******** Overview ******** ``ruyaml`` is a YAML 1.2 loader/dumper package for Python. It is a derivative of Kirill Simonov's `PyYAML 3.11 `_. ``ruyaml`` supports `YAML 1.2`_ and has round-trip loaders and dumpers. - comments - block style and key ordering are kept, so you can diff the round-tripped source - flow style sequences ( 'a: b, c, d') (based on request and test by Anthony Sottile) - anchor names that are hand-crafted (i.e. not of the form``idNNN``) - `merges `_ in dictionaries are preserved This preservation is normally not broken unless you severely alter the structure of a component (delete a key in a dict, remove list entries). Reassigning values or replacing list items, etc., is fine. For the specific 1.2 differences see :ref:`yaml-1-2-support` Although individual indentation of lines is not preserved, you can specify separate indentation levels for mappings and sequences (counting for sequences does **not** include the dash for a sequence element) and specific offset of block sequence dashes within that indentation. Although ``ruyaml`` still allows most of the PyYAML way of doing things, adding features required a different API then the transient nature of PyYAML's ``Loader`` and ``Dumper``. Starting with ``ruyaml`` version 0.15.0 this new API gets introduced. Old ways that get in the way will be removed, after first generating warnings on use, then generating an error. In general a warning in version 0.N.x will become an error in 0.N+1.0 Many of the bugs filed against PyYAML, but that were never acted upon, have been fixed in ``ruyaml`` .. _tox: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tox .. _py.test: http://pytest.org/latest/ .. _YAML 1.1: http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.1/spec.html .. _YAML 1.2: http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html .. _PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi .. _ruyaml: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ruyaml