#!/usr/bin/env python """ Simple example of a custom, very slow history, that is loaded asynchronously. By wrapping it in `ThreadedHistory`, the history will load in the background without blocking any user interaction. """ import time from prompt_toolkit import PromptSession from prompt_toolkit.history import History, ThreadedHistory class SlowHistory(History): """ Example class that loads the history very slowly... """ def load_history_strings(self): for i in range(1000): time.sleep(1) # Emulate slowness. yield f"item-{i}" def store_string(self, string): pass # Don't store strings. def main(): print( "Asynchronous loading of history. Notice that the up-arrow will work " "for as far as the completions are loaded.\n" "Even when the input is accepted, loading will continue in the " "background and when the next prompt is displayed.\n" ) our_history = ThreadedHistory(SlowHistory()) # The history needs to be passed to the `PromptSession`. It can't be passed # to the `prompt` call because only one history can be used during a # session. session = PromptSession(history=our_history) while True: text = session.prompt("Say something: ") print(f"You said: {text}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()