############################################################################ # Copyright(c) Open Law Library. All rights reserved. # # See ThirdPartyNotices.txt in the project root for additional notices. # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") # # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # http: // www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # ############################################################################ import asyncio import logging import re from threading import Event from typing import Any from typing import Callable from typing import List from typing import Optional from typing import Type from typing import Union from cattrs import Converter from pygls.exceptions import PyglsError, JsonRpcException from pygls.protocol import JsonRPCProtocol, default_converter logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) async def aio_readline(stop_event, reader, message_handler): CONTENT_LENGTH_PATTERN = re.compile(rb"^Content-Length: (\d+)\r\n$") # Initialize message buffer message = [] content_length = 0 while not stop_event.is_set(): # Read a header line header = await reader.readline() if not header: break message.append(header) # Extract content length if possible if not content_length: match = CONTENT_LENGTH_PATTERN.fullmatch(header) if match: content_length = int(match.group(1)) logger.debug("Content length: %s", content_length) # Check if all headers have been read (as indicated by an empty line \r\n) if content_length and not header.strip(): # Read body body = await reader.readexactly(content_length) if not body: break message.append(body) # Pass message to protocol message_handler(b"".join(message)) # Reset the buffer message = [] content_length = 0 class JsonRPCClient: """Base JSON-RPC client.""" def __init__( self, protocol_cls: Type[JsonRPCProtocol] = JsonRPCProtocol, converter_factory: Callable[[], Converter] = default_converter, ): # Strictly speaking `JsonRPCProtocol` wants a `LanguageServer`, not a # `JsonRPCClient`. However there similar enough for our purposes, which is # that this client will mostly be used in testing contexts. self.protocol = protocol_cls(self, converter_factory()) # type: ignore self._server: Optional[asyncio.subprocess.Process] = None self._stop_event = Event() self._async_tasks: List[asyncio.Task] = [] @property def stopped(self) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the client has been stopped.""" return self._stop_event.is_set() def feature( self, feature_name: str, options: Optional[Any] = None, ): """Decorator used to register LSP features. Example ------- :: import logging from pygls.client import JsonRPCClient ls = JsonRPCClient() @ls.feature('window/logMessage') def completions(ls, params): logging.info("%s", params.message) """ return self.protocol.fm.feature(feature_name, options) async def start_io(self, cmd: str, *args, **kwargs): """Start the given server and communicate with it over stdio.""" logger.debug("Starting server process: %s", " ".join([cmd, *args])) server = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( cmd, *args, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stdin=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, **kwargs, ) self.protocol.connection_made(server.stdin) # type: ignore connection = asyncio.create_task( aio_readline(self._stop_event, server.stdout, self.protocol.data_received) ) notify_exit = asyncio.create_task(self._server_exit()) self._server = server self._async_tasks.extend([connection, notify_exit]) async def _server_exit(self): if self._server is not None: await self._server.wait() logger.debug( "Server process %s exited with return code: %s", self._server.pid, self._server.returncode, ) await self.server_exit(self._server) self._stop_event.set() async def server_exit(self, server: asyncio.subprocess.Process): """Called when the server process exits.""" def _report_server_error( self, error: Exception, source: Union[PyglsError, JsonRpcException] ): try: self.report_server_error(error, source) except Exception: logger.error("Unable to report error", exc_info=True) def report_server_error( self, error: Exception, source: Union[PyglsError, JsonRpcException] ): """Called when the server does something unexpected e.g. respond with malformed JSON.""" async def stop(self): self._stop_event.set() if self._server is not None and self._server.returncode is None: logger.debug("Terminating server process: %s", self._server.pid) self._server.terminate() if len(self._async_tasks) > 0: await asyncio.gather(*self._async_tasks)