# Check the basic monitoring and failover capabilities. source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl" if {$::simulate_error} { test "This test will fail" { fail "Simulated error" } } # Reboot an instance previously in very short time but do not check if it is loading proc reboot_instance {type id} { set dirname "${type}_${id}" set cfgfile [file join $dirname $type.conf] set port [get_instance_attrib $type $id port] # Execute the instance with its old setup and append the new pid # file for cleanup. set pid [exec_instance $type $dirname $cfgfile] set_instance_attrib $type $id pid $pid lappend ::pids $pid # Check that the instance is running if {[server_is_up $port 100] == 0} { set logfile [file join $dirname log.txt] puts [exec tail $logfile] abort_sentinel_test "Problems starting $type #$id: ping timeout, maybe server start failed, check $logfile" } # Connect with it with a fresh link set link [redis $port 0 $::tls] $link reconnect 1 set_instance_attrib $type $id link $link } test "Master reboot in very short time" { set old_port [RPort $master_id] set addr [S 0 SENTINEL GET-MASTER-ADDR-BY-NAME mymaster] assert {[lindex $addr 1] == $old_port} R $master_id debug populate 10000 R $master_id bgsave R $master_id config set key-load-delay 1500 R $master_id config set loading-process-events-interval-bytes 1024 R $master_id config rewrite foreach_sentinel_id id { S $id SENTINEL SET mymaster master-reboot-down-after-period 5000 S $id sentinel debug ping-period 500 S $id sentinel debug ask-period 500 } kill_instance redis $master_id reboot_instance redis $master_id foreach_sentinel_id id { wait_for_condition 1000 100 { [lindex [S $id SENTINEL GET-MASTER-ADDR-BY-NAME mymaster] 1] != $old_port } else { fail "At least one Sentinel did not receive failover info" } } set addr [S 0 SENTINEL GET-MASTER-ADDR-BY-NAME mymaster] set master_id [get_instance_id_by_port redis [lindex $addr 1]] # Make sure the instance load all the dataset while 1 { catch {[$link ping]} retval if {[string match {*LOADING*} $retval]} { after 100 continue } else { break } } } test "New master [join $addr {:}] role matches" { assert {[RI $master_id role] eq {master}} } test "All the other slaves now point to the new master" { foreach_redis_id id { if {$id != $master_id && $id != 0} { wait_for_condition 1000 50 { [RI $id master_port] == [lindex $addr 1] } else { fail "Redis ID $id not configured to replicate with new master" } } } } test "The old master eventually gets reconfigured as a slave" { wait_for_condition 1000 50 { [RI 0 master_port] == [lindex $addr 1] } else { fail "Old master not reconfigured as slave of new master" } }