Syntax Formats supported in Raptor This chapter describes the syntax formats supported by parsers and serializers in Raptor.
Introduction The parsers and serializers in raptor can handle different MIME Types with different levels of quality (Q). A Q of 1.0 indicates that the parser or serializer will be able to read or write the full format with high quality, and it should be the prefered parser or serializer for that mime type. Lower Q values indicate either additional mime type support (for parsing) or less-preferred mime types (for serializing). A serializer typically has just 1 mime type of Q 1.0; the preferred type.
MIME Types by Parser Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages (grddl) text/html with q 0.2 application/xhtml+xml with q 0.4 N-Quads (nquads) text/x-nquads with q 1.0 N-Triples (ntriples) application/n-triples with q 1.0 text/plain with q 0.1 RDF/A via librdfa (rdfa) text/html with q 0.6 application/xhtml+xml with q 0.8 RDF/JSON (either Triples or Resource-Centric) (json) application/json with q 0.1 text/json with q 0.1 RDF/XML (rdfxml) application/rdf+xml with q 1.0 text/rdf with q 0.6 RSS Tag Soup (rss-tag-soup) application/rss with q 0.8 application/rss+xml with q 0.8 text/rss with q 0.8 application/xml with q 0.3 text/xml with q 0.3 application/atom+xml with q 0.3 TriG - Turtle with Named Graphs (trig) application/x-trig with q 1.0 Turtle Terse RDF Triple Language (turtle) text/turtle with q 1.0 application/x-turtle with q 1.0 application/turtle with q 1.0 text/n3 with q 0.3 text/rdf+n3 with q 0.3 application/rdf+n3 with q 0.3
MIME Types by Serializer Atom 1.0 (atom) application/atom+xml with q 1.0 GraphViz DOT format (dot) text/x-graphviz with q 0.5 HTML Table (html) application/xhtml+xml with q 1.0 text/html with q 1.0 N-Quads (nquads) text/x-nquads with q 1.0 N-Triples (ntriples) application/n-triples with q 1.0 text/plain with q 0.1 RDF/JSON Resource-Centric (json) application/json with q 1.0 text/json with q 0.1 RDF/JSON Triples (json-triples) application/json with q 0.0 text/json with q 0.1 RDF/XML (rdfxml) application/rdf+xml with q 1.0 text/rdf with q 0.6 RDF/XML (Abbreviated) (rdfxml-abbrev) application/rdf+xml with q 0.0 RDF/XML (XMP Profile) (rdfxml-xmp) application/rdf+xml with q 0.0 RSS 1.0 (rss-1.0) application/rss+xml with q 1.0 application/rss with q 0.3 text/rss with q 0.3 application/xml with q 0.3 text/xml with q 0.3 Turtle Terse RDF Triple Language (turtle) text/turtle with q 1.0 application/turtle with q 1.0 application/x-turtle with q 0.8 text/n3 with q 0.3 text/rdf+n3 with q 0.3 application/rdf+n3 with q 0.3 mKR my Knowledge Representation Language (mkr) text/mkr with q 1.0 application/mkr with q 1.0 application/x-mkr with q 0.8 text/n3 with q 0.3 text/rdf+n3 with q 0.3 application/rdf+n3 with q 0.3
MIME Types Index application/atom+xml Atom 1.0 Serializer (atom) with q 1.0 RSS Tag Soup Parser (rss-tag-soup) with q 0.3 application/json RDF/JSON Resource-Centric Serializer (json) with q 1.0 RDF/JSON (either Triples or Resource-Centric) Parser (json) with q 0.1 RDF/JSON Triples Serializer (json-triples) with q 0.0 application/mkr mKR my Knowledge Representation Language Serializer (mkr) with q 1.0 No parser. application/n-triples N-Triples Parser (ntriples) with q 1.0 N-Triples Serializer (ntriples) with q 1.0 application/rdf+n3 Turtle Terse RDF Triple Language Parser (turtle) with q 0.3 Turtle Terse RDF Triple Language Serializer (turtle) with q 0.3 mKR my Knowledge Representation Language Serializer (mkr) with q 0.3 application/rdf+xml RDF/XML Parser (rdfxml) with q 1.0 RDF/XML Serializer (rdfxml) with q 1.0 RDF/XML (XMP Profile) Serializer (rdfxml-xmp) with q 0.0 RDF/XML (Abbreviated) Serializer (rdfxml-abbrev) with q 0.0 application/rss RSS Tag Soup Parser (rss-tag-soup) with q 0.8 RSS 1.0 Serializer (rss-1.0) with q 0.3 application/rss+xml RSS 1.0 Serializer (rss-1.0) with q 1.0 RSS Tag Soup Parser (rss-tag-soup) with q 0.8 application/turtle Turtle Terse RDF Triple Language Parser (turtle) with q 1.0 Turtle Terse RDF Triple Language Serializer (turtle) with q 1.0 application/x-mkr mKR my Knowledge Representation Language Serializer (mkr) with q 0.8 No parser. application/x-trig TriG - Turtle with Named Graphs Parser (trig) with q 1.0 No serializer. application/x-turtle Turtle Terse RDF Triple Language Parser (turtle) with q 1.0 Turtle Terse RDF Triple Language Serializer (turtle) with q 0.8 application/xhtml+xml HTML Table Serializer (html) with q 1.0 RDF/A via librdfa Parser (rdfa) with q 0.8 Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages Parser (grddl) with q 0.4 application/xml RSS Tag Soup Parser (rss-tag-soup) with q 0.3 RSS 1.0 Serializer (rss-1.0) with q 0.3 text/html HTML Table Serializer (html) with q 1.0 RDF/A via librdfa Parser (rdfa) with q 0.6 Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages Parser (grddl) with q 0.2 text/json RDF/JSON (either Triples or Resource-Centric) Parser (json) with q 0.1 RDF/JSON Triples Serializer (json-triples) with q 0.1 RDF/JSON Resource-Centric Serializer (json) with q 0.1 text/mkr mKR my Knowledge Representation Language Serializer (mkr) with q 1.0 No parser. text/n3 Turtle Terse RDF Triple Language Parser (turtle) with q 0.3 Turtle Terse RDF Triple Language Serializer (turtle) with q 0.3 mKR my Knowledge Representation Language Serializer (mkr) with q 0.3 text/plain N-Triples Parser (ntriples) with q 0.1 N-Triples Serializer (ntriples) with q 0.1 text/rdf RDF/XML Parser (rdfxml) with q 0.6 RDF/XML Serializer (rdfxml) with q 0.6 text/rdf+n3 Turtle Terse RDF Triple Language Parser (turtle) with q 0.3 Turtle Terse RDF Triple Language Serializer (turtle) with q 0.3 mKR my Knowledge Representation Language Serializer (mkr) with q 0.3 text/rss RSS Tag Soup Parser (rss-tag-soup) with q 0.8 RSS 1.0 Serializer (rss-1.0) with q 0.3 text/turtle Turtle Terse RDF Triple Language Parser (turtle) with q 1.0 Turtle Terse RDF Triple Language Serializer (turtle) with q 1.0 text/x-graphviz GraphViz DOT format Serializer (dot) with q 0.5 No parser. text/x-nquads N-Quads Parser (nquads) with q 1.0 N-Quads Serializer (nquads) with q 1.0 text/xml RSS Tag Soup Parser (rss-tag-soup) with q 0.3 RSS 1.0 Serializer (rss-1.0) with q 0.3