path: root/netaddr/ip/
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Diffstat (limited to 'netaddr/ip/')
1 files changed, 748 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/netaddr/ip/ b/netaddr/ip/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6db896d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netaddr/ip/
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008 by David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved.
+# Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+"""Set based operations for IP addresses and subnets."""
+import itertools as _itertools
+from netaddr.ip import (IPNetwork, IPAddress, IPRange, cidr_merge,
+ cidr_exclude, iprange_to_cidrs)
+from netaddr.compat import _sys_maxint, _dict_keys, _int_type
+def _subtract(supernet, subnets, subnet_idx, ranges):
+ """Calculate IPSet([supernet]) - IPSet(subnets).
+ Assumptions: subnets is sorted, subnet_idx points to the first
+ element in subnets that is a subnet of supernet.
+ Results are appended to the ranges parameter as tuples of in format
+ (version, first, last). Return value is the first subnet_idx that
+ does not point to a subnet of supernet (or len(subnets) if all
+ subsequents items are a subnet of supernet).
+ """
+ version = supernet._module.version
+ subnet = subnets[subnet_idx]
+ if subnet.first > supernet.first:
+ ranges.append((version, supernet.first, subnet.first - 1))
+ subnet_idx += 1
+ prev_subnet = subnet
+ while subnet_idx < len(subnets):
+ cur_subnet = subnets[subnet_idx]
+ if cur_subnet not in supernet:
+ break
+ if prev_subnet.last + 1 == cur_subnet.first:
+ # two adjacent, non-mergable IPNetworks
+ pass
+ else:
+ ranges.append((version, prev_subnet.last + 1, cur_subnet.first - 1))
+ subnet_idx += 1
+ prev_subnet = cur_subnet
+ first = prev_subnet.last + 1
+ last = supernet.last
+ if first <= last:
+ ranges.append((version, first, last))
+ return subnet_idx
+def _iter_merged_ranges(sorted_ranges):
+ """Iterate over sorted_ranges, merging where possible
+ Sorted ranges must be a sorted iterable of (version, first, last) tuples.
+ Merging occurs for pairs like [(4, 10, 42), (4, 43, 100)] which is merged
+ into (4, 10, 100), and leads to return value
+ ( IPAddress(10, 4), IPAddress(100, 4) ), which is suitable input for the
+ iprange_to_cidrs function.
+ """
+ if not sorted_ranges:
+ return
+ current_version, current_start, current_stop = sorted_ranges[0]
+ for next_version, next_start, next_stop in sorted_ranges[1:]:
+ if next_start == current_stop + 1 and next_version == current_version:
+ # Can be merged.
+ current_stop = next_stop
+ continue
+ # Cannot be merged.
+ yield (IPAddress(current_start, current_version),
+ IPAddress(current_stop, current_version))
+ current_start = next_start
+ current_stop = next_stop
+ current_version = next_version
+ yield (IPAddress(current_start, current_version),
+ IPAddress(current_stop, current_version))
+class IPSet(object):
+ """
+ Represents an unordered collection (set) of unique IP addresses and
+ subnets.
+ """
+ __slots__ = ('_cidrs', '__weakref__')
+ def __init__(self, iterable=None, flags=0):
+ """
+ Constructor.
+ :param iterable: (optional) an iterable containing IP addresses,
+ subnets or ranges.
+ :param flags: decides which rules are applied to the interpretation
+ of the addr value. See the :class:`IPAddress` documentation
+ for supported constant values.
+ """
+ if isinstance(iterable, IPNetwork):
+ self._cidrs = {iterable.cidr: True}
+ elif isinstance(iterable, IPRange):
+ self._cidrs = dict.fromkeys(
+ iprange_to_cidrs(iterable[0], iterable[-1]), True)
+ elif isinstance(iterable, IPSet):
+ self._cidrs = dict.fromkeys(iterable.iter_cidrs(), True)
+ else:
+ self._cidrs = {}
+ if iterable is not None:
+ mergeable = []
+ for addr in iterable:
+ if isinstance(addr, _int_type):
+ addr = IPAddress(addr, flags=flags)
+ mergeable.append(addr)
+ for cidr in cidr_merge(mergeable):
+ self._cidrs[cidr] = True
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ """:return: Pickled state of an ``IPSet`` object."""
+ return tuple([cidr.__getstate__() for cidr in self._cidrs])
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ """
+ :param state: data used to unpickle a pickled ``IPSet`` object.
+ """
+ self._cidrs = dict.fromkeys(
+ (IPNetwork((value, prefixlen), version=version)
+ for value, prefixlen, version in state),
+ True)
+ def _compact_single_network(self, added_network):
+ """
+ Same as compact(), but assume that added_network is the only change and
+ that this IPSet was properly compacted before added_network was added.
+ This allows to perform compaction much faster. added_network must
+ already be present in self._cidrs.
+ """
+ added_first = added_network.first
+ added_last = added_network.last
+ added_version = added_network.version
+ # Check for supernets and subnets of added_network.
+ if added_network._prefixlen == added_network._module.width:
+ # This is a single IP address, i.e. /32 for IPv4 or /128 for IPv6.
+ # It does not have any subnets, so we only need to check for its
+ # potential supernets.
+ for potential_supernet in added_network.supernet():
+ if potential_supernet in self._cidrs:
+ del self._cidrs[added_network]
+ return
+ else:
+ # IPNetworks from self._cidrs that are subnets of added_network.
+ to_remove = []
+ for cidr in self._cidrs:
+ if (cidr._module.version != added_version or cidr == added_network):
+ # We found added_network or some network of a different version.
+ continue
+ first = cidr.first
+ last = cidr.last
+ if first >= added_first and last <= added_last:
+ # cidr is a subnet of added_network. Remember to remove it.
+ to_remove.append(cidr)
+ elif first <= added_first and last >= added_last:
+ # cidr is a supernet of added_network. Remove added_network.
+ del self._cidrs[added_network]
+ # This IPSet was properly compacted before. Since added_network
+ # is removed now, it must again be properly compacted -> done.
+ assert (not to_remove)
+ return
+ for item in to_remove:
+ del self._cidrs[item]
+ # Check if added_network can be merged with another network.
+ # Note that merging can only happen between networks of the same
+ # prefixlen. This just leaves 2 candidates: The IPNetworks just before
+ # and just after the added_network.
+ # This can be reduced to 1 candidate: and can
+ # be merged into into But and
+ # cannot be merged. With only 1 candidate, we might as well make a
+ # dictionary lookup.
+ shift_width = added_network._module.width - added_network.prefixlen
+ while added_network.prefixlen != 0:
+ # figure out if the least significant bit of the network part is 0 or 1.
+ the_bit = (added_network._value >> shift_width) & 1
+ if the_bit:
+ candidate = added_network.previous()
+ else:
+ candidate =
+ if candidate not in self._cidrs:
+ # The only possible merge does not work -> merge done
+ return
+ # Remove added_network&candidate, add merged network.
+ del self._cidrs[candidate]
+ del self._cidrs[added_network]
+ added_network.prefixlen -= 1
+ # Be sure that we set the host bits to 0 when we move the prefixlen.
+ # Otherwise, adding will result in a merged
+ # network, but we want
+ shift_width += 1
+ added_network._value = (added_network._value >> shift_width) << shift_width
+ self._cidrs[added_network] = True
+ def compact(self):
+ """
+ Compact internal list of `IPNetwork` objects using a CIDR merge.
+ """
+ cidrs = cidr_merge(self._cidrs)
+ self._cidrs = dict.fromkeys(cidrs, True)
+ def __hash__(self):
+ """
+ Raises ``TypeError`` if this method is called.
+ .. note:: IPSet objects are not hashable and cannot be used as \
+ dictionary keys or as members of other sets. \
+ """
+ raise TypeError('IP sets are unhashable!')
+ def __contains__(self, ip):
+ """
+ :param ip: An IP address or subnet.
+ :return: ``True`` if IP address or subnet is a member of this IP set.
+ """
+ # Iterating over self._cidrs is an O(n) operation: 1000 items in
+ # self._cidrs would mean 1000 loops. Iterating over all possible
+ # supernets loops at most 32 times for IPv4 or 128 times for IPv6,
+ # no matter how many CIDRs this object contains.
+ supernet = IPNetwork(ip)
+ if supernet in self._cidrs:
+ return True
+ while supernet._prefixlen:
+ supernet._prefixlen -= 1
+ if supernet in self._cidrs:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ """Return True if IPSet contains at least one IP, else False"""
+ return bool(self._cidrs)
+ __bool__ = __nonzero__ # Python 3.x.
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """
+ :return: an iterator over the IP addresses within this IP set.
+ """
+ return _itertools.chain(*sorted(self._cidrs))
+ def iter_cidrs(self):
+ """
+ :return: an iterator over individual IP subnets within this IP set.
+ """
+ return sorted(self._cidrs)
+ def add(self, addr, flags=0):
+ """
+ Adds an IP address or subnet or IPRange to this IP set. Has no effect if
+ it is already present.
+ Note that where possible the IP address or subnet is merged with other
+ members of the set to form more concise CIDR blocks.
+ :param addr: An IP address or subnet in either string or object form, or
+ an IPRange object.
+ :param flags: decides which rules are applied to the interpretation
+ of the addr value. See the :class:`IPAddress` documentation
+ for supported constant values.
+ """
+ if isinstance(addr, IPRange):
+ new_cidrs = dict.fromkeys(
+ iprange_to_cidrs(addr[0], addr[-1]), True)
+ self._cidrs.update(new_cidrs)
+ self.compact()
+ return
+ if isinstance(addr, IPNetwork):
+ # Networks like need to be normalized to
+ addr = addr.cidr
+ elif isinstance(addr, _int_type):
+ addr = IPNetwork(IPAddress(addr, flags=flags))
+ else:
+ addr = IPNetwork(addr)
+ self._cidrs[addr] = True
+ self._compact_single_network(addr)
+ def remove(self, addr, flags=0):
+ """
+ Removes an IP address or subnet or IPRange from this IP set. Does
+ nothing if it is not already a member.
+ Note that this method behaves more like discard() found in regular
+ Python sets because it doesn't raise KeyError exceptions if the
+ IP address or subnet is question does not exist. It doesn't make sense
+ to fully emulate that behaviour here as IP sets contain groups of
+ individual IP addresses as individual set members using IPNetwork
+ objects.
+ :param addr: An IP address or subnet, or an IPRange.
+ :param flags: decides which rules are applied to the interpretation
+ of the addr value. See the :class:`IPAddress` documentation
+ for supported constant values.
+ """
+ if isinstance(addr, IPRange):
+ cidrs = iprange_to_cidrs(addr[0], addr[-1])
+ for cidr in cidrs:
+ self.remove(cidr)
+ return
+ if isinstance(addr, _int_type):
+ addr = IPAddress(addr, flags=flags)
+ else:
+ addr = IPNetwork(addr)
+ # This add() is required for address blocks provided that are larger
+ # than blocks found within the set but have overlaps. e.g. :-
+ #
+ # >>> IPSet(['']).remove('')
+ # IPSet([])
+ #
+ self.add(addr)
+ remainder = None
+ matching_cidr = None
+ # Search for a matching CIDR and exclude IP from it.
+ for cidr in self._cidrs:
+ if addr in cidr:
+ remainder = cidr_exclude(cidr, addr)
+ matching_cidr = cidr
+ break
+ # Replace matching CIDR with remaining CIDR elements.
+ if remainder is not None:
+ del self._cidrs[matching_cidr]
+ for cidr in remainder:
+ self._cidrs[cidr] = True
+ # No call to self.compact() is needed. Removing an IPNetwork cannot
+ # create mergeable networks.
+ def pop(self):
+ """
+ Removes and returns an arbitrary IP address or subnet from this IP
+ set.
+ :return: An IP address or subnet.
+ """
+ return self._cidrs.popitem()[0]
+ def isdisjoint(self, other):
+ """
+ :param other: an IP set.
+ :return: ``True`` if this IP set has no elements (IP addresses
+ or subnets) in common with other. Intersection *must* be an
+ empty set.
+ """
+ result = self.intersection(other)
+ return not result
+ def copy(self):
+ """:return: a shallow copy of this IP set."""
+ obj_copy = self.__class__()
+ obj_copy._cidrs.update(self._cidrs)
+ return obj_copy
+ def update(self, iterable, flags=0):
+ """
+ Update the contents of this IP set with the union of itself and
+ other IP set.
+ :param iterable: an iterable containing IP addresses, subnets or ranges.
+ :param flags: decides which rules are applied to the interpretation
+ of the addr value. See the :class:`IPAddress` documentation
+ for supported constant values.
+ """
+ if isinstance(iterable, IPSet):
+ self._cidrs = dict.fromkeys(
+ (ip for ip in cidr_merge(_dict_keys(self._cidrs)
+ + _dict_keys(iterable._cidrs))), True)
+ return
+ elif isinstance(iterable, (IPNetwork, IPRange)):
+ self.add(iterable)
+ return
+ if not hasattr(iterable, '__iter__'):
+ raise TypeError('an iterable was expected!')
+ # An iterable containing IP addresses or subnets.
+ mergeable = []
+ for addr in iterable:
+ if isinstance(addr, _int_type):
+ addr = IPAddress(addr, flags=flags)
+ mergeable.append(addr)
+ for cidr in cidr_merge(_dict_keys(self._cidrs) + mergeable):
+ self._cidrs[cidr] = True
+ self.compact()
+ def clear(self):
+ """Remove all IP addresses and subnets from this IP set."""
+ self._cidrs = {}
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ """
+ :param other: an IP set
+ :return: ``True`` if this IP set is equivalent to the ``other`` IP set,
+ ``False`` otherwise.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self._cidrs == other._cidrs
+ except AttributeError:
+ return NotImplemented
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ """
+ :param other: an IP set
+ :return: ``False`` if this IP set is equivalent to the ``other`` IP set,
+ ``True`` otherwise.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self._cidrs != other._cidrs
+ except AttributeError:
+ return NotImplemented
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ """
+ :param other: an IP set
+ :return: ``True`` if this IP set is less than the ``other`` IP set,
+ ``False`` otherwise.
+ """
+ if not hasattr(other, '_cidrs'):
+ return NotImplemented
+ return self.size < other.size and self.issubset(other)
+ def issubset(self, other):
+ """
+ :param other: an IP set.
+ :return: ``True`` if every IP address and subnet in this IP set
+ is found within ``other``.
+ """
+ for cidr in self._cidrs:
+ if cidr not in other:
+ return False
+ return True
+ __le__ = issubset
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ """
+ :param other: an IP set.
+ :return: ``True`` if this IP set is greater than the ``other`` IP set,
+ ``False`` otherwise.
+ """
+ if not hasattr(other, '_cidrs'):
+ return NotImplemented
+ return self.size > other.size and self.issuperset(other)
+ def issuperset(self, other):
+ """
+ :param other: an IP set.
+ :return: ``True`` if every IP address and subnet in other IP set
+ is found within this one.
+ """
+ if not hasattr(other, '_cidrs'):
+ return NotImplemented
+ for cidr in other._cidrs:
+ if cidr not in self:
+ return False
+ return True
+ __ge__ = issuperset
+ def union(self, other):
+ """
+ :param other: an IP set.
+ :return: the union of this IP set and another as a new IP set
+ (combines IP addresses and subnets from both sets).
+ """
+ ip_set = self.copy()
+ ip_set.update(other)
+ return ip_set
+ __or__ = union
+ def intersection(self, other):
+ """
+ :param other: an IP set.
+ :return: the intersection of this IP set and another as a new IP set.
+ (IP addresses and subnets common to both sets).
+ """
+ result_cidrs = {}
+ own_nets = sorted(self._cidrs)
+ other_nets = sorted(other._cidrs)
+ own_idx = 0
+ other_idx = 0
+ own_len = len(own_nets)
+ other_len = len(other_nets)
+ while own_idx < own_len and other_idx < other_len:
+ own_cur = own_nets[own_idx]
+ other_cur = other_nets[other_idx]
+ if own_cur == other_cur:
+ result_cidrs[own_cur] = True
+ own_idx += 1
+ other_idx += 1
+ elif own_cur in other_cur:
+ result_cidrs[own_cur] = True
+ own_idx += 1
+ elif other_cur in own_cur:
+ result_cidrs[other_cur] = True
+ other_idx += 1
+ else:
+ # own_cur and other_cur have nothing in common
+ if own_cur < other_cur:
+ own_idx += 1
+ else:
+ other_idx += 1
+ # We ran out of networks in own_nets or other_nets. Either way, there
+ # can be no further result_cidrs.
+ result = IPSet()
+ result._cidrs = result_cidrs
+ return result
+ __and__ = intersection
+ def symmetric_difference(self, other):
+ """
+ :param other: an IP set.
+ :return: the symmetric difference of this IP set and another as a new
+ IP set (all IP addresses and subnets that are in exactly one
+ of the sets).
+ """
+ # In contrast to intersection() and difference(), we cannot construct
+ # the result_cidrs easily. Some cidrs may have to be merged, e.g. for
+ # IPSet([""]).symmetric_difference(IPSet([""])).
+ result_ranges = []
+ own_nets = sorted(self._cidrs)
+ other_nets = sorted(other._cidrs)
+ own_idx = 0
+ other_idx = 0
+ own_len = len(own_nets)
+ other_len = len(other_nets)
+ while own_idx < own_len and other_idx < other_len:
+ own_cur = own_nets[own_idx]
+ other_cur = other_nets[other_idx]
+ if own_cur == other_cur:
+ own_idx += 1
+ other_idx += 1
+ elif own_cur in other_cur:
+ own_idx = _subtract(other_cur, own_nets, own_idx, result_ranges)
+ other_idx += 1
+ elif other_cur in own_cur:
+ other_idx = _subtract(own_cur, other_nets, other_idx, result_ranges)
+ own_idx += 1
+ else:
+ # own_cur and other_cur have nothing in common
+ if own_cur < other_cur:
+ result_ranges.append((own_cur._module.version,
+ own_cur.first, own_cur.last))
+ own_idx += 1
+ else:
+ result_ranges.append((other_cur._module.version,
+ other_cur.first, other_cur.last))
+ other_idx += 1
+ # If the above loop terminated because it processed all cidrs of
+ # "other", then any remaining cidrs in self must be part of the result.
+ while own_idx < own_len:
+ own_cur = own_nets[own_idx]
+ result_ranges.append((own_cur._module.version,
+ own_cur.first, own_cur.last))
+ own_idx += 1
+ # If the above loop terminated because it processed all cidrs of
+ # self, then any remaining cidrs in "other" must be part of the result.
+ while other_idx < other_len:
+ other_cur = other_nets[other_idx]
+ result_ranges.append((other_cur._module.version,
+ other_cur.first, other_cur.last))
+ other_idx += 1
+ result = IPSet()
+ for start, stop in _iter_merged_ranges(result_ranges):
+ cidrs = iprange_to_cidrs(start, stop)
+ for cidr in cidrs:
+ result._cidrs[cidr] = True
+ return result
+ __xor__ = symmetric_difference
+ def difference(self, other):
+ """
+ :param other: an IP set.
+ :return: the difference between this IP set and another as a new IP
+ set (all IP addresses and subnets that are in this IP set but
+ not found in the other.)
+ """
+ result_ranges = []
+ result_cidrs = {}
+ own_nets = sorted(self._cidrs)
+ other_nets = sorted(other._cidrs)
+ own_idx = 0
+ other_idx = 0
+ own_len = len(own_nets)
+ other_len = len(other_nets)
+ while own_idx < own_len and other_idx < other_len:
+ own_cur = own_nets[own_idx]
+ other_cur = other_nets[other_idx]
+ if own_cur == other_cur:
+ own_idx += 1
+ other_idx += 1
+ elif own_cur in other_cur:
+ own_idx += 1
+ elif other_cur in own_cur:
+ other_idx = _subtract(own_cur, other_nets, other_idx,
+ result_ranges)
+ own_idx += 1
+ else:
+ # own_cur and other_cur have nothing in common
+ if own_cur < other_cur:
+ result_cidrs[own_cur] = True
+ own_idx += 1
+ else:
+ other_idx += 1
+ # If the above loop terminated because it processed all cidrs of
+ # "other", then any remaining cidrs in self must be part of the result.
+ while own_idx < own_len:
+ result_cidrs[own_nets[own_idx]] = True
+ own_idx += 1
+ for start, stop in _iter_merged_ranges(result_ranges):
+ for cidr in iprange_to_cidrs(start, stop):
+ result_cidrs[cidr] = True
+ result = IPSet()
+ result._cidrs = result_cidrs
+ return result
+ __sub__ = difference
+ def __len__(self):
+ """
+ :return: the cardinality of this IP set (i.e. sum of individual IP \
+ addresses). Raises ``IndexError`` if size > maxint (a Python \
+ limitation). Use the .size property for subnets of any size.
+ """
+ size = self.size
+ if size > _sys_maxint:
+ raise IndexError(
+ "range contains more than %d (sys.maxint) IP addresses!"
+ "Use the .size property instead." % _sys_maxint)
+ return size
+ @property
+ def size(self):
+ """
+ The cardinality of this IP set (based on the number of individual IP
+ addresses including those implicitly defined in subnets).
+ """
+ return sum([cidr.size for cidr in self._cidrs])
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """:return: Python statement to create an equivalent object"""
+ return 'IPSet(%r)' % [str(c) for c in sorted(self._cidrs)]
+ __str__ = __repr__
+ def iscontiguous(self):
+ """
+ Returns True if the members of the set form a contiguous IP
+ address range (with no gaps), False otherwise.
+ :return: ``True`` if the ``IPSet`` object is contiguous.
+ """
+ cidrs = self.iter_cidrs()
+ if len(cidrs) > 1:
+ previous = cidrs[0][0]
+ for cidr in cidrs:
+ if cidr[0] != previous:
+ return False
+ previous = cidr[-1] + 1
+ return True
+ def iprange(self):
+ """
+ Generates an IPRange for this IPSet, if all its members
+ form a single contiguous sequence.
+ Raises ``ValueError`` if the set is not contiguous.
+ :return: An ``IPRange`` for all IPs in the IPSet.
+ """
+ if self.iscontiguous():
+ cidrs = self.iter_cidrs()
+ if not cidrs:
+ return None
+ return IPRange(cidrs[0][0], cidrs[-1][-1])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("IPSet is not contiguous")
+ def iter_ipranges(self):
+ """Generate the merged IPRanges for this IPSet.
+ In contrast to self.iprange(), this will work even when the IPSet is
+ not contiguous. Adjacent IPRanges will be merged together, so you
+ get the minimal number of IPRanges.
+ """
+ sorted_ranges = [(cidr._module.version, cidr.first, cidr.last) for
+ cidr in self.iter_cidrs()]
+ for start, stop in _iter_merged_ranges(sorted_ranges):
+ yield IPRange(start, stop)