set testmodule [file normalize tests/modules/] source tests/support/util.tcl proc latency_percentiles_usec {cmd} { return [latencyrstat_percentiles $cmd r] } start_server {tags {"modules"}} { r module load $testmodule test { blocked clients time tracking - check blocked command that uses RedisModule_BlockedClientMeasureTimeStart() is tracking background time} { r slowlog reset r config set slowlog-log-slower-than 200000 if {!$::no_latency} { assert_equal [r slowlog len] 0 } r block.debug 0 10000 if {!$::no_latency} { assert_equal [r slowlog len] 0 } r config resetstat r config set latency-tracking yes r config set latency-tracking-info-percentiles "50.0" r block.debug 200 10000 if {!$::no_latency} { assert_equal [r slowlog len] 1 } set cmdstatline [cmdrstat block.debug r] set latencystatline_debug [latency_percentiles_usec block.debug] regexp "calls=1,usec=(.*?),usec_per_call=(.*?),rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=0" $cmdstatline -> usec usec_per_call regexp "p50=(.+\..+)" $latencystatline_debug -> p50 assert {$usec >= 100000} assert {$usec_per_call >= 100000} assert {$p50 >= 100000} } test { blocked clients time tracking - check blocked command that uses RedisModule_BlockedClientMeasureTimeStart() is tracking background time even in timeout } { r slowlog reset r config set slowlog-log-slower-than 200000 if {!$::no_latency} { assert_equal [r slowlog len] 0 } r block.debug 0 20000 if {!$::no_latency} { assert_equal [r slowlog len] 0 } r config resetstat r block.debug 20000 500 if {!$::no_latency} { assert_equal [r slowlog len] 1 } set cmdstatline [cmdrstat block.debug r] regexp "calls=1,usec=(.*?),usec_per_call=(.*?),rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=0" $cmdstatline usec usec_per_call assert {$usec >= 250000} assert {$usec_per_call >= 250000} } test { blocked clients time tracking - check blocked command with multiple calls RedisModule_BlockedClientMeasureTimeStart() is tracking the total background time } { r slowlog reset r config set slowlog-log-slower-than 200000 if {!$::no_latency} { assert_equal [r slowlog len] 0 } r block.double_debug 0 if {!$::no_latency} { assert_equal [r slowlog len] 0 } r config resetstat r block.double_debug 100 if {!$::no_latency} { assert_equal [r slowlog len] 1 } set cmdstatline [cmdrstat block.double_debug r] regexp "calls=1,usec=(.*?),usec_per_call=(.*?),rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=0" $cmdstatline usec usec_per_call assert {$usec >= 60000} assert {$usec_per_call >= 60000} } test { blocked clients time tracking - check blocked command without calling RedisModule_BlockedClientMeasureTimeStart() is not reporting background time } { r slowlog reset r config set slowlog-log-slower-than 200000 if {!$::no_latency} { assert_equal [r slowlog len] 0 } r block.debug_no_track 200 1000 # ensure slowlog is still empty if {!$::no_latency} { assert_equal [r slowlog len] 0 } } test "client unblock works only for modules with timeout support" { set rd [redis_deferring_client] $rd client id set id [$rd read] # Block with a timeout function - may unblock $rd block.block 20000 wait_for_condition 50 100 { [r block.is_blocked] == 1 } else { fail "Module did not block" } assert_equal 1 [r client unblock $id] assert_match {*Timed out*} [$rd read] # Block without a timeout function - cannot unblock $rd block.block 0 wait_for_condition 50 100 { [r block.is_blocked] == 1 } else { fail "Module did not block" } assert_equal 0 [r client unblock $id] assert_equal "OK" [r block.release foobar] assert_equal "foobar" [$rd read] } }