# cache.py - apt cache abstraction # # Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Canonical # # Author: Michael Vogt # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 # USA from __future__ import annotations import fnmatch import os import warnings import weakref from collections.abc import Callable, Iterator, KeysView from typing import Any, cast import apt_pkg import apt.progress.text from apt.package import Package, Version from apt.progress.base import AcquireProgress, InstallProgress, OpProgress class FetchCancelledException(IOError): """Exception that is thrown when the user cancels a fetch operation.""" class FetchFailedException(IOError): """Exception that is thrown when fetching fails.""" class UntrustedException(FetchFailedException): """Exception that is thrown when fetching fails for trust reasons""" class LockFailedException(IOError): """Exception that is thrown when locking fails.""" class CacheClosedException(Exception): """Exception that is thrown when the cache is used after close().""" class _WrappedLock: """Wraps an apt_pkg.FileLock to raise LockFailedException. Initialized using a directory path.""" def __init__(self, path: str) -> None: self._path = path self._lock = apt_pkg.FileLock(os.path.join(path, "lock")) def __enter__(self) -> None: try: return self._lock.__enter__() except apt_pkg.Error as e: raise LockFailedException( ("Failed to lock directory %s: %s") % (self._path, e) ) def __exit__(self, typ: object, value: object, traceback: object) -> None: return self._lock.__exit__(typ, value, traceback) class Cache: """Dictionary-like package cache. The APT cache file contains a hash table mapping names of binary packages to their metadata. A Cache object is the in-core representation of the same. It provides access to APTs idea of the list of available packages. The cache can be used like a mapping from package names to Package objects (although only getting items is supported). Keyword arguments: progress -- a OpProgress object, rootdir -- an alternative root directory. if that is given the system sources.list and system lists/files are not read, only file relative to the given rootdir, memonly -- build the cache in memory only. .. versionchanged:: 1.0 The cache now supports package names with special architecture qualifiers such as :all and :native. It does not export them in :meth:`keys()`, though, to keep :meth:`keys()` a unique set. """ def __init__( self, progress: OpProgress | None = None, rootdir: str | None = None, memonly: bool = False, ) -> None: self._cache: apt_pkg.Cache = cast(apt_pkg.Cache, None) self._depcache: apt_pkg.DepCache = cast(apt_pkg.DepCache, None) self._records: apt_pkg.PackageRecords = cast( apt_pkg.PackageRecords, None ) # noqa self._list: apt_pkg.SourceList = cast(apt_pkg.SourceList, None) self._callbacks: dict[str, list[Callable[..., None] | str]] = {} # noqa self._callbacks2: dict[ str, list[tuple[Callable[..., Any], tuple[Any, ...], dict[Any, Any]]] ] = {} # noqa self._weakref: weakref.WeakValueDictionary[str, apt.Package] = ( weakref.WeakValueDictionary() ) # noqa self._weakversions: weakref.WeakSet[Version] = weakref.WeakSet() # noqa self._changes_count = -1 self._sorted_set: list[str] | None = None self.connect("cache_post_open", "_inc_changes_count") self.connect("cache_post_change", "_inc_changes_count") if memonly: # force apt to build its caches in memory apt_pkg.config.set("Dir::Cache::pkgcache", "") if rootdir: rootdir = os.path.abspath(rootdir) if os.path.exists(rootdir + "/etc/apt/apt.conf"): apt_pkg.read_config_file(apt_pkg.config, rootdir + "/etc/apt/apt.conf") if os.path.isdir(rootdir + "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d"): apt_pkg.read_config_dir(apt_pkg.config, rootdir + "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d") apt_pkg.config.set("Dir", rootdir) apt_pkg.config.set("Dir::State::status", rootdir + "/var/lib/dpkg/status") # also set dpkg to the rootdir path so that its called for the # --print-foreign-architectures call apt_pkg.config.set( "Dir::bin::dpkg", os.path.join(rootdir, "usr", "bin", "dpkg") ) # create required dirs/files when run with special rootdir # automatically self._check_and_create_required_dirs(rootdir) # Call InitSystem so the change to Dir::State::Status is actually # recognized (LP: #320665) apt_pkg.init_system() # Prepare a lock object (context manager for archive lock) archive_dir = apt_pkg.config.find_dir("Dir::Cache::Archives") self._archive_lock = _WrappedLock(archive_dir) self.open(progress) def fix_broken(self) -> None: """Fix broken packages.""" self._depcache.fix_broken() def _inc_changes_count(self) -> None: """Increase the number of changes""" self._changes_count += 1 def _check_and_create_required_dirs(self, rootdir: str) -> None: """ check if the required apt directories/files are there and if not create them """ files = [ "/var/lib/dpkg/status", "/etc/apt/sources.list", ] dirs = [ "/var/lib/dpkg", "/etc/apt/", "/var/cache/apt/archives/partial", "/var/lib/apt/lists/partial", ] for d in dirs: if not os.path.exists(rootdir + d): # print "creating: ", rootdir + d os.makedirs(rootdir + d) for f in files: if not os.path.exists(rootdir + f): open(rootdir + f, "w").close() def _run_callbacks(self, name: str) -> None: """internal helper to run a callback""" if name in self._callbacks: for callback in self._callbacks[name]: if callback == "_inc_changes_count": self._inc_changes_count() else: callback() # type: ignore if name in self._callbacks2: for callback, args, kwds in self._callbacks2[name]: callback(self, *args, **kwds) def open(self, progress: OpProgress | None = None) -> None: """Open the package cache, after that it can be used like a dictionary """ if progress is None: progress = apt.progress.base.OpProgress() # close old cache on (re)open self.close() self.op_progress = progress self._run_callbacks("cache_pre_open") self._cache = apt_pkg.Cache(progress) self._depcache = apt_pkg.DepCache(self._cache) self._records = apt_pkg.PackageRecords(self._cache) self._list = apt_pkg.SourceList() self._list.read_main_list() self._sorted_set = None self.__remap() self._have_multi_arch = len(apt_pkg.get_architectures()) > 1 progress.done() self._run_callbacks("cache_post_open") def __remap(self) -> None: """Called after cache reopen() to relocate to new cache. Relocate objects like packages and versions from the old underlying cache to the new one. """ for key in list(self._weakref.keys()): try: pkg = self._weakref[key] except KeyError: continue try: pkg._pkg = self._cache[pkg._pkg.name, pkg._pkg.architecture] except LookupError: del self._weakref[key] for ver in list(self._weakversions): # Package has been reseated above, reseat version for v in ver.package._pkg.version_list: # Requirements as in debListParser::SameVersion if ( v.hash == ver._cand.hash and (v.size == 0 or ver._cand.size == 0 or v.size == ver._cand.size) and v.multi_arch == ver._cand.multi_arch and v.ver_str == ver._cand.ver_str ): ver._cand = v break else: self._weakversions.remove(ver) def close(self) -> None: """Close the package cache""" # explicitely free the FDs that _records has open del self._records self._records = cast(apt_pkg.PackageRecords, None) def __enter__(self) -> Cache: """Enter the with statement""" return self def __exit__(self, exc_type: object, exc_value: object, traceback: object) -> None: """Exit the with statement""" self.close() def __getitem__(self, key: object) -> Package: """look like a dictionary (get key)""" try: key = str(key) rawpkg = self._cache[key] except KeyError: raise KeyError("The cache has no package named %r" % key) # It might be excluded due to not having a version or something if not self.__is_real_pkg(rawpkg): raise KeyError("The cache has no package named %r" % key) pkg = self._rawpkg_to_pkg(rawpkg) return pkg def get(self, key: object, default: object = None) -> Any: """Return *self*[*key*] or *default* if *key* not in *self*. .. versionadded:: 1.1 """ try: return self[key] except KeyError: return default def _rawpkg_to_pkg(self, rawpkg: apt_pkg.Package) -> Package: """Returns the apt.Package object for an apt_pkg.Package object. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 """ fullname = rawpkg.get_fullname(pretty=True) return self._weakref.setdefault(fullname, Package(self, rawpkg)) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Package]: # We iterate sorted over package names here. With this we read the # package lists linearly if we need to access the package records, # instead of having to do thousands of random seeks; the latter # is disastrous if we use compressed package indexes, and slower than # necessary for uncompressed indexes. for pkgname in self.keys(): pkg = Package(self, self._cache[pkgname]) yield self._weakref.setdefault(pkgname, pkg) def __is_real_pkg(self, rawpkg: apt_pkg.Package) -> bool: """Check if the apt_pkg.Package provided is a real package.""" return rawpkg.has_versions def has_key(self, key: object) -> bool: return key in self def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool: try: return self.__is_real_pkg(self._cache[str(key)]) except KeyError: return False def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.keys()) def keys(self) -> list[str]: if self._sorted_set is None: self._sorted_set = sorted( p.get_fullname(pretty=True) for p in self._cache.packages if self.__is_real_pkg(p) ) return list(self._sorted_set) # We need a copy here, caller may modify def get_changes(self) -> list[Package]: """Get the marked changes""" changes = [] marked_keep = self._depcache.marked_keep for rawpkg in self._cache.packages: if not marked_keep(rawpkg): changes.append(self._rawpkg_to_pkg(rawpkg)) return changes def upgrade(self, dist_upgrade: bool = False) -> None: """Upgrade all packages. If the parameter *dist_upgrade* is True, new dependencies will be installed as well (and conflicting packages may be removed). The default value is False. """ self.cache_pre_change() self._depcache.upgrade(dist_upgrade) self.cache_post_change() @property def required_download(self) -> int: """Get the size of the packages that are required to download.""" if self._records is None: raise CacheClosedException("Cache object used after close() called") pm = apt_pkg.PackageManager(self._depcache) fetcher = apt_pkg.Acquire() pm.get_archives(fetcher, self._list, self._records) return fetcher.fetch_needed @property def required_space(self) -> int: """Get the size of the additional required space on the fs.""" return self._depcache.usr_size @property def req_reinstall_pkgs(self) -> set[str]: """Return the packages not downloadable packages in reqreinst state.""" reqreinst = set() get_candidate_ver = self._depcache.get_candidate_ver states = frozenset( (apt_pkg.INSTSTATE_REINSTREQ, apt_pkg.INSTSTATE_HOLD_REINSTREQ) ) for pkg in self._cache.packages: cand = get_candidate_ver(pkg) if cand and not cand.downloadable and pkg.inst_state in states: reqreinst.add(pkg.get_fullname(pretty=True)) return reqreinst def _run_fetcher( self, fetcher: apt_pkg.Acquire, allow_unauthenticated: bool | None ) -> int: if allow_unauthenticated is None: allow_unauthenticated = apt_pkg.config.find_b( "APT::Get::" "AllowUnauthenticated", False ) untrusted = [item for item in fetcher.items if not item.is_trusted] if untrusted and not allow_unauthenticated: raise UntrustedException( "Untrusted packages:\n%s" % "\n".join(i.desc_uri for i in untrusted) ) # do the actual fetching res = fetcher.run() # now check the result (this is the code from apt-get.cc) failed = False err_msg = "" for item in fetcher.items: if item.status == item.STAT_DONE: continue if item.STAT_IDLE: continue err_msg += f"Failed to fetch {item.desc_uri} {item.error_text}\n" failed = True # we raise a exception if the download failed or it was cancelt if res == fetcher.RESULT_CANCELLED: raise FetchCancelledException(err_msg) elif failed: raise FetchFailedException(err_msg) return res def _fetch_archives( self, fetcher: apt_pkg.Acquire, pm: apt_pkg.PackageManager, allow_unauthenticated: bool | None = None, ) -> int: """fetch the needed archives""" if self._records is None: raise CacheClosedException("Cache object used after close() called") # this may as well throw a SystemError exception if not pm.get_archives(fetcher, self._list, self._records): return False # now run the fetcher, throw exception if something fails to be # fetched return self._run_fetcher(fetcher, allow_unauthenticated) def fetch_archives( self, progress: AcquireProgress | None = None, fetcher: apt_pkg.Acquire | None = None, allow_unauthenticated: bool | None = None, ) -> int: """Fetch the archives for all packages marked for install/upgrade. You can specify either an :class:`apt.progress.base.AcquireProgress()` object for the parameter *progress*, or specify an already existing :class:`apt_pkg.Acquire` object for the parameter *fetcher*. The return value of the function is undefined. If an error occurred, an exception of type :class:`FetchFailedException` or :class:`FetchCancelledException` is raised. The keyword-only parameter *allow_unauthenticated* specifies whether to allow unauthenticated downloads. If not specified, it defaults to the configuration option `APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated`. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 """ if progress is not None and fetcher is not None: raise ValueError("Takes a progress or a an Acquire object") if progress is None: progress = apt.progress.text.AcquireProgress() if fetcher is None: fetcher = apt_pkg.Acquire(progress) with self._archive_lock: return self._fetch_archives( fetcher, apt_pkg.PackageManager(self._depcache), allow_unauthenticated ) def is_virtual_package(self, pkgname: str) -> bool: """Return whether the package is a virtual package.""" try: pkg = self._cache[pkgname] except KeyError: return False else: return bool(pkg.has_provides and not pkg.has_versions) def get_providing_packages( self, pkgname: str, candidate_only: bool = True, include_nonvirtual: bool = False, ) -> list[Package]: """Return a list of all packages providing a package. Return a list of packages which provide the virtual package of the specified name. If 'candidate_only' is False, return all packages with at least one version providing the virtual package. Otherwise, return only those packages where the candidate version provides the virtual package. If 'include_nonvirtual' is True then it will search for all packages providing pkgname, even if pkgname is not itself a virtual pkg. """ providers: set[Package] = set() get_candidate_ver = self._depcache.get_candidate_ver try: vp = self._cache[pkgname] if vp.has_versions and not include_nonvirtual: return list(providers) except KeyError: return list(providers) for provides, providesver, version in vp.provides_list: rawpkg = version.parent_pkg if not candidate_only or (version == get_candidate_ver(rawpkg)): providers.add(self._rawpkg_to_pkg(rawpkg)) return list(providers) def update( self, fetch_progress: AcquireProgress | None = None, pulse_interval: int = 0, raise_on_error: bool = True, sources_list: str | None = None, ) -> int: """Run the equivalent of apt-get update. You probably want to call open() afterwards, in order to utilise the new cache. Otherwise, the old cache will be used which can lead to strange bugs. The first parameter *fetch_progress* may be set to an instance of apt.progress.FetchProgress, the default is apt.progress.FetchProgress() . sources_list -- Update a alternative sources.list than the default. Note that the sources.list.d directory is ignored in this case """ with _WrappedLock(apt_pkg.config.find_dir("Dir::State::Lists")): if sources_list: old_sources_list = apt_pkg.config.find("Dir::Etc::sourcelist") old_sources_list_d = apt_pkg.config.find("Dir::Etc::sourceparts") old_cleanup = apt_pkg.config.find("APT::List-Cleanup") apt_pkg.config.set( "Dir::Etc::sourcelist", os.path.abspath(sources_list) ) apt_pkg.config.set("Dir::Etc::sourceparts", "xxx") apt_pkg.config.set("APT::List-Cleanup", "0") slist = apt_pkg.SourceList() slist.read_main_list() else: slist = self._list try: if fetch_progress is None: fetch_progress = apt.progress.base.AcquireProgress() try: res = self._cache.update(fetch_progress, slist, pulse_interval) except SystemError as e: raise FetchFailedException(e) if not res and raise_on_error: raise FetchFailedException() else: return res finally: if sources_list: apt_pkg.config.set("Dir::Etc::sourcelist", old_sources_list) apt_pkg.config.set("Dir::Etc::sourceparts", old_sources_list_d) apt_pkg.config.set("APT::List-Cleanup", old_cleanup) def install_archives( self, pm: apt_pkg.PackageManager, install_progress: InstallProgress ) -> int: """ The first parameter *pm* refers to an object returned by apt_pkg.PackageManager(). The second parameter *install_progress* refers to an InstallProgress() object of the module apt.progress. This releases a system lock in newer versions, if there is any, and reestablishes it afterwards. """ # compat with older API try: install_progress.startUpdate() # type: ignore except AttributeError: install_progress.start_update() did_unlock = apt_pkg.pkgsystem_is_locked() if did_unlock: apt_pkg.pkgsystem_unlock_inner() try: res = install_progress.run(pm) finally: if did_unlock: apt_pkg.pkgsystem_lock_inner() try: install_progress.finishUpdate() # type: ignore except AttributeError: install_progress.finish_update() return res def commit( self, fetch_progress: AcquireProgress | None = None, install_progress: InstallProgress | None = None, allow_unauthenticated: bool | None = None, ) -> bool: """Apply the marked changes to the cache. The first parameter, *fetch_progress*, refers to a FetchProgress() object as found in apt.progress, the default being apt.progress.FetchProgress(). The second parameter, *install_progress*, is a apt.progress.InstallProgress() object. The keyword-only parameter *allow_unauthenticated* specifies whether to allow unauthenticated downloads. If not specified, it defaults to the configuration option `APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated`. """ # FIXME: # use the new acquire/pkgmanager interface here, # raise exceptions when a download or install fails # and send proper error strings to the application. # Current a failed download will just display "error" # which is less than optimal! if fetch_progress is None: fetch_progress = apt.progress.base.AcquireProgress() if install_progress is None: install_progress = apt.progress.base.InstallProgress() assert install_progress is not None with apt_pkg.SystemLock(): pm = apt_pkg.PackageManager(self._depcache) fetcher = apt_pkg.Acquire(fetch_progress) with self._archive_lock: while True: # fetch archives first res = self._fetch_archives(fetcher, pm, allow_unauthenticated) # then install res = self.install_archives(pm, install_progress) if res == pm.RESULT_COMPLETED: break elif res == pm.RESULT_FAILED: raise SystemError("installArchives() failed") elif res == pm.RESULT_INCOMPLETE: pass else: raise SystemError( "internal-error: unknown result " "code from InstallArchives: %s" % res ) # reload the fetcher for media swaping fetcher.shutdown() return res == pm.RESULT_COMPLETED def clear(self) -> None: """Unmark all changes""" self._depcache.init() # cache changes def cache_post_change(self) -> None: "called internally if the cache has changed, emit a signal then" self._run_callbacks("cache_post_change") def cache_pre_change(self) -> None: """called internally if the cache is about to change, emit a signal then""" self._run_callbacks("cache_pre_change") def connect(self, name: str, callback: Callable[..., None] | str) -> None: """Connect to a signal. .. deprecated:: 1.0 Please use connect2() instead, as this function is very likely to cause a memory leak. """ if callback != "_inc_changes_count": warnings.warn( "connect() likely causes a reference" " cycle, use connect2() instead", RuntimeWarning, 2, ) if name not in self._callbacks: self._callbacks[name] = [] self._callbacks[name].append(callback) def connect2( self, name: str, callback: Callable[..., Any], *args: object, **kwds: object ) -> None: """Connect to a signal. The callback will be passed the cache as an argument, and any arguments passed to this function. Make sure that, if you pass a method of a class as your callback, your class does not contain a reference to the cache. Cyclic references to the cache can cause issues if the Cache object is replaced by a new one, because the cache keeps a lot of objects and tens of open file descriptors. currently only used for cache_{post,pre}_{changed,open}. .. versionadded:: 1.0 """ if name not in self._callbacks2: self._callbacks2[name] = [] self._callbacks2[name].append((callback, args, kwds)) def actiongroup(self) -> apt_pkg.ActionGroup: """Return an `ActionGroup` object for the current cache. Action groups can be used to speedup actions. The action group is active as soon as it is created, and disabled when the object is deleted or when release() is called. You can use the action group as a context manager, this is the recommended way:: with cache.actiongroup(): for package in my_selected_packages: package.mark_install() This way, the action group is automatically released as soon as the with statement block is left. It also has the benefit of making it clear which parts of the code run with a action group and which don't. """ return apt_pkg.ActionGroup(self._depcache) @property def dpkg_journal_dirty(self) -> bool: """Return True if the dpkg was interrupted All dpkg operations will fail until this is fixed, the action to fix the system if dpkg got interrupted is to run 'dpkg --configure -a' as root. """ dpkg_status_dir = os.path.dirname( apt_pkg.config.find_file("Dir::State::status") ) for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(dpkg_status_dir, "updates")): if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, "[0-9]*"): return True return False @property def broken_count(self) -> int: """Return the number of packages with broken dependencies.""" return self._depcache.broken_count @property def delete_count(self) -> int: """Return the number of packages marked for deletion.""" return self._depcache.del_count @property def install_count(self) -> int: """Return the number of packages marked for installation.""" return self._depcache.inst_count @property def keep_count(self) -> int: """Return the number of packages marked as keep.""" return self._depcache.keep_count class ProblemResolver: """Resolve problems due to dependencies and conflicts. The first argument 'cache' is an instance of apt.Cache. """ def __init__(self, cache: Cache) -> None: self._resolver = apt_pkg.ProblemResolver(cache._depcache) self._cache = cache def clear(self, package: Package) -> None: """Reset the package to the default state.""" self._resolver.clear(package._pkg) def protect(self, package: Package) -> None: """Protect a package so it won't be removed.""" self._resolver.protect(package._pkg) def remove(self, package: Package) -> None: """Mark a package for removal.""" self._resolver.remove(package._pkg) def resolve(self) -> None: """Resolve dependencies, try to remove packages where needed.""" self._cache.cache_pre_change() self._resolver.resolve() self._cache.cache_post_change() def resolve_by_keep(self) -> None: """Resolve dependencies, do not try to remove packages.""" self._cache.cache_pre_change() self._resolver.resolve_by_keep() self._cache.cache_post_change() def keep_phased_updates(self) -> None: """Keep back phased updates.""" self._cache.cache_pre_change() self._resolver.keep_phased_updates() self._cache.cache_post_change() # ----------------------------- experimental interface class Filter: """Filter base class""" def apply(self, pkg: Package) -> bool: """Filter function, return True if the package matchs a filter criteria and False otherwise """ return True class MarkedChangesFilter(Filter): """Filter that returns all marked changes""" def apply(self, pkg: Package) -> bool: if pkg.marked_install or pkg.marked_delete or pkg.marked_upgrade: return True else: return False class InstalledFilter(Filter): """Filter that returns all installed packages. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 """ def apply(self, pkg: Package) -> bool: return pkg.is_installed class _FilteredCacheHelper: """Helper class for FilteredCache to break a reference cycle.""" def __init__(self, cache: Cache) -> None: # Do not keep a reference to the cache, or you have a cycle! self._filtered: dict[str, bool] = {} self._filters: list[Filter] = [] cache.connect2("cache_post_change", self.filter_cache_post_change) cache.connect2("cache_post_open", self.filter_cache_post_change) def _reapply_filter(self, cache: Cache) -> None: "internal helper to refilter" # Do not keep a reference to the cache, or you have a cycle! self._filtered = {} for pkg in cache: for f in self._filters: if f.apply(pkg): self._filtered[pkg.name] = True break def set_filter(self, filter: Filter) -> None: """Set the current active filter.""" self._filters = [] self._filters.append(filter) def filter_cache_post_change(self, cache: Cache) -> None: """Called internally if the cache changes, emit a signal then.""" # Do not keep a reference to the cache, or you have a cycle! self._reapply_filter(cache) class FilteredCache: """A package cache that is filtered. Can work on a existing cache or create a new one """ def __init__( self, cache: Cache | None = None, progress: OpProgress | None = None ) -> None: if cache is None: self.cache = Cache(progress) else: self.cache = cache self._helper = _FilteredCacheHelper(self.cache) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._helper._filtered) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Package: return self.cache[key] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Package]: for pkgname in self._helper._filtered: yield self.cache[pkgname] def keys(self) -> KeysView[str]: return self._helper._filtered.keys() def has_key(self, key: object) -> bool: return key in self def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool: try: # Normalize package name for multi arch return self.cache[key].name in self._helper._filtered except KeyError: return False def set_filter(self, filter: Filter) -> None: """Set the current active filter.""" self._helper.set_filter(filter) self.cache.cache_post_change() def filter_cache_post_change(self) -> None: """Called internally if the cache changes, emit a signal then.""" self._helper.filter_cache_post_change(self.cache) def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> Any: """we try to look exactly like a real cache.""" return getattr(self.cache, key) def cache_pre_changed(cache: Cache) -> None: print("cache pre changed") def cache_post_changed(cache: Cache) -> None: print("cache post changed") def _test() -> None: """Internal test code.""" print("Cache self test") apt_pkg.init() cache = Cache(apt.progress.text.OpProgress()) cache.connect2("cache_pre_change", cache_pre_changed) cache.connect2("cache_post_change", cache_post_changed) print("aptitude" in cache) pkg = cache["aptitude"] print(pkg.name) print(len(cache)) for pkgname in cache.keys(): assert cache[pkgname].name == pkgname cache.upgrade() changes = cache.get_changes() print(len(changes)) for pkg in changes: assert pkg.name # see if fetching works for dirname in ["/tmp/pytest", "/tmp/pytest/partial"]: if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.mkdir(dirname) apt_pkg.config.set("Dir::Cache::Archives", "/tmp/pytest") pm = apt_pkg.PackageManager(cache._depcache) fetcher = apt_pkg.Acquire(apt.progress.text.AcquireProgress()) cache._fetch_archives(fetcher, pm, None) # sys.exit(1) print("Testing filtered cache (argument is old cache)") filtered = FilteredCache(cache) filtered.cache.connect2("cache_pre_change", cache_pre_changed) filtered.cache.connect2("cache_post_change", cache_post_changed) filtered.cache.upgrade() filtered.set_filter(MarkedChangesFilter()) print(len(filtered)) for pkgname in filtered.keys(): assert pkgname == filtered[pkgname].name print(len(filtered)) print("Testing filtered cache (no argument)") filtered = FilteredCache(progress=apt.progress.base.OpProgress()) filtered.cache.connect2("cache_pre_change", cache_pre_changed) filtered.cache.connect2("cache_post_change", cache_post_changed) filtered.cache.upgrade() filtered.set_filter(MarkedChangesFilter()) print(len(filtered)) for pkgname in filtered.keys(): assert pkgname == filtered[pkgname].name print(len(filtered)) if __name__ == "__main__": _test()