# Test default and explicit encoding on upgrades use strict; use lib 't'; use TestLib; use PgCommon; use Test::More tests => (@MAJORS == 1) ? 1 : 46; if (@MAJORS == 1) { pass 'only one major version installed, skipping upgrade tests'; exit 0; } my $outref; my $oldv = $MAJORS[0]; my $newv = $MAJORS[-1]; is ((exec_as 0, "pg_createcluster --start --locale=ru_RU $oldv main", $outref), 0, "creating ru_RU $oldv cluster"); is ((exec_as 'postgres', 'psql -c "create database latintest" template1', $outref), 0, "creating latintest DB with LATIN encoding"); if ($oldv <= '8.3') { is ((exec_as 'postgres', 'psql -c "create database asctest encoding = \'SQL_ASCII\'" template1', $outref), 0, "creating asctest DB with ASCII encoding"); } else { is ((exec_as 'postgres', 'psql -c "create database asctest template = template0 lc_collate = \'C\' lc_ctype = \'C\' encoding = \'SQL_ASCII\'" template1', $outref), 0, "creating asctest DB with C locale"); } if ($oldv >= 15) { program_ok 'postgres', 'psql -c "create database icutest template template0 locale_provider icu icu_locale de"', 0, "creating database with ICU locale"; } else { program_ok 'postgres', 'psql -c "create database icutest"', 0, "creating placeholder icutest database"; } is ((exec_as 'postgres', "printf 'A\\324B' | psql -c \"create table t(x varchar); copy t from stdin\" latintest", $outref), 0, 'write LATIN database content to latintest'); is ((exec_as 'postgres', "printf 'A\\324B' | psql -c \"create table t(x varchar); copy t from stdin\" asctest", $outref), 0, 'write LATIN database content to asctest'); is_program_out 'postgres', "echo \"select * from t\" | psql -Atq latintest", 0, "A\324B\n", 'old latintest DB has correctly encoded string'; is_program_out 'postgres', "echo \"select * from t\" | psql -Atq asctest", 0, "A\324B\n", 'old asctest DB has correctly encoded string'; is ((exec_as 'postgres', 'psql -Atl', $outref), 0, 'psql -Atl on old cluster'); ok ((index $$outref, 'latintest|postgres|ISO_8859_5') >= 0, 'latintest is LATIN encoded'); ok ((index $$outref, 'asctest|postgres|SQL_ASCII') >= 0, 'asctest is ASCII encoded'); if ($oldv >= 15) { like $$outref, qr/icutest\|postgres\|ISO_8859_5\|icu\|ru_RU\|ru_RU\|de/, 'icutest has proper icu locale'; } else { like $$outref, qr/icutest\|postgres\|ISO_8859_5/, 'icutest is LATIN encoded'; } ok ((index $$outref, 'template1|postgres|ISO_8859_5') >= 0, 'template1 is LATIN encoded'); # upgrade without specifying locales, should be kept like_program_out 0, "pg_upgradecluster -v $newv $oldv main", 0, qr/^Success. Please check/m; is ((exec_as 'postgres', "psql --cluster $newv/main -Atl", $outref), 0, 'psql -Atl on upgraded cluster'); ok ((index $$outref, 'latintest|postgres|ISO_8859_5') >= 0, 'latintest is LATIN encoded'); ok ((index $$outref, 'asctest|postgres|SQL_ASCII') >= 0, 'asctest is ASCII encoded'); if ($oldv >= 15) { like $$outref, qr/icutest\|postgres\|ISO_8859_5\|icu\|ru_RU\|ru_RU\|de/, 'icutest has proper icu locale'; } else { like $$outref, qr/icutest\|postgres\|ISO_8859_5/, 'icutest is LATIN encoded'; } ok ((index $$outref, 'template1|postgres|ISO_8859_5') >= 0, 'template1 is LATIN encoded'); is_program_out 'postgres', "echo \"select * from t\" | psql --cluster $newv/main -Atq latintest", 0, "A\324B\n", 'new latintest DB has correctly encoded string'; is ((system "pg_dropcluster --stop $newv main"), 0, 'dropping upgraded cluster'); is ((system "pg_ctlcluster $oldv main start"), 0, 'restarting old cluster'); # upgrade with explicitly specifying other locale like_program_out 0, "pg_upgradecluster --locale ru_RU.UTF-8 -v $newv $oldv main", 0, qr/^Success. Please check/m; is ((exec_as 'postgres', "psql --cluster $newv/main -Atl", $outref), 0, 'psql -Atl on upgraded cluster'); if ($newv >= 11) { ok ((index $$outref, 'latintest|postgres|ISO_8859_5') >= 0, 'latintest is still LATIN encoded'); } else { like $$outref, qr/latintest\|postgres\|(UTF8|UNICODE)/, 'latintest is now UTF8 encoded'; } ok ((index $$outref, 'asctest|postgres|SQL_ASCII') >= 0, 'asctest is ASCII encoded'); like $$outref, qr/template1\|postgres\|(UTF8|UNICODE)/, 'template1 is UTF8 encoded'; is_program_out 'postgres', "echo \"select * from t\" | psql --cluster $newv/main -Atq latintest", 0, ($newv >= 11 ? "A\324B\n": "AдB\n"), 'new latintest DB has correctly encoded string'; # ASCII databases don't do automatic encoding conversion, so this remains LATIN is_program_out 'postgres', "echo \"select * from t\" | psql --cluster $newv/main -Atq asctest", 0, "A\324B\n", 'new asctest DB has correctly encoded string'; is ((system "pg_dropcluster --stop $newv main"), 0, 'dropping upgraded cluster'); is ((system "pg_dropcluster $oldv main"), 0, 'dropping old cluster'); check_clean; # vim: filetype=perl