path: root/tests/unit/pubsub.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 506 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unit/pubsub.tcl b/tests/unit/pubsub.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3797b00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/pubsub.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+start_server {tags {"pubsub network"}} {
+ if {$::singledb} {
+ set db 0
+ } else {
+ set db 9
+ }
+ foreach resp {2 3} {
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ if {[lsearch $::denytags "resp3"] >= 0} {
+ if {$resp == 3} {continue}
+ } elseif {$::force_resp3} {
+ if {$resp == 2} {continue}
+ }
+ $rd1 hello $resp
+ $rd1 read
+ test "Pub/Sub PING on RESP$resp" {
+ subscribe $rd1 somechannel
+ # While subscribed to non-zero channels PING works in Pub/Sub mode.
+ $rd1 ping
+ $rd1 ping "foo"
+ # In RESP3, the SUBSCRIBEd client can issue any command and get a reply, so the PINGs are standard
+ # In RESP2, only a handful of commands are allowed after a client is SUBSCRIBED (PING is one of them).
+ # For some reason, the reply in that case is an array with two elements: "pong" and argv[1] or an empty string
+ # God knows why. Done in commit 2264b981
+ if {$resp == 3} {
+ assert_equal {PONG} [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal {foo} [$rd1 read]
+ } else {
+ assert_equal {pong {}} [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal {pong foo} [$rd1 read]
+ }
+ unsubscribe $rd1 somechannel
+ # Now we are unsubscribed, PING should just return PONG.
+ $rd1 ping
+ assert_equal {PONG} [$rd1 read]
+ }
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE basics" {
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ # subscribe to two channels
+ assert_equal {1 2} [subscribe $rd1 {chan1 chan2}]
+ assert_equal 1 [r publish chan1 hello]
+ assert_equal 1 [r publish chan2 world]
+ assert_equal {message chan1 hello} [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal {message chan2 world} [$rd1 read]
+ # unsubscribe from one of the channels
+ unsubscribe $rd1 {chan1}
+ assert_equal 0 [r publish chan1 hello]
+ assert_equal 1 [r publish chan2 world]
+ assert_equal {message chan2 world} [$rd1 read]
+ # unsubscribe from the remaining channel
+ unsubscribe $rd1 {chan2}
+ assert_equal 0 [r publish chan1 hello]
+ assert_equal 0 [r publish chan2 world]
+ # clean up clients
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE with two clients" {
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ set rd2 [redis_deferring_client]
+ assert_equal {1} [subscribe $rd1 {chan1}]
+ assert_equal {1} [subscribe $rd2 {chan1}]
+ assert_equal 2 [r publish chan1 hello]
+ assert_equal {message chan1 hello} [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal {message chan1 hello} [$rd2 read]
+ # clean up clients
+ $rd1 close
+ $rd2 close
+ }
+ test "PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE after UNSUBSCRIBE without arguments" {
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ assert_equal {1 2 3} [subscribe $rd1 {chan1 chan2 chan3}]
+ unsubscribe $rd1
+ assert_equal 0 [r publish chan1 hello]
+ assert_equal 0 [r publish chan2 hello]
+ assert_equal 0 [r publish chan3 hello]
+ # clean up clients
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "SUBSCRIBE to one channel more than once" {
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ assert_equal {1 1 1} [subscribe $rd1 {chan1 chan1 chan1}]
+ assert_equal 1 [r publish chan1 hello]
+ assert_equal {message chan1 hello} [$rd1 read]
+ # clean up clients
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "UNSUBSCRIBE from non-subscribed channels" {
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ assert_equal {0 0 0} [unsubscribe $rd1 {foo bar quux}]
+ # clean up clients
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "PUBLISH/PSUBSCRIBE basics" {
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ # subscribe to two patterns
+ assert_equal {1 2} [psubscribe $rd1 {foo.* bar.*}]
+ assert_equal 1 [r publish foo.1 hello]
+ assert_equal 1 [r publish bar.1 hello]
+ assert_equal 0 [r publish foo1 hello]
+ assert_equal 0 [r publish barfoo.1 hello]
+ assert_equal 0 [r publish qux.1 hello]
+ assert_equal {pmessage foo.* foo.1 hello} [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal {pmessage bar.* bar.1 hello} [$rd1 read]
+ # unsubscribe from one of the patterns
+ assert_equal {1} [punsubscribe $rd1 {foo.*}]
+ assert_equal 0 [r publish foo.1 hello]
+ assert_equal 1 [r publish bar.1 hello]
+ assert_equal {pmessage bar.* bar.1 hello} [$rd1 read]
+ # unsubscribe from the remaining pattern
+ assert_equal {0} [punsubscribe $rd1 {bar.*}]
+ assert_equal 0 [r publish foo.1 hello]
+ assert_equal 0 [r publish bar.1 hello]
+ # clean up clients
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "PUBLISH/PSUBSCRIBE with two clients" {
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ set rd2 [redis_deferring_client]
+ assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 {chan.*}]
+ assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd2 {chan.*}]
+ assert_equal 2 [r publish hello]
+ assert_equal {pmessage chan.* hello} [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal {pmessage chan.* hello} [$rd2 read]
+ # clean up clients
+ $rd1 close
+ $rd2 close
+ }
+ test "PUBLISH/PSUBSCRIBE after PUNSUBSCRIBE without arguments" {
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ assert_equal {1 2 3} [psubscribe $rd1 {chan1.* chan2.* chan3.*}]
+ punsubscribe $rd1
+ assert_equal 0 [r publish chan1.hi hello]
+ assert_equal 0 [r publish chan2.hi hello]
+ assert_equal 0 [r publish chan3.hi hello]
+ # clean up clients
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "PubSub messages with CLIENT REPLY OFF" {
+ set rd [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rd hello 3
+ $rd read ;# Discard the hello reply
+ # Test that the subscribe/psubscribe notification is ok
+ $rd client reply off
+ assert_equal {1} [subscribe $rd channel]
+ assert_equal {2} [psubscribe $rd ch*]
+ # Test that the publish notification is ok
+ $rd client reply off
+ assert_equal 2 [r publish channel hello]
+ assert_equal {message channel hello} [$rd read]
+ assert_equal {pmessage ch* channel hello} [$rd read]
+ # Test that the unsubscribe/punsubscribe notification is ok
+ $rd client reply off
+ assert_equal {1} [unsubscribe $rd channel]
+ assert_equal {0} [punsubscribe $rd ch*]
+ $rd close
+ } {0} {resp3}
+ test "PUNSUBSCRIBE from non-subscribed channels" {
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ assert_equal {0 0 0} [punsubscribe $rd1 {foo.* bar.* quux.*}]
+ # clean up clients
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "NUMSUB returns numbers, not strings (#1561)" {
+ r pubsub numsub abc def
+ } {abc 0 def 0}
+ test "NUMPATs returns the number of unique patterns" {
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ set rd2 [redis_deferring_client]
+ # Three unique patterns and one that overlaps
+ psubscribe $rd1 "foo*"
+ psubscribe $rd2 "foo*"
+ psubscribe $rd1 "bar*"
+ psubscribe $rd2 "baz*"
+ set patterns [r pubsub numpat]
+ # clean up clients
+ punsubscribe $rd1
+ punsubscribe $rd2
+ assert_equal 3 $patterns
+ $rd1 close
+ $rd2 close
+ }
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ assert_equal {1} [subscribe $rd1 {}]
+ assert_equal {2} [psubscribe $rd1 {foo.*}]
+ assert_equal 2 [r publish hello]
+ assert_equal {message hello} [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal {pmessage foo.* hello} [$rd1 read]
+ # clean up clients
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "PUNSUBSCRIBE and UNSUBSCRIBE should always reply" {
+ # Make sure we are not subscribed to any channel at all.
+ r punsubscribe
+ r unsubscribe
+ # Now check if the commands still reply correctly.
+ set reply1 [r punsubscribe]
+ set reply2 [r unsubscribe]
+ concat $reply1 $reply2
+ } {punsubscribe {} 0 unsubscribe {} 0}
+ ### Keyspace events notification tests
+ test "Keyspace notifications: we receive keyspace notifications" {
+ r config set notify-keyspace-events KA
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rd1 CLIENT REPLY OFF ;# Make sure it works even if replies are silenced
+ assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
+ r set foo bar
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:foo set" [$rd1 read]
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "Keyspace notifications: we receive keyevent notifications" {
+ r config set notify-keyspace-events EA
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rd1 CLIENT REPLY SKIP ;# Make sure it works even if replies are silenced
+ assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
+ r set foo bar
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyevent@${db}__:set foo" [$rd1 read]
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "Keyspace notifications: we can receive both kind of events" {
+ r config set notify-keyspace-events KEA
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ $rd1 CLIENT REPLY ON ;# Just coverage
+ assert_equal {OK} [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
+ r set foo bar
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:foo set" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyevent@${db}__:set foo" [$rd1 read]
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "Keyspace notifications: we are able to mask events" {
+ r config set notify-keyspace-events KEl
+ r del mylist
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
+ r set foo bar
+ r lpush mylist a
+ # No notification for set, because only list commands are enabled.
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:mylist lpush" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyevent@${db}__:lpush mylist" [$rd1 read]
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "Keyspace notifications: general events test" {
+ r config set notify-keyspace-events KEg
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
+ r set foo bar
+ r expire foo 1
+ r del foo
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:foo expire" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyevent@${db}__:expire foo" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:foo del" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyevent@${db}__:del foo" [$rd1 read]
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "Keyspace notifications: list events test" {
+ r config set notify-keyspace-events KEl
+ r del mylist
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
+ r lpush mylist a
+ r rpush mylist a
+ r rpop mylist
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:mylist lpush" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyevent@${db}__:lpush mylist" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:mylist rpush" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyevent@${db}__:rpush mylist" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:mylist rpop" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyevent@${db}__:rpop mylist" [$rd1 read]
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "Keyspace notifications: set events test" {
+ r config set notify-keyspace-events Ks
+ r del myset
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
+ r sadd myset a b c d
+ r srem myset x
+ r sadd myset x y z
+ r srem myset x
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:myset sadd" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:myset sadd" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:myset srem" [$rd1 read]
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "Keyspace notifications: zset events test" {
+ r config set notify-keyspace-events Kz
+ r del myzset
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
+ r zadd myzset 1 a 2 b
+ r zrem myzset x
+ r zadd myzset 3 x 4 y 5 z
+ r zrem myzset x
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:myzset zadd" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:myzset zadd" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:myzset zrem" [$rd1 read]
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "Keyspace notifications: hash events test" {
+ r config set notify-keyspace-events Kh
+ r del myhash
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
+ r hmset myhash yes 1 no 0
+ r hincrby myhash yes 10
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:myhash hset" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:myhash hincrby" [$rd1 read]
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "Keyspace notifications: stream events test" {
+ r config set notify-keyspace-events Kt
+ r del mystream
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
+ r xgroup create mystream mygroup $ mkstream
+ r xgroup createconsumer mystream mygroup Bob
+ set id [r xadd mystream 1 field1 A]
+ r xreadgroup group mygroup Alice STREAMS mystream >
+ r xclaim mystream mygroup Mike 0 $id force
+ # Not notify because of "Lee" not exists.
+ r xgroup delconsumer mystream mygroup Lee
+ # Not notify because of "Bob" exists.
+ r xautoclaim mystream mygroup Bob 0 $id
+ r xgroup delconsumer mystream mygroup Bob
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:mystream xgroup-create" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:mystream xgroup-createconsumer" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:mystream xadd" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:mystream xgroup-createconsumer" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:mystream xgroup-createconsumer" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyspace@${db}__:mystream xgroup-delconsumer" [$rd1 read]
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "Keyspace notifications: expired events (triggered expire)" {
+ r config set notify-keyspace-events Ex
+ r del foo
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
+ r psetex foo 100 1
+ wait_for_condition 50 100 {
+ [r exists foo] == 0
+ } else {
+ fail "Key does not expire?!"
+ }
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyevent@${db}__:expired foo" [$rd1 read]
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "Keyspace notifications: expired events (background expire)" {
+ r config set notify-keyspace-events Ex
+ r del foo
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
+ r psetex foo 100 1
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyevent@${db}__:expired foo" [$rd1 read]
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "Keyspace notifications: evicted events" {
+ r config set notify-keyspace-events Ee
+ r config set maxmemory-policy allkeys-lru
+ r flushdb
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
+ r set foo bar
+ r config set maxmemory 1
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyevent@${db}__:evicted foo" [$rd1 read]
+ r config set maxmemory 0
+ $rd1 close
+ r config set maxmemory-policy noeviction
+ } {OK} {needs:config-maxmemory}
+ test "Keyspace notifications: test CONFIG GET/SET of event flags" {
+ r config set notify-keyspace-events gKE
+ assert_equal {gKE} [lindex [r config get notify-keyspace-events] 1]
+ r config set notify-keyspace-events {$lshzxeKE}
+ assert_equal {$lshzxeKE} [lindex [r config get notify-keyspace-events] 1]
+ r config set notify-keyspace-events KA
+ assert_equal {AK} [lindex [r config get notify-keyspace-events] 1]
+ r config set notify-keyspace-events EA
+ assert_equal {AE} [lindex [r config get notify-keyspace-events] 1]
+ }
+ test "Keyspace notifications: new key test" {
+ r config set notify-keyspace-events En
+ set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
+ assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
+ r set foo bar
+ # second set of foo should not cause a 'new' event
+ r set foo baz
+ r set bar bar
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyevent@${db}__:new foo" [$rd1 read]
+ assert_equal "pmessage * __keyevent@${db}__:new bar" [$rd1 read]
+ $rd1 close
+ }
+ test "publish to self inside multi" {
+ r hello 3
+ r subscribe foo
+ r multi
+ r ping abc
+ r publish foo bar
+ r publish foo vaz
+ r ping def
+ assert_equal [r exec] {abc 1 1 def}
+ assert_equal [r read] {message foo bar}
+ assert_equal [r read] {message foo vaz}
+ } {} {resp3}
+ test "publish to self inside script" {
+ r hello 3
+ r subscribe foo
+ set res [r eval {
+ return "bla"} 0]
+ assert_equal $res {bla}
+ assert_equal [r read] {message foo bar}
+ assert_equal [r read] {message foo vaz}
+ } {} {resp3}
+ test "unsubscribe inside multi, and publish to self" {
+ r hello 3
+ # Note: SUBSCRIBE and UNSUBSCRIBE with multiple channels in the same command,
+ # breaks the multi response, see
+ # this is just a temporary sanity test to detect unintended breakage.
+ # subscribe for 3 channels actually emits 3 "responses"
+ assert_equal "subscribe foo 1" [r subscribe foo bar baz]
+ assert_equal "subscribe bar 2" [r read]
+ assert_equal "subscribe baz 3" [r read]
+ r multi
+ r ping abc
+ r unsubscribe bar
+ r unsubscribe baz
+ r ping def
+ assert_equal [r exec] {abc {unsubscribe bar 2} {unsubscribe baz 1} def}
+ # published message comes after the publish command's response.
+ assert_equal [r publish foo vaz] {1}
+ assert_equal [r read] {message foo vaz}
+ } {} {resp3}