# coding: utf-8 # The following YAML grammar is LL(1) and is parsed by a recursive descent # parser. # # stream ::= STREAM-START implicit_document? explicit_document* # STREAM-END # implicit_document ::= block_node DOCUMENT-END* # explicit_document ::= DIRECTIVE* DOCUMENT-START block_node? DOCUMENT-END* # block_node_or_indentless_sequence ::= # ALIAS # | properties (block_content | # indentless_block_sequence)? # | block_content # | indentless_block_sequence # block_node ::= ALIAS # | properties block_content? # | block_content # flow_node ::= ALIAS # | properties flow_content? # | flow_content # properties ::= TAG ANCHOR? | ANCHOR TAG? # block_content ::= block_collection | flow_collection | SCALAR # flow_content ::= flow_collection | SCALAR # block_collection ::= block_sequence | block_mapping # flow_collection ::= flow_sequence | flow_mapping # block_sequence ::= BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START (BLOCK-ENTRY block_node?)* # BLOCK-END # indentless_sequence ::= (BLOCK-ENTRY block_node?)+ # block_mapping ::= BLOCK-MAPPING_START # ((KEY block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)? # (VALUE block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?)* # BLOCK-END # flow_sequence ::= FLOW-SEQUENCE-START # (flow_sequence_entry FLOW-ENTRY)* # flow_sequence_entry? # FLOW-SEQUENCE-END # flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)? # flow_mapping ::= FLOW-MAPPING-START # (flow_mapping_entry FLOW-ENTRY)* # flow_mapping_entry? # FLOW-MAPPING-END # flow_mapping_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)? # # FIRST sets: # # stream: { STREAM-START <} # explicit_document: { DIRECTIVE DOCUMENT-START } # implicit_document: FIRST(block_node) # block_node: { ALIAS TAG ANCHOR SCALAR BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START # BLOCK-MAPPING-START FLOW-SEQUENCE-START FLOW-MAPPING-START } # flow_node: { ALIAS ANCHOR TAG SCALAR FLOW-SEQUENCE-START FLOW-MAPPING-START } # block_content: { BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START BLOCK-MAPPING-START # FLOW-SEQUENCE-START FLOW-MAPPING-START SCALAR } # flow_content: { FLOW-SEQUENCE-START FLOW-MAPPING-START SCALAR } # block_collection: { BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START BLOCK-MAPPING-START } # flow_collection: { FLOW-SEQUENCE-START FLOW-MAPPING-START } # block_sequence: { BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START } # block_mapping: { BLOCK-MAPPING-START } # block_node_or_indentless_sequence: { ALIAS ANCHOR TAG SCALAR # BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START BLOCK-MAPPING-START FLOW-SEQUENCE-START # FLOW-MAPPING-START BLOCK-ENTRY } # indentless_sequence: { ENTRY } # flow_collection: { FLOW-SEQUENCE-START FLOW-MAPPING-START } # flow_sequence: { FLOW-SEQUENCE-START } # flow_mapping: { FLOW-MAPPING-START } # flow_sequence_entry: { ALIAS ANCHOR TAG SCALAR FLOW-SEQUENCE-START # FLOW-MAPPING-START KEY } # flow_mapping_entry: { ALIAS ANCHOR TAG SCALAR FLOW-SEQUENCE-START # FLOW-MAPPING-START KEY } # need to have full path with import, as pkg_resources tries to load parser.py in __init__.py # only to not do anything with the package afterwards # and for Jython too from ruyaml.comments import C_POST, C_PRE, C_SPLIT_ON_FIRST_BLANK from ruyaml.compat import _F, nprint, nprintf # NOQA from ruyaml.error import MarkedYAMLError from ruyaml.events import * # NOQA from ruyaml.scanner import ( # NOQA BlankLineComment, RoundTripScanner, Scanner, ScannerError, ) from ruyaml.tokens import * # NOQA if False: # MYPY from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional # NOQA __all__ = ['Parser', 'RoundTripParser', 'ParserError'] def xprintf(*args, **kw): # type: (Any, Any) -> Any return nprintf(*args, **kw) pass class ParserError(MarkedYAMLError): pass class Parser: # Since writing a recursive-descendant parser is a straightforward task, we # do not give many comments here. DEFAULT_TAGS = {'!': '!', '!!': 'tag:yaml.org,2002:'} def __init__(self, loader): # type: (Any) -> None self.loader = loader if self.loader is not None and getattr(self.loader, '_parser', None) is None: self.loader._parser = self self.reset_parser() def reset_parser(self): # type: () -> None # Reset the state attributes (to clear self-references) self.current_event = self.last_event = None self.tag_handles = {} # type: Dict[Any, Any] self.states = [] # type: List[Any] self.marks = [] # type: List[Any] self.state = self.parse_stream_start # type: Any def dispose(self): # type: () -> None self.reset_parser() @property def scanner(self): # type: () -> Any if hasattr(self.loader, 'typ'): return self.loader.scanner return self.loader._scanner @property def resolver(self): # type: () -> Any if hasattr(self.loader, 'typ'): return self.loader.resolver return self.loader._resolver def check_event(self, *choices): # type: (Any) -> bool # Check the type of the next event. if self.current_event is None: if self.state: self.current_event = self.state() if self.current_event is not None: if not choices: return True for choice in choices: if isinstance(self.current_event, choice): return True return False def peek_event(self): # type: () -> Any # Get the next event. if self.current_event is None: if self.state: self.current_event = self.state() return self.current_event def get_event(self): # type: () -> Any # Get the next event and proceed further. if self.current_event is None: if self.state: self.current_event = self.state() # assert self.current_event is not None # if self.current_event.end_mark.line != self.peek_event().start_mark.line: xprintf( 'get_event', repr(self.current_event), self.peek_event().start_mark.line ) self.last_event = value = self.current_event self.current_event = None return value # stream ::= STREAM-START implicit_document? explicit_document* # STREAM-END # implicit_document ::= block_node DOCUMENT-END* # explicit_document ::= DIRECTIVE* DOCUMENT-START block_node? DOCUMENT-END* def parse_stream_start(self): # type: () -> Any # Parse the stream start. token = self.scanner.get_token() self.move_token_comment(token) event = StreamStartEvent( token.start_mark, token.end_mark, encoding=token.encoding ) # Prepare the next state. self.state = self.parse_implicit_document_start return event def parse_implicit_document_start(self): # type: () -> Any # Parse an implicit document. if not self.scanner.check_token( DirectiveToken, DocumentStartToken, StreamEndToken ): self.tag_handles = self.DEFAULT_TAGS token = self.scanner.peek_token() start_mark = end_mark = token.start_mark event = DocumentStartEvent(start_mark, end_mark, explicit=False) # Prepare the next state. self.states.append(self.parse_document_end) self.state = self.parse_block_node return event else: return self.parse_document_start() def parse_document_start(self): # type: () -> Any # Parse any extra document end indicators. while self.scanner.check_token(DocumentEndToken): self.scanner.get_token() # Parse an explicit document. if not self.scanner.check_token(StreamEndToken): version, tags = self.process_directives() if not self.scanner.check_token(DocumentStartToken): raise ParserError( None, None, _F( "expected '', but found {pt!r}", pt=self.scanner.peek_token().id, ), self.scanner.peek_token().start_mark, ) token = self.scanner.get_token() start_mark = token.start_mark end_mark = token.end_mark # if self.loader is not None and \ # end_mark.line != self.scanner.peek_token().start_mark.line: # self.loader.scalar_after_indicator = False event = DocumentStartEvent( start_mark, end_mark, explicit=True, version=version, tags=tags ) # type: Any self.states.append(self.parse_document_end) self.state = self.parse_document_content else: # Parse the end of the stream. token = self.scanner.get_token() event = StreamEndEvent( token.start_mark, token.end_mark, comment=token.comment ) assert not self.states assert not self.marks self.state = None return event def parse_document_end(self): # type: () -> Any # Parse the document end. token = self.scanner.peek_token() start_mark = end_mark = token.start_mark explicit = False if self.scanner.check_token(DocumentEndToken): token = self.scanner.get_token() end_mark = token.end_mark explicit = True event = DocumentEndEvent(start_mark, end_mark, explicit=explicit) # Prepare the next state. if self.resolver.processing_version == (1, 1): self.state = self.parse_document_start else: self.state = self.parse_implicit_document_start return event def parse_document_content(self): # type: () -> Any if self.scanner.check_token( DirectiveToken, DocumentStartToken, DocumentEndToken, StreamEndToken ): event = self.process_empty_scalar(self.scanner.peek_token().start_mark) self.state = self.states.pop() return event else: return self.parse_block_node() def process_directives(self): # type: () -> Any yaml_version = None self.tag_handles = {} while self.scanner.check_token(DirectiveToken): token = self.scanner.get_token() if token.name == 'YAML': if yaml_version is not None: raise ParserError( None, None, 'found duplicate YAML directive', token.start_mark ) major, minor = token.value if major != 1: raise ParserError( None, None, 'found incompatible YAML document (version 1.* is required)', token.start_mark, ) yaml_version = token.value elif token.name == 'TAG': handle, prefix = token.value if handle in self.tag_handles: raise ParserError( None, None, _F('duplicate tag handle {handle!r}', handle=handle), token.start_mark, ) self.tag_handles[handle] = prefix if bool(self.tag_handles): value = yaml_version, self.tag_handles.copy() # type: Any else: value = yaml_version, None if self.loader is not None and hasattr(self.loader, 'tags'): self.loader.version = yaml_version if self.loader.tags is None: self.loader.tags = {} for k in self.tag_handles: self.loader.tags[k] = self.tag_handles[k] for key in self.DEFAULT_TAGS: if key not in self.tag_handles: self.tag_handles[key] = self.DEFAULT_TAGS[key] return value # block_node_or_indentless_sequence ::= ALIAS # | properties (block_content | indentless_block_sequence)? # | block_content # | indentless_block_sequence # block_node ::= ALIAS # | properties block_content? # | block_content # flow_node ::= ALIAS # | properties flow_content? # | flow_content # properties ::= TAG ANCHOR? | ANCHOR TAG? # block_content ::= block_collection | flow_collection | SCALAR # flow_content ::= flow_collection | SCALAR # block_collection ::= block_sequence | block_mapping # flow_collection ::= flow_sequence | flow_mapping def parse_block_node(self): # type: () -> Any return self.parse_node(block=True) def parse_flow_node(self): # type: () -> Any return self.parse_node() def parse_block_node_or_indentless_sequence(self): # type: () -> Any return self.parse_node(block=True, indentless_sequence=True) def transform_tag(self, handle, suffix): # type: (Any, Any) -> Any return self.tag_handles[handle] + suffix def parse_node(self, block=False, indentless_sequence=False): # type: (bool, bool) -> Any if self.scanner.check_token(AliasToken): token = self.scanner.get_token() event = AliasEvent( token.value, token.start_mark, token.end_mark ) # type: Any self.state = self.states.pop() return event anchor = None tag = None start_mark = end_mark = tag_mark = None if self.scanner.check_token(AnchorToken): token = self.scanner.get_token() self.move_token_comment(token) start_mark = token.start_mark end_mark = token.end_mark anchor = token.value if self.scanner.check_token(TagToken): token = self.scanner.get_token() tag_mark = token.start_mark end_mark = token.end_mark tag = token.value elif self.scanner.check_token(TagToken): token = self.scanner.get_token() start_mark = tag_mark = token.start_mark end_mark = token.end_mark tag = token.value if self.scanner.check_token(AnchorToken): token = self.scanner.get_token() start_mark = tag_mark = token.start_mark end_mark = token.end_mark anchor = token.value if tag is not None: handle, suffix = tag if handle is not None: if handle not in self.tag_handles: raise ParserError( 'while parsing a node', start_mark, _F('found undefined tag handle {handle!r}', handle=handle), tag_mark, ) tag = self.transform_tag(handle, suffix) else: tag = suffix # if tag == '!': # raise ParserError("while parsing a node", start_mark, # "found non-specific tag '!'", tag_mark, # "Please check 'http://pyyaml.org/wiki/YAMLNonSpecificTag' # and share your opinion.") if start_mark is None: start_mark = end_mark = self.scanner.peek_token().start_mark event = None implicit = tag is None or tag == '!' if indentless_sequence and self.scanner.check_token(BlockEntryToken): comment = None pt = self.scanner.peek_token() if self.loader and self.loader.comment_handling is None: if pt.comment and pt.comment[0]: comment = [pt.comment[0], []] pt.comment[0] = None elif self.loader: if pt.comment: comment = pt.comment end_mark = self.scanner.peek_token().end_mark event = SequenceStartEvent( anchor, tag, implicit, start_mark, end_mark, flow_style=False, comment=comment, ) self.state = self.parse_indentless_sequence_entry return event if self.scanner.check_token(ScalarToken): token = self.scanner.get_token() # self.scanner.peek_token_same_line_comment(token) end_mark = token.end_mark if (token.plain and tag is None) or tag == '!': implicit = (True, False) elif tag is None: implicit = (False, True) else: implicit = (False, False) # nprint('se', token.value, token.comment) event = ScalarEvent( anchor, tag, implicit, token.value, start_mark, end_mark, style=token.style, comment=token.comment, ) self.state = self.states.pop() elif self.scanner.check_token(FlowSequenceStartToken): pt = self.scanner.peek_token() end_mark = pt.end_mark event = SequenceStartEvent( anchor, tag, implicit, start_mark, end_mark, flow_style=True, comment=pt.comment, ) self.state = self.parse_flow_sequence_first_entry elif self.scanner.check_token(FlowMappingStartToken): pt = self.scanner.peek_token() end_mark = pt.end_mark event = MappingStartEvent( anchor, tag, implicit, start_mark, end_mark, flow_style=True, comment=pt.comment, ) self.state = self.parse_flow_mapping_first_key elif block and self.scanner.check_token(BlockSequenceStartToken): end_mark = self.scanner.peek_token().start_mark # should inserting the comment be dependent on the # indentation? pt = self.scanner.peek_token() comment = pt.comment # nprint('pt0', type(pt)) if comment is None or comment[1] is None: comment = pt.split_old_comment() # nprint('pt1', comment) event = SequenceStartEvent( anchor, tag, implicit, start_mark, end_mark, flow_style=False, comment=comment, ) self.state = self.parse_block_sequence_first_entry elif block and self.scanner.check_token(BlockMappingStartToken): end_mark = self.scanner.peek_token().start_mark comment = self.scanner.peek_token().comment event = MappingStartEvent( anchor, tag, implicit, start_mark, end_mark, flow_style=False, comment=comment, ) self.state = self.parse_block_mapping_first_key elif anchor is not None or tag is not None: # Empty scalars are allowed even if a tag or an anchor is # specified. event = ScalarEvent( anchor, tag, (implicit, False), "", start_mark, end_mark ) self.state = self.states.pop() else: if block: node = 'block' else: node = 'flow' token = self.scanner.peek_token() raise ParserError( _F('while parsing a {node!s} node', node=node), start_mark, _F( 'expected the node content, but found {token_id!r}', token_id=token.id, ), token.start_mark, ) return event # block_sequence ::= BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START (BLOCK-ENTRY block_node?)* # BLOCK-END def parse_block_sequence_first_entry(self): # type: () -> Any token = self.scanner.get_token() # move any comment from start token # self.move_token_comment(token) self.marks.append(token.start_mark) return self.parse_block_sequence_entry() def parse_block_sequence_entry(self): # type: () -> Any if self.scanner.check_token(BlockEntryToken): token = self.scanner.get_token() self.move_token_comment(token) if not self.scanner.check_token(BlockEntryToken, BlockEndToken): self.states.append(self.parse_block_sequence_entry) return self.parse_block_node() else: self.state = self.parse_block_sequence_entry return self.process_empty_scalar(token.end_mark) if not self.scanner.check_token(BlockEndToken): token = self.scanner.peek_token() raise ParserError( 'while parsing a block collection', self.marks[-1], _F('expected , but found {token_id!r}', token_id=token.id), token.start_mark, ) token = self.scanner.get_token() # BlockEndToken event = SequenceEndEvent( token.start_mark, token.end_mark, comment=token.comment ) self.state = self.states.pop() self.marks.pop() return event # indentless_sequence ::= (BLOCK-ENTRY block_node?)+ # indentless_sequence? # sequence: # - entry # - nested def parse_indentless_sequence_entry(self): # type: () -> Any if self.scanner.check_token(BlockEntryToken): token = self.scanner.get_token() self.move_token_comment(token) if not self.scanner.check_token( BlockEntryToken, KeyToken, ValueToken, BlockEndToken ): self.states.append(self.parse_indentless_sequence_entry) return self.parse_block_node() else: self.state = self.parse_indentless_sequence_entry return self.process_empty_scalar(token.end_mark) token = self.scanner.peek_token() c = None if self.loader and self.loader.comment_handling is None: c = token.comment start_mark = token.start_mark else: start_mark = self.last_event.end_mark # type: ignore c = self.distribute_comment(token.comment, start_mark.line) # type: ignore event = SequenceEndEvent(start_mark, start_mark, comment=c) self.state = self.states.pop() return event # block_mapping ::= BLOCK-MAPPING_START # ((KEY block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)? # (VALUE block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?)* # BLOCK-END def parse_block_mapping_first_key(self): # type: () -> Any token = self.scanner.get_token() self.marks.append(token.start_mark) return self.parse_block_mapping_key() def parse_block_mapping_key(self): # type: () -> Any if self.scanner.check_token(KeyToken): token = self.scanner.get_token() self.move_token_comment(token) if not self.scanner.check_token(KeyToken, ValueToken, BlockEndToken): self.states.append(self.parse_block_mapping_value) return self.parse_block_node_or_indentless_sequence() else: self.state = self.parse_block_mapping_value return self.process_empty_scalar(token.end_mark) if self.resolver.processing_version > (1, 1) and self.scanner.check_token( ValueToken ): self.state = self.parse_block_mapping_value return self.process_empty_scalar(self.scanner.peek_token().start_mark) if not self.scanner.check_token(BlockEndToken): token = self.scanner.peek_token() raise ParserError( 'while parsing a block mapping', self.marks[-1], _F('expected , but found {token_id!r}', token_id=token.id), token.start_mark, ) token = self.scanner.get_token() self.move_token_comment(token) event = MappingEndEvent(token.start_mark, token.end_mark, comment=token.comment) self.state = self.states.pop() self.marks.pop() return event def parse_block_mapping_value(self): # type: () -> Any if self.scanner.check_token(ValueToken): token = self.scanner.get_token() # value token might have post comment move it to e.g. block if self.scanner.check_token(ValueToken): self.move_token_comment(token) else: if not self.scanner.check_token(KeyToken): self.move_token_comment(token, empty=True) # else: empty value for this key cannot move token.comment if not self.scanner.check_token(KeyToken, ValueToken, BlockEndToken): self.states.append(self.parse_block_mapping_key) return self.parse_block_node_or_indentless_sequence() else: self.state = self.parse_block_mapping_key comment = token.comment if comment is None: token = self.scanner.peek_token() comment = token.comment if comment: token._comment = [None, comment[1]] comment = [comment[0], None] return self.process_empty_scalar(token.end_mark, comment=comment) else: self.state = self.parse_block_mapping_key token = self.scanner.peek_token() return self.process_empty_scalar(token.start_mark) # flow_sequence ::= FLOW-SEQUENCE-START # (flow_sequence_entry FLOW-ENTRY)* # flow_sequence_entry? # FLOW-SEQUENCE-END # flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)? # # Note that while production rules for both flow_sequence_entry and # flow_mapping_entry are equal, their interpretations are different. # For `flow_sequence_entry`, the part `KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?` # generate an inline mapping (set syntax). def parse_flow_sequence_first_entry(self): # type: () -> Any token = self.scanner.get_token() self.marks.append(token.start_mark) return self.parse_flow_sequence_entry(first=True) def parse_flow_sequence_entry(self, first=False): # type: (bool) -> Any if not self.scanner.check_token(FlowSequenceEndToken): if not first: if self.scanner.check_token(FlowEntryToken): self.scanner.get_token() else: token = self.scanner.peek_token() raise ParserError( 'while parsing a flow sequence', self.marks[-1], _F( "expected ',' or ']', but got {token_id!r}", token_id=token.id, ), token.start_mark, ) if self.scanner.check_token(KeyToken): token = self.scanner.peek_token() event = MappingStartEvent( None, None, True, token.start_mark, token.end_mark, flow_style=True ) # type: Any self.state = self.parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_key return event elif not self.scanner.check_token(FlowSequenceEndToken): self.states.append(self.parse_flow_sequence_entry) return self.parse_flow_node() token = self.scanner.get_token() event = SequenceEndEvent( token.start_mark, token.end_mark, comment=token.comment ) self.state = self.states.pop() self.marks.pop() return event def parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_key(self): # type: () -> Any token = self.scanner.get_token() if not self.scanner.check_token( ValueToken, FlowEntryToken, FlowSequenceEndToken ): self.states.append(self.parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_value) return self.parse_flow_node() else: self.state = self.parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_value return self.process_empty_scalar(token.end_mark) def parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_value(self): # type: () -> Any if self.scanner.check_token(ValueToken): token = self.scanner.get_token() if not self.scanner.check_token(FlowEntryToken, FlowSequenceEndToken): self.states.append(self.parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_end) return self.parse_flow_node() else: self.state = self.parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_end return self.process_empty_scalar(token.end_mark) else: self.state = self.parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_end token = self.scanner.peek_token() return self.process_empty_scalar(token.start_mark) def parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_end(self): # type: () -> Any self.state = self.parse_flow_sequence_entry token = self.scanner.peek_token() return MappingEndEvent(token.start_mark, token.start_mark) # flow_mapping ::= FLOW-MAPPING-START # (flow_mapping_entry FLOW-ENTRY)* # flow_mapping_entry? # FLOW-MAPPING-END # flow_mapping_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)? def parse_flow_mapping_first_key(self): # type: () -> Any token = self.scanner.get_token() self.marks.append(token.start_mark) return self.parse_flow_mapping_key(first=True) def parse_flow_mapping_key(self, first=False): # type: (Any) -> Any if not self.scanner.check_token(FlowMappingEndToken): if not first: if self.scanner.check_token(FlowEntryToken): self.scanner.get_token() else: token = self.scanner.peek_token() raise ParserError( 'while parsing a flow mapping', self.marks[-1], _F( "expected ',' or '}}', but got {token_id!r}", token_id=token.id, ), token.start_mark, ) if self.scanner.check_token(KeyToken): token = self.scanner.get_token() if not self.scanner.check_token( ValueToken, FlowEntryToken, FlowMappingEndToken ): self.states.append(self.parse_flow_mapping_value) return self.parse_flow_node() else: self.state = self.parse_flow_mapping_value return self.process_empty_scalar(token.end_mark) elif self.resolver.processing_version > (1, 1) and self.scanner.check_token( ValueToken ): self.state = self.parse_flow_mapping_value return self.process_empty_scalar(self.scanner.peek_token().end_mark) elif not self.scanner.check_token(FlowMappingEndToken): self.states.append(self.parse_flow_mapping_empty_value) return self.parse_flow_node() token = self.scanner.get_token() event = MappingEndEvent(token.start_mark, token.end_mark, comment=token.comment) self.state = self.states.pop() self.marks.pop() return event def parse_flow_mapping_value(self): # type: () -> Any if self.scanner.check_token(ValueToken): token = self.scanner.get_token() if not self.scanner.check_token(FlowEntryToken, FlowMappingEndToken): self.states.append(self.parse_flow_mapping_key) return self.parse_flow_node() else: self.state = self.parse_flow_mapping_key return self.process_empty_scalar(token.end_mark) else: self.state = self.parse_flow_mapping_key token = self.scanner.peek_token() return self.process_empty_scalar(token.start_mark) def parse_flow_mapping_empty_value(self): # type: () -> Any self.state = self.parse_flow_mapping_key return self.process_empty_scalar(self.scanner.peek_token().start_mark) def process_empty_scalar(self, mark, comment=None): # type: (Any, Any) -> Any return ScalarEvent(None, None, (True, False), "", mark, mark, comment=comment) def move_token_comment(self, token, nt=None, empty=False): # type: (Any, Optional[Any], Optional[bool]) -> Any pass class RoundTripParser(Parser): """roundtrip is a safe loader, that wants to see the unmangled tag""" def transform_tag(self, handle, suffix): # type: (Any, Any) -> Any # return self.tag_handles[handle]+suffix if handle == '!!' and suffix in ( 'null', 'bool', 'int', 'float', 'binary', 'timestamp', 'omap', 'pairs', 'set', 'str', 'seq', 'map', ): return Parser.transform_tag(self, handle, suffix) return handle + suffix def move_token_comment(self, token, nt=None, empty=False): # type: (Any, Optional[Any], Optional[bool]) -> Any token.move_old_comment( self.scanner.peek_token() if nt is None else nt, empty=empty ) class RoundTripParserSC(RoundTripParser): """roundtrip is a safe loader, that wants to see the unmangled tag""" # some of the differences are based on the superclass testing # if self.loader.comment_handling is not None def move_token_comment(self, token, nt=None, empty=False): # type: (Any, Any, Any, Optional[bool]) -> None token.move_new_comment( self.scanner.peek_token() if nt is None else nt, empty=empty ) def distribute_comment(self, comment, line): # type: (Any, Any) -> Any # ToDo, look at indentation of the comment to determine attachment if comment is None: return None if not comment[0]: return None if comment[0][0] != line + 1: nprintf('>>>dcxxx', comment, line) assert comment[0][0] == line + 1 # if comment[0] - line > 1: # return typ = self.loader.comment_handling & 0b11 # nprintf('>>>dca', comment, line, typ) if typ == C_POST: return None if typ == C_PRE: c = [None, None, comment[0]] comment[0] = None return c # nprintf('>>>dcb', comment[0]) for _idx, cmntidx in enumerate(comment[0]): # nprintf('>>>dcb', cmntidx) if isinstance(self.scanner.comments[cmntidx], BlankLineComment): break else: return None # no space found if _idx == 0: return None # first line was blank # nprintf('>>>dcc', idx) if typ == C_SPLIT_ON_FIRST_BLANK: c = [None, None, comment[0][:_idx]] comment[0] = comment[0][_idx:] return c raise NotImplementedError # reserved