/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2021, Redis Ltd. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Redis nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "script_lua.h" #include "fpconv_dtoa.h" #include "server.h" #include "sha1.h" #include "rand.h" #include "cluster.h" #include "monotonic.h" #include "resp_parser.h" #include "version.h" #include #include #include #include /* Globals that are added by the Lua libraries */ static char *libraries_allow_list[] = { "string", "cjson", "bit", "cmsgpack", "math", "table", "struct", NULL, }; /* Redis Lua API globals */ static char *redis_api_allow_list[] = { "redis", "__redis__err__handler", /* error handler for eval, currently located on globals. Should move to registry. */ NULL, }; /* Lua builtins */ static char *lua_builtins_allow_list[] = { "xpcall", "tostring", "getfenv", "setmetatable", "next", "assert", "tonumber", "rawequal", "collectgarbage", "getmetatable", "rawset", "pcall", "coroutine", "type", "_G", "select", "unpack", "gcinfo", "pairs", "rawget", "loadstring", "ipairs", "_VERSION", "setfenv", "load", "error", NULL, }; /* Lua builtins which are not documented on the Lua documentation */ static char *lua_builtins_not_documented_allow_list[] = { "newproxy", NULL, }; /* Lua builtins which are allowed on initialization but will be removed right after */ static char *lua_builtins_removed_after_initialization_allow_list[] = { "debug", /* debug will be set to nil after the error handler will be created */ NULL, }; /* Those allow lists was created from the globals that was * available to the user when the allow lists was first introduce. * Because we do not want to break backward compatibility we keep * all the globals. The allow lists will prevent us from accidentally * creating unwanted globals in the future. * * Also notice that the allow list is only checked on start time, * after that the global table is locked so not need to check anything.*/ static char **allow_lists[] = { libraries_allow_list, redis_api_allow_list, lua_builtins_allow_list, lua_builtins_not_documented_allow_list, lua_builtins_removed_after_initialization_allow_list, NULL, }; /* Deny list contains elements which we know we do not want to add to globals * and there is no need to print a warning message form them. We will print a * log message only if an element was added to the globals and the element is * not on the allow list nor on the back list. */ static char *deny_list[] = { "dofile", "loadfile", "print", NULL, }; static int redis_math_random (lua_State *L); static int redis_math_randomseed (lua_State *L); static void redisProtocolToLuaType_Int(void *ctx, long long val, const char *proto, size_t proto_len); static void redisProtocolToLuaType_BulkString(void *ctx, const char *str, size_t len, const char *proto, size_t proto_len); static void redisProtocolToLuaType_NullBulkString(void *ctx, const char *proto, size_t proto_len); static void redisProtocolToLuaType_NullArray(void *ctx, const char *proto, size_t proto_len); static void redisProtocolToLuaType_Status(void *ctx, const char *str, size_t len, const char *proto, size_t proto_len); static void redisProtocolToLuaType_Error(void *ctx, const char *str, size_t len, const char *proto, size_t proto_len); static void redisProtocolToLuaType_Array(struct ReplyParser *parser, void *ctx, size_t len, const char *proto); static void redisProtocolToLuaType_Map(struct ReplyParser *parser, void *ctx, size_t len, const char *proto); static void redisProtocolToLuaType_Set(struct ReplyParser *parser, void *ctx, size_t len, const char *proto); static void redisProtocolToLuaType_Null(void *ctx, const char *proto, size_t proto_len); static void redisProtocolToLuaType_Bool(void *ctx, int val, const char *proto, size_t proto_len); static void redisProtocolToLuaType_Double(void *ctx, double d, const char *proto, size_t proto_len); static void redisProtocolToLuaType_BigNumber(void *ctx, const char *str, size_t len, const char *proto, size_t proto_len); static void redisProtocolToLuaType_VerbatimString(void *ctx, const char *format, const char *str, size_t len, const char *proto, size_t proto_len); static void redisProtocolToLuaType_Attribute(struct ReplyParser *parser, void *ctx, size_t len, const char *proto); static void luaReplyToRedisReply(client *c, client* script_client, lua_State *lua); /* * Save the give pointer on Lua registry, used to save the Lua context and * function context so we can retrieve them from lua_State. */ void luaSaveOnRegistry(lua_State* lua, const char* name, void* ptr) { lua_pushstring(lua, name); if (ptr) { lua_pushlightuserdata(lua, ptr); } else { lua_pushnil(lua); } lua_settable(lua, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); } /* * Get a saved pointer from registry */ void* luaGetFromRegistry(lua_State* lua, const char* name) { lua_pushstring(lua, name); lua_gettable(lua, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); if (lua_isnil(lua, -1)) { lua_pop(lua, 1); /* pops the value */ return NULL; } /* must be light user data */ serverAssert(lua_islightuserdata(lua, -1)); void* ptr = (void*) lua_topointer(lua, -1); serverAssert(ptr); /* pops the value */ lua_pop(lua, 1); return ptr; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Redis reply to Lua type conversion functions. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Take a Redis reply in the Redis protocol format and convert it into a * Lua type. Thanks to this function, and the introduction of not connected * clients, it is trivial to implement the redis() lua function. * * Basically we take the arguments, execute the Redis command in the context * of a non connected client, then take the generated reply and convert it * into a suitable Lua type. With this trick the scripting feature does not * need the introduction of a full Redis internals API. The script * is like a normal client that bypasses all the slow I/O paths. * * Note: in this function we do not do any sanity check as the reply is * generated by Redis directly. This allows us to go faster. * * Errors are returned as a table with a single 'err' field set to the * error string. */ static const ReplyParserCallbacks DefaultLuaTypeParserCallbacks = { .null_array_callback = redisProtocolToLuaType_NullArray, .bulk_string_callback = redisProtocolToLuaType_BulkString, .null_bulk_string_callback = redisProtocolToLuaType_NullBulkString, .error_callback = redisProtocolToLuaType_Error, .simple_str_callback = redisProtocolToLuaType_Status, .long_callback = redisProtocolToLuaType_Int, .array_callback = redisProtocolToLuaType_Array, .set_callback = redisProtocolToLuaType_Set, .map_callback = redisProtocolToLuaType_Map, .bool_callback = redisProtocolToLuaType_Bool, .double_callback = redisProtocolToLuaType_Double, .null_callback = redisProtocolToLuaType_Null, .big_number_callback = redisProtocolToLuaType_BigNumber, .verbatim_string_callback = redisProtocolToLuaType_VerbatimString, .attribute_callback = redisProtocolToLuaType_Attribute, .error = NULL, }; static void redisProtocolToLuaType(lua_State *lua, char* reply) { ReplyParser parser = {.curr_location = reply, .callbacks = DefaultLuaTypeParserCallbacks}; parseReply(&parser, lua); } static void redisProtocolToLuaType_Int(void *ctx, long long val, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) { UNUSED(proto); UNUSED(proto_len); if (!ctx) { return; } lua_State *lua = ctx; if (!lua_checkstack(lua, 1)) { /* Increase the Lua stack if needed, to make sure there is enough room * to push elements to the stack. On failure, exit with panic. */ serverPanic("lua stack limit reach when parsing redis.call reply"); } lua_pushnumber(lua,(lua_Number)val); } static void redisProtocolToLuaType_NullBulkString(void *ctx, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) { UNUSED(proto); UNUSED(proto_len); if (!ctx) { return; } lua_State *lua = ctx; if (!lua_checkstack(lua, 1)) { /* Increase the Lua stack if needed, to make sure there is enough room * to push elements to the stack. On failure, exit with panic. */ serverPanic("lua stack limit reach when parsing redis.call reply"); } lua_pushboolean(lua,0); } static void redisProtocolToLuaType_NullArray(void *ctx, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) { UNUSED(proto); UNUSED(proto_len); if (!ctx) { return; } lua_State *lua = ctx; if (!lua_checkstack(lua, 1)) { /* Increase the Lua stack if needed, to make sure there is enough room * to push elements to the stack. On failure, exit with panic. */ serverPanic("lua stack limit reach when parsing redis.call reply"); } lua_pushboolean(lua,0); } static void redisProtocolToLuaType_BulkString(void *ctx, const char *str, size_t len, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) { UNUSED(proto); UNUSED(proto_len); if (!ctx) { return; } lua_State *lua = ctx; if (!lua_checkstack(lua, 1)) { /* Increase the Lua stack if needed, to make sure there is enough room * to push elements to the stack. On failure, exit with panic. */ serverPanic("lua stack limit reach when parsing redis.call reply"); } lua_pushlstring(lua,str,len); } static void redisProtocolToLuaType_Status(void *ctx, const char *str, size_t len, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) { UNUSED(proto); UNUSED(proto_len); if (!ctx) { return; } lua_State *lua = ctx; if (!lua_checkstack(lua, 3)) { /* Increase the Lua stack if needed, to make sure there is enough room * to push elements to the stack. On failure, exit with panic. */ serverPanic("lua stack limit reach when parsing redis.call reply"); } lua_newtable(lua); lua_pushstring(lua,"ok"); lua_pushlstring(lua,str,len); lua_settable(lua,-3); } static void redisProtocolToLuaType_Error(void *ctx, const char *str, size_t len, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) { UNUSED(proto); UNUSED(proto_len); if (!ctx) { return; } lua_State *lua = ctx; if (!lua_checkstack(lua, 3)) { /* Increase the Lua stack if needed, to make sure there is enough room * to push elements to the stack. On failure, exit with panic. */ serverPanic("lua stack limit reach when parsing redis.call reply"); } sds err_msg = sdscatlen(sdsnew("-"), str, len); luaPushErrorBuff(lua,err_msg); /* push a field indicate to ignore updating the stats on this error * because it was already updated when executing the command. */ lua_pushstring(lua,"ignore_error_stats_update"); lua_pushboolean(lua, 1); lua_settable(lua,-3); } static void redisProtocolToLuaType_Map(struct ReplyParser *parser, void *ctx, size_t len, const char *proto) { UNUSED(proto); lua_State *lua = ctx; if (lua) { if (!lua_checkstack(lua, 3)) { /* Increase the Lua stack if needed, to make sure there is enough room * to push elements to the stack. On failure, exit with panic. */ serverPanic("lua stack limit reach when parsing redis.call reply"); } lua_newtable(lua); lua_pushstring(lua, "map"); lua_newtable(lua); } for (size_t j = 0; j < len; j++) { parseReply(parser,lua); parseReply(parser,lua); if (lua) lua_settable(lua,-3); } if (lua) lua_settable(lua,-3); } static void redisProtocolToLuaType_Set(struct ReplyParser *parser, void *ctx, size_t len, const char *proto) { UNUSED(proto); lua_State *lua = ctx; if (lua) { if (!lua_checkstack(lua, 3)) { /* Increase the Lua stack if needed, to make sure there is enough room * to push elements to the stack. On failure, exit with panic. */ serverPanic("lua stack limit reach when parsing redis.call reply"); } lua_newtable(lua); lua_pushstring(lua, "set"); lua_newtable(lua); } for (size_t j = 0; j < len; j++) { parseReply(parser,lua); if (lua) { if (!lua_checkstack(lua, 1)) { /* Increase the Lua stack if needed, to make sure there is enough room * to push elements to the stack. On failure, exit with panic. * Notice that here we need to check the stack again because the recursive * call to redisProtocolToLuaType might have use the room allocated in the stack*/ serverPanic("lua stack limit reach when parsing redis.call reply"); } lua_pushboolean(lua,1); lua_settable(lua,-3); } } if (lua) lua_settable(lua,-3); } static void redisProtocolToLuaType_Array(struct ReplyParser *parser, void *ctx, size_t len, const char *proto) { UNUSED(proto); lua_State *lua = ctx; if (lua){ if (!lua_checkstack(lua, 2)) { /* Increase the Lua stack if needed, to make sure there is enough room * to push elements to the stack. On failure, exit with panic. */ serverPanic("lua stack limit reach when parsing redis.call reply"); } lua_newtable(lua); } for (size_t j = 0; j < len; j++) { if (lua) lua_pushnumber(lua,j+1); parseReply(parser,lua); if (lua) lua_settable(lua,-3); } } static void redisProtocolToLuaType_Attribute(struct ReplyParser *parser, void *ctx, size_t len, const char *proto) { UNUSED(proto); /* Parse the attribute reply. * Currently, we do not expose the attribute to the Lua script so * we just need to continue parsing and ignore it (the NULL ensures that the * reply will be ignored). */ for (size_t j = 0; j < len; j++) { parseReply(parser,NULL); parseReply(parser,NULL); } /* Parse the reply itself. */ parseReply(parser,ctx); } static void redisProtocolToLuaType_VerbatimString(void *ctx, const char *format, const char *str, size_t len, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) { UNUSED(proto); UNUSED(proto_len); if (!ctx) { return; } lua_State *lua = ctx; if (!lua_checkstack(lua, 5)) { /* Increase the Lua stack if needed, to make sure there is enough room * to push elements to the stack. On failure, exit with panic. */ serverPanic("lua stack limit reach when parsing redis.call reply"); } lua_newtable(lua); lua_pushstring(lua,"verbatim_string"); lua_newtable(lua); lua_pushstring(lua,"string"); lua_pushlstring(lua,str,len); lua_settable(lua,-3); lua_pushstring(lua,"format"); lua_pushlstring(lua,format,3); lua_settable(lua,-3); lua_settable(lua,-3); } static void redisProtocolToLuaType_BigNumber(void *ctx, const char *str, size_t len, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) { UNUSED(proto); UNUSED(proto_len); if (!ctx) { return; } lua_State *lua = ctx; if (!lua_checkstack(lua, 3)) { /* Increase the Lua stack if needed, to make sure there is enough room * to push elements to the stack. On failure, exit with panic. */ serverPanic("lua stack limit reach when parsing redis.call reply"); } lua_newtable(lua); lua_pushstring(lua,"big_number"); lua_pushlstring(lua,str,len); lua_settable(lua,-3); } static void redisProtocolToLuaType_Null(void *ctx, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) { UNUSED(proto); UNUSED(proto_len); if (!ctx) { return; } lua_State *lua = ctx; if (!lua_checkstack(lua, 1)) { /* Increase the Lua stack if needed, to make sure there is enough room * to push elements to the stack. On failure, exit with panic. */ serverPanic("lua stack limit reach when parsing redis.call reply"); } lua_pushnil(lua); } static void redisProtocolToLuaType_Bool(void *ctx, int val, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) { UNUSED(proto); UNUSED(proto_len); if (!ctx) { return; } lua_State *lua = ctx; if (!lua_checkstack(lua, 1)) { /* Increase the Lua stack if needed, to make sure there is enough room * to push elements to the stack. On failure, exit with panic. */ serverPanic("lua stack limit reach when parsing redis.call reply"); } lua_pushboolean(lua,val); } static void redisProtocolToLuaType_Double(void *ctx, double d, const char *proto, size_t proto_len) { UNUSED(proto); UNUSED(proto_len); if (!ctx) { return; } lua_State *lua = ctx; if (!lua_checkstack(lua, 3)) { /* Increase the Lua stack if needed, to make sure there is enough room * to push elements to the stack. On failure, exit with panic. */ serverPanic("lua stack limit reach when parsing redis.call reply"); } lua_newtable(lua); lua_pushstring(lua,"double"); lua_pushnumber(lua,d); lua_settable(lua,-3); } /* This function is used in order to push an error on the Lua stack in the * format used by redis.pcall to return errors, which is a lua table * with an "err" field set to the error string including the error code. * Note that this table is never a valid reply by proper commands, * since the returned tables are otherwise always indexed by integers, never by strings. * * The function takes ownership on the given err_buffer. */ void luaPushErrorBuff(lua_State *lua, sds err_buffer) { sds msg; sds error_code; /* If debugging is active and in step mode, log errors resulting from * Redis commands. */ if (ldbIsEnabled()) { ldbLog(sdscatprintf(sdsempty()," %s",err_buffer)); } /* There are two possible formats for the received `error` string: * 1) "-CODE msg": in this case we remove the leading '-' since we don't store it as part of the lua error format. * 2) "msg": in this case we prepend a generic 'ERR' code since all error statuses need some error code. * We support format (1) so this function can reuse the error messages used in other places in redis. * We support format (2) so it'll be easy to pass descriptive errors to this function without worrying about format. */ if (err_buffer[0] == '-') { /* derive error code from the message */ char *err_msg = strstr(err_buffer, " "); if (!err_msg) { msg = sdsnew(err_buffer+1); error_code = sdsnew("ERR"); } else { *err_msg = '\0'; msg = sdsnew(err_msg+1); error_code = sdsnew(err_buffer + 1); } sdsfree(err_buffer); } else { msg = err_buffer; error_code = sdsnew("ERR"); } /* Trim newline at end of string. If we reuse the ready-made Redis error objects (case 1 above) then we might * have a newline that needs to be trimmed. In any case the lua Redis error table shouldn't end with a newline. */ msg = sdstrim(msg, "\r\n"); sds final_msg = sdscatfmt(error_code, " %s", msg); lua_newtable(lua); lua_pushstring(lua,"err"); lua_pushstring(lua, final_msg); lua_settable(lua,-3); sdsfree(msg); sdsfree(final_msg); } void luaPushError(lua_State *lua, const char *error) { luaPushErrorBuff(lua, sdsnew(error)); } /* In case the error set into the Lua stack by luaPushError() was generated * by the non-error-trapping version of redis.pcall(), which is redis.call(), * this function will raise the Lua error so that the execution of the * script will be halted. */ int luaError(lua_State *lua) { return lua_error(lua); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Lua reply to Redis reply conversion functions. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Reply to client 'c' converting the top element in the Lua stack to a * Redis reply. As a side effect the element is consumed from the stack. */ static void luaReplyToRedisReply(client *c, client* script_client, lua_State *lua) { int t = lua_type(lua,-1); if (!lua_checkstack(lua, 4)) { /* Increase the Lua stack if needed to make sure there is enough room * to push 4 elements to the stack. On failure, return error. * Notice that we need, in the worst case, 4 elements because returning a map might * require push 4 elements to the Lua stack.*/ addReplyErrorFormat(c, "reached lua stack limit"); lua_pop(lua,1); /* pop the element from the stack */ return; } switch(t) { case LUA_TSTRING: addReplyBulkCBuffer(c,(char*)lua_tostring(lua,-1),lua_strlen(lua,-1)); break; case LUA_TBOOLEAN: if (script_client->resp == 2) addReply(c,lua_toboolean(lua,-1) ? shared.cone : shared.null[c->resp]); else addReplyBool(c,lua_toboolean(lua,-1)); break; case LUA_TNUMBER: addReplyLongLong(c,(long long)lua_tonumber(lua,-1)); break; case LUA_TTABLE: /* We need to check if it is an array, an error, or a status reply. * Error are returned as a single element table with 'err' field. * Status replies are returned as single element table with 'ok' * field. */ /* Handle error reply. */ /* we took care of the stack size on function start */ lua_pushstring(lua,"err"); lua_rawget(lua,-2); t = lua_type(lua,-1); if (t == LUA_TSTRING) { lua_pop(lua, 1); /* pop the error message, we will use luaExtractErrorInformation to get error information */ errorInfo err_info = {0}; luaExtractErrorInformation(lua, &err_info); addReplyErrorFormatEx(c, err_info.ignore_err_stats_update? ERR_REPLY_FLAG_NO_STATS_UPDATE: 0, "-%s", err_info.msg); luaErrorInformationDiscard(&err_info); lua_pop(lua,1); /* pop the result table */ return; } lua_pop(lua,1); /* Discard field name pushed before. */ /* Handle status reply. */ lua_pushstring(lua,"ok"); lua_rawget(lua,-2); t = lua_type(lua,-1); if (t == LUA_TSTRING) { sds ok = sdsnew(lua_tostring(lua,-1)); sdsmapchars(ok,"\r\n"," ",2); addReplyStatusLength(c, ok, sdslen(ok)); sdsfree(ok); lua_pop(lua,2); return; } lua_pop(lua,1); /* Discard field name pushed before. */ /* Handle double reply. */ lua_pushstring(lua,"double"); lua_rawget(lua,-2); t = lua_type(lua,-1); if (t == LUA_TNUMBER) { addReplyDouble(c,lua_tonumber(lua,-1)); lua_pop(lua,2); return; } lua_pop(lua,1); /* Discard field name pushed before. */ /* Handle big number reply. */ lua_pushstring(lua,"big_number"); lua_rawget(lua,-2); t = lua_type(lua,-1); if (t == LUA_TSTRING) { sds big_num = sdsnewlen(lua_tostring(lua,-1), lua_strlen(lua,-1)); sdsmapchars(big_num,"\r\n"," ",2); addReplyBigNum(c,big_num,sdslen(big_num)); sdsfree(big_num); lua_pop(lua,2); return; } lua_pop(lua,1); /* Discard field name pushed before. */ /* Handle verbatim reply. */ lua_pushstring(lua,"verbatim_string"); lua_rawget(lua,-2); t = lua_type(lua,-1); if (t == LUA_TTABLE) { lua_pushstring(lua,"format"); lua_rawget(lua,-2); t = lua_type(lua,-1); if (t == LUA_TSTRING){ char* format = (char*)lua_tostring(lua,-1); lua_pushstring(lua,"string"); lua_rawget(lua,-3); t = lua_type(lua,-1); if (t == LUA_TSTRING){ size_t len; char* str = (char*)lua_tolstring(lua,-1,&len); addReplyVerbatim(c, str, len, format); lua_pop(lua,4); return; } lua_pop(lua,1); } lua_pop(lua,1); } lua_pop(lua,1); /* Discard field name pushed before. */ /* Handle map reply. */ lua_pushstring(lua,"map"); lua_rawget(lua,-2); t = lua_type(lua,-1); if (t == LUA_TTABLE) { int maplen = 0; void *replylen = addReplyDeferredLen(c); /* we took care of the stack size on function start */ lua_pushnil(lua); /* Use nil to start iteration. */ while (lua_next(lua,-2)) { /* Stack now: table, key, value */ lua_pushvalue(lua,-2); /* Dup key before consuming. */ luaReplyToRedisReply(c, script_client, lua); /* Return key. */ luaReplyToRedisReply(c, script_client, lua); /* Return value. */ /* Stack now: table, key. */ maplen++; } setDeferredMapLen(c,replylen,maplen); lua_pop(lua,2); return; } lua_pop(lua,1); /* Discard field name pushed before. */ /* Handle set reply. */ lua_pushstring(lua,"set"); lua_rawget(lua,-2); t = lua_type(lua,-1); if (t == LUA_TTABLE) { int setlen = 0; void *replylen = addReplyDeferredLen(c); /* we took care of the stack size on function start */ lua_pushnil(lua); /* Use nil to start iteration. */ while (lua_next(lua,-2)) { /* Stack now: table, key, true */ lua_pop(lua,1); /* Discard the boolean value. */ lua_pushvalue(lua,-1); /* Dup key before consuming. */ luaReplyToRedisReply(c, script_client, lua); /* Return key. */ /* Stack now: table, key. */ setlen++; } setDeferredSetLen(c,replylen,setlen); lua_pop(lua,2); return; } lua_pop(lua,1); /* Discard field name pushed before. */ /* Handle the array reply. */ void *replylen = addReplyDeferredLen(c); int j = 1, mbulklen = 0; while(1) { /* we took care of the stack size on function start */ lua_pushnumber(lua,j++); lua_rawget(lua,-2); t = lua_type(lua,-1); if (t == LUA_TNIL) { lua_pop(lua,1); break; } luaReplyToRedisReply(c, script_client, lua); mbulklen++; } setDeferredArrayLen(c,replylen,mbulklen); break; default: addReplyNull(c); } lua_pop(lua,1); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Lua redis.* functions implementations. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void freeLuaRedisArgv(robj **argv, int argc, int argv_len); /* Cached argv array across calls. */ static robj **lua_argv = NULL; static int lua_argv_size = 0; /* Cache of recently used small arguments to avoid malloc calls. */ static robj *lua_args_cached_objects[LUA_CMD_OBJCACHE_SIZE]; static size_t lua_args_cached_objects_len[LUA_CMD_OBJCACHE_SIZE]; static robj **luaArgsToRedisArgv(lua_State *lua, int *argc, int *argv_len) { int j; /* Require at least one argument */ *argc = lua_gettop(lua); if (*argc == 0) { luaPushError(lua, "Please specify at least one argument for this redis lib call"); return NULL; } /* Build the arguments vector (reuse a cached argv from last call) */ if (lua_argv_size < *argc) { lua_argv = zrealloc(lua_argv,sizeof(robj*)* *argc); lua_argv_size = *argc; } *argv_len = lua_argv_size; for (j = 0; j < *argc; j++) { char *obj_s; size_t obj_len; char dbuf[64]; if (lua_type(lua,j+1) == LUA_TNUMBER) { /* We can't use lua_tolstring() for number -> string conversion * since Lua uses a format specifier that loses precision. */ lua_Number num = lua_tonumber(lua,j+1); /* Integer printing function is much faster, check if we can safely use it. * Since lua_Number is not explicitly an integer or a double, we need to make an effort * to convert it as an integer when that's possible, since the string could later be used * in a context that doesn't support scientific notation (e.g. 1e9 instead of 100000000). */ long long lvalue; if (double2ll((double)num, &lvalue)) obj_len = ll2string(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), lvalue); else { obj_len = fpconv_dtoa((double)num, dbuf); dbuf[obj_len] = '\0'; } obj_s = dbuf; } else { obj_s = (char*)lua_tolstring(lua,j+1,&obj_len); if (obj_s == NULL) break; /* Not a string. */ } /* Try to use a cached object. */ if (j < LUA_CMD_OBJCACHE_SIZE && lua_args_cached_objects[j] && lua_args_cached_objects_len[j] >= obj_len) { sds s = lua_args_cached_objects[j]->ptr; lua_argv[j] = lua_args_cached_objects[j]; lua_args_cached_objects[j] = NULL; memcpy(s,obj_s,obj_len+1); sdssetlen(s, obj_len); } else { lua_argv[j] = createStringObject(obj_s, obj_len); } } /* Pop all arguments from the stack, we do not need them anymore * and this way we guaranty we will have room on the stack for the result. */ lua_pop(lua, *argc); /* Check if one of the arguments passed by the Lua script * is not a string or an integer (lua_isstring() return true for * integers as well). */ if (j != *argc) { freeLuaRedisArgv(lua_argv, j, lua_argv_size); luaPushError(lua, "Lua redis lib command arguments must be strings or integers"); return NULL; } return lua_argv; } void freeLuaRedisArgv(robj **argv, int argc, int argv_len) { int j; for (j = 0; j < argc; j++) { robj *o = argv[j]; /* Try to cache the object in the lua_args_cached_objects array. * The object must be small, SDS-encoded, and with refcount = 1 * (we must be the only owner) for us to cache it. */ if (j < LUA_CMD_OBJCACHE_SIZE && o->refcount == 1 && (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_RAW || o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_EMBSTR) && sdslen(o->ptr) <= LUA_CMD_OBJCACHE_MAX_LEN) { sds s = o->ptr; if (lua_args_cached_objects[j]) decrRefCount(lua_args_cached_objects[j]); lua_args_cached_objects[j] = o; lua_args_cached_objects_len[j] = sdsalloc(s); } else { decrRefCount(o); } } if (argv != lua_argv || argv_len != lua_argv_size) { /* The command changed argv, scrap the cache and start over. */ zfree(argv); lua_argv = NULL; lua_argv_size = 0; } } static int luaRedisGenericCommand(lua_State *lua, int raise_error) { int j; scriptRunCtx* rctx = luaGetFromRegistry(lua, REGISTRY_RUN_CTX_NAME); serverAssert(rctx); /* Only supported inside script invocation */ sds err = NULL; client* c = rctx->c; sds reply; c->argv = luaArgsToRedisArgv(lua, &c->argc, &c->argv_len); if (c->argv == NULL) { return raise_error ? luaError(lua) : 1; } static int inuse = 0; /* Recursive calls detection. */ /* By using Lua debug hooks it is possible to trigger a recursive call * to luaRedisGenericCommand(), which normally should never happen. * To make this function reentrant is futile and makes it slower, but * we should at least detect such a misuse, and abort. */ if (inuse) { char *recursion_warning = "luaRedisGenericCommand() recursive call detected. " "Are you doing funny stuff with Lua debug hooks?"; serverLog(LL_WARNING,"%s",recursion_warning); luaPushError(lua,recursion_warning); return 1; } inuse++; /* Log the command if debugging is active. */ if (ldbIsEnabled()) { sds cmdlog = sdsnew(""); for (j = 0; j < c->argc; j++) { if (j == 10) { cmdlog = sdscatprintf(cmdlog," ... (%d more)", c->argc-j-1); break; } else { cmdlog = sdscatlen(cmdlog," ",1); cmdlog = sdscatsds(cmdlog,c->argv[j]->ptr); } } ldbLog(cmdlog); } scriptCall(rctx, &err); if (err) { luaPushError(lua, err); sdsfree(err); /* push a field indicate to ignore updating the stats on this error * because it was already updated when executing the command. */ lua_pushstring(lua,"ignore_error_stats_update"); lua_pushboolean(lua, 1); lua_settable(lua,-3); goto cleanup; } /* Convert the result of the Redis command into a suitable Lua type. * The first thing we need is to create a single string from the client * output buffers. */ if (listLength(c->reply) == 0 && (size_t)c->bufpos < c->buf_usable_size) { /* This is a fast path for the common case of a reply inside the * client static buffer. Don't create an SDS string but just use * the client buffer directly. */ c->buf[c->bufpos] = '\0'; reply = c->buf; c->bufpos = 0; } else { reply = sdsnewlen(c->buf,c->bufpos); c->bufpos = 0; while(listLength(c->reply)) { clientReplyBlock *o = listNodeValue(listFirst(c->reply)); reply = sdscatlen(reply,o->buf,o->used); listDelNode(c->reply,listFirst(c->reply)); } } if (raise_error && reply[0] != '-') raise_error = 0; redisProtocolToLuaType(lua,reply); /* If the debugger is active, log the reply from Redis. */ if (ldbIsEnabled()) ldbLogRedisReply(reply); if (reply != c->buf) sdsfree(reply); c->reply_bytes = 0; cleanup: /* Clean up. Command code may have changed argv/argc so we use the * argv/argc of the client instead of the local variables. */ freeLuaRedisArgv(c->argv, c->argc, c->argv_len); c->argc = c->argv_len = 0; c->user = NULL; c->argv = NULL; resetClient(c); inuse--; if (raise_error) { /* If we are here we should have an error in the stack, in the * form of a table with an "err" field. Extract the string to * return the plain error. */ return luaError(lua); } return 1; } /* Our implementation to lua pcall. * We need this implementation for backward * comparability with older Redis versions. * * On Redis 7, the error object is a table, * compare to older version where the error * object is a string. To keep backward * comparability we catch the table object * and just return the error message. */ static int luaRedisPcall(lua_State *lua) { int argc = lua_gettop(lua); lua_pushboolean(lua, 1); /* result place holder */ lua_insert(lua, 1); if (lua_pcall(lua, argc - 1, LUA_MULTRET, 0)) { /* Error */ lua_remove(lua, 1); /* remove the result place holder, now we have room for at least one element */ if (lua_istable(lua, -1)) { lua_getfield(lua, -1, "err"); if (lua_isstring(lua, -1)) { lua_replace(lua, -2); /* replace the error message with the table */ } } lua_pushboolean(lua, 0); /* push result */ lua_insert(lua, 1); } return lua_gettop(lua); } /* redis.call() */ static int luaRedisCallCommand(lua_State *lua) { return luaRedisGenericCommand(lua,1); } /* redis.pcall() */ static int luaRedisPCallCommand(lua_State *lua) { return luaRedisGenericCommand(lua,0); } /* This adds redis.sha1hex(string) to Lua scripts using the same hashing * function used for sha1ing lua scripts. */ static int luaRedisSha1hexCommand(lua_State *lua) { int argc = lua_gettop(lua); char digest[41]; size_t len; char *s; if (argc != 1) { luaPushError(lua, "wrong number of arguments"); return luaError(lua); } s = (char*)lua_tolstring(lua,1,&len); sha1hex(digest,s,len); lua_pushstring(lua,digest); return 1; } /* Returns a table with a single field 'field' set to the string value * passed as argument. This helper function is handy when returning * a Redis Protocol error or status reply from Lua: * * return redis.error_reply("ERR Some Error") * return redis.status_reply("ERR Some Error") */ static int luaRedisReturnSingleFieldTable(lua_State *lua, char *field) { if (lua_gettop(lua) != 1 || lua_type(lua,-1) != LUA_TSTRING) { luaPushError(lua, "wrong number or type of arguments"); return 1; } lua_newtable(lua); lua_pushstring(lua, field); lua_pushvalue(lua, -3); lua_settable(lua, -3); return 1; } /* redis.error_reply() */ static int luaRedisErrorReplyCommand(lua_State *lua) { if (lua_gettop(lua) != 1 || lua_type(lua,-1) != LUA_TSTRING) { luaPushError(lua, "wrong number or type of arguments"); return 1; } /* add '-' if not exists */ const char *err = lua_tostring(lua, -1); sds err_buff = NULL; if (err[0] != '-') { err_buff = sdscatfmt(sdsempty(), "-%s", err); } else { err_buff = sdsnew(err); } luaPushErrorBuff(lua, err_buff); return 1; } /* redis.status_reply() */ static int luaRedisStatusReplyCommand(lua_State *lua) { return luaRedisReturnSingleFieldTable(lua,"ok"); } /* redis.set_repl() * * Set the propagation of write commands executed in the context of the * script to on/off for AOF and slaves. */ static int luaRedisSetReplCommand(lua_State *lua) { int flags, argc = lua_gettop(lua); scriptRunCtx* rctx = luaGetFromRegistry(lua, REGISTRY_RUN_CTX_NAME); serverAssert(rctx); /* Only supported inside script invocation */ if (argc != 1) { luaPushError(lua, "redis.set_repl() requires one argument."); return luaError(lua); } flags = lua_tonumber(lua,-1); if ((flags & ~(PROPAGATE_AOF|PROPAGATE_REPL)) != 0) { luaPushError(lua, "Invalid replication flags. Use REPL_AOF, REPL_REPLICA, REPL_ALL or REPL_NONE."); return luaError(lua); } scriptSetRepl(rctx, flags); return 0; } /* redis.acl_check_cmd() * * Checks ACL permissions for given command for the current user. */ static int luaRedisAclCheckCmdPermissionsCommand(lua_State *lua) { scriptRunCtx* rctx = luaGetFromRegistry(lua, REGISTRY_RUN_CTX_NAME); serverAssert(rctx); /* Only supported inside script invocation */ int raise_error = 0; int argc, argv_len; robj **argv = luaArgsToRedisArgv(lua, &argc, &argv_len); /* Require at least one argument */ if (argv == NULL) return luaError(lua); /* Find command */ struct redisCommand *cmd; if ((cmd = lookupCommand(argv, argc)) == NULL) { luaPushError(lua, "Invalid command passed to redis.acl_check_cmd()"); raise_error = 1; } else { int keyidxptr; if (ACLCheckAllUserCommandPerm(rctx->original_client->user, cmd, argv, argc, &keyidxptr) != ACL_OK) { lua_pushboolean(lua, 0); } else { lua_pushboolean(lua, 1); } } freeLuaRedisArgv(argv, argc, argv_len); if (raise_error) return luaError(lua); else return 1; } /* redis.log() */ static int luaLogCommand(lua_State *lua) { int j, argc = lua_gettop(lua); int level; sds log; if (argc < 2) { luaPushError(lua, "redis.log() requires two arguments or more."); return luaError(lua); } else if (!lua_isnumber(lua,-argc)) { luaPushError(lua, "First argument must be a number (log level)."); return luaError(lua); } level = lua_tonumber(lua,-argc); if (level < LL_DEBUG || level > LL_WARNING) { luaPushError(lua, "Invalid debug level."); return luaError(lua); } if (level < server.verbosity) return 0; /* Glue together all the arguments */ log = sdsempty(); for (j = 1; j < argc; j++) { size_t len; char *s; s = (char*)lua_tolstring(lua,(-argc)+j,&len); if (s) { if (j != 1) log = sdscatlen(log," ",1); log = sdscatlen(log,s,len); } } serverLogRaw(level,log); sdsfree(log); return 0; } /* redis.setresp() */ static int luaSetResp(lua_State *lua) { scriptRunCtx* rctx = luaGetFromRegistry(lua, REGISTRY_RUN_CTX_NAME); serverAssert(rctx); /* Only supported inside script invocation */ int argc = lua_gettop(lua); if (argc != 1) { luaPushError(lua, "redis.setresp() requires one argument."); return luaError(lua); } int resp = lua_tonumber(lua,-argc); if (resp != 2 && resp != 3) { luaPushError(lua, "RESP version must be 2 or 3."); return luaError(lua); } scriptSetResp(rctx, resp); return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Lua engine initialization and reset. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void luaLoadLib(lua_State *lua, const char *libname, lua_CFunction luafunc) { lua_pushcfunction(lua, luafunc); lua_pushstring(lua, libname); lua_call(lua, 1, 0); } LUALIB_API int (luaopen_cjson) (lua_State *L); LUALIB_API int (luaopen_struct) (lua_State *L); LUALIB_API int (luaopen_cmsgpack) (lua_State *L); LUALIB_API int (luaopen_bit) (lua_State *L); static void luaLoadLibraries(lua_State *lua) { luaLoadLib(lua, "", luaopen_base); luaLoadLib(lua, LUA_TABLIBNAME, luaopen_table); luaLoadLib(lua, LUA_STRLIBNAME, luaopen_string); luaLoadLib(lua, LUA_MATHLIBNAME, luaopen_math); luaLoadLib(lua, LUA_DBLIBNAME, luaopen_debug); luaLoadLib(lua, "cjson", luaopen_cjson); luaLoadLib(lua, "struct", luaopen_struct); luaLoadLib(lua, "cmsgpack", luaopen_cmsgpack); luaLoadLib(lua, "bit", luaopen_bit); #if 0 /* Stuff that we don't load currently, for sandboxing concerns. */ luaLoadLib(lua, LUA_LOADLIBNAME, luaopen_package); luaLoadLib(lua, LUA_OSLIBNAME, luaopen_os); #endif } /* Return sds of the string value located on stack at the given index. * Return NULL if the value is not a string. */ sds luaGetStringSds(lua_State *lua, int index) { if (!lua_isstring(lua, index)) { return NULL; } size_t len; const char *str = lua_tolstring(lua, index, &len); sds str_sds = sdsnewlen(str, len); return str_sds; } static int luaProtectedTableError(lua_State *lua) { int argc = lua_gettop(lua); if (argc != 2) { serverLog(LL_WARNING, "malicious code trying to call luaProtectedTableError with wrong arguments"); luaL_error(lua, "Wrong number of arguments to luaProtectedTableError"); } if (!lua_isstring(lua, -1) && !lua_isnumber(lua, -1)) { luaL_error(lua, "Second argument to luaProtectedTableError must be a string or number"); } const char *variable_name = lua_tostring(lua, -1); luaL_error(lua, "Script attempted to access nonexistent global variable '%s'", variable_name); return 0; } /* Set a special metatable on the table on the top of the stack. * The metatable will raise an error if the user tries to fetch * an un-existing value. * * The function assumes the Lua stack have a least enough * space to push 2 element, its up to the caller to verify * this before calling this function. */ void luaSetErrorMetatable(lua_State *lua) { lua_newtable(lua); /* push metatable */ lua_pushcfunction(lua, luaProtectedTableError); /* push get error handler */ lua_setfield(lua, -2, "__index"); lua_setmetatable(lua, -2); } static int luaNewIndexAllowList(lua_State *lua) { int argc = lua_gettop(lua); if (argc != 3) { serverLog(LL_WARNING, "malicious code trying to call luaNewIndexAllowList with wrong arguments"); luaL_error(lua, "Wrong number of arguments to luaNewIndexAllowList"); } if (!lua_istable(lua, -3)) { luaL_error(lua, "first argument to luaNewIndexAllowList must be a table"); } if (!lua_isstring(lua, -2) && !lua_isnumber(lua, -2)) { luaL_error(lua, "Second argument to luaNewIndexAllowList must be a string or number"); } const char *variable_name = lua_tostring(lua, -2); /* check if the key is in our allow list */ char ***allow_l = allow_lists; for (; *allow_l ; ++allow_l){ char **c = *allow_l; for (; *c ; ++c) { if (strcmp(*c, variable_name) == 0) { break; } } if (*c) { break; } } if (!*allow_l) { /* Search the value on the back list, if its there we know that it was removed * on purpose and there is no need to print a warning. */ char **c = deny_list; for ( ; *c ; ++c) { if (strcmp(*c, variable_name) == 0) { break; } } if (!*c) { serverLog(LL_WARNING, "A key '%s' was added to Lua globals which is not on the globals allow list nor listed on the deny list.", variable_name); } } else { lua_rawset(lua, -3); } return 0; } /* Set a metatable with '__newindex' function that verify that * the new index appears on our globals while list. * * The metatable is set on the table which located on the top * of the stack. */ void luaSetAllowListProtection(lua_State *lua) { lua_newtable(lua); /* push metatable */ lua_pushcfunction(lua, luaNewIndexAllowList); /* push get error handler */ lua_setfield(lua, -2, "__newindex"); lua_setmetatable(lua, -2); } /* Set the readonly flag on the table located on the top of the stack * and recursively call this function on each table located on the original * table. Also, recursively call this function on the metatables.*/ void luaSetTableProtectionRecursively(lua_State *lua) { /* This protect us from a loop in case we already visited the table * For example, globals has '_G' key which is pointing back to globals. */ if (lua_isreadonlytable(lua, -1)) { return; } /* protect the current table */ lua_enablereadonlytable(lua, -1, 1); lua_checkstack(lua, 2); lua_pushnil(lua); /* Use nil to start iteration. */ while (lua_next(lua,-2)) { /* Stack now: table, key, value */ if (lua_istable(lua, -1)) { luaSetTableProtectionRecursively(lua); } lua_pop(lua, 1); } /* protect the metatable if exists */ if (lua_getmetatable(lua, -1)) { luaSetTableProtectionRecursively(lua); lua_pop(lua, 1); /* pop the metatable */ } } void luaRegisterVersion(lua_State* lua) { lua_pushstring(lua,"REDIS_VERSION_NUM"); lua_pushnumber(lua,REDIS_VERSION_NUM); lua_settable(lua,-3); lua_pushstring(lua,"REDIS_VERSION"); lua_pushstring(lua,REDIS_VERSION); lua_settable(lua,-3); } void luaRegisterLogFunction(lua_State* lua) { /* redis.log and log levels. */ lua_pushstring(lua,"log"); lua_pushcfunction(lua,luaLogCommand); lua_settable(lua,-3); lua_pushstring(lua,"LOG_DEBUG"); lua_pushnumber(lua,LL_DEBUG); lua_settable(lua,-3); lua_pushstring(lua,"LOG_VERBOSE"); lua_pushnumber(lua,LL_VERBOSE); lua_settable(lua,-3); lua_pushstring(lua,"LOG_NOTICE"); lua_pushnumber(lua,LL_NOTICE); lua_settable(lua,-3); lua_pushstring(lua,"LOG_WARNING"); lua_pushnumber(lua,LL_WARNING); lua_settable(lua,-3); } void luaRegisterRedisAPI(lua_State* lua) { lua_pushvalue(lua, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX); luaSetAllowListProtection(lua); lua_pop(lua, 1); luaLoadLibraries(lua); lua_pushcfunction(lua,luaRedisPcall); lua_setglobal(lua, "pcall"); /* Register the redis commands table and fields */ lua_newtable(lua); /* redis.call */ lua_pushstring(lua,"call"); lua_pushcfunction(lua,luaRedisCallCommand); lua_settable(lua,-3); /* redis.pcall */ lua_pushstring(lua,"pcall"); lua_pushcfunction(lua,luaRedisPCallCommand); lua_settable(lua,-3); luaRegisterLogFunction(lua); luaRegisterVersion(lua); /* redis.setresp */ lua_pushstring(lua,"setresp"); lua_pushcfunction(lua,luaSetResp); lua_settable(lua,-3); /* redis.sha1hex */ lua_pushstring(lua, "sha1hex"); lua_pushcfunction(lua, luaRedisSha1hexCommand); lua_settable(lua, -3); /* redis.error_reply and redis.status_reply */ lua_pushstring(lua, "error_reply"); lua_pushcfunction(lua, luaRedisErrorReplyCommand); lua_settable(lua, -3); lua_pushstring(lua, "status_reply"); lua_pushcfunction(lua, luaRedisStatusReplyCommand); lua_settable(lua, -3); /* redis.set_repl and associated flags. */ lua_pushstring(lua,"set_repl"); lua_pushcfunction(lua,luaRedisSetReplCommand); lua_settable(lua,-3); lua_pushstring(lua,"REPL_NONE"); lua_pushnumber(lua,PROPAGATE_NONE); lua_settable(lua,-3); lua_pushstring(lua,"REPL_AOF"); lua_pushnumber(lua,PROPAGATE_AOF); lua_settable(lua,-3); lua_pushstring(lua,"REPL_SLAVE"); lua_pushnumber(lua,PROPAGATE_REPL); lua_settable(lua,-3); lua_pushstring(lua,"REPL_REPLICA"); lua_pushnumber(lua,PROPAGATE_REPL); lua_settable(lua,-3); lua_pushstring(lua,"REPL_ALL"); lua_pushnumber(lua,PROPAGATE_AOF|PROPAGATE_REPL); lua_settable(lua,-3); /* redis.acl_check_cmd */ lua_pushstring(lua,"acl_check_cmd"); lua_pushcfunction(lua,luaRedisAclCheckCmdPermissionsCommand); lua_settable(lua,-3); /* Finally set the table as 'redis' global var. */ lua_setglobal(lua,REDIS_API_NAME); /* Replace math.random and math.randomseed with our implementations. */ lua_getglobal(lua,"math"); lua_pushstring(lua,"random"); lua_pushcfunction(lua,redis_math_random); lua_settable(lua,-3); lua_pushstring(lua,"randomseed"); lua_pushcfunction(lua,redis_math_randomseed); lua_settable(lua,-3); lua_setglobal(lua,"math"); } /* Set an array of Redis String Objects as a Lua array (table) stored into a * global variable. */ static void luaCreateArray(lua_State *lua, robj **elev, int elec) { int j; lua_newtable(lua); for (j = 0; j < elec; j++) { lua_pushlstring(lua,(char*)elev[j]->ptr,sdslen(elev[j]->ptr)); lua_rawseti(lua,-2,j+1); } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Redis provided math.random * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* We replace math.random() with our implementation that is not affected * by specific libc random() implementations and will output the same sequence * (for the same seed) in every arch. */ /* The following implementation is the one shipped with Lua itself but with * rand() replaced by redisLrand48(). */ static int redis_math_random (lua_State *L) { /* the `%' avoids the (rare) case of r==1, and is needed also because on some systems (SunOS!) `rand()' may return a value larger than RAND_MAX */ lua_Number r = (lua_Number)(redisLrand48()%REDIS_LRAND48_MAX) / (lua_Number)REDIS_LRAND48_MAX; switch (lua_gettop(L)) { /* check number of arguments */ case 0: { /* no arguments */ lua_pushnumber(L, r); /* Number between 0 and 1 */ break; } case 1: { /* only upper limit */ int u = luaL_checkint(L, 1); luaL_argcheck(L, 1<=u, 1, "interval is empty"); lua_pushnumber(L, floor(r*u)+1); /* int between 1 and `u' */ break; } case 2: { /* lower and upper limits */ int l = luaL_checkint(L, 1); int u = luaL_checkint(L, 2); luaL_argcheck(L, l<=u, 2, "interval is empty"); lua_pushnumber(L, floor(r*(u-l+1))+l); /* int between `l' and `u' */ break; } default: return luaL_error(L, "wrong number of arguments"); } return 1; } static int redis_math_randomseed (lua_State *L) { redisSrand48(luaL_checkint(L, 1)); return 0; } /* This is the Lua script "count" hook that we use to detect scripts timeout. */ static void luaMaskCountHook(lua_State *lua, lua_Debug *ar) { UNUSED(ar); scriptRunCtx* rctx = luaGetFromRegistry(lua, REGISTRY_RUN_CTX_NAME); serverAssert(rctx); /* Only supported inside script invocation */ if (scriptInterrupt(rctx) == SCRIPT_KILL) { serverLog(LL_NOTICE,"Lua script killed by user with SCRIPT KILL."); /* * Set the hook to invoke all the time so the user * will not be able to catch the error with pcall and invoke * pcall again which will prevent the script from ever been killed */ lua_sethook(lua, luaMaskCountHook, LUA_MASKLINE, 0); luaPushError(lua,"Script killed by user with SCRIPT KILL..."); luaError(lua); } } void luaErrorInformationDiscard(errorInfo *err_info) { if (err_info->msg) sdsfree(err_info->msg); if (err_info->source) sdsfree(err_info->source); if (err_info->line) sdsfree(err_info->line); } void luaExtractErrorInformation(lua_State *lua, errorInfo *err_info) { if (lua_isstring(lua, -1)) { err_info->msg = sdscatfmt(sdsempty(), "ERR %s", lua_tostring(lua, -1)); err_info->line = NULL; err_info->source = NULL; err_info->ignore_err_stats_update = 0; return; } lua_getfield(lua, -1, "err"); if (lua_isstring(lua, -1)) { err_info->msg = sdsnew(lua_tostring(lua, -1)); } lua_pop(lua, 1); lua_getfield(lua, -1, "source"); if (lua_isstring(lua, -1)) { err_info->source = sdsnew(lua_tostring(lua, -1)); } lua_pop(lua, 1); lua_getfield(lua, -1, "line"); if (lua_isstring(lua, -1)) { err_info->line = sdsnew(lua_tostring(lua, -1)); } lua_pop(lua, 1); lua_getfield(lua, -1, "ignore_error_stats_update"); if (lua_isboolean(lua, -1)) { err_info->ignore_err_stats_update = lua_toboolean(lua, -1); } lua_pop(lua, 1); } void luaCallFunction(scriptRunCtx* run_ctx, lua_State *lua, robj** keys, size_t nkeys, robj** args, size_t nargs, int debug_enabled) { client* c = run_ctx->original_client; int delhook = 0; /* We must set it before we set the Lua hook, theoretically the * Lua hook might be called wheneven we run any Lua instruction * such as 'luaSetGlobalArray' and we want the run_ctx to be available * each time the Lua hook is invoked. */ luaSaveOnRegistry(lua, REGISTRY_RUN_CTX_NAME, run_ctx); if (server.busy_reply_threshold > 0 && !debug_enabled) { lua_sethook(lua,luaMaskCountHook,LUA_MASKCOUNT,100000); delhook = 1; } else if (debug_enabled) { lua_sethook(lua,luaLdbLineHook,LUA_MASKLINE|LUA_MASKCOUNT,100000); delhook = 1; } /* Populate the argv and keys table accordingly to the arguments that * EVAL received. */ luaCreateArray(lua,keys,nkeys); /* On eval, keys and arguments are globals. */ if (run_ctx->flags & SCRIPT_EVAL_MODE){ /* open global protection to set KEYS */ lua_enablereadonlytable(lua, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, 0); lua_setglobal(lua,"KEYS"); lua_enablereadonlytable(lua, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, 1); } luaCreateArray(lua,args,nargs); if (run_ctx->flags & SCRIPT_EVAL_MODE){ /* open global protection to set ARGV */ lua_enablereadonlytable(lua, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, 0); lua_setglobal(lua,"ARGV"); lua_enablereadonlytable(lua, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, 1); } /* At this point whether this script was never seen before or if it was * already defined, we can call it. * On eval mode, we have zero arguments and expect a single return value. * In addition the error handler is located on position -2 on the Lua stack. * On function mode, we pass 2 arguments (the keys and args tables), * and the error handler is located on position -4 (stack: error_handler, callback, keys, args) */ int err; if (run_ctx->flags & SCRIPT_EVAL_MODE) { err = lua_pcall(lua,0,1,-2); } else { err = lua_pcall(lua,2,1,-4); } /* Call the Lua garbage collector from time to time to avoid a * full cycle performed by Lua, which adds too latency. * * The call is performed every LUA_GC_CYCLE_PERIOD executed commands * (and for LUA_GC_CYCLE_PERIOD collection steps) because calling it * for every command uses too much CPU. */ #define LUA_GC_CYCLE_PERIOD 50 { static long gc_count = 0; gc_count++; if (gc_count == LUA_GC_CYCLE_PERIOD) { lua_gc(lua,LUA_GCSTEP,LUA_GC_CYCLE_PERIOD); gc_count = 0; } } if (err) { /* Error object is a table of the following format: * {err='', source='', line=} * We can construct the error message from this information */ if (!lua_istable(lua, -1)) { const char *msg = "execution failure"; if (lua_isstring(lua, -1)) { msg = lua_tostring(lua, -1); } addReplyErrorFormat(c,"Error running script %s, %.100s\n", run_ctx->funcname, msg); } else { errorInfo err_info = {0}; sds final_msg = sdsempty(); luaExtractErrorInformation(lua, &err_info); final_msg = sdscatfmt(final_msg, "-%s", err_info.msg); if (err_info.line && err_info.source) { final_msg = sdscatfmt(final_msg, " script: %s, on %s:%s.", run_ctx->funcname, err_info.source, err_info.line); } addReplyErrorSdsEx(c, final_msg, err_info.ignore_err_stats_update? ERR_REPLY_FLAG_NO_STATS_UPDATE : 0); luaErrorInformationDiscard(&err_info); } lua_pop(lua,1); /* Consume the Lua error */ } else { /* On success convert the Lua return value into Redis protocol, and * send it to * the client. */ luaReplyToRedisReply(c, run_ctx->c, lua); /* Convert and consume the reply. */ } /* Perform some cleanup that we need to do both on error and success. */ if (delhook) lua_sethook(lua,NULL,0,0); /* Disable hook */ /* remove run_ctx from registry, its only applicable for the current script. */ luaSaveOnRegistry(lua, REGISTRY_RUN_CTX_NAME, NULL); } unsigned long luaMemory(lua_State *lua) { return lua_gc(lua, LUA_GCCOUNT, 0) * 1024LL; }