from __future__ import annotations import tarfile from unittest import mock import pytest import pre_commit.constants as C from pre_commit import parse_shebang from pre_commit.envcontext import envcontext from pre_commit.languages import ruby from pre_commit.languages.ruby import _resource_bytesio from import _make_local_repo from testing.language_helpers import run_language from testing.util import cwd from testing.util import xfailif_windows ACTUAL_GET_DEFAULT_VERSION = ruby.get_default_version.__wrapped__ @pytest.fixture def find_exe_mck(): with mock.patch.object(parse_shebang, 'find_executable') as mck: yield mck def test_uses_default_version_when_not_available(find_exe_mck): find_exe_mck.return_value = None assert ACTUAL_GET_DEFAULT_VERSION() == C.DEFAULT def test_uses_system_if_both_gem_and_ruby_are_available(find_exe_mck): find_exe_mck.return_value = '/path/to/exe' assert ACTUAL_GET_DEFAULT_VERSION() == 'system' @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'filename', ('rbenv.tar.gz', 'ruby-build.tar.gz', 'ruby-download.tar.gz'), ) def test_archive_root_stat(filename): with _resource_bytesio(filename) as f: with as tarf: root, _, _ = filename.partition('.') assert oct(tarf.getmember(root).mode) == '0o755' def _setup_hello_world(tmp_path): bin_dir = tmp_path.joinpath('bin') bin_dir.mkdir() bin_dir.joinpath('ruby_hook').write_text( '#!/usr/bin/env ruby\n' "puts 'Hello world from a ruby hook'\n", ) gemspec = '''\ do |s| = 'ruby_hook' s.version = '0.1.0' s.authors = ['Anthony Sottile'] s.summary = 'A ruby hook!' s.description = 'A ruby hook!' s.files = ['bin/ruby_hook'] s.executables = ['ruby_hook'] end ''' tmp_path.joinpath('ruby_hook.gemspec').write_text(gemspec) def test_ruby_hook_system(tmp_path): assert ruby.get_default_version() == 'system' _setup_hello_world(tmp_path) ret = run_language(tmp_path, ruby, 'ruby_hook') assert ret == (0, b'Hello world from a ruby hook\n') def test_ruby_with_user_install_set(tmp_path): gemrc = tmp_path.joinpath('gemrc') gemrc.write_text('gem: --user-install\n') with envcontext((('GEMRC', str(gemrc)),)): test_ruby_hook_system(tmp_path) def test_ruby_additional_deps(tmp_path): _make_local_repo(tmp_path) ret = run_language( tmp_path, ruby, 'ruby -e', args=('require "jmespath"',), deps=('jmespath',), ) assert ret == (0, b'') @xfailif_windows # pragma: win32 no cover def test_ruby_hook_default(tmp_path): _setup_hello_world(tmp_path) out, ret = run_language(tmp_path, ruby, 'rbenv --help', version='default') assert out == 0 assert ret.startswith(b'Usage: rbenv ') @xfailif_windows # pragma: win32 no cover def test_ruby_hook_language_version(tmp_path): _setup_hello_world(tmp_path) tmp_path.joinpath('bin', 'ruby_hook').write_text( '#!/usr/bin/env ruby\n' 'puts RUBY_VERSION\n' "puts 'Hello world from a ruby hook'\n", ) ret = run_language(tmp_path, ruby, 'ruby_hook', version='3.2.0') assert ret == (0, b'3.2.0\nHello world from a ruby hook\n') @xfailif_windows # pragma: win32 no cover def test_ruby_with_bundle_disable_shared_gems(tmp_path): workdir = tmp_path.joinpath('workdir') workdir.mkdir() # this needs a `source` or there's a deprecation warning # silencing this with `BUNDLE_GEMFILE` breaks some tools (#2739) workdir.joinpath('Gemfile').write_text('source ""\ngem "lol_hai"\n') # this bundle config causes things to be written elsewhere bundle = workdir.joinpath('.bundle') bundle.mkdir() bundle.joinpath('config').write_text( 'BUNDLE_DISABLE_SHARED_GEMS: true\n' 'BUNDLE_PATH: vendor/gem\n', ) with cwd(workdir): # `3.2.0` has new enough `gem` reading `.bundle` test_ruby_hook_language_version(tmp_path)