# Tests for the response of slot migrations. source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl" source "../tests/includes/utils.tcl" test "Create a 2 nodes cluster" { create_cluster 2 0 config_set_all_nodes cluster-allow-replica-migration no } test "Cluster is up" { assert_cluster_state ok } set cluster [redis_cluster[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port]] catch {unset nodefrom} catch {unset nodeto} $cluster refresh_nodes_map test "Set many keys in the cluster" { for {set i 0} {$i < 5000} {incr i} { $cluster set $i $i assert { [$cluster get $i] eq $i } } } test "Test cluster responses during migration of slot x" { set slot 10 array set nodefrom [$cluster masternode_for_slot $slot] array set nodeto [$cluster masternode_notfor_slot $slot] $nodeto(link) cluster setslot $slot importing $nodefrom(id) $nodefrom(link) cluster setslot $slot migrating $nodeto(id) # Get a key from that slot set key [$nodefrom(link) cluster GETKEYSINSLOT $slot "1"] # MOVED REPLY assert_error "*MOVED*" {$nodeto(link) set $key "newVal"} # ASK REPLY assert_error "*ASK*" {$nodefrom(link) set "abc{$key}" "newVal"} # UNSTABLE REPLY assert_error "*TRYAGAIN*" {$nodefrom(link) mset "a{$key}" "newVal" $key "newVal2"} } config_set_all_nodes cluster-allow-replica-migration yes