE 1: COPY x from stdin WHERE a = row_number() over(b);
+ ^
+-- check results of copy in
+ a | b | c | d | e
+ 9999 | | \N | NN | before trigger fired
+ 10000 | 21 | 31 | 41 | before trigger fired
+ 10001 | 22 | 32 | 42 | before trigger fired
+ 10002 | 23 | 33 | 43 | before trigger fired
+ 10003 | 24 | 34 | 44 | before trigger fired
+ 10004 | 25 | 35 | 45 | before trigger fired
+ 10005 | 26 | 36 | 46 | before trigger fired
+ 6 | | 45 | 80 | before trigger fired
+ 7 | | x | \x | before trigger fired
+ 8 | | , | \, | before trigger fired
+ 3000 | | c | | before trigger fired
+ 4000 | | C | | before trigger fired
+ 4001 | 1 | empty | | before trigger fired
+ 4002 | 2 | null | | before trigger fired
+ 4003 | 3 | Backslash | \ | before trigger fired
+ 4004 | 4 | BackslashX | \X | before trigger fired
+ 4005 | 5 | N | N | before trigger fired
+ 4006 | 6 | BackslashN | \N | before trigger fired
+ 4007 | 7 | XX | XX | before trigger fired
+ 4008 | 8 | Delimiter | : | before trigger fired
+ 50004 | 25 | 35 | 45 | before trigger fired
+ 60004 | 25 | 35 | 45 | before trigger fired
+ 60005 | 26 | 36 | 46 | before trigger fired
+ 1 | 1 | stuff | test_1 | after trigger fired
+ 2 | 2 | stuff | test_2 | after trigger fired
+ 3 | 3 | stuff | test_3 | after trigger fired
+ 4 | 4 | stuff | test_4 | after trigger fired
+ 5 | 5 | stuff | test_5 | after trigger fired
+(28 rows)
+-- check copy out
+COPY x TO stdout;
+9999 \N \\N NN before trigger fired
+10000 21 31 41 before trigger fired
+10001 22 32 42 before trigger fired
+10002 23 33 43 before trigger fired
+10003 24 34 44 before trigger fired
+10004 25 35 45 before trigger fired
+10005 26 36 46 before trigger fired
+6 \N 45 80 before trigger fired
+7 \N x \\x before trigger fired
+8 \N , \\, before trigger fired
+3000 \N c \N before trigger fired
+4000 \N C \N before trigger fired
+4001 1 empty before trigger fired
+4002 2 null \N before trigger fired
+4003 3 Backslash \\ before trigger fired
+4004 4 BackslashX \\X before trigger fired
+4005 5 N N before trigger fired
+4006 6 BackslashN \\N before trigger fired
+4007 7 XX XX before trigger fired
+4008 8 Delimiter : before trigger fired
+50004 25 35 45 before trigger fired
+60004 25 35 45 before trigger fired
+60005 26 36 46 before trigger fired
+1 1 stuff test_1 after trigger fired
+2 2 stuff test_2 after trigger fired
+3 3 stuff test_3 after trigger fired
+4 4 stuff test_4 after trigger fired
+5 5 stuff test_5 after trigger fired
+COPY x (c, e) TO stdout;
+\\N before trigger fired
+31 before trigger fired
+32 before trigger fired
+33 before trigger fired
+34 before trigger fired
+35 before trigger fired
+36 before trigger fired
+45 before trigger fired
+x before trigger fired
+, before trigger fired
+c before trigger fired
+C before trigger fired
+empty before trigger fired
+null before trigger fired
+Backslash before trigger fired
+BackslashX before trigger fired
+N before trigger fired
+BackslashN before trigger fired
+XX before trigger fired
+Delimiter before trigger fired
+35 before trigger fired
+35 before trigger fired
+36 before trigger fired
+stuff after trigger fired
+stuff after trigger fired
+stuff after trigger fired
+stuff after trigger fired
+stuff after trigger fired
+COPY x (b, e) TO stdout WITH NULL 'I''m null';
+I'm null before trigger fired
+21 before trigger fired
+22 before trigger fired
+23 before trigger fired
+24 before trigger fired
+25 before trigger fired
+26 before trigger fired
+I'm null before trigger fired
+I'm null before trigger fired
+I'm null before trigger fired
+I'm null before trigger fired
+I'm null before trigger fired
+1 before trigger fired
+2 before trigger fired
+3 before trigger fired
+4 before trigger fired
+5 before trigger fired
+6 before trigger fired
+7 before trigger fired
+8 before trigger fired
+25 before trigger fired
+25 before trigger fired
+26 before trigger fired
+1 after trigger fired
+2 after trigger fired
+3 after trigger fired
+4 after trigger fired
+5 after trigger fired
+ col1 text,
+ col2 text
+INSERT INTO y VALUES ('Jackson, Sam', E'\\h');
+INSERT INTO y VALUES ('It is "perfect".',E'\t');
+COPY y TO stdout WITH CSV;
+"Jackson, Sam",\h
+"It is ""perfect"".",
+Jackson, Sam|\h
+It is "perfect".|
+COPY y TO stdout WITH CSV FORCE QUOTE col2 ESCAPE E'\\' ENCODING 'sql_ascii';
+"Jackson, Sam","\\h"
+"It is \"perfect\"."," "
+"Jackson, Sam","\h"
+"It is ""perfect""."," "
+-- Repeat above tests with new 9.0 option syntax
+COPY y TO stdout (FORMAT CSV);
+"Jackson, Sam",\h
+"It is ""perfect"".",
+COPY y TO stdout (FORMAT CSV, QUOTE '''', DELIMITER '|');
+Jackson, Sam|\h
+It is "perfect".|
+COPY y TO stdout (FORMAT CSV, FORCE_QUOTE (col2), ESCAPE E'\\');
+"Jackson, Sam","\\h"
+"It is \"perfect\"."," "
+"Jackson, Sam","\h"
+"It is ""perfect""."," "
+\copy y TO stdout (FORMAT CSV)
+"Jackson, Sam",\h
+"It is ""perfect"".",
+\copy y TO stdout (FORMAT CSV, QUOTE '''', DELIMITER '|')
+Jackson, Sam|\h
+It is "perfect".|
+\copy y TO stdout (FORMAT CSV, FORCE_QUOTE (col2), ESCAPE E'\\')
+"Jackson, Sam","\\h"
+"It is \"perfect\"."," "
+\copy y TO stdout (FORMAT CSV, FORCE_QUOTE *)
+"Jackson, Sam","\h"
+"It is ""perfect""."," "
+--test that we read consecutive LFs properly
+CREATE TEMP TABLE testnl (a int, b text, c int);
+COPY testnl FROM stdin CSV;
+-- test end of copy marker
+CREATE TEMP TABLE testeoc (a text);
+COPY testeoc FROM stdin CSV;
+COPY testeoc TO stdout CSV;
+-- test handling of nonstandard null marker that violates escaping rules
+CREATE TEMP TABLE testnull(a int, b text);
+INSERT INTO testnull VALUES (1, E'\\0'), (NULL, NULL);
+COPY testnull TO stdout WITH NULL AS E'\\0';
+1 \\0
+\0 \0
+COPY testnull FROM stdin WITH NULL AS E'\\0';
+SELECT * FROM testnull;
+ a | b
+ 1 | \0
+ |
+ 42 | \0
+ |
+(4 rows)
+CREATE TABLE vistest (LIKE testeoc);
+COPY vistest FROM stdin CSV;
+SELECT * FROM vistest;
+ a
+ a0
+ b
+(2 rows)
+TRUNCATE vistest;
+COPY vistest FROM stdin CSV;
+SELECT * FROM vistest;
+ a
+ a1
+ b
+(2 rows)
+TRUNCATE vistest;
+COPY vistest FROM stdin CSV;
+SELECT * FROM vistest;
+ a
+ d1
+ e
+(2 rows)
+SELECT * FROM vistest;
+ a
+ d1
+ e
+(2 rows)
+TRUNCATE vistest;
+COPY vistest FROM stdin CSV FREEZE;
+SELECT * FROM vistest;
+ a
+ a2
+ b
+(2 rows)
+TRUNCATE vistest;
+COPY vistest FROM stdin CSV FREEZE;
+SELECT * FROM vistest;
+ a
+ d2
+ e
+(2 rows)
+SELECT * FROM vistest;
+ a
+ d2
+ e
+(2 rows)
+TRUNCATE vistest;
+COPY vistest FROM stdin CSV FREEZE;
+SELECT * FROM vistest;
+ a
+ x
+ y
+(2 rows)
+TRUNCATE vistest;
+COPY vistest FROM stdin CSV FREEZE;
+ERROR: cannot perform COPY FREEZE because the table was not created or truncated in the current subtransaction
+TRUNCATE vistest;
+COPY vistest FROM stdin CSV FREEZE;
+ERROR: cannot perform COPY FREEZE because the table was not created or truncated in the current subtransaction
+INSERT INTO vistest VALUES ('z');
+TRUNCATE vistest;
+COPY vistest FROM stdin CSV FREEZE;
+ERROR: cannot perform COPY FREEZE because the table was not created or truncated in the current subtransaction
+CREATE FUNCTION truncate_in_subxact() RETURNS VOID AS
+ TRUNCATE vistest;
+ INSERT INTO vistest VALUES ('subxact failure');
+$$ language plpgsql;
+INSERT INTO vistest VALUES ('z');
+SELECT truncate_in_subxact();
+ truncate_in_subxact
+(1 row)
+COPY vistest FROM stdin CSV FREEZE;
+SELECT * FROM vistest;
+ a
+ d4
+ e
+(2 rows)
+SELECT * FROM vistest;
+ a
+ d4
+ e
+(2 rows)
+-- Test FORCE_NOT_NULL and FORCE_NULL options
+CREATE TEMP TABLE forcetest (
+ c TEXT,
+ d TEXT,
+ e TEXT
+\pset null NULL
+-- should succeed with no effect ("b" remains an empty string, "c" remains NULL)
+COPY forcetest (a, b, c) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv, FORCE_NOT_NULL(b), FORCE_NULL(c));
+SELECT b, c FROM forcetest WHERE a = 1;
+ b | c
+ | NULL
+(1 row)
+-- should succeed, FORCE_NULL and FORCE_NOT_NULL can be both specified
+COPY forcetest (a, b, c, d) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv, FORCE_NOT_NULL(c,d), FORCE_NULL(c,d));
+SELECT c, d FROM forcetest WHERE a = 2;
+ c | d
+ | NULL
+(1 row)
+-- should fail with not-null constraint violation
+COPY forcetest (a, b, c) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv, FORCE_NULL(b), FORCE_NOT_NULL(c));
+ERROR: null value in column "b" of relation "forcetest" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (3, null, , null, null).
+CONTEXT: COPY forcetest, line 1: "3,,"""
+-- should fail with "not referenced by COPY" error
+COPY forcetest (d, e) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv, FORCE_NOT_NULL(b));
+ERROR: FORCE_NOT_NULL column "b" not referenced by COPY
+-- should fail with "not referenced by COPY" error
+COPY forcetest (d, e) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv, FORCE_NULL(b));
+ERROR: FORCE_NULL column "b" not referenced by COPY
+\pset null ''
+-- test case with whole-row Var in a check constraint
+create table check_con_tbl (f1 int);
+create function check_con_function(check_con_tbl) returns bool as $$
+ raise notice 'input = %', row_to_json($1);
+ return $1.f1 > 0;
+end $$ language plpgsql immutable;
+alter table check_con_tbl add check (check_con_function(check_con_tbl.*));
+\d+ check_con_tbl
+ Table "public.check_con_tbl"
+ Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
+ f1 | integer | | | | plain | |
+Check constraints:
+ "check_con_tbl_check" CHECK (check_con_function(check_con_tbl.*))
+copy check_con_tbl from stdin;
+NOTICE: input = {"f1":1}
+NOTICE: input = {"f1":null}
+copy check_con_tbl from stdin;
+NOTICE: input = {"f1":0}
+ERROR: new row for relation "check_con_tbl" violates check constraint "check_con_tbl_check"
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (0).
+CONTEXT: COPY check_con_tbl, line 1: "0"
+select * from check_con_tbl;
+ f1
+ 1
+(2 rows)
+-- test with RLS enabled.
+CREATE ROLE regress_rls_copy_user;
+CREATE ROLE regress_rls_copy_user_colperms;
+CREATE TABLE rls_t1 (a int, b int, c int);
+COPY rls_t1 (a, b, c) from stdin;
+CREATE POLICY p1 ON rls_t1 FOR SELECT USING (a % 2 = 0);
+GRANT SELECT ON TABLE rls_t1 TO regress_rls_copy_user;
+GRANT SELECT (a, b) ON TABLE rls_t1 TO regress_rls_copy_user_colperms;
+-- all columns
+COPY rls_t1 TO stdout;
+1 4 1
+2 3 2
+3 2 3
+4 1 4
+COPY rls_t1 (a, b, c) TO stdout;
+1 4 1
+2 3 2
+3 2 3
+4 1 4
+-- subset of columns
+COPY rls_t1 (a) TO stdout;
+COPY rls_t1 (a, b) TO stdout;
+1 4
+2 3
+3 2
+4 1
+-- column reordering
+COPY rls_t1 (b, a) TO stdout;
+4 1
+3 2
+2 3
+1 4
+SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_rls_copy_user;
+-- all columns
+COPY rls_t1 TO stdout;
+2 3 2
+4 1 4
+COPY rls_t1 (a, b, c) TO stdout;
+2 3 2
+4 1 4
+-- subset of columns
+COPY rls_t1 (a) TO stdout;
+COPY rls_t1 (a, b) TO stdout;
+2 3
+4 1
+-- column reordering
+COPY rls_t1 (b, a) TO stdout;
+3 2
+1 4
+SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_rls_copy_user_colperms;
+-- attempt all columns (should fail)
+COPY rls_t1 TO stdout;
+ERROR: permission denied for table rls_t1
+COPY rls_t1 (a, b, c) TO stdout;
+ERROR: permission denied for table rls_t1
+-- try to copy column with no privileges (should fail)
+COPY rls_t1 (c) TO stdout;
+ERROR: permission denied for table rls_t1
+-- subset of columns (should succeed)
+COPY rls_t1 (a) TO stdout;
+COPY rls_t1 (a, b) TO stdout;
+2 3
+4 1
+-- test with INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger on a view
+CREATE TABLE instead_of_insert_tbl(id serial, name text);
+CREATE VIEW instead_of_insert_tbl_view AS SELECT ''::text AS str;
+COPY instead_of_insert_tbl_view FROM stdin; -- fail
+ERROR: cannot copy to view "instead_of_insert_tbl_view"
+HINT: To enable copying to a view, provide an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger.
+CREATE FUNCTION fun_instead_of_insert_tbl() RETURNS trigger AS $$
+ INSERT INTO instead_of_insert_tbl (name) VALUES (NEW.str);
+$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+CREATE TRIGGER trig_instead_of_insert_tbl_view
+ INSTEAD OF INSERT ON instead_of_insert_tbl_view
+ FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fun_instead_of_insert_tbl();
+COPY instead_of_insert_tbl_view FROM stdin;
+SELECT * FROM instead_of_insert_tbl;
+ id | name
+ 1 | test1
+(1 row)
+-- Test of COPY optimization with view using INSTEAD OF INSERT
+-- trigger when relation is created in the same transaction as
+-- when COPY is executed.
+CREATE VIEW instead_of_insert_tbl_view_2 as select ''::text as str;
+CREATE TRIGGER trig_instead_of_insert_tbl_view_2
+ INSTEAD OF INSERT ON instead_of_insert_tbl_view_2
+ FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fun_instead_of_insert_tbl();
+COPY instead_of_insert_tbl_view_2 FROM stdin;
+SELECT * FROM instead_of_insert_tbl;
+ id | name
+ 1 | test1
+ 2 | test1
+(2 rows)
+-- clean up
+DROP TABLE forcetest;
+DROP TABLE vistest;
+DROP FUNCTION truncate_in_subxact();
+DROP ROLE regress_rls_copy_user;
+DROP ROLE regress_rls_copy_user_colperms;
+DROP FUNCTION fn_x_before();
+DROP FUNCTION fn_x_after();
+DROP TABLE instead_of_insert_tbl;
+DROP VIEW instead_of_insert_tbl_view;
+DROP VIEW instead_of_insert_tbl_view_2;
+DROP FUNCTION fun_instead_of_insert_tbl();
+create temp table copy_default (
+ id integer primary key,
+ text_value text not null default 'test',
+ ts_value timestamp without time zone not null default '2022-07-05'
+-- if DEFAULT is not specified, then the marker will be regular data
+copy copy_default from stdin;
+select id, text_value, ts_value from copy_default;
+ id | text_value | ts_value
+ 1 | value | Mon Jul 04 00:00:00 2022
+ 2 | D | Tue Jul 05 00:00:00 2022
+(2 rows)
+truncate copy_default;
+copy copy_default from stdin with (format csv);
+select id, text_value, ts_value from copy_default;
+ id | text_value | ts_value
+ 1 | value | Mon Jul 04 00:00:00 2022
+ 2 | \D | Tue Jul 05 00:00:00 2022
+(2 rows)
+truncate copy_default;
+-- DEFAULT cannot be used in binary mode
+copy copy_default from stdin with (format binary, default '\D');
+ERROR: cannot specify DEFAULT in BINARY mode
+-- DEFAULT cannot be new line nor carriage return
+copy copy_default from stdin with (default E'\n');
+ERROR: COPY default representation cannot use newline or carriage return
+copy copy_default from stdin with (default E'\r');
+ERROR: COPY default representation cannot use newline or carriage return
+-- DELIMITER cannot appear in DEFAULT spec
+copy copy_default from stdin with (delimiter ';', default 'test;test');
+ERROR: COPY delimiter must not appear in the DEFAULT specification
+-- CSV quote cannot appear in DEFAULT spec
+copy copy_default from stdin with (format csv, quote '"', default 'test"test');
+ERROR: CSV quote character must not appear in the DEFAULT specification
+-- NULL and DEFAULT spec must be different
+copy copy_default from stdin with (default '\N');
+ERROR: NULL specification and DEFAULT specification cannot be the same
+-- cannot use DEFAULT marker in column that has no DEFAULT value
+copy copy_default from stdin with (default '\D');
+ERROR: unexpected default marker in COPY data
+DETAIL: Column "id" has no default value.
+CONTEXT: COPY copy_default, line 1: "\D value '2022-07-04'"
+copy copy_default from stdin with (format csv, default '\D');
+ERROR: unexpected default marker in COPY data
+DETAIL: Column "id" has no default value.
+CONTEXT: COPY copy_default, line 1: "\D,value,2022-07-04"
+-- The DEFAULT marker must be unquoted and unescaped or it's not recognized
+copy copy_default from stdin with (default '\D');
+select id, text_value, ts_value from copy_default;
+ id | text_value | ts_value
+ 1 | test | Mon Jul 04 00:00:00 2022
+ 2 | \D | Mon Jul 04 00:00:00 2022
+ 3 | "D" | Mon Jul 04 00:00:00 2022
+(3 rows)
+truncate copy_default;
+copy copy_default from stdin with (format csv, default '\D');
+select id, text_value, ts_value from copy_default;
+ id | text_value | ts_value
+ 1 | test | Mon Jul 04 00:00:00 2022
+ 2 | \\D | Mon Jul 04 00:00:00 2022
+ 3 | \D | Mon Jul 04 00:00:00 2022
+(3 rows)
+truncate copy_default;
+-- successful usage of DEFAULT option in COPY
+copy copy_default from stdin with (default '\D');
+select id, text_value, ts_value from copy_default;
+ id | text_value | ts_value
+ 1 | value | Mon Jul 04 00:00:00 2022
+ 2 | test | Sun Jul 03 00:00:00 2022
+ 3 | test | Tue Jul 05 00:00:00 2022
+(3 rows)
+truncate copy_default;
+copy copy_default from stdin with (format csv, default '\D');
+select id, text_value, ts_value from copy_default;
+ id | text_value | ts_value
+ 1 | value | Mon Jul 04 00:00:00 2022
+ 2 | test | Sun Jul 03 00:00:00 2022
+ 3 | test | Tue Jul 05 00:00:00 2022
+(3 rows)
+truncate copy_default;
+-- DEFAULT cannot be used in COPY TO
+copy (select 1 as test) TO stdout with (default '\D');
+ERROR: COPY DEFAULT only available using COPY FROM