# Check the manual failover source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl" test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" { create_cluster 5 5 } test "Cluster is up" { assert_cluster_state ok } test "Cluster is writable" { cluster_write_test 0 } test "Instance #5 is a slave" { assert {[RI 5 role] eq {slave}} } test "Instance #5 synced with the master" { wait_for_condition 1000 50 { [RI 5 master_link_status] eq {up} } else { fail "Instance #5 master link status is not up" } } set current_epoch [CI 1 cluster_current_epoch] set numkeys 50000 set numops 10000 set cluster [redis_cluster[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port]] catch {unset content} array set content {} test "Send CLUSTER FAILOVER to #5, during load" { for {set j 0} {$j < $numops} {incr j} { # Write random data to random list. set listid [randomInt $numkeys] set key "key:$listid" set ele [randomValue] # We write both with Lua scripts and with plain commands. # This way we are able to stress Lua -> Redis command invocation # as well, that has tests to prevent Lua to write into wrong # hash slots. if {$listid % 2} { $cluster rpush $key $ele } else { $cluster eval {redis.call("rpush",KEYS[1],ARGV[1])} 1 $key $ele } lappend content($key) $ele if {($j % 1000) == 0} { puts -nonewline W; flush stdout } if {$j == $numops/2} {R 5 cluster failover} } } test "Wait for failover" { wait_for_condition 1000 50 { [CI 1 cluster_current_epoch] > $current_epoch } else { fail "No failover detected" } } test "Cluster should eventually be up again" { assert_cluster_state ok } test "Cluster is writable" { cluster_write_test 1 } test "Instance #5 is now a master" { assert {[RI 5 role] eq {master}} } test "Verify $numkeys keys for consistency with logical content" { # Check that the Redis Cluster content matches our logical content. foreach {key value} [array get content] { assert {[$cluster lrange $key 0 -1] eq $value} } } test "Instance #0 gets converted into a slave" { wait_for_condition 1000 50 { [RI 0 role] eq {slave} } else { fail "Old master was not converted into slave" } } ## Check that manual failover does not happen if we can't talk with the master. source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl" test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" { create_cluster 5 5 } test "Cluster is up" { assert_cluster_state ok } test "Cluster is writable" { cluster_write_test 0 } test "Instance #5 is a slave" { assert {[RI 5 role] eq {slave}} } test "Instance #5 synced with the master" { wait_for_condition 1000 50 { [RI 5 master_link_status] eq {up} } else { fail "Instance #5 master link status is not up" } } test "Make instance #0 unreachable without killing it" { R 0 deferred 1 R 0 DEBUG SLEEP 10 } test "Send CLUSTER FAILOVER to instance #5" { R 5 cluster failover } test "Instance #5 is still a slave after some time (no failover)" { after 5000 assert {[RI 5 role] eq {master}} } test "Wait for instance #0 to return back alive" { R 0 deferred 0 assert {[R 0 read] eq {OK}} } ## Check with "force" failover happens anyway. source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl" test "Create a 5 nodes cluster" { create_cluster 5 5 } test "Cluster is up" { assert_cluster_state ok } test "Cluster is writable" { cluster_write_test 0 } test "Instance #5 is a slave" { assert {[RI 5 role] eq {slave}} } test "Instance #5 synced with the master" { wait_for_condition 1000 50 { [RI 5 master_link_status] eq {up} } else { fail "Instance #5 master link status is not up" } } test "Make instance #0 unreachable without killing it" { R 0 deferred 1 R 0 DEBUG SLEEP 10 } test "Send CLUSTER FAILOVER to instance #5" { R 5 cluster failover force } test "Instance #5 is a master after some time" { wait_for_condition 1000 50 { [RI 5 role] eq {master} } else { fail "Instance #5 is not a master after some time regardless of FORCE" } } test "Wait for instance #0 to return back alive" { R 0 deferred 0 assert {[R 0 read] eq {OK}} }