set testmodule [file normalize tests/modules/] start_server {tags {"modules"}} { r module load $testmodule test {PUBLISH and SPUBLISH via a module} { set rd1 [redis_deferring_client] set rd2 [redis_deferring_client] assert_equal {1} [ssubscribe $rd1 {chan1}] assert_equal {1} [subscribe $rd2 {chan1}] assert_equal 1 [r publish.shard chan1 hello] assert_equal 1 [r publish.classic chan1 world] assert_equal {smessage chan1 hello} [$rd1 read] assert_equal {message chan1 world} [$rd2 read] $rd1 close $rd2 close } test {module publish to self with multi message} { r hello 3 r subscribe foo # published message comes after the response of the command that issued it. assert_equal [r publish.classic_multi foo bar vaz] {1 1} assert_equal [r read] {message foo bar} assert_equal [r read] {message foo vaz} r unsubscribe foo r hello 2 set _ "" } {} {resp3} }