path: root/examples/vscode-playground/src/extension.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/vscode-playground/src/extension.ts b/examples/vscode-playground/src/extension.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8952f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/vscode-playground/src/extension.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Original work Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Original work licensed under the MIT License.
+ * See ThirdPartyNotices.txt in the project root for license information.
+ * All modifications Copyright (c) Open Law Library. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http: //
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+"use strict";
+import * as net from "net";
+import * as path from "path";
+import * as vscode from "vscode";
+import * as semver from "semver";
+import { PythonExtension } from "@vscode/python-extension";
+import { LanguageClient, LanguageClientOptions, ServerOptions, State, integer } from "vscode-languageclient/node";
+const MIN_PYTHON = semver.parse("3.7.9")
+// Some other nice to haves.
+// TODO: Check selected env satisfies pygls' requirements - if not offer to run the select env command.
+// TODO: TCP Transport
+// TODO: WS Transport
+// TODO: Web Extension support (requires WASM-WASI!)
+let client: LanguageClient;
+let clientStarting = false
+let python: PythonExtension;
+let logger: vscode.LogOutputChannel
+ * This is the main entry point.
+ * Called when vscode first activates the extension
+ */
+export async function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
+ logger = vscode.window.createOutputChannel('pygls', { log: true })
+"Extension activated.")
+ await getPythonExtension();
+ if (!python) {
+ return
+ }
+ // Restart language server command
+ context.subscriptions.push(
+ vscode.commands.registerCommand("pygls.server.restart", async () => {
+'restarting server...')
+ await startLangServer()
+ })
+ )
+ // Execute command... command
+ context.subscriptions.push(
+ vscode.commands.registerCommand("pygls.server.executeCommand", async () => {
+ await executeServerCommand()
+ })
+ )
+ // Restart the language server if the user switches Python envs...
+ context.subscriptions.push(
+ python.environments.onDidChangeActiveEnvironmentPath(async () => {
+'python env modified, restarting server...')
+ await startLangServer()
+ })
+ )
+ // ... or if they change a relevant config option
+ context.subscriptions.push(
+ vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(async (event) => {
+ if (event.affectsConfiguration("pygls.server") || event.affectsConfiguration("pygls.client")) {
+'config modified, restarting server...')
+ await startLangServer()
+ }
+ })
+ )
+ // Start the language server once the user opens the first text document...
+ context.subscriptions.push(
+ vscode.workspace.onDidOpenTextDocument(
+ async () => {
+ if (!client) {
+ await startLangServer()
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ // ...or notebook.
+ context.subscriptions.push(
+ vscode.workspace.onDidOpenNotebookDocument(
+ async () => {
+ if (!client) {
+ await startLangServer()
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ // Restart the server if the user modifies it.
+ context.subscriptions.push(
+ vscode.workspace.onDidSaveTextDocument(async (document: vscode.TextDocument) => {
+ const expectedUri = vscode.Uri.file(path.join(getCwd(), getServerPath()))
+ if (expectedUri.toString() === document.uri.toString()) {
+'server modified, restarting...')
+ await startLangServer()
+ }
+ })
+ )
+export function deactivate(): Thenable<void> {
+ return stopLangServer()
+ * Start (or restart) the language server.
+ *
+ * @param command The executable to run
+ * @param args Arguments to pass to the executable
+ * @param cwd The working directory in which to run the executable
+ * @returns
+ */
+async function startLangServer() {
+ // Don't interfere if we are already in the process of launching the server.
+ if (clientStarting) {
+ return
+ }
+ clientStarting = true
+ if (client) {
+ await stopLangServer()
+ }
+ const config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration("pygls.server")
+ const cwd = getCwd()
+ const serverPath = getServerPath()
+`cwd: '${cwd}'`)
+`server: '${serverPath}'`)
+ const resource = vscode.Uri.joinPath(vscode.Uri.file(cwd), serverPath)
+ const pythonCommand = await getPythonCommand(resource)
+ if (!pythonCommand) {
+ clientStarting = false
+ return
+ }
+ logger.debug(`python: ${pythonCommand.join(" ")}`)
+ const serverOptions: ServerOptions = {
+ command: pythonCommand[0],
+ args: [...pythonCommand.slice(1), serverPath],
+ options: { cwd },
+ };
+ client = new LanguageClient('pygls', serverOptions, getClientOptions());
+ const promises = [client.start()]
+ if (config.get<boolean>("debug")) {
+ promises.push(startDebugging())
+ }
+ const results = await Promise.allSettled(promises)
+ clientStarting = false
+ for (const result of results) {
+ if (result.status === "rejected") {
+ logger.error(`There was a error starting the server: ${result.reason}`)
+ }
+ }
+async function stopLangServer(): Promise<void> {
+ if (!client) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (client.state === State.Running) {
+ await client.stop()
+ }
+ client.dispose()
+ client = undefined
+function startDebugging(): Promise<void> {
+ if (!vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders) {
+ logger.error("Unable to start debugging, there is no workspace.")
+ return Promise.reject("Unable to start debugging, there is no workspace.")
+ }
+ // TODO: Is there a more reliable way to ensure the debug adapter is ready?
+ setTimeout(async () => {
+ await vscode.debug.startDebugging(vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0], "pygls: Debug Server")
+ }, 2000)
+function getClientOptions(): LanguageClientOptions {
+ const config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('pygls.client')
+ const options = {
+ documentSelector: config.get<any>('documentSelector'),
+ outputChannel: logger,
+ connectionOptions: {
+ maxRestartCount: 0 // don't restart on server failure.
+ },
+ };
+`client options: ${JSON.stringify(options, undefined, 2)}`)
+ return options
+function startLangServerTCP(addr: number): LanguageClient {
+ const serverOptions: ServerOptions = () => {
+ return new Promise((resolve /*, reject */) => {
+ const clientSocket = new net.Socket();
+ clientSocket.connect(addr, "", () => {
+ resolve({
+ reader: clientSocket,
+ writer: clientSocket,
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ return new LanguageClient(
+ `tcp lang server (port ${addr})`,
+ serverOptions,
+ getClientOptions()
+ );
+ * Execute a command provided by the language server.
+ */
+async function executeServerCommand() {
+ if (!client || client.state !== State.Running) {
+ await vscode.window.showErrorMessage("There is no language server running.")
+ return
+ }
+ const knownCommands = client.initializeResult.capabilities.executeCommandProvider?.commands
+ if (!knownCommands || knownCommands.length === 0) {
+ const info = client.initializeResult.serverInfo
+ const name = info?.name || "Server"
+ const version = info?.version || ""
+ await vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`${name} ${version} does not implement any commands.`)
+ return
+ }
+ const commandName = await vscode.window.showQuickPick(knownCommands, { canPickMany: false })
+ if (!commandName) {
+ return
+ }
+`executing command: '${commandName}'`)
+ const result = await vscode.commands.executeCommand(commandName /* if your command accepts arguments you can pass them here */)
+`${commandName} result: ${JSON.stringify(result, undefined, 2)}`)
+ * If the user has explicitly provided a src directory use that.
+ * Otherwise, fallback to the examples/servers directory.
+ *
+ * @returns The working directory from which to launch the server
+ */
+function getCwd(): string {
+ const config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration("pygls.server")
+ const cwd = config.get<string>('cwd')
+ if (cwd) {
+ return cwd
+ }
+ const serverDir = path.resolve(
+ path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "servers")
+ )
+ return serverDir
+ *
+ * @returns The python script that implements the server.
+ */
+function getServerPath(): string {
+ const config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration("pygls.server")
+ const server = config.get<string>('launchScript')
+ return server
+ * Return the python command to use when starting the server.
+ *
+ * If debugging is enabled, this will also included the arguments to required
+ * to wrap the server in a debug adapter.
+ *
+ * @returns The full python command needed in order to start the server.
+ */
+async function getPythonCommand(resource?: vscode.Uri): Promise<string[] | undefined> {
+ const config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration("pygls.server", resource)
+ const pythonPath = await getPythonInterpreter(resource)
+ if (!pythonPath) {
+ return
+ }
+ const command = [pythonPath]
+ const enableDebugger = config.get<boolean>('debug')
+ if (!enableDebugger) {
+ return command
+ }
+ const debugHost = config.get<string>('debugHost')
+ const debugPort = config.get<integer>('debugPort')
+ try {
+ const debugArgs = await python.debug.getRemoteLauncherCommand(debugHost, debugPort, true)
+ // Debugpy recommends we disable frozen modules
+ command.push("-Xfrozen_modules=off", ...debugArgs)
+ } catch (err) {
+ logger.error(`Unable to get debugger command: ${err}`)
+ logger.error("Debugger will not be available.")
+ }
+ return command
+ * Return the python interpreter to use when starting the server.
+ *
+ * This uses the official python extension to grab the user's currently
+ * configured environment.
+ *
+ * @returns The python interpreter to use to launch the server
+ */
+async function getPythonInterpreter(resource?: vscode.Uri): Promise<string | undefined> {
+ const config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration("pygls.server", resource)
+ const pythonPath = config.get<string>('pythonPath')
+ if (pythonPath) {
+`Using user configured python environment: '${pythonPath}'`)
+ return pythonPath
+ }
+ if (!python) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (resource) {
+`Looking for environment in which to execute: '${resource.toString()}'`)
+ }
+ // Use whichever python interpreter the user has configured.
+ const activeEnvPath = python.environments.getActiveEnvironmentPath(resource)
+`Found environment: ${}: ${activeEnvPath.path}`)
+ const activeEnv = await python.environments.resolveEnvironment(activeEnvPath)
+ if (!activeEnv) {
+ logger.error(`Unable to resolve envrionment: ${activeEnvPath}`)
+ return
+ }
+ const v = activeEnv.version
+ const pythonVersion = semver.parse(`${v.major}.${v.minor}.${v.micro}`)
+ // Check to see if the environment satisfies the min Python version.
+ if (, MIN_PYTHON)) {
+ const message = [
+ `Your currently configured environment provides Python v${pythonVersion} `,
+ `but pygls requires v${MIN_PYTHON}.\n\nPlease choose another environment.`
+ ].join('')
+ const response = await vscode.window.showErrorMessage(message, "Change Environment")
+ if (!response) {
+ return
+ } else {
+ await vscode.commands.executeCommand('python.setInterpreter')
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ const pythonUri = activeEnv.executable.uri
+ if (!pythonUri) {
+ logger.error(`URI of Python executable is undefined!`)
+ return
+ }
+ return pythonUri.fsPath
+async function getPythonExtension() {
+ try {
+ python = await PythonExtension.api();
+ } catch (err) {
+ logger.error(`Unable to load python extension: ${err}`)
+ }