path: root/tests/cluster/tests/includes
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/cluster/tests/includes')
2 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/includes/init-tests.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/includes/init-tests.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4875a01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/includes/init-tests.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Initialization tests -- most units will start including this.
+test "(init) Restart killed instances" {
+ foreach type {redis} {
+ foreach_${type}_id id {
+ if {[get_instance_attrib $type $id pid] == -1} {
+ puts -nonewline "$type/$id "
+ flush stdout
+ restart_instance $type $id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+test "Cluster nodes are reachable" {
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ # Every node should be reachable.
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ ([catch {R $id ping} ping_reply] == 0) &&
+ ($ping_reply eq {PONG})
+ } else {
+ catch {R $id ping} err
+ fail "Node #$id keeps replying '$err' to PING."
+ }
+ }
+test "Cluster nodes hard reset" {
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ if {$::valgrind} {
+ set node_timeout 10000
+ } else {
+ set node_timeout 3000
+ }
+ catch {R $id flushall} ; # May fail for readonly slaves.
+ R $id MULTI
+ R $id cluster reset hard
+ R $id cluster set-config-epoch [expr {$id+1}]
+ R $id EXEC
+ R $id config set cluster-node-timeout $node_timeout
+ R $id config set cluster-slave-validity-factor 10
+ R $id config set loading-process-events-interval-bytes 2097152
+ R $id config set key-load-delay 0
+ R $id config set repl-diskless-load disabled
+ R $id config set cluster-announce-hostname ""
+ R $id config rewrite
+ }
+# Helper function to attempt to have each node in a cluster
+# meet each other.
+proc join_nodes_in_cluster {} {
+ # Join node 0 with 1, 1 with 2, ... and so forth.
+ # If auto-discovery works all nodes will know every other node
+ # eventually.
+ set ids {}
+ foreach_redis_id id {lappend ids $id}
+ for {set j 0} {$j < [expr [llength $ids]-1]} {incr j} {
+ set a [lindex $ids $j]
+ set b [lindex $ids [expr $j+1]]
+ set b_port [get_instance_attrib redis $b port]
+ R $a cluster meet $b_port
+ }
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [llength [get_cluster_nodes $id connected]] == [llength $ids]
+ } else {
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ return 1
+test "Cluster Join and auto-discovery test" {
+ # Use multiple attempts since sometimes nodes timeout
+ # while attempting to connect.
+ for {set attempts 3} {$attempts > 0} {incr attempts -1} {
+ if {[join_nodes_in_cluster] == 1} {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if {$attempts == 0} {
+ fail "Cluster failed to form full mesh"
+ }
+test "Before slots allocation, all nodes report cluster failure" {
+ assert_cluster_state fail
diff --git a/tests/cluster/tests/includes/utils.tcl b/tests/cluster/tests/includes/utils.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1b0fe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cluster/tests/includes/utils.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+source "../../../tests/support/cli.tcl"
+proc config_set_all_nodes {keyword value} {
+ foreach_redis_id id {
+ R $id config set $keyword $value
+ }
+proc fix_cluster {addr} {
+ set code [catch {
+ exec ../../../src/redis-cli {*}[rediscli_tls_config "../../../tests"] --cluster fix $addr << yes
+ } result]
+ if {$code != 0} {
+ puts "redis-cli --cluster fix returns non-zero exit code, output below:\n$result"
+ }
+ # Note: redis-cli --cluster fix may return a non-zero exit code if nodes don't agree,
+ # but we can ignore that and rely on the check below.
+ assert_cluster_state ok
+ wait_for_condition 100 100 {
+ [catch {exec ../../../src/redis-cli {*}[rediscli_tls_config "../../../tests"] --cluster check $addr} result] == 0
+ } else {
+ puts "redis-cli --cluster check returns non-zero exit code, output below:\n$result"
+ fail "Cluster could not settle with configuration"
+ }
+proc wait_cluster_stable {} {
+ wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
+ [catch {exec ../../../src/redis-cli --cluster \
+ check[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port] \
+ {*}[rediscli_tls_config "../../../tests"] \
+ }] == 0
+ } else {
+ fail "Cluster doesn't stabilize"
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file