path: root/t/040_upgrade.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/040_upgrade.t b/t/040_upgrade.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6818ef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/040_upgrade.t
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+# Test upgrading from the oldest version to the latest, using the default
+# configuration file.
+# Lowest supported "upgrade from" version: 8.4 (lower versions don't have lo_import)
+# Lowest supported "upgrade to" version: 9.2 (lower versions don't have pg_upgrade -o)
+# Lowest supported "upgrade to" version with pg_dumpall: 9.1 (lower versions don't have pg_dumpall --quote-all-identifiers)
+use strict;
+use File::Temp qw/tempfile tempdir/;
+use POSIX qw/dup2/;
+use Time::HiRes qw/usleep/;
+use lib 't';
+use TestLib;
+use PgCommon;
+use Test::More tests => (@MAJORS == 1) ? 1 : 123 * 3;
+if (@MAJORS == 1) {
+ pass 'only one major version installed, skipping upgrade tests';
+ exit 0;
+foreach my $upgrade_options ('-m dump', '-m upgrade', '-m upgrade --link') {
+next if ($ENV{UPGRADE_METHOD} and $upgrade_options !~ /$ENV{UPGRADE_METHOD}$/); # hack to ease debugging individual methods
+note ("upgrade method \"$upgrade_options\", $MAJORS[0] -> $MAJORS[-1]");
+# create cluster
+ok ((system "pg_createcluster $MAJORS[0] upgr >/dev/null") == 0,
+ "pg_createcluster $MAJORS[0] upgr");
+exec_as 'root', "sed -i '/^local.*postgres/ s/\$/\\nlocal all foo trust/' /etc/postgresql/$MAJORS[0]/upgr/pg_hba.conf";
+is ((system "pg_ctlcluster $MAJORS[0] upgr start"), 0, 'Starting upgr cluster');
+# Create nobody user, test database, and put a table into it
+is ((exec_as 'postgres', 'createuser nobody -D -R -s && createdb -O nobody test && createdb -O nobody testnc && createdb -O nobody testro'),
+ 0, 'Create nobody user and test databases');
+is ((exec_as 'nobody', 'psql test -c "CREATE TABLE phone (name varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY, tel int NOT NULL)"'),
+ 0, 'create table');
+is ((exec_as 'nobody', 'psql test -c "INSERT INTO phone VALUES (\'Alice\', 2)"'), 0, 'insert Alice into phone table');
+SKIP: {
+ skip 'datallowconn = f not supported with pg_upgrade', 1 if $upgrade_options =~ /upgrade/;
+ is ((exec_as 'postgres', 'psql template1 -c "UPDATE pg_database SET datallowconn = \'f\' WHERE datname = \'testnc\'"'),
+ 0, 'disallow connection to testnc');
+is ((exec_as 'nobody', 'psql testro -c "CREATE TABLE nums (num int NOT NULL); INSERT INTO nums VALUES (1)"'), 0, 'create table in testro');
+SKIP: {
+ skip 'read-only not supported with pg_upgrade', 2 if $upgrade_options =~ /upgrade/;
+ is ((exec_as 'postgres', 'psql template1 -c "ALTER DATABASE testro SET default_transaction_read_only TO on"'),
+ 0, 'set testro transaction default to readonly');
+ is ((exec_as 'nobody', 'psql testro -c "CREATE TABLE test(num int)"'),
+ 1, 'creating table in testro fails');
+# create a schema and a table with a name that was un-reserved between 8.4 and 9.1
+is ((exec_as 'nobody', 'psql test -c "CREATE SCHEMA \"old\""'),
+ 0, 'create schema "old"');
+is ((exec_as 'nobody', 'psql test -c "CREATE TABLE \"old\".\"old\" (\"old\" text)"'),
+ 0, 'create table "old.old"');
+# create a sequence
+is ((exec_as 'nobody', 'psql test -c "CREATE SEQUENCE odd10 INCREMENT BY 2 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 10 CYCLE"'),
+ 0, 'create sequence');
+is_program_out 'nobody', 'psql -Atc "SELECT nextval(\'odd10\')" test', 0, "1\n",
+ 'check next sequence value';
+is_program_out 'nobody', 'psql -Atc "SELECT nextval(\'odd10\')" test', 0, "3\n",
+ 'check next sequence value';
+# create a large object
+my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile("lo_import.XXXXXX", TMPDIR => 1, UNLINK => 1);
+print $fh "Hello world";
+close $fh;
+chmod 0644, $filename;
+is_program_out 'postgres', "psql -Atc \"SELECT lo_import('$filename', 1234)\"", 0, "1234\n",
+ 'create large object';
+# create stored procedures
+if ($MAJORS[0] < 9.0) {
+ is_program_out 'postgres', 'createlang plpgsql test', 0, '', 'createlang plpgsql test';
+} else {
+ pass '>= 9.0 enables PL/pgsql by default';
+ pass '...';
+is_program_out 'nobody', 'psql test -c "CREATE FUNCTION inc2(integer) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE plpgsql AS \'BEGIN RETURN \$1 + 2; END;\';"',
+SKIP: {
+ skip 'hardcoded library paths not supported by pg_upgrade', 2 if $upgrade_options =~ /upgrade/;
+ is_program_out 'postgres', "psql -c \"UPDATE pg_proc SET probin = '$PgCommon::binroot$MAJORS[0]/lib/' where proname = 'plpgsql_call_handler';\" test",
+ 0, "UPDATE 1\n", 'hardcoding plpgsql lib path';
+is_program_out 'nobody', 'psql test -c "CREATE FUNCTION inc3(integer) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE plpgsql AS \'BEGIN RETURN \$1 + 3; END;\';"',
+ 0, "CREATE FUNCTION\n", 'create function inc3';
+is_program_out 'nobody', 'psql -Atc "SELECT inc2(3)" test', 0, "5\n",
+ 'call function inc2';
+is_program_out 'nobody', 'psql -Atc "SELECT inc3(3)" test', 0, "6\n",
+ 'call function inc3';
+# create user and group
+is_program_out 'postgres', "psql -qc 'CREATE USER foo' template1", 0, '',
+ 'create user foo';
+is_program_out 'postgres', "psql -qc 'CREATE GROUP gfoo' template1", 0, '',
+ 'create group gfoo';
+# create per-database and per-table ACL
+is_program_out 'postgres', "psql -qc 'GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE test TO foo'", 0, '',
+is_program_out 'postgres', "psql -qc 'GRANT INSERT ON phone TO foo' test", 0, '',
+# exercise ACL on old database to ensure they are working
+is_program_out 'nobody', 'psql -U foo -qc "CREATE SCHEMA s_foo" test', 0, '',
+ 'CREATE SCHEMA on old cluster (ACL)';
+is_program_out 'nobody', 'psql -U foo -qc "INSERT INTO phone VALUES (\'Bob\', 1)" test',
+ 0, '', 'insert Bob into phone table (ACL)';
+# set config parameters
+is_program_out 'postgres', "pg_conftool $MAJORS[0] upgr set log_statement all",
+ 0, '', 'set postgresql.conf parameter';
+SKIP: {
+ skip ' not supported before 9.4', 6 if ($MAJORS[0] < 9.4);
+ is_program_out 'postgres', "psql -qc \"ALTER SYSTEM SET ident_file = '/etc/postgresql/$MAJORS[0]/upgr/pg_ident.conf'\"",
+ 0, '', 'set ident_file in';
+ is_program_out 'postgres', 'psql -qc "ALTER SYSTEM SET log_min_duration_statement = \'10s\'"',
+ 0, '', 'set log_min_duration_statement in';
+ is_program_out 'postgres', "echo \"data_directory = '/var/lib/postgresql/$MAJORS[0]/upgr'\" >> /var/lib/postgresql/$MAJORS[0]/upgr/", 0, "", "Append bogus data_directory setting to";
+is_program_out 'postgres', 'psql -qc "ALTER DATABASE test SET DateStyle = \'ISO, YMD\'"',
+ 0, '', 'set database parameter';
+# create a tablespace
+my $tdir = tempdir (CLEANUP => 1);
+my ($p_uid, $p_gid) = (getpwnam 'postgres')[2,3];
+chown $p_uid, $p_gid, $tdir;
+is_program_out 'postgres', "psql -qc \"CREATE TABLESPACE myts LOCATION '$tdir'\"",
+ 0, '', "creating tablespace in $tdir";
+is_program_out 'postgres', "psql -qc 'CREATE TABLE tstab (a int) TABLESPACE myts'",
+ 0, '', "creating table in tablespace";
+# Check clusters
+like_program_out 'nobody', 'pg_lsclusters -h', 0,
+ qr/^$MAJORS[0]\s+upgr\s+5432 online postgres/;
+# Check SELECT in original cluster
+my $select_old;
+is ((exec_as 'nobody', 'psql -tAc "SELECT * FROM phone ORDER BY name" test', $select_old), 0, 'SELECT in original cluster succeeds');
+is ($$select_old, 'Alice|2
+', 'check SELECT output in original cluster');
+# create inaccessible cwd, to check for confusing error messages
+rmdir '/tmp/pgtest';
+mkdir '/tmp/pgtest/' or die "Could not create temporary test directory /tmp/pgtest: $!";
+chmod 0100, '/tmp/pgtest/';
+chdir '/tmp/pgtest';
+# Upgrade to latest version
+my $outref;
+is ((exec_as 0, "(env LC_MESSAGES=C pg_upgradecluster -v $MAJORS[-1] $upgrade_options $MAJORS[0] upgr | sed -e 's/^/STDOUT: /')", $outref, 0), 0, 'pg_upgradecluster succeeds');
+like $$outref, qr/Starting upgraded cluster/, 'pg_upgradecluster reported cluster startup';
+like $$outref, qr/Success. Please check/, 'pg_upgradecluster reported successful operation';
+my @err = grep (!/^STDOUT: /, split (/\n/, $$outref));
+if (@err) {
+ fail 'no error messages during upgrade';
+ print (join ("\n", @err));
+} else {
+ pass "no error messages during upgrade";
+# remove inaccessible test cwd
+chdir '/';
+rmdir '/tmp/pgtest/';
+# Check clusters
+like_program_out 'nobody', 'pg_lsclusters -h', 0,
+ qr"$MAJORS[0] +upgr 5433 down postgres /var/lib/postgresql/$MAJORS[0]/upgr +/var/log/postgresql/postgresql-$MAJORS[0]-upgr.log\n$MAJORS[-1] +upgr 5432 online postgres /var/lib/postgresql/$MAJORS[-1]/upgr +/var/log/postgresql/postgresql-$MAJORS[-1]-upgr.log", 'pg_lsclusters output';
+# Check that SELECT output is identical
+is_program_out 'nobody', 'psql -tAc "SELECT * FROM phone ORDER BY name" test', 0,
+ $$select_old, 'SELECT output is the same in original and upgraded test';
+is_program_out 'nobody', 'psql -tAc "SELECT * FROM nums" testro', 0,
+ "1\n", 'SELECT output is the same in original and upgraded testro';
+# Check that table was analyzed
+like_program_out 'nobody', "psql -XAtc \"select analyze_count from pg_stat_user_tables where relname = 'phone'\" test", 0, qr/^[1-3]$/,
+ 'check analyze count'; # --analyze-in-stages does 3 passes
+# Check sequence value
+is_program_out 'nobody', 'psql -Atc "SELECT nextval(\'odd10\')" test', 0, "5\n",
+ 'check next sequence value';
+is_program_out 'nobody', 'psql -Atc "SELECT nextval(\'odd10\')" test', 0, "7\n",
+ 'check next sequence value';
+is_program_out 'nobody', 'psql -Atc "SELECT nextval(\'odd10\')" test', 0, "9\n",
+ 'check next sequence value';
+is_program_out 'nobody', 'psql -Atc "SELECT nextval(\'odd10\')" test', 0, "1\n",
+ 'check next sequence value (wrap)';
+# check large objects
+is_program_out 'postgres', 'psql -Aqtc "SET bytea_output = \'escape\'; SELECT data FROM pg_largeobject WHERE loid = 1234"', 0, "Hello world\n",
+ 'check large object';
+# check stored procedures
+is_program_out 'nobody', 'psql -Atc "SELECT inc2(-3)" test', 0, "-1\n",
+ 'call function inc2';
+is_program_out 'nobody', 'psql -Atc "SELECT inc3(1)" test', 0, "4\n",
+ 'call function inc3 (formerly hardcoded path)';
+SKIP: {
+ skip 'upgrading databases with datallowcon = false not supported by pg_upgrade', 2 if $upgrade_options =~ /upgrade/;
+ # Check connection permissions
+ my $testnc_conn = $upgrade_options =~ /upgrade/ ? 't' : 'f';
+ is_program_out 'nobody', 'psql -tAc "SELECT datname, datallowconn FROM pg_database ORDER BY datname" template1', 0,
+ "postgres|t
+", 'dataallowconn values';
+# check ACLs
+is_program_out 'nobody', 'psql -U foo -qc "CREATE SCHEMA s_bar" test', 0, '',
+ 'CREATE SCHEMA on new cluster (ACL)';
+is_program_out 'nobody', 'psql -U foo -qc "INSERT INTO phone VALUES (\'Chris\', 5)" test',
+ 0, '', 'insert Chris into phone table (ACL)';
+# check default transaction r/o
+is ((exec_as 'nobody', 'psql test -c "CREATE TABLE test(num int)"'),
+ 0, 'creating table in test succeeds');
+SKIP: {
+ skip 'read-only not supported by pg_upgrade', 2 if $upgrade_options =~ /upgrade/;
+ is ((exec_as 'nobody', 'psql testro -c "CREATE TABLE test(num int)"'),
+ 1, 'creating table in testro fails');
+ is ((exec_as 'postgres', 'psql testro -c "CREATE TABLE test(num int)"'),
+ 1, 'creating table in testro as superuser fails');
+is ((exec_as 'nobody', 'psql testro -c "BEGIN READ WRITE; CREATE TABLE test(num int); COMMIT"'),
+ 0, 'creating table in testro succeeds with RW transaction');
+# check config parameters
+is_program_out 'postgres', 'psql -Atc "SHOW log_statement" test', 0, "all\n", 'check postgresql.conf parameters';
+SKIP: {
+ skip ' not supported before 9.4', 4 if ($MAJORS[0] < 9.4);
+ is_program_out 'postgres', 'psql -Atc "SHOW log_min_duration_statement" test', 0, "10s\n", 'check parameter';
+ is_program_out 'postgres', "cat /var/lib/postgresql/$MAJORS[-1]/upgr/", 0,
+ "# Do not edit this file manually!\n# It will be overwritten by the ALTER SYSTEM command.\nident_file = '/etc/postgresql/$MAJORS[-1]/upgr/pg_ident.conf'\nlog_min_duration_statement = '10s'\n#data_directory = '/var/lib/postgresql/$MAJORS[0]/upgr' #not valid in\n";
+is_program_out 'postgres', 'psql -Atc "SHOW DateStyle" test', 0, "ISO, YMD\n", 'check database parameter';
+SKIP: {
+ skip "cluster name not supported in $MAJORS[0]", 1 if ($MAJORS[0] < 9.5);
+ is (PgCommon::get_conf_value ($MAJORS[-1], 'upgr', 'postgresql.conf', 'cluster_name'), "$MAJORS[-1]/upgr", "cluster_name is updated");
+# check tablespace
+is_program_out 'postgres', "psql -Atc 'SELECT spcname FROM pg_tablespace ORDER BY spcname'",
+ 0, "myts\npg_default\npg_global\n", "check tablespace of upgraded table";
+is_program_out 'postgres', "psql -Atc \"SELECT spcname FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace t ON (c.reltablespace = t.oid) WHERE c.relname = 'tstab'\"",
+ 0, "myts\n", "check tablespace of upgraded table";
+# stop servers, clean up
+is ((system "pg_dropcluster $MAJORS[0] upgr --stop"), 0, 'Dropping original cluster');
+is ((system "pg_ctlcluster $MAJORS[-1] upgr restart"), 0, 'Restarting upgraded cluster');
+is_program_out 'nobody', 'psql -Atc "SELECT nextval(\'odd10\')" test', 0, "3\n",
+ 'upgraded cluster still works after removing old one';
+is ((system "pg_dropcluster $MAJORS[-1] upgr --stop"), 0, 'Dropping upgraded cluster');
+is ((system "rm -rf /var/log/postgresql/pg_upgradecluster-*"), 0, 'Cleaning pg_upgrade log files');
+} # foreach method
+# vim: filetype=perl