source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl" test "Start/Stop sentinel on same port with a different runID should not change the total number of sentinels" { set sentinel_id [expr $::instances_count-1] # Kill sentinel instance kill_instance sentinel $sentinel_id # Delete line with myid in sentinels config file set orgfilename [file join "sentinel_$sentinel_id" "sentinel.conf"] set tmpfilename "sentinel.conf_tmp" set dirname "sentinel_$sentinel_id" delete_lines_with_pattern $orgfilename $tmpfilename "myid" # Get count of total sentinels set a [S 0 SENTINEL master mymaster] set original_count [lindex $a 33] # Restart sentinel with the modified config file set pid [exec_instance "sentinel" $dirname $orgfilename] lappend ::pids $pid after 1000 # Get new count of total sentinel set b [S 0 SENTINEL master mymaster] set curr_count [lindex $b 33] # If the count is not the same then fail the test if {$original_count != $curr_count} { fail "Sentinel count is incorrect, original count being $original_count and current count is $curr_count" } }