# Pygls Playground ![Screenshot of the vscode-playground extension in action](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2675694/260591942-b7001a7b-3081-439d-b702-5f8a489856db.png) This VSCode extension aims to serve two purposes. - Provide an environment in which you can easily experiment with the pygls framework by trying some of our example servers - or by writing your own - Provide a minimal example of what it takes to integrate a pygls powered language server into VSCode. For an example of a more complete VSCode client, including details on how to bundle your Python code with the VSCode extension itself you may also be interested in Microsoft's [template extension for Python tools](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-python-tools-extension-template). ## Setup ### Install Server Dependencies Open a terminal in the repository's root directory 1. Create a virtual environment ``` python -m venv env ``` 1. Install pygls ``` python -m pip install -e . ``` ### Install Client Dependencies Open terminal in the same directory as this file and execute following commands: 1. Install node dependencies ``` npm install ``` 1. Compile the extension ``` npm run compile ``` Alternatively you can run `npm run watch` if you are going to be actively working on the extension itself. ### Run Extension 1. Open this directory in VS Code 1. The playground relies on the [Python extension for VSCode](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-python.python) for choosing the appropriate Python environment in which to run the example language servers. If you haven't already, you will need to install it and reload the window. 1. Open the Run and Debug view (`ctrl + shift + D`) 1. Select `Launch Client` and press `F5`, this will open a second VSCode window with the `vscode-playground` extension enabled. 1. You will need to make sure that VSCode is using a virtual environment that contains an installation of `pygls`. The `Python: Select Interpreter` command can be used to pick the correct one. Alternatively, you can set the `pygls.server.pythonPath` option in the `.vscode/settings.json` file #### Selecting the document language The default settings for the `pygls-playground` VSCode extension are configured for the `json_server.py` example. In particular the server will only be used for `.json` files. The `code_actions.py` example is intended to be used with text files (e.g. the provided `sums.txt` file). To use the server with text files change the **Pygls > Client: Document Selector** setting to the following: ``` "pygls.client.documentSelector": [ { "scheme": "file", "language": "plaintext" }, ], ``` You can find the full list of known language identifiers [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/identifiers#_known-language-identifiers). #### Debugging the server To debug the language server set the `pygls.server.debug` option to `true`. The server should be restarted and the debugger connect automatically. You can control the host and port that the debugger uses through the `pygls.server.debugHost` and `pygls.server.debugPort` options.