source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl" test "Create a 3 nodes cluster" { cluster_create_with_continuous_slots 3 3 } test "Cluster is up" { assert_cluster_state ok } set cluster [redis_cluster[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port]] test "Migrate a slot, verify client receives sunsubscribe on primary serving the slot." { # Setup the to and from node set channelname mychannel set slot [$cluster cluster keyslot $channelname] array set nodefrom [$cluster masternode_for_slot $slot] array set nodeto [$cluster masternode_notfor_slot $slot] set subscribeclient [redis_deferring_client_by_addr $nodefrom(host) $nodefrom(port)] $subscribeclient deferred 1 $subscribeclient ssubscribe $channelname $subscribeclient read assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) cluster setslot $slot migrating $nodeto(id)] assert_equal {OK} [$nodeto(link) cluster setslot $slot importing $nodefrom(id)] # Verify subscribe is still valid, able to receive messages. $nodefrom(link) spublish $channelname hello assert_equal {smessage mychannel hello} [$subscribeclient read] assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) cluster setslot $slot node $nodeto(id)] set msg [$subscribeclient read] assert {"sunsubscribe" eq [lindex $msg 0]} assert {$channelname eq [lindex $msg 1]} assert {"0" eq [lindex $msg 2]} assert_equal {OK} [$nodeto(link) cluster setslot $slot node $nodeto(id)] $subscribeclient close } test "Client subscribes to multiple channels, migrate a slot, verify client receives sunsubscribe on primary serving the slot." { # Setup the to and from node set channelname ch3 set anotherchannelname ch7 set slot [$cluster cluster keyslot $channelname] array set nodefrom [$cluster masternode_for_slot $slot] array set nodeto [$cluster masternode_notfor_slot $slot] set subscribeclient [redis_deferring_client_by_addr $nodefrom(host) $nodefrom(port)] $subscribeclient deferred 1 $subscribeclient ssubscribe $channelname $subscribeclient read $subscribeclient ssubscribe $anotherchannelname $subscribeclient read assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) cluster setslot $slot migrating $nodeto(id)] assert_equal {OK} [$nodeto(link) cluster setslot $slot importing $nodefrom(id)] # Verify subscribe is still valid, able to receive messages. $nodefrom(link) spublish $channelname hello assert_equal {smessage ch3 hello} [$subscribeclient read] assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) cluster setslot $slot node $nodeto(id)] # Verify the client receives sunsubscribe message for the channel(slot) which got migrated. set msg [$subscribeclient read] assert {"sunsubscribe" eq [lindex $msg 0]} assert {$channelname eq [lindex $msg 1]} assert {"1" eq [lindex $msg 2]} assert_equal {OK} [$nodeto(link) cluster setslot $slot node $nodeto(id)] $nodefrom(link) spublish $anotherchannelname hello # Verify the client is still connected and receives message from the other channel. set msg [$subscribeclient read] assert {"smessage" eq [lindex $msg 0]} assert {$anotherchannelname eq [lindex $msg 1]} assert {"hello" eq [lindex $msg 2]} $subscribeclient close } test "Migrate a slot, verify client receives sunsubscribe on replica serving the slot." { # Setup the to and from node set channelname mychannel1 set slot [$cluster cluster keyslot $channelname] array set nodefrom [$cluster masternode_for_slot $slot] array set nodeto [$cluster masternode_notfor_slot $slot] # Get replica node serving slot (mychannel) to connect a client. set replicanodeinfo [$cluster cluster replicas $nodefrom(id)] set args [split $replicanodeinfo " "] set addr [lindex [split [lindex $args 1] @] 0] set replicahost [lindex [split $addr :] 0] set replicaport [lindex [split $addr :] 1] set subscribeclient [redis_deferring_client_by_addr $replicahost $replicaport] $subscribeclient deferred 1 $subscribeclient ssubscribe $channelname $subscribeclient read assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) cluster setslot $slot migrating $nodeto(id)] assert_equal {OK} [$nodeto(link) cluster setslot $slot importing $nodefrom(id)] # Verify subscribe is still valid, able to receive messages. $nodefrom(link) spublish $channelname hello assert_equal {smessage mychannel1 hello} [$subscribeclient read] assert_equal {OK} [$nodefrom(link) cluster setslot $slot node $nodeto(id)] assert_equal {OK} [$nodeto(link) cluster setslot $slot node $nodeto(id)] set msg [$subscribeclient read] assert {"sunsubscribe" eq [lindex $msg 0]} assert {$channelname eq [lindex $msg 1]} assert {"0" eq [lindex $msg 2]} $subscribeclient close } test "Delete a slot, verify sunsubscribe message" { set channelname ch2 set slot [$cluster cluster keyslot $channelname] array set primary_client [$cluster masternode_for_slot $slot] set subscribeclient [redis_deferring_client_by_addr $primary_client(host) $primary_client(port)] $subscribeclient deferred 1 $subscribeclient ssubscribe $channelname $subscribeclient read $primary_client(link) cluster DELSLOTS $slot set msg [$subscribeclient read] assert {"sunsubscribe" eq [lindex $msg 0]} assert {$channelname eq [lindex $msg 1]} assert {"0" eq [lindex $msg 2]} $subscribeclient close } test "Reset cluster, verify sunsubscribe message" { set channelname ch4 set slot [$cluster cluster keyslot $channelname] array set primary_client [$cluster masternode_for_slot $slot] set subscribeclient [redis_deferring_client_by_addr $primary_client(host) $primary_client(port)] $subscribeclient deferred 1 $subscribeclient ssubscribe $channelname $subscribeclient read $cluster cluster reset HARD set msg [$subscribeclient read] assert {"sunsubscribe" eq [lindex $msg 0]} assert {$channelname eq [lindex $msg 1]} assert {"0" eq [lindex $msg 2]} $cluster close $subscribeclient close }