"""Tests for ansible_compat.config submodule.""" import copy import subprocess import pytest from _pytest.monkeypatch import MonkeyPatch from packaging.version import Version from ansible_compat.config import ( AnsibleConfig, ansible_collections_path, ansible_version, parse_ansible_version, ) from ansible_compat.errors import InvalidPrerequisiteError, MissingAnsibleError def test_config() -> None: """Checks that config vars are loaded with their expected type.""" config = AnsibleConfig() assert isinstance(config.ACTION_WARNINGS, bool) assert isinstance(config.CACHE_PLUGIN_PREFIX, str) assert isinstance(config.CONNECTION_FACTS_MODULES, dict) assert config.ANSIBLE_COW_PATH is None assert isinstance(config.NETWORK_GROUP_MODULES, list) assert isinstance(config.DEFAULT_GATHER_TIMEOUT, (int, type(None))) # check lowercase and older name aliasing assert isinstance(config.collections_paths, list) assert isinstance(config.collections_path, list) assert config.collections_paths == config.collections_path # check if we can access the special data member assert config.data["ACTION_WARNINGS"] == config.ACTION_WARNINGS with pytest.raises(AttributeError): _ = config.THIS_DOES_NOT_EXIST def test_config_with_dump() -> None: """Tests that config can parse given dumps.""" config = AnsibleConfig(config_dump="ACTION_WARNINGS(default) = True") assert config.ACTION_WARNINGS is True def test_config_copy() -> None: """Checks ability to use copy/deepcopy.""" config = AnsibleConfig() new_config = copy.copy(config) assert isinstance(new_config, AnsibleConfig) assert new_config is not config # deepcopy testing new_config = copy.deepcopy(config) assert isinstance(new_config, AnsibleConfig) assert new_config is not config def test_parse_ansible_version_fail() -> None: """Checks that parse_ansible_version raises an error on invalid input.""" with pytest.raises( InvalidPrerequisiteError, match="Unable to parse ansible cli version", ): parse_ansible_version("foo") def test_ansible_version_missing(monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None: """Validate ansible_version behavior when ansible is missing.""" monkeypatch.setattr( "subprocess.run", lambda *args, **kwargs: subprocess.CompletedProcess( # noqa: ARG005 args=[], returncode=1, ), ) with pytest.raises( MissingAnsibleError, match="Unable to find a working copy of ansible executable.", ): # bypassing lru cache ansible_version.__wrapped__() def test_ansible_version() -> None: """Validate ansible_version behavior.""" assert ansible_version() >= Version("1.0") def test_ansible_version_arg() -> None: """Validate ansible_version behavior.""" assert ansible_version("2.0") >= Version("1.0") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "var", ("", "ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH", "ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS"), ids=["blank", "singular", "plural"], ) def test_ansible_collections_path_env(var: str, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None: """Test that ansible_collections_path returns the appropriate env var.""" # Set the variable if var: monkeypatch.setenv(var, "") assert ansible_collections_path() == (var or "ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH")