[build-system] requires = [ "setuptools >= 65.3.0", # required by pyproject+setuptools_scm integration and editable installs "setuptools_scm[toml] >= 7.0.5" # required for "no-local-version" scheme ] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [project] # https://peps.python.org/pep-0621/#readme requires-python = ">=3.9" dynamic = ["version", "dependencies", "optional-dependencies"] name = "ansible-compat" description = "Ansible compatibility goodies" readme = "README.md" authors = [{"name" = "Sorin Sbarnea", "email" = "ssbarnea@redhat.com"}] maintainers = [{"name" = "Sorin Sbarnea", "email" = "ssbarnea@redhat.com"}] license = {text = "MIT"} classifiers = [ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Environment :: Console", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Intended Audience :: Information Technology", "Intended Audience :: System Administrators", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12", "Programming Language :: Python", "Topic :: System :: Systems Administration", "Topic :: Software Development :: Bug Tracking", "Topic :: Software Development :: Quality Assurance", "Topic :: Software Development :: Testing", "Topic :: Utilities" ] keywords = ["ansible"] [project.urls] homepage = "https://github.com/ansible/ansible-compat" documentation = "https://ansible.readthedocs.io/projects/compat/" repository = "https://github.com/ansible/ansible-compat" changelog = "https://github.com/ansible/ansible-compat/releases" [tool.coverage.report] exclude_lines = ["pragma: no cover", "if TYPE_CHECKING:"] fail_under = 92 skip_covered = true show_missing = true [tool.coverage.run] source = ["src"] # Do not use branch until bug is fixes: # https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/issues/605 branch = false parallel = true concurrency = ["multiprocessing", "thread"] [tool.isort] profile = "black" [tool.mypy] python_version = 3.9 color_output = true error_summary = true disallow_untyped_calls = true disallow_untyped_defs = true disallow_any_generics = true # disallow_any_unimported = True # ; warn_redundant_casts = True # warn_return_any = True # warn_unused_configs = True exclude = "test/local-content" [[tool.mypy.overrides]] module = "ansible.*" ignore_missing_imports = true [tool.pylint.BASIC] good-names = [ "f", # filename "i", "j", "k", "ns", # namespace "ex", "Run", "_" ] [tool.pylint.IMPORTS] preferred-modules = ["unittest:pytest"] [tool.pylint."MESSAGES CONTROL"] disable = [ # On purpose disabled as we rely on black "line-too-long", # local imports do not work well with pre-commit hook "import-error", # already covered by ruff which is faster "too-many-arguments", # PLR0913 "raise-missing-from", # Temporary disable duplicate detection we remove old code from prerun "duplicate-code" ] [tool.pytest.ini_options] # ensure we treat warnings as error filterwarnings = [ "error", # py312 ansible-core # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/81906 "ignore:'importlib.abc.TraversableResources' is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.14:DeprecationWarning" ] testpaths = ["test"] [tool.ruff] select = ["ALL"] ignore = [ # Disabled on purpose: "ANN101", # Missing type annotation for `self` in method "D203", # incompatible with D211 "D211", "D213", # incompatible with D212 "E501", # we use black "RET504", # Unnecessary variable assignment before `return` statement # Temporary disabled during adoption: "S607", # Starting a process with a partial executable path "PLR0912", # Bug https://github.com/charliermarsh/ruff/issues/4244 "PLR0913", # Bug https://github.com/charliermarsh/ruff/issues/4244 "RUF012", "PERF203" ] target-version = "py39" [tool.ruff.flake8-pytest-style] parametrize-values-type = "tuple" [tool.ruff.isort] known-first-party = ["ansible_compat"] known-third-party = ["packaging"] [tool.ruff.per-file-ignores] "test/**/*.py" = ["SLF001", "S101", "FBT001"] [tool.ruff.pydocstyle] convention = "pep257" [tool.setuptools.dynamic] dependencies = {file = [".config/requirements.in"]} optional-dependencies.docs = {file = [".config/requirements-docs.in"]} optional-dependencies.test = {file = [".config/requirements-test.in"]} [tool.setuptools_scm] local_scheme = "no-local-version" tag_regex = "^(?Pv)?(?P\\d+[^\\+]*)(?P.*)?$" write_to = "src/ansible_compat/_version.py" # To prevent accidental pick of mobile version tags such 'v6' git_describe_command = [ "git", "describe", "--dirty", "--tags", "--long", "--match", "v*.*" ]