# coding: utf-8 import os import sys import warnings # NOQA from pathlib import Path import pytest # NOQA from ruyaml.compat import _F base_path = Path('data') # that is ruamel.yaml.data class YAMLData: yaml_tag = '!YAML' def __init__(self, s): self._s = s # Conversion tables for input. E.g. "" is replaced by "\t" # fmt: off special = { 'SPC': ' ', 'TAB': '\t', '---': '---', '...': '...', } # fmt: on @property def value(self): if hasattr(self, '_p'): return self._p assert ' \n' not in self._s assert '\t\n' not in self._s self._p = self._s for k, v in YAMLData.special.items(): k = '<' + k + '>' self._p = self._p.replace(k, v) return self._p def test_rewrite(self, s): assert ' \n' not in s assert '\t\n' not in s for k, v in YAMLData.special.items(): k = '<' + k + '>' s = s.replace(k, v) return s @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, constructor, node): from ruyaml.nodes import MappingNode if isinstance(node, MappingNode): return cls(constructor.construct_mapping(node)) return cls(node.value) class Python(YAMLData): yaml_tag = '!Python' class Output(YAMLData): yaml_tag = '!Output' class Assert(YAMLData): yaml_tag = '!Assert' @property def value(self): from collections.abc import Mapping if hasattr(self, '_pa'): return self._pa if isinstance(self._s, Mapping): self._s['lines'] = self.test_rewrite(self._s['lines']) self._pa = self._s return self._pa def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc): test_yaml = [] paths = sorted(base_path.glob('**/*.yaml')) idlist = [] for path in paths: # while developing tests put them in data/debug and run: # auto -c "pytest _test/test_z_data.py" data/debug/*.yaml *.py _test/*.py if os.environ.get('RUAMELAUTOTEST') == '1': if path.parent.stem != 'debug': continue elif path.parent.stem == 'debug': # don't test debug entries for production continue stem = path.stem if stem.startswith('.#'): # skip emacs temporary file continue idlist.append(stem) test_yaml.append([path]) metafunc.parametrize(['yaml'], test_yaml, ids=idlist, scope='class') class TestYAMLData: def yaml(self, yaml_version=None): from ruyaml import YAML y = YAML() y.preserve_quotes = True if yaml_version: y.version = yaml_version return y def docs(self, path): from ruyaml import YAML tyaml = YAML(typ='safe', pure=True) tyaml.register_class(YAMLData) tyaml.register_class(Python) tyaml.register_class(Output) tyaml.register_class(Assert) return list(tyaml.load_all(path)) def yaml_load(self, value, yaml_version=None): yaml = self.yaml(yaml_version=yaml_version) data = yaml.load(value) return yaml, data def round_trip(self, input, output=None, yaml_version=None): from io import StringIO yaml, data = self.yaml_load(input.value, yaml_version=yaml_version) buf = StringIO() yaml.dump(data, buf) expected = input.value if output is None else output.value value = buf.getvalue() assert value == expected def load_assert(self, input, confirm, yaml_version=None): from collections.abc import Mapping d = self.yaml_load(input.value, yaml_version=yaml_version)[1] # NOQA print('confirm.value', confirm.value, type(confirm.value)) if isinstance(confirm.value, Mapping): r = range(confirm.value['range']) lines = confirm.value['lines'].splitlines() for idx in r: # NOQA for line in lines: line = 'assert ' + line print(line) exec(line) else: for line in confirm.value.splitlines(): line = 'assert ' + line print(line) exec(line) def run_python(self, python, data, tmpdir, input=None): from roundtrip import save_and_run if input is not None: (tmpdir / 'input.yaml').write_text(input.value, encoding='utf-8') assert save_and_run(python.value, base_dir=tmpdir, output=data.value) == 0 def insert_comments(self, data, actions): """this is to automatically insert based on: path (a.1.b), position (before, after, between), and offset (absolute/relative) """ raise NotImplementedError expected = [] for line in data.value.splitlines(True): idx = line.index['?'] if idx < 0: expected.append(line) continue assert line.lstrip()[0] == '#' # it has to be comment line print(data) assert ''.join(expected) == data.value # this is executed by pytest the methods with names not starting with # test_ are helper methods def test_yaml_data(self, yaml, tmpdir): from collections.abc import Mapping idx = 0 typ = None yaml_version = None docs = self.docs(yaml) if isinstance(docs[0], Mapping): d = docs[0] typ = d.get('type') yaml_version = d.get('yaml_version') if 'python' in d: if not check_python_version(d['python']): pytest.skip('unsupported version') idx += 1 data = output = confirm = python = None for doc in docs[idx:]: if isinstance(doc, Output): output = doc elif isinstance(doc, Assert): confirm = doc elif isinstance(doc, Python): python = doc if typ is None: typ = 'python_run' elif isinstance(doc, YAMLData): data = doc else: print('no handler for type:', type(doc), repr(doc)) raise AssertionError() if typ is None: if data is not None and output is not None: typ = 'rt' elif data is not None and confirm is not None: typ = 'load_assert' else: assert data is not None typ = 'rt' print('type:', typ) if data is not None: print('data:', data.value, end='') print('output:', output.value if output is not None else output) if typ == 'rt': self.round_trip(data, output, yaml_version=yaml_version) elif typ == 'python_run': inp = None if output is None or data is None else data self.run_python( python, output if output is not None else data, tmpdir, input=inp ) elif typ == 'load_assert': self.load_assert(data, confirm, yaml_version=yaml_version) elif typ == 'comment': actions = [] self.insert_comments(data, actions) else: _F('\n>>>>>> run type unknown: "{typ}" <<<<<<\n') raise AssertionError() def check_python_version(match, current=None): """ version indication, return True if version matches. match should be something like 3.6+, or [2.7, 3.3] etc. Floats are converted to strings. Single values are made into lists. """ if current is None: current = list(sys.version_info[:3]) if not isinstance(match, list): match = [match] for m in match: minimal = False if isinstance(m, float): m = str(m) if m.endswith('+'): minimal = True m = m[:-1] # assert m[0].isdigit() # assert m[-1].isdigit() m = [int(x) for x in m.split('.')] current_len = current[: len(m)] # print(m, current, current_len) if minimal: if current_len >= m: return True else: if current_len == m: return True return False