#! /usr/bin/perl
# create_help.pl -- converts SGML docs to internal psql help
# Copyright (c) 2000-2023, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
# src/bin/psql/create_help.pl
# This script automatically generates the help on SQL in psql from
# the SGML docs. So far the format of the docs was consistent
# enough that this worked, but this here is by no means an SGML
# parser.
# Call: perl create_help.pl docdir sql_help
# The name of the header file doesn't matter to this script, but it
# sure does matter to the rest of the source.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
my $docdir = '';
my $outdir = '.';
my $depfile = '';
my $hfilebasename = '';
'docdir=s' => \$docdir,
'outdir=s' => \$outdir,
'basename=s' => \$hfilebasename,
'depfile=s' => \$depfile,) or die "$0: wrong arguments";
$docdir or die "$0: missing required argument: docdir\n";
$hfilebasename or die "$0: missing required argument: basename\n";
my $hfile = $hfilebasename . '.h';
my $cfile = $hfilebasename . '.c';
my $define = $hfilebasename;
$define =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$define =~ s/\W/_/g;
opendir(my $dh, $docdir)
or die "$0: could not open documentation source dir '$docdir': $!\n";
open(my $hfile_handle, '>', "$outdir/$hfile")
or die "$0: could not open output file '$hfile': $!\n";
open(my $cfile_handle, '>', "$outdir/$cfile")
or die "$0: could not open output file '$cfile': $!\n";
my $depfile_handle;
if ($depfile)
open($depfile_handle, '>', $depfile)
or die "$0: could not open output file '$depfile': $!\n";
print $hfile_handle "/*
* *** Do not change this file by hand. It is automatically
* *** generated from the DocBook documentation.
* generated by src/bin/psql/create_help.pl
#ifndef $define
#define $define
#include \"pqexpbuffer.h\"
struct _helpStruct
const char *cmd; /* the command name */
const char *help; /* the help associated with it */
const char *docbook_id; /* DocBook XML id (for generating URL) */
void (*syntaxfunc) (PQExpBuffer); /* function that prints the
* syntax associated with it */
int nl_count; /* number of newlines in syntax (for pager) */
extern const struct _helpStruct QL_HELP[];
print $cfile_handle "/*
* *** Do not change this file by hand. It is automatically
* *** generated from the DocBook documentation.
* generated by src/bin/psql/create_help.pl
#define N_(x) (x) /* gettext noop */
#include \"postgres_fe.h\"
#include \"$hfile\"
my $maxlen = 0;
my %entries;
foreach my $file (sort readdir $dh)
my ($cmdid, @cmdnames, $cmddesc, $cmdsynopsis);
$file =~ /\.sgml$/ or next;
print $depfile_handle "$outdir/$cfile $outdir/$hfile: $docdir/$file\n"
if ($depfile);
open(my $fh, '<', "$docdir/$file") or next;
my $filecontent = join('', <$fh>);
close $fh;
# Ignore files that are not for SQL language statements
$filecontent =~
m!\s*SQL - Language Statements\s*!i
or next;
$filecontent =~ m!!
and $cmdid = $1;
# Collect multiple refnames
$filecontent =~ m!\G.*?\s*([a-z ]+?)\s*!cgis
and push @cmdnames, $1
and redo LOOP;
$filecontent =~ m!\s*(.+?)\s*!is
and $cmddesc = $1;
$filecontent =~ m!\s*(.+?)\s*!is
and $cmdsynopsis = $1;
if (@cmdnames && $cmddesc && $cmdid && $cmdsynopsis)
s/\"/\\"/g foreach @cmdnames;
$cmddesc =~ s/<[^>]+>//g;
$cmddesc =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$cmddesc =~ s/\"/\\"/g;
my @params = ();
my $nl_count = () = $cmdsynopsis =~ /\n/g;
$cmdsynopsis =~ s/%/%%/g;
while ($cmdsynopsis =~ m!<(\w+)[^>]*>(.+?)\1[^>]*>!)
my $match = $2;
$match =~ s/<[^>]+>//g;
$match =~ s/%%/%/g;
push @params, $match;
$cmdsynopsis =~ s!<(\w+)[^>]*>.+?\1[^>]*>!%s!;
$cmdsynopsis =~ s/\r?\n/\\n/g;
$cmdsynopsis =~ s/\"/\\"/g;
foreach my $cmdname (@cmdnames)
$entries{$cmdname} = {
cmdid => $cmdid,
cmddesc => $cmddesc,
cmdsynopsis => $cmdsynopsis,
params => \@params,
nl_count => $nl_count
$maxlen =
($maxlen >= length $cmdname) ? $maxlen : length $cmdname;
die "$0: parsing file '$file' failed (N='@cmdnames' D='$cmddesc')\n";
foreach (sort keys %entries)
my $prefix = "\t" x 5 . ' ';
my $id = $_;
$id =~ s/ /_/g;
my $synopsis = "\"$entries{$_}{cmdsynopsis}\"";
$synopsis =~ s/\\n/\\n"\n$prefix"/g;
my @args =
("buf", $synopsis, map("_(\"$_\")", @{ $entries{$_}{params} }));
print $cfile_handle "static void
sql_help_$id(PQExpBuffer buf)
\tappendPQExpBuffer(" . join(",\n$prefix", @args) . ");
print $cfile_handle "
const struct _helpStruct QL_HELP[] = {
foreach (sort keys %entries)
my $id = $_;
$id =~ s/ /_/g;
print $cfile_handle "\t{\"$_\",
print $cfile_handle "
\t{NULL, NULL, NULL}\t\t\t/* End of list marker */
print $hfile_handle "
#define QL_HELP_COUNT "
. scalar(keys %entries) . " /* number of help items */
#define QL_MAX_CMD_LEN $maxlen /* largest strlen(cmd) */
#endif /* $define */
close $cfile_handle;
close $hfile_handle;
close $depfile_handle if ($depfile);
closedir $dh;