# Copyright (c) 2021-2023, PostgreSQL Global Development Group package Install; # # Package that provides 'make install' functionality for msvc builds # # src/tools/msvc/Install.pm # use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use File::Basename; use File::Copy; use File::Find (); use Exporter; our (@ISA, @EXPORT_OK); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw(Install); my $insttype; my @client_contribs = ('oid2name', 'pgbench', 'vacuumlo'); my @client_program_files = ( 'clusterdb', 'createdb', 'createuser', 'dropdb', 'dropuser', 'ecpg', 'libecpg', 'libecpg_compat', 'libpgtypes', 'libpq', 'pg_amcheck', 'pg_basebackup', 'pg_config', 'pg_dump', 'pg_dumpall', 'pg_isready', 'pg_receivewal', 'pg_recvlogical', 'pg_restore', 'psql', 'reindexdb', 'vacuumdb', @client_contribs); sub lcopy { my $src = shift; my $target = shift; if (-f $target) { unlink $target || confess "Could not delete $target\n"; } (my $retval = copy($src, $target)) || confess "Could not copy $src to $target\n"; return $retval; } sub Install { $| = 1; my $target = shift; $insttype = shift; $insttype = "all" unless ($insttype); # if called from vcregress, the config will be passed to us # so no need to re-include these our $config = shift; unless ($config) { # suppress warning about harmless redeclaration of $config no warnings 'misc'; do "./config_default.pl"; do "./config.pl" if (-f "config.pl"); } # Move to the root path depending on the current location. if (-f "../../../configure") { chdir("../../.."); } elsif (-f "../../../../configure") { chdir("../../../.."); } my $conf = ""; if (-d "debug") { $conf = "debug"; } if (-d "release") { $conf = "release"; } die "Could not find debug or release binaries" if ($conf eq ""); my $majorver = DetermineMajorVersion(); print "Installing version $majorver for $conf in $target\n"; my @client_dirs = ('bin', 'lib', 'share', 'symbols'); my @all_dirs = ( @client_dirs, 'doc', 'doc/contrib', 'doc/extension', 'share/contrib', 'share/extension', 'share/timezonesets', 'share/tsearch_data'); if ($insttype eq "client") { EnsureDirectories($target, @client_dirs); } else { EnsureDirectories($target, @all_dirs); } CopySolutionOutput($conf, $target); my $sample_files = []; my @top_dir = ("src"); @top_dir = ("src\\bin", "src\\interfaces") if ($insttype eq "client"); File::Find::find( { wanted => sub { /^.*\.sample\z/s && push(@$sample_files, $File::Find::name); # Don't find files of in-tree temporary installations. $_ eq 'share' and $File::Find::prune = 1; } }, @top_dir); CopySetOfFiles('config files', $sample_files, $target . '/share/'); CopyFiles( 'Import libraries', $target . '/lib/', "$conf\\", "postgres\\postgres.lib", "libpgcommon\\libpgcommon.lib", "libpgport\\libpgport.lib"); CopyContribFiles($config, $target); CopyIncludeFiles($target); if ($insttype ne "client") { CopySetOfFiles( 'timezone names', [ glob('src\timezone\tznames\*.txt') ], $target . '/share/timezonesets/'); CopyFiles( 'timezone sets', $target . '/share/timezonesets/', 'src/timezone/tznames/', 'Default', 'Australia', 'India'); CopySetOfFiles( 'BKI files', [ glob("src\\backend\\catalog\\postgres.*") ], $target . '/share/'); CopySetOfFiles( 'SQL files', [ glob("src\\backend\\catalog\\*.sql") ], $target . '/share/'); CopyFiles( 'Information schema data', $target . '/share/', 'src/backend/catalog/', 'sql_features.txt'); CopyFiles( 'Error code data', $target . '/share/', 'src/backend/utils/', 'errcodes.txt'); GenerateTimezoneFiles($target, $conf); GenerateTsearchFiles($target); CopySetOfFiles( 'Stopword files', [ glob("src\\backend\\snowball\\stopwords\\*.stop") ], $target . '/share/tsearch_data/'); CopySetOfFiles( 'Dictionaries sample files', [ glob("src\\backend\\tsearch\\dicts\\*_sample*") ], $target . '/share/tsearch_data/'); my $pl_extension_files = []; my @pldirs = ('src/pl/plpgsql/src'); push @pldirs, "src/pl/plperl" if $config->{perl}; push @pldirs, "src/pl/plpython" if $config->{python}; push @pldirs, "src/pl/tcl" if $config->{tcl}; File::Find::find( { wanted => sub { /^(.*--.*\.sql|.*\.control)\z/s && push(@$pl_extension_files, $File::Find::name); # Don't find files of in-tree temporary installations. $_ eq 'share' and $File::Find::prune = 1; } }, @pldirs); CopySetOfFiles('PL Extension files', $pl_extension_files, $target . '/share/extension/'); } GenerateNLSFiles($target, $config->{nls}, $majorver) if ($config->{nls}); print "Installation complete.\n"; return; } sub EnsureDirectories { my $target = shift; mkdir $target unless -d ($target); while (my $d = shift) { mkdir $target . '/' . $d unless -d ($target . '/' . $d); } return; } sub CopyFiles { my $what = shift; my $target = shift; my $basedir = shift; print "Copying $what"; while (my $f = shift) { print "."; $f = $basedir . $f; die "No file $f\n" if (!-f $f); lcopy($f, $target . basename($f)) || croak "Could not copy $f: $!\n"; } print "\n"; return; } sub CopySetOfFiles { my $what = shift; my $flist = shift; my $target = shift; print "Copying $what" if $what; foreach (@$flist) { my $tgt = $target . basename($_); print "."; lcopy($_, $tgt) || croak "Could not copy $_: $!\n"; } print "\n"; return; } sub CopySolutionOutput { my $conf = shift; my $target = shift; my $rem = qr{Project\("\{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942\}"\) = "([^"]+)"}; my $sln = read_file("pgsql.sln") || croak "Could not open pgsql.sln\n"; my $vcproj = 'vcproj'; if ($sln =~ /Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version (\d+)\.\d+/ && $1 >= 11) { $vcproj = 'vcxproj'; } print "Copying build output files..."; while ($sln =~ $rem) { my $pf = $1; # Hash-of-arrays listing where to install things. For each # subdirectory there's a hash key, and the value is an array # of file extensions to install in that subdirectory. Example: # { 'bin' => [ 'dll', 'lib' ], # 'lib' => [ 'lib' ] } my %install_list; my $is_sharedlib = 0; $sln =~ s/$rem//; next if ($insttype eq "client" && !grep { $_ eq $pf } @client_program_files); my $proj = read_file("$pf.$vcproj") || croak "Could not open $pf.$vcproj\n"; # Check if this project uses a shared library by looking if # SO_MAJOR_VERSION is defined in its Makefile, whose path # can be found using the resource file of this project. if (( $vcproj eq 'vcxproj' && $proj =~ qr{ResourceCompile\s*Include="([^"]+)"}) || ( $vcproj eq 'vcproj' && $proj =~ qr{File\s*RelativePath="([^\"]+)\.rc"})) { my $projpath = dirname($1); my $mfname = -e "$projpath/GNUmakefile" ? "$projpath/GNUmakefile" : "$projpath/Makefile"; my $mf = read_file($mfname) || croak "Could not open $mfname\n"; $is_sharedlib = 1 if ($mf =~ /^SO_MAJOR_VERSION\s*=\s*(.*)$/mg); } if ($vcproj eq 'vcproj' && $proj =~ qr{ConfigurationType="([^"]+)"}) { if ($1 == 1) { push(@{ $install_list{'bin'} }, "exe"); } elsif ($1 == 2) { push(@{ $install_list{'lib'} }, "dll"); if ($is_sharedlib) { push(@{ $install_list{'bin'} }, "dll"); push(@{ $install_list{'lib'} }, "lib"); } } else { # Static libraries, such as libpgport, only used internally # during build, don't install. next; } } elsif ($vcproj eq 'vcxproj' && $proj =~ qr{(\w+)}) { if ($1 eq 'Application') { push(@{ $install_list{'bin'} }, "exe"); } elsif ($1 eq 'DynamicLibrary') { push(@{ $install_list{'lib'} }, "dll"); if ($is_sharedlib) { push(@{ $install_list{'bin'} }, "dll"); push(@{ $install_list{'lib'} }, "lib"); } } else # 'StaticLibrary' { # Static lib, such as libpgport, only used internally # during build, don't install. next; } } else { croak "Could not parse $pf.$vcproj\n"; } # Install each element foreach my $dir (keys %install_list) { foreach my $ext (@{ $install_list{$dir} }) { lcopy("$conf\\$pf\\$pf.$ext", "$target\\$dir\\$pf.$ext") || croak "Could not copy $pf.$ext\n"; } } lcopy("$conf\\$pf\\$pf.pdb", "$target\\symbols\\$pf.pdb") || croak "Could not copy $pf.pdb\n"; print "."; } print "\n"; return; } sub GenerateTimezoneFiles { my $target = shift; my $conf = shift; my $mf = read_file("src/timezone/Makefile"); $mf =~ s{\\\r?\n}{}g; $mf =~ /^TZDATAFILES\s*:?=\s*(.*)$/m || die "Could not find TZDATAFILES line in timezone makefile\n"; my @tzfiles = split /\s+/, $1; print "Generating timezone files..."; my @args = ("$conf/zic/zic", '-d', "$target/share/timezone"); foreach (@tzfiles) { my $tzfile = $_; $tzfile =~ s|\$\(srcdir\)|src/timezone|; push(@args, $tzfile); } system(@args); print "\n"; return; } sub GenerateTsearchFiles { my $target = shift; print "Generating tsearch script..."; system( 'perl', 'src/backend/snowball/snowball_create.pl', '--input', 'src/backend/snowball/', '--outdir', "$target/share/"); print "\n"; return; } sub CopyContribFiles { my $config = shift; my $target = shift; print "Copying contrib data files..."; foreach my $subdir ('contrib', 'src/test/modules') { my $D; opendir($D, $subdir) || croak "Could not opendir on $subdir!\n"; while (my $d = readdir($D)) { # These configuration-based exclusions must match vcregress.pl next if ($d eq "uuid-ossp" && !defined($config->{uuid})); next if ($d eq "sslinfo" && !defined($config->{openssl})); next if ($d eq "pgcrypto" && !defined($config->{openssl})); next if ($d eq "xml2" && !defined($config->{xml})); next if ($d =~ /_plperl$/ && !defined($config->{perl})); next if ($d =~ /_plpython$/ && !defined($config->{python})); next if ($d eq "sepgsql"); CopySubdirFiles($subdir, $d, $config, $target); } } print "\n"; return; } sub CopySubdirFiles { my $subdir = shift; my $module = shift; my $config = shift; my $target = shift; return if ($module =~ /^\./); return unless (-f "$subdir/$module/Makefile"); return if ($insttype eq "client" && !grep { $_ eq $module } @client_contribs); my $mf = read_file("$subdir/$module/Makefile"); $mf =~ s{\\\r?\n}{}g; # Note: we currently don't support setting MODULEDIR in the makefile my $moduledir = 'contrib'; my $flist = ''; if ($mf =~ /^EXTENSION\s*=\s*(.*)$/m) { $flist .= $1 } if ($flist ne '') { $moduledir = 'extension'; $flist = ParseAndCleanRule($flist, $mf); foreach my $f (split /\s+/, $flist) { lcopy("$subdir/$module/$f.control", "$target/share/extension/$f.control") || croak("Could not copy file $f.control in contrib $module"); print '.'; } } $flist = ''; if ($mf =~ /^DATA_built\s*=\s*(.*)$/m) { $flist .= $1 } if ($mf =~ /^DATA\s*=\s*(.*)$/m) { $flist .= " $1" } $flist =~ s/^\s*//; # Remove leading spaces if we had only DATA_built if ($flist ne '') { $flist = ParseAndCleanRule($flist, $mf); foreach my $f (split /\s+/, $flist) { lcopy("$subdir/$module/$f", "$target/share/$moduledir/" . basename($f)) || croak("Could not copy file $f in contrib $module"); print '.'; } } $flist = ''; if ($mf =~ /^DATA_TSEARCH\s*=\s*(.*)$/m) { $flist .= $1 } if ($flist ne '') { $flist = ParseAndCleanRule($flist, $mf); foreach my $f (split /\s+/, $flist) { lcopy("$subdir/$module/$f", "$target/share/tsearch_data/" . basename($f)) || croak("Could not copy file $f in $subdir $module"); print '.'; } } { $flist = ''; if ($mf =~ /^HEADERS\s*=\s*(.*)$/m) { $flist .= $1 } my @modlist = (); my %fmodlist = (); while ($mf =~ /^HEADERS_([^\s=]+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/mg) { $fmodlist{$1} .= $2; } if ($mf =~ /^MODULE_big\s*=\s*(.*)$/m) { push @modlist, $1; if ($flist ne '') { $fmodlist{$1} = $flist; $flist = ''; } } elsif ($mf =~ /^MODULES\s*=\s*(.*)$/m) { push @modlist, split /\s+/, $1; } croak "HEADERS requires MODULE_big in $subdir $module" if $flist ne ''; foreach my $mod (keys %fmodlist) { croak "HEADERS_$mod for unknown module in $subdir $module" unless grep { $_ eq $mod } @modlist; $flist = ParseAndCleanRule($fmodlist{$mod}, $mf); EnsureDirectories($target, "include", "include/server", "include/server/$moduledir", "include/server/$moduledir/$mod"); foreach my $f (split /\s+/, $flist) { lcopy("$subdir/$module/$f", "$target/include/server/$moduledir/$mod/" . basename($f)) || croak("Could not copy file $f in $subdir $module"); print '.'; } } } $flist = ''; if ($mf =~ /^DOCS\s*=\s*(.*)$/mg) { $flist .= $1 } if ($flist ne '') { $flist = ParseAndCleanRule($flist, $mf); # Special case for contrib/spi $flist = "autoinc.example insert_username.example moddatetime.example refint.example" if ($module eq 'spi'); foreach my $f (split /\s+/, $flist) { lcopy("$subdir/$module/$f", "$target/doc/$moduledir/$f") || croak("Could not copy file $f in contrib $module"); print '.'; } } return; } sub ParseAndCleanRule { my $flist = shift; my $mf = shift; # Strip out $(addsuffix) rules if (index($flist, '$(addsuffix ') >= 0) { my $pcount = 0; my $i; for ( $i = index($flist, '$(addsuffix ') + 12; $i < length($flist); $i++) { $pcount++ if (substr($flist, $i, 1) eq '('); $pcount-- if (substr($flist, $i, 1) eq ')'); last if ($pcount < 0); } $flist = substr($flist, 0, index($flist, '$(addsuffix ')) . substr($flist, $i + 1); } return $flist; } sub CopyIncludeFiles { my $target = shift; EnsureDirectories($target, 'include', 'include/libpq', 'include/internal', 'include/internal/libpq', 'include/server', 'include/server/parser'); CopyFiles( 'Public headers', $target . '/include/', 'src/include/', 'postgres_ext.h', 'pg_config.h', 'pg_config_ext.h', 'pg_config_os.h', 'pg_config_manual.h'); lcopy('src/include/libpq/libpq-fs.h', $target . '/include/libpq/') || croak 'Could not copy libpq-fs.h'; CopyFiles( 'Libpq headers', $target . '/include/', 'src/interfaces/libpq/', 'libpq-fe.h', 'libpq-events.h'); CopyFiles( 'Libpq internal headers', $target . '/include/internal/', 'src/interfaces/libpq/', 'libpq-int.h', 'fe-auth-sasl.h', 'pqexpbuffer.h'); CopyFiles( 'Internal headers', $target . '/include/internal/', 'src/include/', 'c.h', 'port.h', 'postgres_fe.h'); lcopy('src/include/libpq/pqcomm.h', $target . '/include/internal/libpq/') || croak 'Could not copy pqcomm.h'; CopyFiles( 'Server headers', $target . '/include/server/', 'src/include/', 'pg_config.h', 'pg_config_ext.h', 'pg_config_os.h'); CopySetOfFiles( '', [ glob("src\\include\\*.h") ], $target . '/include/server/'); my $D; opendir($D, 'src/include') || croak "Could not opendir on src/include!\n"; CopyFiles( 'PL/pgSQL header', $target . '/include/server/', 'src/pl/plpgsql/src/', 'plpgsql.h'); # some xcopy progs don't like mixed slash style paths (my $ctarget = $target) =~ s!/!\\!g; while (my $d = readdir($D)) { next if ($d =~ /^\./); next if ($d eq '.git'); next if ($d eq 'CVS'); next unless (-d "src/include/$d"); EnsureDirectories("$target/include/server/$d"); my @args = ( 'xcopy', '/s', '/i', '/q', '/r', '/y', "src\\include\\$d\\*.h", "$ctarget\\include\\server\\$d\\"); system(@args) && croak("Failed to copy include directory $d\n"); } closedir($D); my $mf = read_file('src/interfaces/ecpg/include/Makefile'); $mf =~ s{\\\r?\n}{}g; $mf =~ /^ecpg_headers\s*=\s*(.*)$/m || croak "Could not find ecpg_headers line\n"; CopyFiles( 'ECPG headers', $target . '/include/', 'src/interfaces/ecpg/include/', 'ecpg_config.h', split /\s+/, $1); $mf =~ /^informix_headers\s*=\s*(.*)$/m || croak "Could not find informix_headers line\n"; EnsureDirectories($target . '/include', 'informix', 'informix/esql'); CopyFiles( 'ECPG informix headers', $target . '/include/informix/esql/', 'src/interfaces/ecpg/include/', split /\s+/, $1); return; } sub GenerateNLSFiles { my $target = shift; my $nlspath = shift; my $majorver = shift; print "Installing NLS files..."; EnsureDirectories($target, "share/locale"); my @flist; File::Find::find( { wanted => sub { /^nls\.mk\z/s && !push(@flist, $File::Find::name); } }, "src"); foreach (@flist) { my $prgm = DetermineCatalogName($_); s/nls.mk/po/; my $dir = $_; next unless ($dir =~ /([^\/]+)\/po$/); foreach (glob("$dir/*.po")) { my $lang; next unless /([^\/]+)\.po/; $lang = $1; EnsureDirectories($target, "share/locale/$lang", "share/locale/$lang/LC_MESSAGES"); my @args = ( "$nlspath\\bin\\msgfmt", '-o', "$target\\share\\locale\\$lang\\LC_MESSAGES\\$prgm-$majorver.mo", $_); system(@args) && croak("Could not run msgfmt on $dir\\$_"); print "."; } } print "\n"; return; } sub DetermineMajorVersion { my $f = read_file('src/include/pg_config.h') || croak 'Could not open pg_config.h'; $f =~ /^#define\s+PG_MAJORVERSION\s+"([^"]+)"/m || croak 'Could not determine major version'; return $1; } sub DetermineCatalogName { my $filename = shift; my $f = read_file($filename) || croak "Could not open $filename"; $f =~ /CATALOG_NAME\s*\:?=\s*(\S+)/m || croak "Could not determine catalog name in $filename"; return $1; } sub read_file { my $filename = shift; my $F; local $/ = undef; open($F, '<', $filename) || die "Could not open file $filename\n"; my $txt = <$F>; close($F); return $txt; } 1;