set testmodule [file normalize tests/modules/] start_server {tags {"modules"}} { r module load $testmodule # test all with hello 2/3 for {set proto 2} {$proto <= 3} {incr proto} { if {[lsearch $::denytags "resp3"] >= 0} { if {$proto == 3} {continue} } elseif {$::force_resp3} { if {$proto == 2} {continue} } r hello $proto test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithString: an string reply" { # RedisString set string [r rw.string "Redis"] assert_equal "Redis" $string # C string set string [r rw.cstring] assert_equal "A simple string" $string } test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithBigNumber: an string reply" { assert_equal "123456778901234567890" [r rw.bignumber "123456778901234567890"] } test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithInt: an integer reply" { assert_equal 42 [r 42] } test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithDouble: a float reply" { assert_equal 3.141 [r rw.double 3.141] } test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithDouble: inf" { if {$proto == 2} { assert_equal "inf" [r rw.double inf] assert_equal "-inf" [r rw.double -inf] } else { # TCL convert inf to different results on different platforms, e.g. inf on mac # and Inf on others, so use readraw to verify the protocol r readraw 1 assert_equal ",inf" [r rw.double inf] assert_equal ",-inf" [r rw.double -inf] r readraw 0 } } test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithDouble: NaN" { if {$proto == 2} { assert_equal "nan" [r rw.double 0 0] assert_equal "nan" [r rw.double] } else { # TCL won't convert nan into a double, use readraw to verify the protocol r readraw 1 assert_equal ",nan" [r rw.double 0 0] assert_equal ",nan" [r rw.double] r readraw 0 } } set ld 0.00000000000000001 test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithLongDouble: a float reply" { if {$proto == 2} { # here the response gets to TCL as a string assert_equal $ld [r rw.longdouble $ld] } else { # TCL doesn't support long double and the test infra converts it to a # normal double which causes precision loss. so we use readraw instead r readraw 1 assert_equal ",$ld" [r rw.longdouble $ld] r readraw 0 } } test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithVerbatimString: a string reply" { assert_equal "bla\nbla\nbla" [r rw.verbatim "bla\nbla\nbla"] } test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithArray: an array reply" { assert_equal {0 1 2 3 4} [r rw.array 5] } test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithMap: an map reply" { set res [r 3] if {$proto == 2} { assert_equal {0 0 1 1.5 2 3} $res } else { assert_equal [dict create 0 0.0 1 1.5 2 3.0] $res } } test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithSet: an set reply" { assert_equal {0 1 2} [r rw.set 3] } test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithAttribute: an set reply" { if {$proto == 2} { catch {[r rw.attribute 3]} e assert_match "Attributes aren't supported by RESP 2" $e } else { r readraw 1 set res [r rw.attribute 3] assert_equal [r read] {:0} assert_equal [r read] {,0} assert_equal [r read] {:1} assert_equal [r read] {,1.5} assert_equal [r read] {:2} assert_equal [r read] {,3} assert_equal [r read] {+OK} r readraw 0 } } test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithBool: a boolean reply" { assert_equal {0 1} [r rw.bool] } test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithNull: a NULL reply" { assert_equal {} [r rw.null] } test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithError: an error reply" { catch {r rw.error} e assert_match "An error" $e } test "RESP$proto: RM_ReplyWithErrorFormat: error format reply" { catch {r rw.error_format "An error: %s" foo} e assert_match "An error: foo" $e ;# Should not be used by a user, but compatible with RM_ReplyError catch {r rw.error_format "-ERR An error: %s" foo2} e assert_match "-ERR An error: foo2" $e ;# Should not be used by a user, but compatible with RM_ReplyError (There are two hyphens, TCL removes the first one) catch {r rw.error_format "-WRONGTYPE A type error: %s" foo3} e assert_match "-WRONGTYPE A type error: foo3" $e ;# Should not be used by a user, but compatible with RM_ReplyError (There are two hyphens, TCL removes the first one) catch {r rw.error_format "ERR An error: %s" foo4} e assert_match "ERR An error: foo4" $e catch {r rw.error_format "WRONGTYPE A type error: %s" foo5} e assert_match "WRONGTYPE A type error: foo5" $e } r hello 2 } test "Unload the module - replywith" { assert_equal {OK} [r module unload replywith] } }