#ifndef REPREPRO_DISTRIBUTION_H #define REPREPRO_DISTRIBUTION_H struct distribution; #ifndef REPREPRO_ERROR_H #include "error.h" #warning "What's hapening here?" #endif #ifndef REPREPRO_DATABASE_H #include "database.h" #endif #ifndef REPREPRO_STRLIST_H #include "strlist.h" #endif #ifndef REPREPRO_TARGET_H #include "target.h" #endif #ifndef REPREPRO_EXPORTS_H #include "exports.h" #endif #ifndef REPREPRO_CONTENTS_H #include "contents.h" #endif struct overridefile; struct uploaders; enum exportoptions { deo_noexport = 0, deo_keepunknown, deo_COUNT, }; struct distribution { struct distribution *next; /* the primary name to access this distribution: */ char *codename; /* for more helpfull error messages: */ const char *filename; /* only valid while parsing! */ unsigned int firstline, lastline; /* additional information for the Release-file to be * generated, may be NULL. only suite is sometimes used * (and only for sanity checks) */ /*@null@*/char *suite, *version; /*@null@*/char *origin, *label, *description, *notautomatic, *butautomaticupgrades, *signed_by; /* What architectures and components are there */ struct atomlist architectures, components; /* which update rules to use */ struct strlist updates; /* which rules to use to pull packages from other distributions */ struct strlist pulls; /* the key to sign with, may have no entries to mean unsigned: */ struct strlist signwith; long long limit; /* the codename of the archive distribution (when the limit is exceeded) */ /*@null@*/struct distribution *archive; /* the override file to use by default */ /*@null@*/char *deb_override, *udeb_override, *dsc_override; /* fake component prefix (and codename antisuffix) for Release files: */ /*@null@*/char *fakecomponentprefix; /* only loaded when you've done it yourself: */ struct { /*@null@*/struct overridefile *dsc, *deb, *udeb; } overrides; /* the list of components containing a debian-installer dir, * normally only "main" */ struct atomlist udebcomponents; /* the list of components containing a debug directory */ struct atomlist ddebcomponents; /* what kind of index files to generate */ struct exportmode dsc, deb, udeb, ddeb; bool exportoptions[deo_COUNT]; /* (NONE must be 0 so it is the default) */ enum trackingtype { dt_NONE=0, dt_KEEP, dt_ALL, dt_MINIMAL } tracking; struct trackingoptions { bool includechanges; bool includebyhand; bool includebuildinfos; bool includelogs; bool needsources; bool keepsources; bool embargoalls; } trackingoptions; trackingdb trackingdb; /* what content files to generate */ struct contentsoptions contents; struct atomlist contents_architectures, contents_components, contents_dcomponents, contents_ucomponents; bool contents_architectures_set, contents_components_set, contents_dcomponents_set, contents_ucomponents_set, /* not used, just here to keep things simpler: */ ddebcomponents_set, udebcomponents_set; /* A list of all targets contained in the distribution*/ struct target *targets; /* a filename to look for who is allowed to upload packages */ /*@null@*/char *uploaders; /* only loaded after _loaduploaders */ /*@null@*/struct uploaders *uploaderslist; /* how and where to log */ /*@null@*/struct logger *logger; /* scripts to feed byhand/raw-* files in */ /*@null@*/struct byhandhook *byhandhooks; /* a list of names beside Codename and Suite to accept .changes * files via include */ struct strlist alsoaccept; /* if != 0, number of seconds to add for Vaild-Until */ unsigned long validfor; /* RET_NOTHING: do not export with EXPORT_CHANGED, EXPORT_NEVER * RET_OK: export unless EXPORT_NEVER * RET_ERROR_*: only export with EXPORT_FORCE */ retvalue status; /* false: not looked at, do not export at all */ bool lookedat; /* false: not requested, do not handle at all */ bool selected; /* forbid all writing operations and exports if true */ bool readonly; /* tracking information might be obsolete */ bool needretrack; /* omitted because of --onlysmalldeletes */ bool omitted; }; retvalue distribution_get(struct distribution * /*all*/, const char *, bool /*lookedat*/, /*@out@*/struct distribution **); /* set lookedat, start logger, ... */ retvalue distribution_prepareforwriting(struct distribution *); /*@dependent@*/struct target *distribution_getpart(const struct distribution *distribution, component_t, architecture_t, packagetype_t); /* like distribtion_getpart, but returns NULL if there is no such target */ /*@null@*//*@dependent@*/struct target *distribution_gettarget(const struct distribution *distribution, component_t, architecture_t, packagetype_t); retvalue distribution_fullexport(struct distribution *); retvalue distribution_snapshot(struct distribution *, const char */*name*/); /* read the configuration from all distributions */ retvalue distribution_readall(/*@out@*/struct distribution **distributions); /* mark all dists from fitting in the filter given in */ retvalue distribution_match(struct distribution * /*alldistributions*/, int /*argc*/, const char * /*argv*/ [], bool /*lookedat*/, bool /*readonly*/); /* get a pointer to the apropiate part of the linked list */ struct distribution *distribution_find(struct distribution *, const char *); retvalue distribution_freelist(/*@only@*/struct distribution *distributions); enum exportwhen {EXPORT_NEVER, EXPORT_SILENT_NEVER, EXPORT_CHANGED, EXPORT_NORMAL, EXPORT_FORCE }; retvalue distribution_exportlist(enum exportwhen when, /*@only@*/struct distribution *); retvalue distribution_loadalloverrides(struct distribution *); void distribution_unloadoverrides(struct distribution *distribution); retvalue distribution_loaduploaders(struct distribution *); void distribution_unloaduploaders(struct distribution *distribution); #endif