# Failover stress test. # In this test a different node is killed in a loop for N # iterations. The test checks that certain properties # are preserved across iterations. source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl" source "../../../tests/support/cli.tcl" test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" { create_cluster 5 5 } test "Cluster is up" { assert_cluster_state ok } test "Enable AOF in all the instances" { foreach_redis_id id { R $id config set appendonly yes # We use "appendfsync no" because it's fast but also guarantees that # write(2) is performed before replying to client. R $id config set appendfsync no } foreach_redis_id id { wait_for_condition 1000 500 { [RI $id aof_rewrite_in_progress] == 0 && [RI $id aof_enabled] == 1 } else { fail "Failed to enable AOF on instance #$id" } } } # Return non-zero if the specified PID is about a process still in execution, # otherwise 0 is returned. proc process_is_running {pid} { # PS should return with an error if PID is non existing, # and catch will return non-zero. We want to return non-zero if # the PID exists, so we invert the return value with expr not operator. expr {![catch {exec ps -p $pid}]} } # Our resharding test performs the following actions: # # - N commands are sent to the cluster in the course of the test. # - Every command selects a random key from key:0 to key:MAX-1. # - The operation RPUSH key is performed. # - Tcl remembers into an array all the values pushed to each list. # - After N/2 commands, the resharding process is started in background. # - The test continues while the resharding is in progress. # - At the end of the test, we wait for the resharding process to stop. # - Finally the keys are checked to see if they contain the value they should. set numkeys 50000 set numops 200000 set start_node_port [get_instance_attrib redis 0 port] set cluster [redis_cluster$start_node_port] if {$::tls} { # setup a non-TLS cluster client to the TLS cluster set plaintext_port [get_instance_attrib redis 0 plaintext-port] set cluster_plaintext [redis_cluster$plaintext_port 0] puts "Testing TLS cluster on start node$start_node_port, plaintext port $plaintext_port" } else { set cluster_plaintext $cluster puts "Testing using non-TLS cluster" } catch {unset content} array set content {} set tribpid {} test "Cluster consistency during live resharding" { set ele 0 for {set j 0} {$j < $numops} {incr j} { # Trigger the resharding once we execute half the ops. if {$tribpid ne {} && ($j % 10000) == 0 && ![process_is_running $tribpid]} { set tribpid {} } if {$j >= $numops/2 && $tribpid eq {}} { puts -nonewline "...Starting resharding..." flush stdout set target [dict get [get_myself [randomInt 5]] id] set tribpid [lindex [exec \ ../../../src/redis-cli --cluster reshard \[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port] \ --cluster-from all \ --cluster-to $target \ --cluster-slots 100 \ --cluster-yes \ {*}[rediscli_tls_config "../../../tests"] \ | [info nameofexecutable] \ ../tests/helpers/onlydots.tcl \ &] 0] } # Write random data to random list. set listid [randomInt $numkeys] set key "key:$listid" incr ele # We write both with Lua scripts and with plain commands. # This way we are able to stress Lua -> Redis command invocation # as well, that has tests to prevent Lua to write into wrong # hash slots. # We also use both TLS and plaintext connections. if {$listid % 3 == 0} { $cluster rpush $key $ele } elseif {$listid % 3 == 1} { $cluster_plaintext rpush $key $ele } else { $cluster eval {redis.call("rpush",KEYS[1],ARGV[1])} 1 $key $ele } lappend content($key) $ele if {($j % 1000) == 0} { puts -nonewline W; flush stdout } } # Wait for the resharding process to end wait_for_condition 1000 500 { [process_is_running $tribpid] == 0 } else { fail "Resharding is not terminating after some time." } } test "Verify $numkeys keys for consistency with logical content" { # Check that the Redis Cluster content matches our logical content. foreach {key value} [array get content] { if {[$cluster lrange $key 0 -1] ne $value} { fail "Key $key expected to hold '$value' but actual content is [$cluster lrange $key 0 -1]" } } } test "Terminate and restart all the instances" { foreach_redis_id id { # Stop AOF so that an initial AOFRW won't prevent the instance from terminating R $id config set appendonly no kill_instance redis $id restart_instance redis $id } } test "Cluster should eventually be up again" { assert_cluster_state ok } test "Verify $numkeys keys after the restart" { # Check that the Redis Cluster content matches our logical content. foreach {key value} [array get content] { if {[$cluster lrange $key 0 -1] ne $value} { fail "Key $key expected to hold '$value' but actual content is [$cluster lrange $key 0 -1]" } } } test "Disable AOF in all the instances" { foreach_redis_id id { R $id config set appendonly no } } test "Verify slaves consistency" { set verified_masters 0 foreach_redis_id id { set role [R $id role] lassign $role myrole myoffset slaves if {$myrole eq {slave}} continue set masterport [get_instance_attrib redis $id port] set masterdigest [R $id debug digest] foreach_redis_id sid { set srole [R $sid role] if {[lindex $srole 0] eq {master}} continue if {[lindex $srole 2] != $masterport} continue wait_for_condition 1000 500 { [R $sid debug digest] eq $masterdigest } else { fail "Master and slave data digest are different" } incr verified_masters } } assert {$verified_masters >= 5} } test "Dump sanitization was skipped for migrations" { set verified_masters 0 foreach_redis_id id { assert {[RI $id dump_payload_sanitizations] == 0} } }