Source: progress-linux-metapackages Section: metapackages Priority: optional Maintainer: Progress Linux Maintainers XSBC-Uploaders: Daniel Baumann XSBC-Original-Maintainer: Daniel Baumann Bugs: Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), python3-docutils, Rules-Requires-Root: no Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Homepage: Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: XSBC-Original-Vcs-Browser: XSBC-Original-Vcs-Git: Package: progress-linux-base-system Section: metapackages Architecture: any Depends: ${misc:Depends}, progress-linux, task-ssh-server, # bash bash-completion, powerline, powerline-gitstatus, # debian apt-utils, debconf-utils, needrestart, # knot knot-dnsutils, knot-host, # lzip plzip, tarlz, zutils, # systemd libpam-systemd, systemd-resolved, systemd-oomd, # other acl, bc, ca-certificates, gawk, git, gnupg, htop, less, lnav, lsb-release, lynx, man-db, mc, mtr-tiny, openssl, psmisc, python3, ptpython, rsync, screen, sudo, tcpdump, traceroute, vim, wget, whois, zstd, Enhances: progress-linux, Description: Progress Linux - Base System Progress Linux is a Debian derivative distribution focused on system integration. . This package is a metapackage defining the package selection for the Progress Linux Base System. Package: progress-linux-container Section: metapackages Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, progress-linux-base-system, # systemd dbus, polkitd, systemd-sysv, Conflicts: bfh-container, molly-guard, Replaces: bfh-container, molly-guard, Enhances: progress-linux, progress-linux-base-system, Description: Progress Linux - Container Metapackage Progress Linux is a Debian derivative distribution focused on system integration. . This package is a metapackage to be installed in a container (systemd-nspawn). Package: progress-linux-host Section: metapackages Architecture: any Depends: ${misc:Depends}, progress-linux-base-system, # cryptsetup cryptsetup-bin, keyutils, plymouth, # firmware-free firmware-linux-free, # monitoring spectre-meltdown-checker, # other console-setup, dmidecode [amd64 arm64], ethtool, gpm, hdparm, nvme-cli, parted, smartmontools, systemd-timesyncd, Suggests: # bash fonts-powerline-extra, # firmware-nonfree (non-free) firmware-linux-nonfree, firmware-misc-nonfree, # microcode (contrib, non-free) iucode-tool, amd64-microcode, intel-microcode, Enhances: progress-linux, progress-linux-base-system, Description: Progress Linux - Host Metapackage Progress Linux is a Debian derivative distribution focused on system integration. . This package is a metapackage to be installed on a host system (physical or virtual). Package: progress-linux-maintainers Section: metapackages Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, progress-linux-base-system, # dpkg autotools-dev, build-essential, debhelper, debian-keyring, mmdebstrap | debootstrap, dput, fakeroot, lintian, # devscripts devscripts, python3-debian, # git git-buildpackage, myrepos, pre-commit, # knot knot-dnssecutils, # sphinx python3-sphinx, python3-sphinx-autobuild, graphviz, # other diffstat, fq, jq, Suggests: # git pre-commit-hooks, Enhances: progress-linux, progress-linux-base-system, Description: Progress Linux - Maintainers Metapackage Progress Linux is a Debian derivative distribution focused on system integration. . This package is a metapackage depending on packages used for Progress Linux development. Package: progress-linux-desktop Section: metapackages Architecture: any Depends: ${misc:Depends}, progress-linux-base-system, task-desktop, task-laptop, cups, # bash fonts-powerline, # firefox firefox | firefox-esr | www-browser, webext-foxyproxy, webext-privacy-badger, webext-ublock-origin-firefox, # filesystems dosfstools, exfatprogs, nfs-common, ntfs-3g, samba-common, sshfs, # gimp gimp, gimp-plugin-registry, # inkscape inkscape, # liferea liferea, gir1.2-gstreamer-1.0, gir1.2-notify-0.7, # network-manager network-manager-config-connectivity-debian, network-manager-ssh, # thunderbird thunderbird [amd64 arm64], # zip unzip, zip, # other apg, nwipe, symlinks, Suggests: # deluge deluge-gtk, deluged, # virtualbox (contrib, non-free) virtualbox, virtualbox-dkms, virtualbox-ext-pack, Enhances: progress-linux, progress-linux-base-system, Description: Progress Linux - Desktop Metapackage Progress Linux is a Debian derivative distribution focused on system integration. . This package is a metapackage to be installed on a desktop. Package: progress-linux-gnome-desktop Section: metapackages Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, progress-linux-desktop, task-gnome-desktop, # gnome-shell-extensions gnome-shell-extensions-extra, gnome-shell-extension-bluetooth-quick-connect, gnome-shell-extension-impatience, gnome-shell-extension-no-annoyance, # nautilus nautilus-admin, # network-manager network-manager-ssh-gnome, Enhances: progress-linux, progress-linux-base-system, progress-linux-desktop, Description: Progress Linux - GNOME Desktop Progress Linux is a Debian derivative distribution focused on system integration. . This package is a metapackage defining the package selection for the Progress Linux GNOME Desktop. Package: progress-linux-server Section: metapackages Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, progress-linux-base-system, # other localepurge, logrotate, molly-guard | progress-linux-container, postfix, safe-rm, Breaks: exim4-config, Enhances: progress-linux, progress-linux-base-system, Description: Progress Linux - Server Metapackage Progress Linux is a Debian derivative distribution focused on system integration. . This package is a metapackage to be installed on a server. Package: progress-linux-container-server Section: metapackages Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, progress-linux-server, # container-tools open-infrastructure-container-tools, curl, mmdebstrap | debootstrap, irker, pv, bridge-utils, # monitoring netdata, netdata-apache2, netdata-plugins-python, # web apache2, # other lldpd, numad, Suggests: ttyd, Enhances: progress-linux, progress-linux-base-system, progress-linux-server, Description: Progress Linux - Container Server Progress Linux is a Debian derivative distribution focused on system integration. . This package is a metapackage defining the package selection for the Progress Linux Container Server.