#include "test/jemalloc_test.h" #include "jemalloc/internal/fb.h" #include "test/nbits.h" static void do_test_init(size_t nbits) { size_t sz = FB_NGROUPS(nbits) * sizeof(fb_group_t); fb_group_t *fb = malloc(sz); /* Junk fb's contents. */ memset(fb, 99, sz); fb_init(fb, nbits); for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { expect_false(fb_get(fb, nbits, i), "bitmap should start empty"); } free(fb); } TEST_BEGIN(test_fb_init) { #define NB(nbits) \ do_test_init(nbits); NBITS_TAB #undef NB } TEST_END static void do_test_get_set_unset(size_t nbits) { size_t sz = FB_NGROUPS(nbits) * sizeof(fb_group_t); fb_group_t *fb = malloc(sz); fb_init(fb, nbits); /* Set the bits divisible by 3. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { if (i % 3 == 0) { fb_set(fb, nbits, i); } } /* Check them. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { expect_b_eq(i % 3 == 0, fb_get(fb, nbits, i), "Unexpected bit at position %zu", i); } /* Unset those divisible by 5. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { if (i % 5 == 0) { fb_unset(fb, nbits, i); } } /* Check them. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { expect_b_eq(i % 3 == 0 && i % 5 != 0, fb_get(fb, nbits, i), "Unexpected bit at position %zu", i); } free(fb); } TEST_BEGIN(test_get_set_unset) { #define NB(nbits) \ do_test_get_set_unset(nbits); NBITS_TAB #undef NB } TEST_END static ssize_t find_3_5_compute(ssize_t i, size_t nbits, bool bit, bool forward) { for(; i < (ssize_t)nbits && i >= 0; i += (forward ? 1 : -1)) { bool expected_bit = i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0; if (expected_bit == bit) { return i; } } return forward ? (ssize_t)nbits : (ssize_t)-1; } static void do_test_search_simple(size_t nbits) { size_t sz = FB_NGROUPS(nbits) * sizeof(fb_group_t); fb_group_t *fb = malloc(sz); fb_init(fb, nbits); /* We pick multiples of 3 or 5. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { if (i % 3 == 0) { fb_set(fb, nbits, i); } /* This tests double-setting a little, too. */ if (i % 5 == 0) { fb_set(fb, nbits, i); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { size_t ffs_compute = find_3_5_compute(i, nbits, true, true); size_t ffs_search = fb_ffs(fb, nbits, i); expect_zu_eq(ffs_compute, ffs_search, "ffs mismatch at %zu", i); ssize_t fls_compute = find_3_5_compute(i, nbits, true, false); size_t fls_search = fb_fls(fb, nbits, i); expect_zu_eq(fls_compute, fls_search, "fls mismatch at %zu", i); size_t ffu_compute = find_3_5_compute(i, nbits, false, true); size_t ffu_search = fb_ffu(fb, nbits, i); expect_zu_eq(ffu_compute, ffu_search, "ffu mismatch at %zu", i); size_t flu_compute = find_3_5_compute(i, nbits, false, false); size_t flu_search = fb_flu(fb, nbits, i); expect_zu_eq(flu_compute, flu_search, "flu mismatch at %zu", i); } free(fb); } TEST_BEGIN(test_search_simple) { #define NB(nbits) \ do_test_search_simple(nbits); NBITS_TAB #undef NB } TEST_END static void expect_exhaustive_results(fb_group_t *mostly_full, fb_group_t *mostly_empty, size_t nbits, size_t special_bit, size_t position) { if (position < special_bit) { expect_zu_eq(special_bit, fb_ffs(mostly_empty, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zd_eq(-1, fb_fls(mostly_empty, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zu_eq(position, fb_ffu(mostly_empty, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zd_eq(position, fb_flu(mostly_empty, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zu_eq(position, fb_ffs(mostly_full, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zd_eq(position, fb_fls(mostly_full, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zu_eq(special_bit, fb_ffu(mostly_full, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zd_eq(-1, fb_flu(mostly_full, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); } else if (position == special_bit) { expect_zu_eq(special_bit, fb_ffs(mostly_empty, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zd_eq(special_bit, fb_fls(mostly_empty, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zu_eq(position + 1, fb_ffu(mostly_empty, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zd_eq(position - 1, fb_flu(mostly_empty, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zu_eq(position + 1, fb_ffs(mostly_full, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zd_eq(position - 1, fb_fls(mostly_full, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zu_eq(position, fb_ffu(mostly_full, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zd_eq(position, fb_flu(mostly_full, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); } else { /* position > special_bit. */ expect_zu_eq(nbits, fb_ffs(mostly_empty, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zd_eq(special_bit, fb_fls(mostly_empty, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zu_eq(position, fb_ffu(mostly_empty, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zd_eq(position, fb_flu(mostly_empty, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zu_eq(position, fb_ffs(mostly_full, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zd_eq(position, fb_fls(mostly_full, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zu_eq(nbits, fb_ffu(mostly_full, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); expect_zd_eq(special_bit, fb_flu(mostly_full, nbits, position), "mismatch at %zu, %zu", position, special_bit); } } static void do_test_search_exhaustive(size_t nbits) { /* This test is quadratic; let's not get too big. */ if (nbits > 1000) { return; } size_t sz = FB_NGROUPS(nbits) * sizeof(fb_group_t); fb_group_t *empty = malloc(sz); fb_init(empty, nbits); fb_group_t *full = malloc(sz); fb_init(full, nbits); fb_set_range(full, nbits, 0, nbits); for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { fb_set(empty, nbits, i); fb_unset(full, nbits, i); for (size_t j = 0; j < nbits; j++) { expect_exhaustive_results(full, empty, nbits, i, j); } fb_unset(empty, nbits, i); fb_set(full, nbits, i); } free(empty); free(full); } TEST_BEGIN(test_search_exhaustive) { #define NB(nbits) \ do_test_search_exhaustive(nbits); NBITS_TAB #undef NB } TEST_END TEST_BEGIN(test_range_simple) { /* * Just pick a constant big enough to have nontrivial middle sizes, and * big enough that usages of things like weirdnum (below) near the * beginning fit comfortably into the beginning of the bitmap. */ size_t nbits = 64 * 10; size_t ngroups = FB_NGROUPS(nbits); fb_group_t *fb = malloc(sizeof(fb_group_t) * ngroups); fb_init(fb, nbits); for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { fb_set_range(fb, nbits, i, 1); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { expect_b_eq(i % 2 == 0, fb_get(fb, nbits, i), "mismatch at position %zu", i); } fb_set_range(fb, nbits, 0, nbits / 2); fb_unset_range(fb, nbits, nbits / 2, nbits / 2); for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { expect_b_eq(i < nbits / 2, fb_get(fb, nbits, i), "mismatch at position %zu", i); } static const size_t weirdnum = 7; fb_set_range(fb, nbits, 0, nbits); fb_unset_range(fb, nbits, weirdnum, FB_GROUP_BITS + weirdnum); for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { expect_b_eq(7 <= i && i <= 2 * weirdnum + FB_GROUP_BITS - 1, !fb_get(fb, nbits, i), "mismatch at position %zu", i); } free(fb); } TEST_END static void do_test_empty_full_exhaustive(size_t nbits) { size_t sz = FB_NGROUPS(nbits) * sizeof(fb_group_t); fb_group_t *empty = malloc(sz); fb_init(empty, nbits); fb_group_t *full = malloc(sz); fb_init(full, nbits); fb_set_range(full, nbits, 0, nbits); expect_true(fb_full(full, nbits), ""); expect_false(fb_empty(full, nbits), ""); expect_false(fb_full(empty, nbits), ""); expect_true(fb_empty(empty, nbits), ""); for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { fb_set(empty, nbits, i); fb_unset(full, nbits, i); expect_false(fb_empty(empty, nbits), "error at bit %zu", i); if (nbits != 1) { expect_false(fb_full(empty, nbits), "error at bit %zu", i); expect_false(fb_empty(full, nbits), "error at bit %zu", i); } else { expect_true(fb_full(empty, nbits), "error at bit %zu", i); expect_true(fb_empty(full, nbits), "error at bit %zu", i); } expect_false(fb_full(full, nbits), "error at bit %zu", i); fb_unset(empty, nbits, i); fb_set(full, nbits, i); } free(empty); free(full); } TEST_BEGIN(test_empty_full) { #define NB(nbits) \ do_test_empty_full_exhaustive(nbits); NBITS_TAB #undef NB } TEST_END /* * This tests both iter_range and the longest range functionality, which is * built closely on top of it. */ TEST_BEGIN(test_iter_range_simple) { size_t set_limit = 30; size_t nbits = 100; fb_group_t fb[FB_NGROUPS(100)]; fb_init(fb, nbits); /* * Failing to initialize these can lead to build failures with -Wall; * the compiler can't prove that they're set. */ size_t begin = (size_t)-1; size_t len = (size_t)-1; bool result; /* A set of checks with only the first set_limit bits *set*. */ fb_set_range(fb, nbits, 0, set_limit); expect_zu_eq(set_limit, fb_srange_longest(fb, nbits), "Incorrect longest set range"); expect_zu_eq(nbits - set_limit, fb_urange_longest(fb, nbits), "Incorrect longest unset range"); for (size_t i = 0; i < set_limit; i++) { result = fb_srange_iter(fb, nbits, i, &begin, &len); expect_true(result, "Should have found a range at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(i, begin, "Incorrect begin at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(set_limit - i, len, "Incorrect len at %zu", i); result = fb_urange_iter(fb, nbits, i, &begin, &len); expect_true(result, "Should have found a range at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(set_limit, begin, "Incorrect begin at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(nbits - set_limit, len, "Incorrect len at %zu", i); result = fb_srange_riter(fb, nbits, i, &begin, &len); expect_true(result, "Should have found a range at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(0, begin, "Incorrect begin at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(i + 1, len, "Incorrect len at %zu", i); result = fb_urange_riter(fb, nbits, i, &begin, &len); expect_false(result, "Should not have found a range at %zu", i); } for (size_t i = set_limit; i < nbits; i++) { result = fb_srange_iter(fb, nbits, i, &begin, &len); expect_false(result, "Should not have found a range at %zu", i); result = fb_urange_iter(fb, nbits, i, &begin, &len); expect_true(result, "Should have found a range at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(i, begin, "Incorrect begin at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(nbits - i, len, "Incorrect len at %zu", i); result = fb_srange_riter(fb, nbits, i, &begin, &len); expect_true(result, "Should have found a range at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(0, begin, "Incorrect begin at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(set_limit, len, "Incorrect len at %zu", i); result = fb_urange_riter(fb, nbits, i, &begin, &len); expect_true(result, "Should have found a range at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(set_limit, begin, "Incorrect begin at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(i - set_limit + 1, len, "Incorrect len at %zu", i); } /* A set of checks with only the first set_limit bits *unset*. */ fb_unset_range(fb, nbits, 0, set_limit); fb_set_range(fb, nbits, set_limit, nbits - set_limit); expect_zu_eq(nbits - set_limit, fb_srange_longest(fb, nbits), "Incorrect longest set range"); expect_zu_eq(set_limit, fb_urange_longest(fb, nbits), "Incorrect longest unset range"); for (size_t i = 0; i < set_limit; i++) { result = fb_srange_iter(fb, nbits, i, &begin, &len); expect_true(result, "Should have found a range at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(set_limit, begin, "Incorrect begin at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(nbits - set_limit, len, "Incorrect len at %zu", i); result = fb_urange_iter(fb, nbits, i, &begin, &len); expect_true(result, "Should have found a range at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(i, begin, "Incorrect begin at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(set_limit - i, len, "Incorrect len at %zu", i); result = fb_srange_riter(fb, nbits, i, &begin, &len); expect_false(result, "Should not have found a range at %zu", i); result = fb_urange_riter(fb, nbits, i, &begin, &len); expect_true(result, "Should not have found a range at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(0, begin, "Incorrect begin at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(i + 1, len, "Incorrect len at %zu", i); } for (size_t i = set_limit; i < nbits; i++) { result = fb_srange_iter(fb, nbits, i, &begin, &len); expect_true(result, "Should have found a range at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(i, begin, "Incorrect begin at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(nbits - i, len, "Incorrect len at %zu", i); result = fb_urange_iter(fb, nbits, i, &begin, &len); expect_false(result, "Should not have found a range at %zu", i); result = fb_srange_riter(fb, nbits, i, &begin, &len); expect_true(result, "Should have found a range at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(set_limit, begin, "Incorrect begin at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(i - set_limit + 1, len, "Incorrect len at %zu", i); result = fb_urange_riter(fb, nbits, i, &begin, &len); expect_true(result, "Should have found a range at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(0, begin, "Incorrect begin at %zu", i); expect_zu_eq(set_limit, len, "Incorrect len at %zu", i); } } TEST_END /* * Doing this bit-by-bit is too slow for a real implementation, but for testing * code, it's easy to get right. In the exhaustive tests, we'll compare the * (fast but tricky) real implementation against the (slow but simple) testing * one. */ static bool fb_iter_simple(fb_group_t *fb, size_t nbits, size_t start, size_t *r_begin, size_t *r_len, bool val, bool forward) { ssize_t stride = (forward ? (ssize_t)1 : (ssize_t)-1); ssize_t range_begin = (ssize_t)start; for (; range_begin != (ssize_t)nbits && range_begin != -1; range_begin += stride) { if (fb_get(fb, nbits, range_begin) == val) { ssize_t range_end = range_begin; for (; range_end != (ssize_t)nbits && range_end != -1; range_end += stride) { if (fb_get(fb, nbits, range_end) != val) { break; } } if (forward) { *r_begin = range_begin; *r_len = range_end - range_begin; } else { *r_begin = range_end + 1; *r_len = range_begin - range_end; } return true; } } return false; } /* Similar, but for finding longest ranges. */ static size_t fb_range_longest_simple(fb_group_t *fb, size_t nbits, bool val) { size_t longest_so_far = 0; for (size_t begin = 0; begin < nbits; begin++) { if (fb_get(fb, nbits, begin) != val) { continue; } size_t end = begin + 1; for (; end < nbits; end++) { if (fb_get(fb, nbits, end) != val) { break; } } if (end - begin > longest_so_far) { longest_so_far = end - begin; } } return longest_so_far; } static void expect_iter_results_at(fb_group_t *fb, size_t nbits, size_t pos, bool val, bool forward) { bool iter_res; size_t iter_begin JEMALLOC_CC_SILENCE_INIT(0); size_t iter_len JEMALLOC_CC_SILENCE_INIT(0); if (val) { if (forward) { iter_res = fb_srange_iter(fb, nbits, pos, &iter_begin, &iter_len); } else { iter_res = fb_srange_riter(fb, nbits, pos, &iter_begin, &iter_len); } } else { if (forward) { iter_res = fb_urange_iter(fb, nbits, pos, &iter_begin, &iter_len); } else { iter_res = fb_urange_riter(fb, nbits, pos, &iter_begin, &iter_len); } } bool simple_iter_res; /* * These are dead stores, but the compiler can't always figure that out * statically, and warns on the uninitialized variable. */ size_t simple_iter_begin = 0; size_t simple_iter_len = 0; simple_iter_res = fb_iter_simple(fb, nbits, pos, &simple_iter_begin, &simple_iter_len, val, forward); expect_b_eq(iter_res, simple_iter_res, "Result mismatch at %zu", pos); if (iter_res && simple_iter_res) { assert_zu_eq(iter_begin, simple_iter_begin, "Begin mismatch at %zu", pos); expect_zu_eq(iter_len, simple_iter_len, "Length mismatch at %zu", pos); } } static void expect_iter_results(fb_group_t *fb, size_t nbits) { for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { expect_iter_results_at(fb, nbits, i, false, false); expect_iter_results_at(fb, nbits, i, false, true); expect_iter_results_at(fb, nbits, i, true, false); expect_iter_results_at(fb, nbits, i, true, true); } expect_zu_eq(fb_range_longest_simple(fb, nbits, true), fb_srange_longest(fb, nbits), "Longest range mismatch"); expect_zu_eq(fb_range_longest_simple(fb, nbits, false), fb_urange_longest(fb, nbits), "Longest range mismatch"); } static void set_pattern_3(fb_group_t *fb, size_t nbits, bool zero_val) { for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { if ((i % 6 < 3 && zero_val) || (i % 6 >= 3 && !zero_val)) { fb_set(fb, nbits, i); } else { fb_unset(fb, nbits, i); } } } static void do_test_iter_range_exhaustive(size_t nbits) { /* This test is also pretty slow. */ if (nbits > 1000) { return; } size_t sz = FB_NGROUPS(nbits) * sizeof(fb_group_t); fb_group_t *fb = malloc(sz); fb_init(fb, nbits); set_pattern_3(fb, nbits, /* zero_val */ true); expect_iter_results(fb, nbits); set_pattern_3(fb, nbits, /* zero_val */ false); expect_iter_results(fb, nbits); fb_set_range(fb, nbits, 0, nbits); fb_unset_range(fb, nbits, 0, nbits / 2 == 0 ? 1 : nbits / 2); expect_iter_results(fb, nbits); fb_unset_range(fb, nbits, 0, nbits); fb_set_range(fb, nbits, 0, nbits / 2 == 0 ? 1: nbits / 2); expect_iter_results(fb, nbits); free(fb); } /* * Like test_iter_range_simple, this tests both iteration and longest-range * computation. */ TEST_BEGIN(test_iter_range_exhaustive) { #define NB(nbits) \ do_test_iter_range_exhaustive(nbits); NBITS_TAB #undef NB } TEST_END /* * If all set bits in the bitmap are contiguous, in [set_start, set_end), * returns the number of set bits in [scount_start, scount_end). */ static size_t scount_contiguous(size_t set_start, size_t set_end, size_t scount_start, size_t scount_end) { /* No overlap. */ if (set_end <= scount_start || scount_end <= set_start) { return 0; } /* set range contains scount range */ if (set_start <= scount_start && set_end >= scount_end) { return scount_end - scount_start; } /* scount range contains set range. */ if (scount_start <= set_start && scount_end >= set_end) { return set_end - set_start; } /* Partial overlap, with set range starting first. */ if (set_start < scount_start && set_end < scount_end) { return set_end - scount_start; } /* Partial overlap, with scount range starting first. */ if (scount_start < set_start && scount_end < set_end) { return scount_end - set_start; } /* * Trigger an assert failure; the above list should have been * exhaustive. */ unreachable(); } static size_t ucount_contiguous(size_t set_start, size_t set_end, size_t ucount_start, size_t ucount_end) { /* No overlap. */ if (set_end <= ucount_start || ucount_end <= set_start) { return ucount_end - ucount_start; } /* set range contains ucount range */ if (set_start <= ucount_start && set_end >= ucount_end) { return 0; } /* ucount range contains set range. */ if (ucount_start <= set_start && ucount_end >= set_end) { return (ucount_end - ucount_start) - (set_end - set_start); } /* Partial overlap, with set range starting first. */ if (set_start < ucount_start && set_end < ucount_end) { return ucount_end - set_end; } /* Partial overlap, with ucount range starting first. */ if (ucount_start < set_start && ucount_end < set_end) { return set_start - ucount_start; } /* * Trigger an assert failure; the above list should have been * exhaustive. */ unreachable(); } static void expect_count_match_contiguous(fb_group_t *fb, size_t nbits, size_t set_start, size_t set_end) { for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { for (size_t j = i + 1; j <= nbits; j++) { size_t cnt = j - i; size_t scount_expected = scount_contiguous(set_start, set_end, i, j); size_t scount_computed = fb_scount(fb, nbits, i, cnt); expect_zu_eq(scount_expected, scount_computed, "fb_scount error with nbits=%zu, start=%zu, " "cnt=%zu, with bits set in [%zu, %zu)", nbits, i, cnt, set_start, set_end); size_t ucount_expected = ucount_contiguous(set_start, set_end, i, j); size_t ucount_computed = fb_ucount(fb, nbits, i, cnt); assert_zu_eq(ucount_expected, ucount_computed, "fb_ucount error with nbits=%zu, start=%zu, " "cnt=%zu, with bits set in [%zu, %zu)", nbits, i, cnt, set_start, set_end); } } } static void do_test_count_contiguous(size_t nbits) { size_t sz = FB_NGROUPS(nbits) * sizeof(fb_group_t); fb_group_t *fb = malloc(sz); fb_init(fb, nbits); expect_count_match_contiguous(fb, nbits, 0, 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { fb_set(fb, nbits, i); expect_count_match_contiguous(fb, nbits, 0, i + 1); } for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { fb_unset(fb, nbits, i); expect_count_match_contiguous(fb, nbits, i + 1, nbits); } free(fb); } TEST_BEGIN(test_count_contiguous_simple) { enum {nbits = 300}; fb_group_t fb[FB_NGROUPS(nbits)]; fb_init(fb, nbits); /* Just an arbitrary number. */ size_t start = 23; fb_set_range(fb, nbits, start, 30 - start); expect_count_match_contiguous(fb, nbits, start, 30); fb_set_range(fb, nbits, start, 40 - start); expect_count_match_contiguous(fb, nbits, start, 40); fb_set_range(fb, nbits, start, 70 - start); expect_count_match_contiguous(fb, nbits, start, 70); fb_set_range(fb, nbits, start, 120 - start); expect_count_match_contiguous(fb, nbits, start, 120); fb_set_range(fb, nbits, start, 150 - start); expect_count_match_contiguous(fb, nbits, start, 150); fb_set_range(fb, nbits, start, 200 - start); expect_count_match_contiguous(fb, nbits, start, 200); fb_set_range(fb, nbits, start, 290 - start); expect_count_match_contiguous(fb, nbits, start, 290); } TEST_END TEST_BEGIN(test_count_contiguous) { #define NB(nbits) \ /* This test is *particularly* slow in debug builds. */ \ if ((!config_debug && nbits < 300) || nbits < 150) { \ do_test_count_contiguous(nbits); \ } NBITS_TAB #undef NB } TEST_END static void expect_count_match_alternating(fb_group_t *fb_even, fb_group_t *fb_odd, size_t nbits) { for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { for (size_t j = i + 1; j <= nbits; j++) { size_t cnt = j - i; size_t odd_scount = cnt / 2 + (size_t)(cnt % 2 == 1 && i % 2 == 1); size_t odd_scount_computed = fb_scount(fb_odd, nbits, i, j - i); assert_zu_eq(odd_scount, odd_scount_computed, "fb_scount error with nbits=%zu, start=%zu, " "cnt=%zu, with alternating bits set.", nbits, i, j - i); size_t odd_ucount = cnt / 2 + (size_t)(cnt % 2 == 1 && i % 2 == 0); size_t odd_ucount_computed = fb_ucount(fb_odd, nbits, i, j - i); assert_zu_eq(odd_ucount, odd_ucount_computed, "fb_ucount error with nbits=%zu, start=%zu, " "cnt=%zu, with alternating bits set.", nbits, i, j - i); size_t even_scount = cnt / 2 + (size_t)(cnt % 2 == 1 && i % 2 == 0); size_t even_scount_computed = fb_scount(fb_even, nbits, i, j - i); assert_zu_eq(even_scount, even_scount_computed, "fb_scount error with nbits=%zu, start=%zu, " "cnt=%zu, with alternating bits set.", nbits, i, j - i); size_t even_ucount = cnt / 2 + (size_t)(cnt % 2 == 1 && i % 2 == 1); size_t even_ucount_computed = fb_ucount(fb_even, nbits, i, j - i); assert_zu_eq(even_ucount, even_ucount_computed, "fb_ucount error with nbits=%zu, start=%zu, " "cnt=%zu, with alternating bits set.", nbits, i, j - i); } } } static void do_test_count_alternating(size_t nbits) { if (nbits > 1000) { return; } size_t sz = FB_NGROUPS(nbits) * sizeof(fb_group_t); fb_group_t *fb_even = malloc(sz); fb_group_t *fb_odd = malloc(sz); fb_init(fb_even, nbits); fb_init(fb_odd, nbits); for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { fb_set(fb_even, nbits, i); } else { fb_set(fb_odd, nbits, i); } } expect_count_match_alternating(fb_even, fb_odd, nbits); free(fb_even); free(fb_odd); } TEST_BEGIN(test_count_alternating) { #define NB(nbits) \ do_test_count_alternating(nbits); NBITS_TAB #undef NB } TEST_END static void do_test_bit_op(size_t nbits, bool (*op)(bool a, bool b), void (*fb_op)(fb_group_t *dst, fb_group_t *src1, fb_group_t *src2, size_t nbits)) { size_t sz = FB_NGROUPS(nbits) * sizeof(fb_group_t); fb_group_t *fb1 = malloc(sz); fb_group_t *fb2 = malloc(sz); fb_group_t *fb_result = malloc(sz); fb_init(fb1, nbits); fb_init(fb2, nbits); fb_init(fb_result, nbits); /* Just two random numbers. */ const uint64_t prng_init1 = (uint64_t)0X4E9A9DE6A35691CDULL; const uint64_t prng_init2 = (uint64_t)0X7856E396B063C36EULL; uint64_t prng1 = prng_init1; uint64_t prng2 = prng_init2; for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { bool bit1 = ((prng1 & (1ULL << (i % 64))) != 0); bool bit2 = ((prng2 & (1ULL << (i % 64))) != 0); if (bit1) { fb_set(fb1, nbits, i); } if (bit2) { fb_set(fb2, nbits, i); } if (i % 64 == 0) { prng1 = prng_state_next_u64(prng1); prng2 = prng_state_next_u64(prng2); } } fb_op(fb_result, fb1, fb2, nbits); /* Reset the prngs to replay them. */ prng1 = prng_init1; prng2 = prng_init2; for (size_t i = 0; i < nbits; i++) { bool bit1 = ((prng1 & (1ULL << (i % 64))) != 0); bool bit2 = ((prng2 & (1ULL << (i % 64))) != 0); /* Original bitmaps shouldn't change. */ expect_b_eq(bit1, fb_get(fb1, nbits, i), "difference at bit %zu", i); expect_b_eq(bit2, fb_get(fb2, nbits, i), "difference at bit %zu", i); /* New one should be bitwise and. */ expect_b_eq(op(bit1, bit2), fb_get(fb_result, nbits, i), "difference at bit %zu", i); /* Update the same way we did last time. */ if (i % 64 == 0) { prng1 = prng_state_next_u64(prng1); prng2 = prng_state_next_u64(prng2); } } free(fb1); free(fb2); free(fb_result); } static bool binary_and(bool a, bool b) { return a & b; } static void do_test_bit_and(size_t nbits) { do_test_bit_op(nbits, &binary_and, &fb_bit_and); } TEST_BEGIN(test_bit_and) { #define NB(nbits) \ do_test_bit_and(nbits); NBITS_TAB #undef NB } TEST_END static bool binary_or(bool a, bool b) { return a | b; } static void do_test_bit_or(size_t nbits) { do_test_bit_op(nbits, &binary_or, &fb_bit_or); } TEST_BEGIN(test_bit_or) { #define NB(nbits) \ do_test_bit_or(nbits); NBITS_TAB #undef NB } TEST_END static bool binary_not(bool a, bool b) { (void)b; return !a; } static void fb_bit_not_shim(fb_group_t *dst, fb_group_t *src1, fb_group_t *src2, size_t nbits) { (void)src2; fb_bit_not(dst, src1, nbits); } static void do_test_bit_not(size_t nbits) { do_test_bit_op(nbits, &binary_not, &fb_bit_not_shim); } TEST_BEGIN(test_bit_not) { #define NB(nbits) \ do_test_bit_not(nbits); NBITS_TAB #undef NB } TEST_END int main(void) { return test_no_reentrancy( test_fb_init, test_get_set_unset, test_search_simple, test_search_exhaustive, test_range_simple, test_empty_full, test_iter_range_simple, test_iter_range_exhaustive, test_count_contiguous_simple, test_count_contiguous, test_count_alternating, test_bit_and, test_bit_or, test_bit_not); }