# Simple tests for statement_timeout and lock_timeout features setup { CREATE TABLE accounts (accountid text PRIMARY KEY, balance numeric not null); INSERT INTO accounts VALUES ('checking', 600), ('savings', 600); } teardown { DROP TABLE accounts; } session s1 setup { BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; } step rdtbl { SELECT * FROM accounts; } step wrtbl { UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + 100; } teardown { ABORT; } session s2 setup { BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; } step sto { SET statement_timeout = '10ms'; } step lto { SET lock_timeout = '10ms'; } step lsto { SET lock_timeout = '10ms'; SET statement_timeout = '10s'; } step slto { SET lock_timeout = '10s'; SET statement_timeout = '10ms'; } step locktbl { LOCK TABLE accounts; } step update { DELETE FROM accounts WHERE accountid = 'checking'; } teardown { ABORT; } # It's possible that the isolation tester will not observe the final # steps as "waiting", thanks to the relatively short timeouts we use. # We can ensure consistent test output by marking those steps with (*). # statement timeout, table-level lock permutation rdtbl sto locktbl(*) # lock timeout, table-level lock permutation rdtbl lto locktbl(*) # lock timeout expires first, table-level lock permutation rdtbl lsto locktbl(*) # statement timeout expires first, table-level lock permutation rdtbl slto locktbl(*) # statement timeout, row-level lock permutation wrtbl sto update(*) # lock timeout, row-level lock permutation wrtbl lto update(*) # lock timeout expires first, row-level lock permutation wrtbl lsto update(*) # statement timeout expires first, row-level lock permutation wrtbl slto update(*)