[build-system] requires = [ "setuptools >= 65.3.0", # required by pyproject+setuptools_scm integration and editable installs "setuptools_scm[toml] >= 7.0.5", # required for "no-local-version" scheme ] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [project] # https://peps.python.org/pep-0621/#readme requires-python = ">=3.9" dynamic = ["version", "dependencies", "optional-dependencies"] name = "ansible-compat" description = "Ansible compatibility goodies" readme = "README.md" authors = [{ "name" = "Sorin Sbarnea", "email" = "ssbarnea@redhat.com" }] maintainers = [{ "name" = "Sorin Sbarnea", "email" = "ssbarnea@redhat.com" }] license = { text = "MIT" } classifiers = [ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Environment :: Console", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Intended Audience :: Information Technology", "Intended Audience :: System Administrators", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12", "Programming Language :: Python", "Topic :: System :: Systems Administration", "Topic :: Software Development :: Bug Tracking", "Topic :: Software Development :: Quality Assurance", "Topic :: Software Development :: Testing", "Topic :: Utilities", ] keywords = ["ansible"] [project.urls] homepage = "https://github.com/ansible/ansible-compat" documentation = "https://ansible.readthedocs.io/projects/compat/" repository = "https://github.com/ansible/ansible-compat" changelog = "https://github.com/ansible/ansible-compat/releases" [tool.coverage.report] exclude_lines = ["pragma: no cover", "if TYPE_CHECKING:"] fail_under = 100 skip_covered = true show_missing = true [tool.coverage.run] source = ["src"] # Do not use branch until bug is fixes: # https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/issues/605 branch = false parallel = true concurrency = ["multiprocessing", "thread"] [tool.isort] profile = "black" [tool.mypy] python_version = 3.9 color_output = true error_summary = true disallow_untyped_calls = true disallow_untyped_defs = true disallow_any_generics = true # disallow_any_unimported = True # ; warn_redundant_casts = True # warn_return_any = True # warn_unused_configs = True exclude = "test/local-content" [[tool.mypy.overrides]] module = "ansible.*" ignore_missing_imports = true [[tool.mypy.overrides]] # generated by setuptools-scm, can be missing during linting module = "ansible_compat._version" ignore_errors = true [tool.pylint.BASIC] good-names = [ "f", # filename "i", "j", "k", "ns", # namespace "ex", "Run", "_", ] [tool.pylint.IMPORTS] preferred-modules = ["unittest:pytest"] [tool.pylint.MASTER] # _version.py is generated by setuptools-scm. ignore-paths = "^src/ansible_compat/_version.py" [tool.pylint."MESSAGES CONTROL"] disable = [ "unknown-option-value", # https://gist.github.com/cidrblock/ec3412bacfeb34dbc2d334c1d53bef83 "C0103", # invalid-name / ruff N815 "C0105", # typevar-name-incorrect-variance / ruff PLC0105 "C0112", # empty-docstring / ruff D419 "C0113", # unneeded-not / ruff SIM208 "C0114", # missing-module-docstring / ruff D100 "C0115", # missing-class-docstring / ruff D101 "C0116", # missing-function-docstring / ruff D103 "C0121", # singleton-comparison / ruff PLC0121 "C0123", # unidiomatic-typecheck / ruff E721 "C0131", # typevar-double-variance / ruff PLC0131 "C0132", # typevar-name-mismatch / ruff PLC0132 "C0198", # bad-docstring-quotes / ruff Q002 "C0199", # docstring-first-line-empty / ruff D210 "C0201", # consider-iterating-dictionary / ruff SIM118 "C0202", # bad-classmethod-argument / ruff PLC0202 "C0205", # single-string-used-for-slots / ruff PLC0205 "C0208", # use-sequence-for-iteration / ruff PLC0208 "C0301", # line-too-long / ruff E501 "C0303", # trailing-whitespace / ruff W291 "C0304", # missing-final-newline / ruff W292 "C0321", # multiple-statements / ruff PLC0321 "C0410", # multiple-imports / ruff E401 "C0411", # wrong-import-order / ruff I001 "C0412", # ungrouped-imports / ruff I001 "C0413", # wrong-import-position / ruff E402 "C0414", # useless-import-alias / ruff PLC0414 "C0415", # import-outside-toplevel / ruff PLC0415 "C0501", # consider-using-any-or-all / ruff PLC0501 "C1901", # compare-to-empty-string / ruff PLC1901 "C2201", # misplaced-comparison-constant / ruff SIM300 "C2401", # non-ascii-name / ruff PLC2401 "C2403", # non-ascii-module-import / ruff PLC2403 "C2701", # import-private-name / ruff PLC2701 "C2801", # unnecessary-dunder-call / ruff PLC2801 "C3001", # unnecessary-lambda-assignment / ruff E731 "C3002", # unnecessary-direct-lambda-call / ruff PLC3002 "E0001", # syntax-error / ruff E999 "E0100", # init-is-generator / ruff PLE0100 "E0101", # return-in-init / ruff PLE0101 "E0102", # function-redefined / ruff F811 "E0103", # not-in-loop / ruff PLE0103 "E0104", # return-outside-function / ruff F706 "E0105", # yield-outside-function / ruff F704 "E0107", # nonexistent-operator / ruff B002 "E0112", # too-many-star-expressions / ruff F622 "E0115", # nonlocal-and-global / ruff PLE0115 "E0116", # continue-in-finally / ruff PLE0116 "E0117", # nonlocal-without-binding / ruff PLE0117 "E0118", # used-prior-global-declaration / ruff PLE0118 "E0211", # no-method-argument / ruff N805 "E0213", # no-self-argument / ruff N805 "E0237", # assigning-non-slot / ruff PLE0237 "E0241", # duplicate-bases / ruff PLE0241 "E0302", # unexpected-special-method-signature / ruff PLE0302 "E0303", # invalid-length-returned / ruff PLE0303 "E0304", # invalid-bool-returned / ruff PLE0304 "E0305", # invalid-index-returned / ruff PLE0305 "E0308", # invalid-bytes-returned / ruff PLE0308 "E0309", # invalid-hash-returned / ruff PLE0309 "E0402", # relative-beyond-top-level / ruff TID252 "E0602", # undefined-variable / ruff F821 "E0603", # undefined-all-variable / ruff F822 "E0604", # invalid-all-object / ruff PLE0604 "E0605", # invalid-all-format / ruff PLE0605 "E0643", # potential-index-error / ruff PLE0643 "E0704", # misplaced-bare-raise / ruff PLE0704 "E0711", # notimplemented-raised / ruff F901 "E1132", # repeated-keyword / ruff PLE1132 "E1142", # await-outside-async / ruff PLE1142 "E1205", # logging-too-many-args / ruff PLE1205 "E1206", # logging-too-few-args / ruff PLE1206 "E1300", # bad-format-character / ruff PLE1300 "E1301", # truncated-format-string / ruff F501 "E1302", # mixed-format-string / ruff F506 "E1303", # format-needs-mapping / ruff F502 "E1304", # missing-format-string-key / ruff F524 "E1305", # too-many-format-args / ruff F522 "E1306", # too-few-format-args / ruff F524 "E1307", # bad-string-format-type / ruff PLE1307 "E1310", # bad-str-strip-call / ruff PLE1310 "E1519", # singledispatch-method / ruff PLE1519 "E1520", # singledispatchmethod-function / ruff PLE5120 "E1700", # yield-inside-async-function / ruff PLE1700 "E2502", # bidirectional-unicode / ruff PLE2502 "E2510", # invalid-character-backspace / ruff PLE2510 "E2512", # invalid-character-sub / ruff PLE2512 "E2513", # invalid-character-esc / ruff PLE2513 "E2514", # invalid-character-nul / ruff PLE2514 "E2515", # invalid-character-zero-width-space / ruff PLE2515 "E4703", # modified-iterating-set / ruff PLE4703 "R0123", # literal-comparison / ruff F632 "R0124", # comparison-with-itself / ruff PLR0124 "R0133", # comparison-of-constants / ruff PLR0133 "R0202", # no-classmethod-decorator / ruff PLR0202 "R0203", # no-staticmethod-decorator / ruff PLR0203 "R0205", # useless-object-inheritance / ruff UP004 "R0206", # property-with-parameters / ruff PLR0206 "R0904", # too-many-public-methods / ruff PLR0904 "R0911", # too-many-return-statements / ruff PLR0911 "R0912", # too-many-branches / ruff PLR0912 "R0913", # too-many-arguments / ruff PLR0913 "R0914", # too-many-locals / ruff PLR0914 "R0915", # too-many-statements / ruff PLR0915 "R0916", # too-many-boolean-expressions / ruff PLR0916 "R1260", # too-complex / ruff C901 "R1701", # consider-merging-isinstance / ruff PLR1701 "R1702", # too-many-nested-blocks / ruff PLR1702 "R1703", # simplifiable-if-statement / ruff SIM108 "R1704", # redefined-argument-from-local / ruff PLR1704 "R1705", # no-else-return / ruff RET505 "R1706", # consider-using-ternary / ruff PLR1706 "R1707", # trailing-comma-tuple / ruff COM818 "R1710", # inconsistent-return-statements / ruff PLR1710 "R1711", # useless-return / ruff PLR1711 "R1714", # consider-using-in / ruff PLR1714 "R1715", # consider-using-get / ruff SIM401 "R1717", # consider-using-dict-comprehension / ruff C402 "R1718", # consider-using-set-comprehension / ruff C401 "R1719", # simplifiable-if-expression / ruff PLR1719 "R1720", # no-else-raise / ruff RET506 "R1721", # unnecessary-comprehension / ruff C416 "R1722", # consider-using-sys-exit / ruff PLR1722 "R1723", # no-else-break / ruff RET508 "R1724", # no-else-continue / ruff RET507 "R1725", # super-with-arguments / ruff UP008 "R1728", # consider-using-generator / ruff C417 "R1729", # use-a-generator / ruff C419 "R1730", # consider-using-min-builtin / ruff PLR1730 "R1731", # consider-using-max-builtin / ruff PLR1730 "R1732", # consider-using-with / ruff SIM115 "R1733", # unnecessary-dict-index-lookup / ruff PLR1733 "R1734", # use-list-literal / ruff C405 "R1735", # use-dict-literal / ruff C406 "R1736", # unnecessary-list-index-lookup / ruff PLR1736 "R2004", # magic-value-comparison / ruff PLR2004 "R2044", # empty-comment / ruff PLR2044 "R5501", # else-if-used / ruff PLR5501 "R6002", # consider-using-alias / ruff UP006 "R6003", # consider-alternative-union-syntax / ruff UP007 "R6104", # consider-using-augmented-assign / ruff PLR6104 "R6201", # use-set-for-membership / ruff PLR6201 "R6301", # no-self-use / ruff PLR6301 "W0102", # dangerous-default-value / ruff B006 "W0104", # pointless-statement / ruff B018 "W0106", # expression-not-assigned / ruff B018 "W0107", # unnecessary-pass / ruff PIE790 "W0108", # unnecessary-lambda / ruff PLW0108 "W0109", # duplicate-key / ruff F601 "W0120", # useless-else-on-loop / ruff PLW0120 "W0122", # exec-used / ruff S102 "W0123", # eval-used / ruff PGH001 "W0127", # self-assigning-variable / ruff PLW0127 "W0129", # assert-on-string-literal / ruff PLW0129 "W0130", # duplicate-value / ruff B033 "W0131", # named-expr-without-context / ruff PLW0131 "W0133", # pointless-exception-statement / ruff PLW0133 "W0150", # lost-exception / ruff B012 "W0160", # consider-ternary-expression / ruff SIM108 "W0177", # nan-comparison / ruff PLW0117 "W0199", # assert-on-tuple / ruff F631 "W0211", # bad-staticmethod-argument / ruff PLW0211 "W0212", # protected-access / ruff SLF001 "W0245", # super-without-brackets / ruff PLW0245 "W0301", # unnecessary-semicolon / ruff E703 "W0401", # wildcard-import / ruff F403 "W0404", # reimported / ruff F811 "W0406", # import-self / ruff PLW0406 "W0410", # misplaced-future / ruff F404 "W0511", # fixme / ruff PLW0511 "W0602", # global-variable-not-assigned / ruff PLW0602 "W0603", # global-statement / ruff PLW0603 "W0604", # global-at-module-level / ruff PLW0604 "W0611", # unused-import / ruff F401 "W0612", # unused-variable / ruff F841 "W0613", # unused-argument / ruff ARG001 "W0622", # redefined-builtin / ruff A001 "W0640", # cell-var-from-loop / ruff B023 "W0702", # bare-except / ruff E722 "W0705", # duplicate-except / ruff B014 "W0706", # try-except-raise / ruff TRY302 "W0707", # raise-missing-from / ruff TRY200 "W0711", # binary-op-exception / ruff PLW0711 "W0718", # broad-exception-caught / ruff PLW0718 "W0719", # broad-exception-raised / ruff TRY002 "W1113", # keyword-arg-before-vararg / ruff B026 "W1201", # logging-not-lazy / ruff G "W1202", # logging-format-interpolation / ruff G "W1203", # logging-fstring-interpolation / ruff G "W1300", # bad-format-string-key / ruff PLW1300 "W1301", # unused-format-string-key / ruff F504 "W1302", # bad-format-string / ruff PLW1302 "W1303", # missing-format-argument-key / ruff F524 "W1304", # unused-format-string-argument / ruff F507 "W1305", # format-combined-specification / ruff F525 "W1308", # duplicate-string-formatting-argument / ruff PLW1308 "W1309", # f-string-without-interpolation / ruff F541 "W1310", # format-string-without-interpolation / ruff F541 "W1401", # anomalous-backslash-in-string / ruff W605 "W1404", # implicit-str-concat / ruff ISC001 "W1405", # inconsistent-quotes / ruff Q000 "W1406", # redundant-u-string-prefix / ruff UP025 "W1501", # bad-open-mode / ruff PLW1501 "W1508", # invalid-envvar-default / ruff PLW1508 "W1509", # subprocess-popen-preexec-fn / ruff PLW1509 "W1510", # subprocess-run-check / ruff PLW1510 "W1514", # unspecified-encoding / ruff PLW1514 "W1515", # forgotten-debug-statement / ruff T100 "W1518", # method-cache-max-size-none / ruff B019 "W1641", # eq-without-hash / ruff PLW1641 "W2101", # useless-with-lock / ruff PLW2101 "W2402", # non-ascii-file-name / ruff N999 "W2901", # redefined-loop-name / ruff PLW2901 "W3201", # bad-dunder-name / ruff PLW3201 "W3301", # nested-min-max / ruff PLW3301 "duplicate-code", "fixme", "too-few-public-methods", "unsubscriptable-object", # On purpose disabled as we rely on black "line-too-long", "protected-access", # covered by ruff SLF001 # local imports do not work well with pre-commit hook "import-error", # already covered by ruff which is faster "too-many-arguments", # PLR0913 "raise-missing-from", # Temporary disable duplicate detection we remove old code from prerun "duplicate-code", ] [tool.pytest.ini_options] # ensure we treat warnings as error filterwarnings = [ "error", # py312 ansible-core # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/81906 "ignore:'importlib.abc.TraversableResources' is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.14:DeprecationWarning", ] testpaths = ["test"] [tool.ruff] extend-include = ["src/ansible_compat/_version.py"] target-version = "py39" lint.select = ["ALL"] lint.ignore = [ # Disabled on purpose: "ANN101", # Missing type annotation for `self` in method "D203", # incompatible with D211 "D211", "D213", # incompatible with D212 "E501", # we use black "RET504", # Unnecessary variable assignment before `return` statement # Temporary disabled during adoption: "S607", # Starting a process with a partial executable path "PLR0912", # Bug https://github.com/charliermarsh/ruff/issues/4244 "PLR0913", # Bug https://github.com/charliermarsh/ruff/issues/4244 "RUF012", "PERF203", ] [tool.ruff.lint.flake8-pytest-style] parametrize-values-type = "tuple" [tool.ruff.lint.isort] known-first-party = ["ansible_compat"] known-third-party = ["packaging"] [tool.ruff.lint.per-file-ignores] "test/**/*.py" = ["SLF001", "S101", "FBT001"] [tool.ruff.lint.pydocstyle] convention = "pep257" [tool.setuptools.dynamic] dependencies = { file = [".config/requirements.in"] } optional-dependencies.docs = { file = [".config/requirements-docs.in"] } optional-dependencies.test = { file = [".config/requirements-test.in"] } [tool.setuptools_scm] local_scheme = "no-local-version" tag_regex = "^(?Pv)?(?P\\d+[^\\+]*)(?P.*)?$" write_to = "src/ansible_compat/_version.py" # To prevent accidental pick of mobile version tags such 'v6' git_describe_command = [ "git", "describe", "--dirty", "--tags", "--long", "--match", "v*.*", ]