source "../tests/includes/init-tests.tcl" test "info command with at most one argument" { set subCommandList {} foreach arg {"" "all" "default" "everything"} { if {$arg == ""} { set info [S 0 info] } else { set info [S 0 info $arg] } assert { [string match "*redis_version*" $info] } assert { [string match "*maxclients*" $info] } assert { [string match "*used_cpu_user*" $info] } assert { [string match "*sentinel_tilt*" $info] } assert { ![string match "*used_memory*" $info] } assert { ![string match "*rdb_last_bgsave*" $info] } assert { ![string match "*master_repl_offset*" $info] } assert { ![string match "*cluster_enabled*" $info] } } } test "info command with one sub-section" { set info [S 0 info cpu] assert { [string match "*used_cpu_user*" $info] } assert { ![string match "*sentinel_tilt*" $info] } assert { ![string match "*redis_version*" $info] } set info [S 0 info sentinel] assert { [string match "*sentinel_tilt*" $info] } assert { ![string match "*used_cpu_user*" $info] } assert { ![string match "*redis_version*" $info] } } test "info command with multiple sub-sections" { set info [S 0 info server sentinel replication] assert { [string match "*redis_version*" $info] } assert { [string match "*sentinel_tilt*" $info] } assert { ![string match "*used_memory*" $info] } assert { ![string match "*used_cpu_user*" $info] } set info [S 0 info cpu all] assert { [string match "*used_cpu_user*" $info] } assert { [string match "*sentinel_tilt*" $info] } assert { [string match "*redis_version*" $info] } assert { ![string match "*used_memory*" $info] } assert { ![string match "*master_repl_offset*" $info] } }