# package.py - apt package abstraction # # Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Canonical # # Author: Michael Vogt # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 # USA """Functionality related to packages.""" from __future__ import annotations import logging import os import re import socket import subprocess import sys import threading from collections.abc import Iterable, Iterator, Mapping, Sequence from http.client import BadStatusLine from typing import Any, no_type_check from urllib.error import HTTPError from urllib.request import urlopen import apt_pkg from apt_pkg import gettext as _ import apt.progress.text from apt.progress.base import AcquireProgress, InstallProgress __all__ = ( "BaseDependency", "Dependency", "Origin", "Package", "Record", "Version", "VersionList", ) def _file_is_same(path: str, size: int, hashes: apt_pkg.HashStringList) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the file is the same.""" if os.path.exists(path) and os.path.getsize(path) == size: with open(path) as fobj: return apt_pkg.Hashes(fobj).hashes == hashes return False class FetchError(Exception): """Raised when a file could not be fetched.""" class UntrustedError(FetchError): """Raised when a file did not have a trusted hash.""" class BaseDependency: """A single dependency.""" class __dstr(str): """Compare helper for compatibility with old third-party code. Old third-party code might still compare the relation with the previously used relations (<<,<=,==,!=,>=,>>,) instead of the curently used ones (<,<=,=,!=,>=,>,). This compare helper lets < match to <<, > match to >> and = match to ==. """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if str.__eq__(self, other): return True elif str.__eq__(self, "<"): return str.__eq__("<<", other) elif str.__eq__(self, ">"): return str.__eq__(">>", other) elif str.__eq__(self, "="): return str.__eq__("==", other) else: return False def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: return not self.__eq__(other) def __init__(self, version: Version, dep: apt_pkg.Dependency) -> None: self._version = version # apt.package.Version self._dep = dep # apt_pkg.Dependency def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.rawtype}: {self.rawstr}" def __repr__(self) -> str: return "".format( self.name, self.relation, self.version, self.rawtype, ) @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the target package.""" return self._dep.target_pkg.name @property def relation(self) -> str: """The relation (<, <=, =, !=, >=, >, '') in mathematical notation. The empty string will be returned in case of an unversioned dependency. """ return self.__dstr(self._dep.comp_type) @property def relation_deb(self) -> str: """The relation (<<, <=, =, !=, >=, >>, '') in Debian notation. The empty string will be returned in case of an unversioned dependency. For more details see the Debian Policy Manual on the syntax of relationship fields: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-depsyntax # noqa .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 """ return self._dep.comp_type_deb @property def version(self) -> str: """The target version or an empty string. Note that the version is only an empty string in case of an unversioned dependency. In this case the relation is also an empty string. """ return self._dep.target_ver @property def target_versions(self) -> list[Version]: """A list of all Version objects which satisfy this dependency. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 """ tvers = [] _tvers: list[apt_pkg.Version] = self._dep.all_targets() for _tver in _tvers: # type: apt_pkg.Version _pkg: apt_pkg.Package = _tver.parent_pkg cache = self._version.package._pcache # apt.cache.Cache pkg = cache._rawpkg_to_pkg(_pkg) # apt.package.Package tver = Version(pkg, _tver) # apt.package.Version tvers.append(tver) return tvers @property def installed_target_versions(self) -> list[Version]: """A list of all installed Version objects which satisfy this dep. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 """ return [tver for tver in self.target_versions if tver.is_installed] @property def rawstr(self) -> str: """String represenation of the dependency. Returns the string representation of the dependency as it would be written in the debian/control file. The string representation does not include the type of the dependency. Example for an unversioned dependency: python3 Example for a versioned dependency: python3 >= 3.2 .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 """ if self.version: return f"{self.name} {self.relation_deb} {self.version}" else: return self.name @property def rawtype(self) -> str: """Type of the dependency. This should be one of 'Breaks', 'Conflicts', 'Depends', 'Enhances', 'PreDepends', 'Recommends', 'Replaces', 'Suggests'. Additional types might be added in the future. """ return self._dep.dep_type_untranslated @property def pre_depend(self) -> bool: """Whether this is a PreDepends.""" return self._dep.dep_type_untranslated == "PreDepends" class Dependency(list[BaseDependency]): """Represent an Or-group of dependencies. Attributes defined here: or_dependencies - The possible choices rawstr - String represenation of the Or-group of dependencies rawtype - The type of the dependencies in the Or-group target_version - A list of Versions which satisfy this Or-group of deps """ def __init__( self, version: Version, base_deps: list[BaseDependency], rawtype: str ) -> None: super().__init__(base_deps) self._version = version # apt.package.Version self._rawtype = rawtype def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.rawtype}: {self.rawstr}" def __repr__(self) -> str: return "" % (", ".join(repr(bd) for bd in self)) @property def or_dependencies(self) -> Dependency: return self @property def rawstr(self) -> str: """String represenation of the Or-group of dependencies. Returns the string representation of the Or-group of dependencies as it would be written in the debian/control file. The string representation does not include the type of the Or-group of dependencies. Example: python2 >= 2.7 | python3 .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 """ return " | ".join(bd.rawstr for bd in self) @property def rawtype(self) -> str: """Type of the Or-group of dependency. This should be one of 'Breaks', 'Conflicts', 'Depends', 'Enhances', 'PreDepends', 'Recommends', 'Replaces', 'Suggests'. Additional types might be added in the future. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 """ return self._rawtype @property def target_versions(self) -> list[Version]: """A list of all Version objects which satisfy this Or-group of deps. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 """ tvers: list[Version] = [] for bd in self: # apt.package.Dependency for tver in bd.target_versions: # apt.package.Version if tver not in tvers: tvers.append(tver) return tvers @property def installed_target_versions(self) -> list[Version]: """A list of all installed Version objects which satisfy this dep. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 """ return [tver for tver in self.target_versions if tver.is_installed] class Origin: """The origin of a version. Attributes defined here: archive - The archive (eg. unstable) component - The component (eg. main) label - The Label, as set in the Release file origin - The Origin, as set in the Release file codename - The Codename, as set in the Release file site - The hostname of the site. trusted - Boolean value whether this is trustworthy. """ def __init__(self, pkg: Package, packagefile: apt_pkg.PackageFile) -> None: self.archive = packagefile.archive self.component = packagefile.component self.label = packagefile.label self.origin = packagefile.origin self.codename = packagefile.codename self.site = packagefile.site self.not_automatic = packagefile.not_automatic # check the trust indexfile = pkg._pcache._list.find_index(packagefile) if indexfile and indexfile.is_trusted: self.trusted = True else: self.trusted = False def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( "" ) % ( self.component, self.archive, self.origin, self.label, self.site, self.trusted, ) class Record(Mapping[Any, Any]): """Record in a Packages file Represent a record as stored in a Packages file. You can use this like a dictionary mapping the field names of the record to their values:: >>> record = Record("Package: python-apt\\nVersion: 0.8.0\\n\\n") >>> record["Package"] 'python-apt' >>> record["Version"] '0.8.0' For example, to get the tasks of a package from a cache, you could do:: package.candidate.record["Tasks"].split() Of course, you can also use the :attr:`Version.tasks` property. """ def __init__(self, record_str: str) -> None: self._rec = apt_pkg.TagSection(record_str) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self._rec) def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self._rec) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> str: return self._rec[key] def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool: return key in self._rec def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return iter(self._rec.keys()) def iteritems(self) -> Iterable[tuple[object, str]]: """An iterator over the (key, value) items of the record.""" for key in self._rec.keys(): yield key, self._rec[key] def get(self, key: str, default: object = None) -> object: """Return record[key] if key in record, else *default*. The parameter *default* must be either a string or None. """ return self._rec.get(key, default) def has_key(self, key: str) -> bool: """deprecated form of ``key in x``.""" return key in self._rec def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._rec) class Version: """Representation of a package version. The Version class contains all information related to a specific package version. .. versionadded:: 0.7.9 """ def __init__(self, package: Package, cand: apt_pkg.Version) -> None: self.package = package self._cand = cand self.package._pcache._weakversions.add(self) def _cmp(self, other: Any) -> int | Any: """Compares against another apt.Version object or a version string. This method behaves like Python 2's cmp builtin and returns an integer according to the outcome. The return value is negative in case of self < other, zero if self == other and positive if self > other. The comparison includes the package name and architecture if other is an apt.Version object. If other isn't an apt.Version object it'll be assumed that other is a version string (without package name/arch). .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 """ # Assume that other is an apt.Version object. try: self_name = self.package.fullname other_name = other.package.fullname if self_name < other_name: return -1 elif self_name > other_name: return 1 return apt_pkg.version_compare(self._cand.ver_str, other.version) except AttributeError: # Assume that other is a string that only contains the version. try: return apt_pkg.version_compare(self._cand.ver_str, other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return self._cmp(other) == 0 def __ge__(self, other: Version) -> bool: return self._cmp(other) >= 0 def __gt__(self, other: Version) -> bool: return self._cmp(other) > 0 def __le__(self, other: Version) -> bool: return self._cmp(other) <= 0 def __lt__(self, other: Version) -> bool: return self._cmp(other) < 0 def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool | Any: try: return self._cmp(other) != 0 except TypeError: return NotImplemented def __hash__(self) -> int: return self._cand.hash def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.package.name}={self.version}" def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"" @property def _records(self) -> apt_pkg.PackageRecords: """Internal helper that moves the Records to the right position.""" # If changing lookup, change fetch_binary() as well if not self.package._pcache._records.lookup(self._cand.file_list[0]): raise LookupError("Could not lookup record") return self.package._pcache._records @property def _translated_records(self) -> apt_pkg.PackageRecords | None: """Internal helper to get the translated description.""" desc_iter = self._cand.translated_description if self.package._pcache._records.lookup(desc_iter.file_list.pop(0)): return self.package._pcache._records return None @property def is_security_update(self) -> bool: """Return whether this version is a security update.""" return bool(self._cand.is_security_update) @property def installed_size(self) -> int: """Return the size of the package when installed.""" return self._cand.installed_size @property def homepage(self) -> str: """Return the homepage for the package.""" return self._records.homepage @property def size(self) -> int: """Return the size of the package.""" return self._cand.size @property def architecture(self) -> str: """Return the architecture of the package version.""" return self._cand.arch @property def downloadable(self) -> bool: """Return whether the version of the package is downloadable.""" return bool(self._cand.downloadable) @property def is_installed(self) -> bool: """Return wether this version of the package is currently installed. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 """ inst_ver = self.package.installed return inst_ver is not None and inst_ver._cand.id == self._cand.id @property def version(self) -> str: """Return the version as a string.""" return self._cand.ver_str @property def summary(self) -> str | None: """Return the short description (one line summary).""" records = self._translated_records return records.short_desc if records is not None else None @property def raw_description(self) -> str: """return the long description (raw).""" return self._records.long_desc @property def section(self) -> str: """Return the section of the package.""" return self._cand.section @property def description(self) -> str: """Return the formatted long description. Return the formatted long description according to the Debian policy (Chapter 5.6.13). See http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html for more information. """ desc = "" records = self._translated_records dsc = records.long_desc if records is not None else None if not dsc: return _("Missing description for '%s'." "Please report.") % ( self.package.name ) try: if not isinstance(dsc, str): # Only convert where needed (i.e. Python 2.X) dsc = dsc.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError as err: return _( "Invalid unicode in description for '%s' (%s). " "Please report." ) % (self.package.name, err) lines = iter(dsc.split("\n")) # Skip the first line, since its a duplication of the summary next(lines) for raw_line in lines: if raw_line.strip() == ".": # The line is just line break if not desc.endswith("\n"): desc += "\n\n" continue if raw_line.startswith(" "): # The line should be displayed verbatim without word wrapping if not desc.endswith("\n"): line = "\n%s\n" % raw_line[2:] else: line = "%s\n" % raw_line[2:] elif raw_line.startswith(" "): # The line is part of a paragraph. if desc.endswith("\n") or desc == "": # Skip the leading white space line = raw_line[1:] else: line = raw_line else: line = raw_line # Add current line to the description desc += line return desc @property def source_name(self) -> str: """Return the name of the source package.""" try: return self._records.source_pkg or self.package.shortname except IndexError: return self.package.shortname @property def source_version(self) -> str: """Return the version of the source package.""" try: return self._records.source_ver or self._cand.ver_str except IndexError: return self._cand.ver_str @property def priority(self) -> str: """Return the priority of the package, as string.""" return self._cand.priority_str @property def policy_priority(self) -> int: """Return the internal policy priority as a number. See apt_preferences(5) for more information about what it means. """ return self.package._pcache._depcache.policy.get_priority(self._cand) @property def record(self) -> Record: """Return a Record() object for this version. Return a Record() object for this version which provides access to the raw attributes of the candidate version """ return Record(self._records.record) def get_dependencies(self, *types: str) -> list[Dependency]: """Return a list of Dependency objects for the given types. Multiple types can be specified. Possible types are: 'Breaks', 'Conflicts', 'Depends', 'Enhances', 'PreDepends', 'Recommends', 'Replaces', 'Suggests' Additional types might be added in the future. """ depends_list = [] depends = self._cand.depends_list for type_ in types: try: for dep_ver_list in depends[type_]: base_deps = [] for dep_or in dep_ver_list: base_deps.append(BaseDependency(self, dep_or)) depends_list.append(Dependency(self, base_deps, type_)) except KeyError: pass return depends_list @property def provides(self) -> list[str]: """Return a list of names that this version provides.""" return [p[0] for p in self._cand.provides_list] @property def enhances(self) -> list[Dependency]: """Return the list of enhances for the package version.""" return self.get_dependencies("Enhances") @property def dependencies(self) -> list[Dependency]: """Return the dependencies of the package version.""" return self.get_dependencies("PreDepends", "Depends") @property def recommends(self) -> list[Dependency]: """Return the recommends of the package version.""" return self.get_dependencies("Recommends") @property def suggests(self) -> list[Dependency]: """Return the suggests of the package version.""" return self.get_dependencies("Suggests") @property def origins(self) -> list[Origin]: """Return a list of origins for the package version.""" origins = [] for packagefile, _unused in self._cand.file_list: origins.append(Origin(self.package, packagefile)) return origins @property def filename(self) -> str: """Return the path to the file inside the archive. .. versionadded:: 0.7.10 """ return self._records.filename @property def md5(self) -> str: """Return the md5sum of the binary. .. versionadded:: 0.7.10 """ return self._records.md5_hash @property def sha1(self) -> str: """Return the sha1sum of the binary. .. versionadded:: 0.7.10 """ return self._records.sha1_hash @property def sha256(self) -> str: """Return the sha256sum of the binary. .. versionadded:: 0.7.10 """ return self._records.sha256_hash @property def tasks(self) -> set[str]: """Get the tasks of the package. A set of the names of the tasks this package belongs to. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 """ return set(self.record["Task"].split()) def _uris(self) -> Iterator[str]: """Return an iterator over all available urls. .. versionadded:: 0.7.10 """ for packagefile, _unused in self._cand.file_list: indexfile = self.package._pcache._list.find_index(packagefile) if indexfile: yield indexfile.archive_uri(self._records.filename) @property def uris(self) -> list[str]: """Return a list of all available uris for the binary. .. versionadded:: 0.7.10 """ return list(self._uris()) @property def uri(self) -> str | None: """Return a single URI for the binary. .. versionadded:: 0.7.10 """ try: return next(iter(self._uris())) except StopIteration: return None def fetch_binary( self, destdir: str = "", progress: AcquireProgress | None = None, allow_unauthenticated: bool | None = None, ) -> str: """Fetch the binary version of the package. The parameter *destdir* specifies the directory where the package will be fetched to. The parameter *progress* may refer to an apt_pkg.AcquireProgress() object. If not specified or None, apt.progress.text.AcquireProgress() is used. The keyword-only parameter *allow_unauthenticated* specifies whether to allow unauthenticated downloads. If not specified, it defaults to the configuration option `APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated`. .. versionadded:: 0.7.10 """ if allow_unauthenticated is None: allow_unauthenticated = apt_pkg.config.find_b( "APT::Get::" "AllowUnauthenticated", False ) base = os.path.basename(self._records.filename) destfile = os.path.join(destdir, base) if _file_is_same(destfile, self.size, self._records.hashes): logging.debug("Ignoring already existing file: %s" % destfile) return os.path.abspath(destfile) # Verify that the index is actually trusted pfile, offset = self._cand.file_list[0] index = self.package._pcache._list.find_index(pfile) if not (allow_unauthenticated or (index and index.is_trusted)): raise UntrustedError( "Could not fetch %s %s source package: " "Source %r is not trusted" % ( self.package.name, self.version, getattr(index, "describe", ""), ) ) if not self.uri: raise ValueError("No URI for this binary.") hashes = self._records.hashes if not (allow_unauthenticated or hashes.usable): raise UntrustedError( "The item %r could not be fetched: " "No trusted hash found." % destfile ) acq = apt_pkg.Acquire(progress or apt.progress.text.AcquireProgress()) acqfile = apt_pkg.AcquireFile( acq, self.uri, hashes, self.size, base, destfile=destfile ) acq.run() if acqfile.status != acqfile.STAT_DONE: raise FetchError( "The item %r could not be fetched: %s" % (acqfile.destfile, acqfile.error_text) ) return os.path.abspath(destfile) def fetch_source( self, destdir: str = "", progress: AcquireProgress | None = None, unpack: bool = True, allow_unauthenticated: bool | None = None, ) -> str: """Get the source code of a package. The parameter *destdir* specifies the directory where the source will be fetched to. The parameter *progress* may refer to an apt_pkg.AcquireProgress() object. If not specified or None, apt.progress.text.AcquireProgress() is used. The parameter *unpack* describes whether the source should be unpacked (``True``) or not (``False``). By default, it is unpacked. If *unpack* is ``True``, the path to the extracted directory is returned. Otherwise, the path to the .dsc file is returned. The keyword-only parameter *allow_unauthenticated* specifies whether to allow unauthenticated downloads. If not specified, it defaults to the configuration option `APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated`. """ if allow_unauthenticated is None: allow_unauthenticated = apt_pkg.config.find_b( "APT::Get::" "AllowUnauthenticated", False ) src = apt_pkg.SourceRecords() acq = apt_pkg.Acquire(progress or apt.progress.text.AcquireProgress()) dsc = None record = self._records source_name = record.source_pkg or self.package.shortname source_version = record.source_ver or self._cand.ver_str source_lookup = src.lookup(source_name) while source_lookup and source_version != src.version: source_lookup = src.lookup(source_name) if not source_lookup: raise ValueError("No source for %r" % self) files = list() if not (allow_unauthenticated or src.index.is_trusted): raise UntrustedError( "Could not fetch %s %s source package: " "Source %r is not trusted" % (self.package.name, self.version, src.index.describe) ) for fil in src.files: base = os.path.basename(fil.path) destfile = os.path.join(destdir, base) if fil.type == "dsc": dsc = destfile if _file_is_same(destfile, fil.size, fil.hashes): logging.debug("Ignoring already existing file: %s" % destfile) continue if not (allow_unauthenticated or fil.hashes.usable): raise UntrustedError( "The item %r could not be fetched: " "No trusted hash found." % destfile ) files.append( apt_pkg.AcquireFile( acq, src.index.archive_uri(fil.path), fil.hashes, fil.size, base, destfile=destfile, ) ) acq.run() if dsc is None: raise ValueError("No source for %r" % self) for item in acq.items: if item.status != item.STAT_DONE: raise FetchError( "The item %r could not be fetched: %s" % (item.destfile, item.error_text) ) if unpack: outdir = src.package + "-" + apt_pkg.upstream_version(src.version) outdir = os.path.join(destdir, outdir) subprocess.check_call(["dpkg-source", "-x", dsc, outdir]) return os.path.abspath(outdir) else: return os.path.abspath(dsc) class VersionList(Sequence[Version]): """Provide a mapping & sequence interface to all versions of a package. This class can be used like a dictionary, where version strings are the keys. It can also be used as a sequence, where integers are the keys. You can also convert this to a dictionary or a list, using the usual way of dict(version_list) or list(version_list). This is useful if you need to access the version objects multiple times, because they do not have to be recreated this way. Examples ('package.versions' being a version list): '0.7.92' in package.versions # Check whether 0.7.92 is a valid version. package.versions[0] # Return first version or raise IndexError package.versions[0:2] # Return a new VersionList for objects 0-2 package.versions['0.7.92'] # Return version 0.7.92 or raise KeyError package.versions.keys() # All keys, as strings. max(package.versions) """ def __init__(self, package: Package, slice_: slice | None = None) -> None: self._package = package # apt.package.Package() self._versions = package._pkg.version_list # [apt_pkg.Version(), ...] if slice_: self._versions = self._versions[slice_] def __getitem__(self, item: int | slice | str) -> Any: # FIXME: Should not be returning Any, should have overloads; but # pyflakes complains if isinstance(item, slice): return self.__class__(self._package, item) try: # Sequence interface, item is an integer return Version(self._package, self._versions[item]) # type: ignore except TypeError: # Dictionary interface item is a string. for ver in self._versions: if ver.ver_str == item: return Version(self._package, ver) raise KeyError("Version: %r not found." % (item)) def __str__(self) -> str: return "[%s]" % (", ".join(str(ver) for ver in self)) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "" % self.keys() def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Version]: """Return an iterator over all value objects.""" return (Version(self._package, ver) for ver in self._versions) def __contains__(self, item: object) -> bool: if isinstance(item, Version): # Sequence interface item = item.version # Dictionary interface. for ver in self._versions: if ver.ver_str == item: return True return False def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return list(self) == list(other) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._versions) # Mapping interface def keys(self) -> list[str]: """Return a list of all versions, as strings.""" return [ver.ver_str for ver in self._versions] def get(self, key: str, default: Version | None = None) -> Version | None: """Return the key or the default.""" try: return self[key] # type: ignore # FIXME: should be deterined automatically # noqa except LookupError: return default class Package: """Representation of a package in a cache. This class provides methods and properties for working with a package. It lets you mark the package for installation, check if it is installed, and much more. """ def __init__(self, pcache: apt.Cache, pkgiter: apt_pkg.Package) -> None: """Init the Package object""" self._pkg = pkgiter self._pcache = pcache # python cache in cache.py self._changelog = "" # Cached changelog def __str__(self) -> str: return self.name def __repr__(self) -> str: return "".format( self._pkg.name, self._pkg.architecture, self._pkg.id, ) def __lt__(self, other: Package) -> bool: return self.name < other.name @property def candidate(self) -> Version | None: """Return the candidate version of the package. This property is writeable to allow you to set the candidate version of the package. Just assign a Version() object, and it will be set as the candidate version. """ cand = self._pcache._depcache.get_candidate_ver(self._pkg) if cand is not None: return Version(self, cand) return None @candidate.setter def candidate(self, version: Version) -> None: """Set the candidate version of the package.""" self._pcache.cache_pre_change() self._pcache._depcache.set_candidate_ver(self._pkg, version._cand) self._pcache.cache_post_change() @property def installed(self) -> Version | None: """Return the currently installed version of the package. .. versionadded:: 0.7.9 """ if self._pkg.current_ver is not None: return Version(self, self._pkg.current_ver) return None @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of the package, possibly including architecture. If the package is not part of the system's preferred architecture, return the same as :attr:`fullname`, otherwise return the same as :attr:`shortname` .. versionchanged:: As part of multi-arch, this field now may include architecture information. """ return self._pkg.get_fullname(True) @property def fullname(self) -> str: """Return the name of the package, including architecture. Note that as for :meth:`architecture`, this returns the native architecture for Architecture: all packages. .. versionadded::""" return self._pkg.get_fullname(False) @property def shortname(self) -> str: """Return the name of the package, without architecture. .. versionadded::""" return self._pkg.name @property def id(self) -> int: """Return a uniq ID for the package. This can be used eg. to store additional information about the pkg.""" return self._pkg.id @property def essential(self) -> bool: """Return True if the package is an essential part of the system.""" return self._pkg.essential def architecture(self) -> str: """Return the Architecture of the package. Note that for Architecture: all packages, this returns the native architecture, as they are internally treated like native packages. To get the concrete architecture, look at the :attr:`Version.architecture` attribute. .. versionchanged:: This is now the package's architecture in the multi-arch sense, previously it was the architecture of the candidate version and deprecated. """ return self._pkg.architecture # depcache states @property def marked_install(self) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the package is marked for install.""" return self._pcache._depcache.marked_install(self._pkg) @property def marked_upgrade(self) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the package is marked for upgrade.""" return self._pcache._depcache.marked_upgrade(self._pkg) @property def marked_delete(self) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the package is marked for delete.""" return self._pcache._depcache.marked_delete(self._pkg) @property def marked_keep(self) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the package is marked for keep.""" return self._pcache._depcache.marked_keep(self._pkg) @property def marked_downgrade(self) -> bool: """Package is marked for downgrade""" return self._pcache._depcache.marked_downgrade(self._pkg) @property def marked_reinstall(self) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the package is marked for reinstall.""" return self._pcache._depcache.marked_reinstall(self._pkg) @property def is_installed(self) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the package is installed.""" return self._pkg.current_ver is not None @property def is_upgradable(self) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the package is upgradable.""" return self.is_installed and self._pcache._depcache.is_upgradable(self._pkg) @property def is_auto_removable(self) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the package is no longer required. If the package has been installed automatically as a dependency of another package, and if no packages depend on it anymore, the package is no longer required. """ return ( self.is_installed or self.marked_install ) and self._pcache._depcache.is_garbage(self._pkg) @property def is_auto_installed(self) -> bool: """Return whether the package is marked as automatically installed.""" return self._pcache._depcache.is_auto_installed(self._pkg) @property def phasing_applied(self) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the package update is being phased.""" return self._pcache._depcache.phasing_applied(self._pkg) # sizes @property def installed_files(self) -> list[str]: """Return a list of files installed by the package. Return a list of unicode names of the files which have been installed by this package """ for name in self.name, self.fullname: path = "/var/lib/dpkg/info/%s.list" % name try: with open(path, "rb") as file_list: return file_list.read().decode("utf-8").strip().split("\n") except OSError: continue return [] def get_changelog( self, uri: str | None = None, cancel_lock: threading.Event | None = None ) -> str: """ Download the changelog of the package and return it as unicode string. The parameter *uri* refers to the uri of the changelog file. It may contain multiple named variables which will be substitued. These variables are (src_section, prefix, src_pkg, src_ver). An example is the Ubuntu changelog:: "http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool" \\ "/%(src_section)s/%(prefix)s/%(src_pkg)s" \\ "/%(src_pkg)s_%(src_ver)s/changelog" The parameter *cancel_lock* refers to an instance of threading.Event, which if set, prevents the download. """ # Return a cached changelog if available if self._changelog != "": return self._changelog if not self.candidate: return _("The list of changes is not available") if uri is None: if self.candidate.origins[0].origin == "Debian": uri = ( "http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool" "/%(src_section)s/%(prefix)s/%(src_pkg)s" "/%(src_pkg)s_%(src_ver)s/changelog" ) elif self.candidate.origins[0].origin == "Ubuntu": uri = ( "http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool" "/%(src_section)s/%(prefix)s/%(src_pkg)s" "/%(src_pkg)s_%(src_ver)s/changelog" ) else: res = _("The list of changes is not available") if isinstance(res, str): return res else: return res.decode("utf-8") # get the src package name src_pkg = self.candidate.source_name # assume "main" section src_section = "main" # use the section of the candidate as a starting point section = self.candidate.section # get the source version src_ver = self.candidate.source_version try: # try to get the source version of the pkg, this differs # for some (e.g. libnspr4 on ubuntu) # this feature only works if the correct deb-src are in the # sources.list otherwise we fall back to the binary version number src_records = apt_pkg.SourceRecords() except SystemError: pass else: while src_records.lookup(src_pkg): if not src_records.version: continue if self.candidate.source_version == src_records.version: # Direct match, use it and do not do more lookups. src_ver = src_records.version section = src_records.section break if apt_pkg.version_compare(src_records.version, src_ver) > 0: # The version is higher, it seems to match. src_ver = src_records.version section = src_records.section section_split = section.split("/", 1) if len(section_split) > 1: src_section = section_split[0] del section_split # lib is handled special prefix = src_pkg[0] if src_pkg.startswith("lib"): prefix = "lib" + src_pkg[3] # stip epoch src_ver_split = src_ver.split(":", 1) if len(src_ver_split) > 1: src_ver = "".join(src_ver_split[1:]) del src_ver_split uri = uri % { "src_section": src_section, "prefix": prefix, "src_pkg": src_pkg, "src_ver": src_ver, } timeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout() # FIXME: when python2.4 vanishes from the archive, # merge this into a single try..finally block (pep 341) try: try: # Set a timeout for the changelog download socket.setdefaulttimeout(2) # Check if the download was canceled if cancel_lock and cancel_lock.is_set(): return "" # FIXME: python3.2: Should be closed manually changelog_file = urlopen(uri) # do only get the lines that are new changelog = "" regexp = "^%s \\((.*)\\)(.*)$" % (re.escape(src_pkg)) while True: # Check if the download was canceled if cancel_lock and cancel_lock.is_set(): return "" # Read changelog line by line line_raw = changelog_file.readline() if not line_raw: break # The changelog is encoded in utf-8, but since there isn't # any http header, urllib2 seems to treat it as ascii line = line_raw.decode("utf-8") # print line.encode('utf-8') match = re.match(regexp, line) if match: # strip epoch from installed version # and from changelog too installed = getattr(self.installed, "version", None) if installed and ":" in installed: installed = installed.split(":", 1)[1] changelog_ver = match.group(1) if changelog_ver and ":" in changelog_ver: changelog_ver = changelog_ver.split(":", 1)[1] if ( installed and apt_pkg.version_compare(changelog_ver, installed) <= 0 ): break # EOF (shouldn't really happen) changelog += line # Print an error if we failed to extract a changelog if len(changelog) == 0: changelog = _("The list of changes is not available") if not isinstance(changelog, str): changelog = changelog.decode("utf-8") self._changelog = changelog except HTTPError: if self.candidate.origins[0].origin == "Ubuntu": res = _( "The list of changes is not available yet.\n\n" "Please use " "http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/%s/" "%s/+changelog\n" "until the changes become available or try again " "later." ) % (src_pkg, src_ver) else: res = _("The list of changes is not available") if isinstance(res, str): return res else: return res.decode("utf-8") except (OSError, BadStatusLine): res = _( "Failed to download the list of changes. \nPlease " "check your Internet connection." ) if isinstance(res, str): return res else: return res.decode("utf-8") finally: socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout) return self._changelog @property def versions(self) -> VersionList: """Return a VersionList() object for all available versions. .. versionadded:: 0.7.9 """ return VersionList(self) @property def is_inst_broken(self) -> bool: """Return True if the to-be-installed package is broken.""" return self._pcache._depcache.is_inst_broken(self._pkg) @property def is_now_broken(self) -> bool: """Return True if the installed package is broken.""" return self._pcache._depcache.is_now_broken(self._pkg) @property def has_config_files(self) -> bool: """Checks whether the package is is the config-files state.""" return self._pkg.current_state == apt_pkg.CURSTATE_CONFIG_FILES # depcache actions def mark_keep(self) -> None: """Mark a package for keep.""" self._pcache.cache_pre_change() self._pcache._depcache.mark_keep(self._pkg) self._pcache.cache_post_change() def mark_delete(self, auto_fix: bool = True, purge: bool = False) -> None: """Mark a package for deletion. If *auto_fix* is ``True``, the resolver will be run, trying to fix broken packages. This is the default. If *purge* is ``True``, remove the configuration files of the package as well. The default is to keep the configuration. """ self._pcache.cache_pre_change() self._pcache._depcache.mark_delete(self._pkg, purge) # try to fix broken stuffsta if auto_fix and self._pcache._depcache.broken_count > 0: fix = apt_pkg.ProblemResolver(self._pcache._depcache) fix.clear(self._pkg) fix.protect(self._pkg) fix.remove(self._pkg) fix.resolve() self._pcache.cache_post_change() def mark_install( self, auto_fix: bool = True, auto_inst: bool = True, from_user: bool = True ) -> None: """Mark a package for install. If *autoFix* is ``True``, the resolver will be run, trying to fix broken packages. This is the default. If *autoInst* is ``True``, the dependencies of the packages will be installed automatically. This is the default. If *fromUser* is ``True``, this package will not be marked as automatically installed. This is the default. Set it to False if you want to be able to automatically remove the package at a later stage when no other package depends on it. """ self._pcache.cache_pre_change() self._pcache._depcache.mark_install(self._pkg, auto_inst, from_user) # try to fix broken stuff if auto_fix and self._pcache._depcache.broken_count > 0: fixer = apt_pkg.ProblemResolver(self._pcache._depcache) fixer.clear(self._pkg) fixer.protect(self._pkg) fixer.resolve(True) self._pcache.cache_post_change() def mark_upgrade(self, from_user: bool = True) -> None: """Mark a package for upgrade.""" if self.is_upgradable: auto = self.is_auto_installed self.mark_install(from_user=from_user) self.mark_auto(auto) else: # FIXME: we may want to throw a exception here sys.stderr.write( ("MarkUpgrade() called on a non-upgradeable pkg: " "'%s'\n") % self._pkg.name ) def mark_auto(self, auto: bool = True) -> None: """Mark a package as automatically installed. Call this function to mark a package as automatically installed. If the optional parameter *auto* is set to ``False``, the package will not be marked as automatically installed anymore. The default is ``True``. """ self._pcache._depcache.mark_auto(self._pkg, auto) def commit(self, fprogress: AcquireProgress, iprogress: InstallProgress) -> None: """Commit the changes. The parameter *fprogress* refers to a apt_pkg.AcquireProgress() object, like apt.progress.text.AcquireProgress(). The parameter *iprogress* refers to an InstallProgress() object, as found in apt.progress.base. """ self._pcache._depcache.commit(fprogress, iprogress) @no_type_check def _test(): """Self-test.""" print("Self-test for the Package modul") import random apt_pkg.init() progress = apt.progress.text.OpProgress() cache = apt.Cache(progress) pkg = cache["apt-utils"] print("Name: %s " % pkg.name) print("ID: %s " % pkg.id) print("Priority (Candidate): %s " % pkg.candidate.priority) print("Priority (Installed): %s " % pkg.installed.priority) print("Installed: %s " % pkg.installed.version) print("Candidate: %s " % pkg.candidate.version) print("CandidateDownloadable: %s" % pkg.candidate.downloadable) print("CandidateOrigins: %s" % pkg.candidate.origins) print("SourcePkg: %s " % pkg.candidate.source_name) print("Section: %s " % pkg.section) print("Summary: %s" % pkg.candidate.summary) print("Description (formatted) :\n%s" % pkg.candidate.description) print("Description (unformatted):\n%s" % pkg.candidate.raw_description) print("InstalledSize: %s " % pkg.candidate.installed_size) print("PackageSize: %s " % pkg.candidate.size) print("Dependencies: %s" % pkg.installed.dependencies) print("Recommends: %s" % pkg.installed.recommends) for dep in pkg.candidate.dependencies: print( ",".join( f"{o.name} ({o.version}) ({o.relation}) ({o.pre_depend})" for o in dep.or_dependencies ) ) print("arch: %s" % pkg.candidate.architecture) print("homepage: %s" % pkg.candidate.homepage) print("rec: ", pkg.candidate.record) print(cache["2vcard"].get_changelog()) for i in True, False: print("Running install on random upgradable pkgs with AutoFix: ", i) for pkg in cache: if pkg.is_upgradable: if random.randint(0, 1) == 1: pkg.mark_install(i) print("Broken: %s " % cache._depcache.broken_count) print("InstCount: %s " % cache._depcache.inst_count) print() # get a new cache for i in True, False: print("Randomly remove some packages with AutoFix: %s" % i) cache = apt.Cache(progress) for name in cache.keys(): if random.randint(0, 1) == 1: try: cache[name].mark_delete(i) except SystemError: print("Error trying to remove: %s " % name) print("Broken: %s " % cache._depcache.broken_count) print("DelCount: %s " % cache._depcache.del_count) # self-test if __name__ == "__main__": _test()